Bevan Sewell’s research while affiliated with University of Nottingham and other places

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Publications (14)

The Perfect and Sustainable Road to Economic Development?: The Eisenhower Administration and Latin America
  • Chapter

January 2011


8 Reads

Bevan Sewell

‘We who are all young nations, in whom the pioneering spirit is still vitally alive, need neither to fear the future nor be satisfied with the present,’ President Dwight D. Eisenhower told the Organization of American States (OAS) in April, 1953.

Early Modernisation Theory? The Eisenhower Administration and the Foreign Policy of Development in Brazil

November 2010


46 Reads


9 Citations

The English Historical Review

Existing views of the Dwight D. Eisenhower administration’s policies in Latin America have tended to portray its approach as being either fixated upon waging the Cold War, or overly concerned with quelling outbreaks of Latin American economic nationalism. Eisenhower’s approach has been viewed as regressive and reactionary; more concerned with political stability than economic and social progress. This view, moreover, has been strengthened by the actions of Eisenhower’s successor – John F. Kennedy’s announcement of the Alliance for Progress, and the prominent role played by Modernization Theory in his administration’s approach toward the developing world, have been viewed as a stark contrast to what had come before. This article challenges that prevailing view, however, by examining the Eisenhower administration’s economic policy towards Brazil. In developmental terms, it will be argued, Eisenhower’s approach was not so very different from Kennedy’s: the methods and theoretical underpinnings between the two administrations may have differed, but what they ultimately wanted to achieve – flourishing nation states that were prosperous, pro-American, and ultimately democratic – remained a constant goal. Like Kennedy, Eisenhower’s approach was constructed on a singular belief in the best way for a nation to develop; it was a standpoint that, due to the country’s economic potential, could be most clearly identified in Brazil. In examining Eisenhower’s economic approach toward Brazil, therefore, this article suggests that there is a compelling need for us to reperiodize the era of Modernization with regard to US developmental policy in Latin America.

The Problems of Public Relations: Eisenhower, Latin America and the Potential Lessons for the Bush Administration

September 2008


10 Reads


1 Citation

Comparative American Studies

Accompanied by intense media interest, President George W. Bush visited Latin America in March 2007. The trip, it seemed, was a rather obvious attempt to try and improve inter-American relations by demonstrating that the US did care about is neighbours to the South; to counter the seemingly endless bad press and repair some of the damage done to the American brand by Bush's policies and the influence of Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez. As this article will demonstrate, though, this was reminiscent of another era: that of the 1950s and the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Throughout his eight years in office, Eisenhower would consistently use public relations operations as a way of improving inter-American relations. However, the intense problems that this eventually brought about suggest that the present administration may have been misguided in its attempts to follow a similar path to its Republican predecessor's.

Citations (3)

... Budaya Brasil mengalami pergeseran dari tradisi agraris ke gaya hidup urban dan konsumerisme, dengan perubahan dalam pola konsumsi dan nilai-nilai sosial yang mencerminkan modernisasi ekonomi. (Sewell, 2010;Wanderley & Barros, 2020) Di Afrika, Ghana memberikan gambaran tentang bagaimana proses modernisasi menghadapi tantangan. Setelah merdeka pada 1957, Ghana mengadopsi kebijakan pembangunan yang mencakup industrialisasi dan modernisasi pertanian. ...


Early Modernisation Theory? The Eisenhower Administration and the Foreign Policy of Development in Brazil
  • Citing Article
  • November 2010

The English Historical Review

... Eleanor Lansing Dulles demands a rethinking of "Christian nationalism as a mindset, with its religio-political underpinnings, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, Christianity as a practice of good neighborliness, kindness, tolerance, modesty, and charity". 3 Her brothers embraced a nationalism that allowed for exercises in racism, betrayal, covert imperialist violence, and threats of "limited nuclear" attacks to fight the communist "evil" (Gaddis and Gordon 1999;Wells 1981;Sewell 2011;Talbot 2015;Woods 2020;Frumkin 2018). Perhaps they found Christian underpinnings in a twist on righteousness that allowed them to adopt moral indignation and a stance of justice. ...

The Pragmatic Face of the Covert Idealist: The Role of Allen Dulles in US Policy Discussions on Latin America, 1953–61
  • Citing Article
  • April 2011

Intelligence & National Security

... No dia seguinte, o mandatário norte-americano retrucou publicamente algumas acusações cubanas -especialmente de auxiliar atividades contrarrevolucionárias realizadas desde território estadunidense, particularmente de voos clandestinos efetivamente realizados desde a Flórida, que provocavam bombardeios e incêndios nas plantações da ilha, bem como a divulgação de propaganda antigovernamental nas cidades. A esse respeito, o presidente Eisenhower afirmou que mantinha estrita aderência ao princípio da não-intervenção nos assuntos internos cubanos, demandou de uma justa compensação pelas propriedades de cidadãos norte-americanos nacionalizadas pelo regime de Havana, e pronunciou sua confiança "na habilidade do povo cubano para reconhecer e derrotar as intrigas do Comunismo internacional que estão orientadas para a destruição das instituições democráticas em Cuba e a tradicional e mutuamente benéfica amizade entre os povos cubano e estadunidense." 29 Nesse contexto de altas e crescentes tensões bilaterais, em 17 de março de 1960, Eisenhower concedeu autorização aos serviços de inteligência norte-americanos para financiar uma operação encoberta destinada a derrocar a Castro e instalar em Havana um regime mais amigável aos interesses econômicos, políticos e estratégicos da principal potência de Ocidente -isto é, a assim chamada operação Zapata (SEWELL, 2008). Segundo Piero Gleijeses (1995), o presidente Eisenhower dirigiu no mínimo três encontros do Conselho de Segurança Nacional dos Estados Unidos relacionados com a operação Zapata destinada a derrocar o governo revolucionário cubano -quer dizer, o mencionado encontro de 17 de março, e também em 18 de agosto e 28 de novembro de 1960. ...

A Perfect (Free‐Market) World?
Economics, the Eisenhower Administration, and the Soviet Economic Offensive in Latin America*
  • Citing Article
  • October 2008

Diplomatic History