Bernhard Roling’s research while affiliated with Philipps University of Marburg and other places

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Publications (151)

Quantification of vehicular versus uncorrelated Li+-solvent transport in highly concentrated electrolytes via solvent-related Onsager coefficients
  • Article
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December 2024


17 Reads

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics

Hendrik Kilian


Tabita Pothmann


Martin Lorenz




Bernhard Roling

Highly concentrated salt solutions are promising electrolytes for battery applications due to their low flammability, their high thermal stability, and their good compatibility with electrode materials. Understanding transport processes in highly concentrated electrolytes is a challenging task, since strong ion-ion and ion-solvent interactions lead to highly correlated movements on the microscopic scale. Here, we use an experimental overdetermination method to obtain accurate Onsager transport coefficients for concentrated binary electrolytes composed of either sulfolane (SL) or dimethyl carbonate (DMC) as solvent and either LiTFSI or LiFSI as salt. NMR-based electrophoretic mobilities demonstrate that volume conservation applies as a governing constraint for the transport. This fact allows to calculate the Onsager coefficients σ+0, σ-0 and σ00 related to the solvent. A parameter γ is then defined, which is a measure for the relevance of a vehicular Li+-solvent transport mechanism. We analyze the influence of the salt anion and of the solvent on dynamic correlations and transport mechanisms. In the case of the sulfolane-based electrolytes, the γ parameter reaches values up to 0.38, indicating that Li+-sulfolane interactions are stronger than Li+-anion interactions and that vehicular Li+-sulfolane transport plays a significant role. In the case of DMC-based electrolytes, the γ parameter is close to zero, suggesting balanced Li+-DMC vs. Li+-anion interactions and virtually uncorrelated movements of Li+ ions and DMC molecules.


Cell assembly protocol, assembly conditions and failure rate
a, Schematic workflow for the stepwise assembly of an ASSB press cell. Here px and tx correspond to the applied uniaxial pressure and duration of the compression at each step, respectively. el., electrode. b,c, Uniaxial pressures px applied (b) and duration tx (c) of the pressing step during the preparation of the different cell components and cell cycling. For all cells built by one group, the same assembly pressures and times were used, except for groups E and R where rest times before OCV measurement differ for their two and three working cells, respectively. The specific rest times for these cells are shown by filled dots, and the error bars mark the standard deviation of these values. If no value is shown for a group, no pressure or time was applied for that step. d, Number of the attempted ASSB cells working and failed in this study. For the cells that failed, the reason of the failure is shown. Cells cycled up to the 50th cycle at 0.1 C are considered as working cells.
Source data
Analysis of various cell performance figures of merit
a–d, Violin plots showing the open circuit voltage (OCV) of all cells, measured after assembly, and converted to vs. Li⁺/Li (a); specific (dis-)charge capacities of the pretreatment and 0.1 C cycling (b); Coulomb efficiencies (c) and polarization voltage (d), calculated from average charge minus average discharge voltage of the respective cycle. Boxes inside the violin diagrams show the IQR, whiskers extend to 1.5 times of IQR. The number n of ASSB cells considered for the analysis is shown above each violin plot. All violin plots are prepared with Kernel density estimation. The triangles show the LIB coin cell data of three coin cells used to benchmark the NMC 622 active material, the error bars show their standard deviation (SD). Details on the preparation of these coin cells is provided in Methods.
Source data
Correlations between various assembly and cycling parameters
a–l, Spread of the initial specific discharge capacities, the capacity retentions and the total cell resistances Rtot as a function of the indium content (atomic%) in the In/(InLi)x alloy electrode (a–c), the cycling pressure (d–f), the initial OCV (g–i) and the initial polarization voltage (j–l). Outliers are shown as open circles, best performer cells with final specific discharge capacities >120 mAh g⁻¹ as filled diamonds and the remaining cells as filled circles. In (d–f) the x-axis break between 120 and 350 MPa was used for a better representation of the data as no groups reported cycling pressures in this range.
Source data
Group error and Ragone plots
a,b, Relative standard deviation, median relative error and specific discharge capacities in the first 0.1 C cycle (a) and the corresponding plots for the 50th cycle (b). c,d, Ragone plot of all prepared cells—the specific energy and power are calculated for the first 0.1 C discharge cycle after formation (c)—and extrapolated Ragone plot for an opitized cell system where a 30-μm separator and 20-μm lithium-metal anode is assumed (d). In the Ragone plots, OCV outlier cells are shown as open circles and best performers as diamonds.
Source data
Benchmarking the reproducibility of all-solid-state battery cell performance

September 2024


454 Reads


7 Citations

Nature Energy

The interlaboratory comparability and reproducibility of all-solid-state battery cell cycling performance are poorly understood due to the lack of standardized set-ups and assembly parameters. This study quantifies the extent of this variability by providing commercially sourced battery materials—LiNi0.6Mn0.2Co0.2O2 for the positive electrode, Li6PS5Cl as the solid electrolyte and indium for the negative electrode—to 21 research groups. Each group was asked to use their own cell assembly protocol but follow a specific electrochemical protocol. The results show large variability in assembly and electrochemical performance, including differences in processing pressures, pressing durations and In-to-Li ratios. Despite this, an initial open circuit voltage of 2.5 and 2.7 V vs Li⁺/Li is a good predictor of successful cycling for cells using these electroactive materials. We suggest a set of parameters for reporting all-solid-state battery cycling results and advocate for reporting data in triplicate.

