June 2021
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1 Citation
Drugs and Cell Therapies in Hematology
A healthy woman is a potential of a sound family. Due to alteration in lifestyle, faulty food habits, use of junk foods, inability to follow the guidelines of Dincharya (daily routine), rules and regulation onset and during menstruation, and Sutikaparicharya (post-natal period routine explained in the literature for the wellbeing of women's health. Because of such reasons, she is prone to cause various vaginal disorders. Yonigat Shewta-Picchil strava, Yonikandu, Yonigata Alpa vedana, which are the features of Kaphaja yonivyapada, and most of the women neglect such minor sign and symptoms which may lead to significant diseases. Kaphaja yonivyapada is very common nowadays in women due to faulty diet regimens. The kaphaja yonivyapada was managed with Basti (vasti), a panchakarma procedure, and some internal medications. Case: A 29 years old female patient was presented with chief complaints for 5-6 years, i.e., itching in the vaginal region, headache, white discharge before menses, smell during micturition, and yellowish discoloration body parts. Result & Observations: External procedures, Panchakarma treatment, and some internal medications were given to the patient for seven days, 15 days, and for one month, respectively. The patient had 50% relief in 15 days of treatment and, over one month, relived all the complaints. Conclusion: In Kaphaja Yonivyapada, Varti administration, cow's urine for Basti, and using Katu Kashaya, Ushna, Rruksha drugs plays a substantial role in treating a disease thoroughly.