On the Origin of Anode and Cathode Contributions to the Impedance of All‐Solid‐State Batteries

March 2024


65 Reads


5 Citations

All‐solid‐state‐batteries (ASSBs) are considered as promising next‐generation batteries in order to achieve improvements in both energy density and safety. The complex electrochemical processes in ASSBs taking place on different time scales can be probed by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. However, the separation of anode and cathode contributions to the impedance and the understanding of the underlying electrochemical processes in both electrodes is a challenging task. Here, we compare the impedance spectrum of a prototypical full ASSB to those of symmetric cells anode | separator | anode and cathode | separator | cathode. We use Ni‐rich polycrystalline LiNi0.85Co0.10Mn0.05O2 particles as active material inside the composite cathode and an indium‐lithium alloy as anode. Based on the comparison, we show that the charge transfer process inside the cathode is remarkably fast, i. e., even faster than observed for cathodes of batteries with liquid electrolyte. Our results give indication that the differences in the time scales of cathode and anode processes are related to the distinct transport properties of interphases inside the cathode and at the anode | separator interface, respectively.

Citations (77)

... This paper constitutes a presentation of work in progress at a discussion session of the conference Dense ionic fluids Faraday Discussion, 8-10 July 2024, London, and is published on pages 293-295 in Ref. [1]. ...


On the strength of underscreening
Ionic fluids at equilibrium: thermodynamics, nanostructure, phase behaviour, activity: general discussion
  • Citing Article
  • October 2024

Faraday Discussions

... where c S is the concentration of solvent molecules in bulk, and D S is the diffusion constant of the solvent molecules through the SEI. The physical credibility behind the process is also highly discussed, e.g., the solvent molecules have to be able to diffuse through the SEI pores, even though their reaction should close those [48]. Despite decades-long research efforts, the scientific community cannot fully explain the SEI growth, suggesting that the SEI is complex and possibly based on multiple coupled mechanisms. ...

Elucidating the Transport of Electrons and Molecules in a Solid Electrolyte Interphase Close to Battery Operation Potentials Using a Four-Electrode-Based Generator-Collector Setup
  • Citing Article
  • July 2024

Journal of the American Chemical Society

... Electroanalysis, 2024 lithium-ion batteries. Similarly, König et al. [17] demonstrated that the high frequency semicircle and the low-frequency Warburg impedance in all-solid-state batteries primarily originate from the cathode, whereas the intermediate and low frequency semicircles are linked to the anode impedance. To associate specific impedance features with the anode and cathode, a frequency dependency analysis was conducted. ...

On the Origin of Anode and Cathode Contributions to the Impedance of All‐Solid‐State Batteries

... Documentation of the synthesis steps is beyond the scope of KNMF i and this paper. Examples for the variety of materials and scientific questions in the user-facility are high-entropy alloys (Dollmann et al., 2022;Taheriniya et al., 2023), metals (Kashiwar, Hahn, and Kübel, 2021;Hong et al., 2022), metallic glasses (Kang et al., 2023), catalysts (Prates Da Costa et al., 2023), battery materials (Wang et al., 2023;Pantenburg et al., 2023), (Ikram et al., 2019;Kroll et al., 2021) solid-state electrolytes (Ding et al., 2022), fuel cells (Léon, Schlabach, and Villanova, 2023), magnetic materials (Molinari et al., 2022), hybrid materials (Krüger et al., 2018), hydrogen storage materials (Jin et al., 2022), porous materials (Reinhardt et al., 2020), interfaces (Eusterholz et al., 2023), or biological materials (Barthlott et al., 2020). In an ideal case, the materials/samples to be investigated or prepared for investigation are well described and labeled, so that material/sample tracking is easily feasible. ...

Challenging Prevalent Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) Models: An Atom Probe Tomography Study on a Commercial Graphite Electrode
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

ACS Nano

... Due to the capabilities of extracting transport parameters, transmission line modeling of the electrode composite impedance spectra is used frequently, for instance, in NCM622-SE composites by Minnmann et al. [16] and Schlautmann et al. [24], LiMn 2 O 4 -SE composites by Hendriks et al. [17], as well as silicon-carbon-SE composites by Rana et al. [11]. Furthermore, Ohno et al. [25] and König et al. [26] successfully employed transmission line modeling to investigate carbon-SE systems applicable to sulfur solid-state cathodes and ionic transport in wetmilled NCM-Li 5.3 PS 4.3 ClBr 0.7 composites. A TLM study on the tortuosity of battery electrodes by Landesfeind et al. [27] shows that the TLM can successfully be employed for solid-state composites and that the tortuosity factor in these composites is significantly higher than the prediction made by Bruggemann Cronau et al. for instance, who have used the TLM for a thickness-dependent impedance study of LiCoO 2 cathodes in a liquid electrolyte system, which are generally well understood with transmission line modeling, showing that tortuosity factors are virtually independent of electrode thickness between 44 and 251 μm [28]. ...

Mitigating the Ion Transport Tortuosity in Composite Cathodes of All-Solid-State Batteries by Wet Milling of the Solid Electrolyte Particles
  • Citing Article
  • September 2023

ACS Applied Energy Materials

... In the case of a lithium metal anode, the formation of Li dendrites is an unavoidable electrochemical phenomenon caused by the repeated stripping and uneven deposition of Li ions on the surface [11]. Cronau et al. illustrated that for advanced secondary (rechargeable) sodium batteries (ASSBs) that utilize carbon-based anodes with a deposition mechanism, the battery's discharge capacity can be substantially enhanced through two primary methods [12]. Firstly, by actively managing the pressure within the battery stack, and secondly, by applying heat and pressure to the anode and separator that contain the binder. ...

Deposition‐Type Lithium Metal All‐Solid‐State Batteries: About the Importance of Stack‐Pressure Control and the Benefits of Hot Pressing during Initial Cycling

... 11 On the other hand, a high salt concentration leads to a slowing down of the dynamics of ions and solvent molecules, resulting in higher viscosities and lower ionic conductivity compared to the standard battery electrolyte. 1,12,13 Due to strong ion-ion and ion-solvent interactions in HCEs, there are dynamic correlations between the movements of distinct ions, 5,14,15 which can have a strong impact on charge and mass transport in batteries. 14,15 The transport properties of a binary Li + conducting electrolyte (single salt in a single solvent) can be described by three Onsager coefficients , and and a + + --+thermodynamic factor. ...

Ion Dynamics in Concentrated Electrolyte Solutions: Relating Equilibrium Fluctuations of the Ions to Transport Properties in Battery Cells
  • Citing Article
  • September 2022

... In addition, the peak shift and disappearance of the small PS 4 3tetrahedron main peak is attributed to the presence of thio-LISICON II phase; where the sulfur-to-phosphorous ratio is high. Thus the laser Raman results well matched with our powder X-ray diffraction analysis 24,25 . Moreover, we did not observe any characteristics corresponding to the M-S structure due to the low doping concentration. ...

Heat Treatment-Induced Conductivity Enhancement in Sulfide-Based Solid Electrolytes: What is the Role of the Thio-LISICON II Phase and of Other Nanoscale Phases?
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

Chemistry of Materials

... The EIS measurements collected can be described accurately by the equivalent circuit (EC) model R 0 -(RQ) 1 -(RQ) 2 -(RQ) 3 ( Figure S1a-b), in accordance with the literature reporting symmetrical cells with a SE and reversible electrodes. 30,31,38 Table S1 compares the specific capacitance (C i ) for each individual (RQ) i component determined from the equivalent circuit model fitting of a symmetric Li/SE/Li cell. ...

Which Exchange Current Densities Can Be Achieved in Composite Cathodes of Bulk-Type All-Solid-State Batteries? A Comparative Case Study
  • Citing Article
  • August 2022

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

... Furthermore, Ohno et al. [25] and König et al. [26] successfully employed transmission line modeling to investigate carbon-SE systems applicable to sulfur solid-state cathodes and ionic transport in wetmilled NCM-Li 5.3 PS 4.3 ClBr 0.7 composites. A TLM study on the tortuosity of battery electrodes by Landesfeind et al. [27] shows that the TLM can successfully be employed for solid-state composites and that the tortuosity factor in these composites is significantly higher than the prediction made by Bruggemann Cronau et al. for instance, who have used the TLM for a thickness-dependent impedance study of LiCoO 2 cathodes in a liquid electrolyte system, which are generally well understood with transmission line modeling, showing that tortuosity factors are virtually independent of electrode thickness between 44 and 251 μm [28]. Additionally, it is standard practice to investigate solid oxide fuel cells using the TLM. ...

What Limits the Rate Capability of Ultrathick Composite Electrodes in Lithium‐Ion Batteries? A Case Study on the Thickness‐Dependent Impedance of LiCoO2 Cathodes