Bernard Mausner’s scientific contributions

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Publications (22)

How the Interviews Were Analyzed
  • Chapter

July 2017


7 Reads

Frederick Herzberg


Bernard Mausner


Barbara Bloch Snyderman

Citations (8)

... Senior leaders who communicate effectively create a positive work environment, boosting morale among subordinates. Morale boosts enthusiasm and overall productivity, as Herzberg (1959) shows. Conversely, poor communication leads to frustration and confusion, but open communication can mitigate these challenges (Hackman, 2009). ...


Senior Leadership Traits and Their Impact on Leadership Effectiveness in the United Arab Emirates Police
The Motivation to Work
  • Citing Book
  • July 2017

... Esta perspectiva, alineada con las teorías clásicas de la motivación de Maslow (1943), Herzberg (1959) y Alderfer (1972), se complementa con avances en la psicología positiva, como los de Csikszentmihalyi (1990) y Seligman (2002), quienes exploran cómo los estados emocionales y la experiencia laboral afectan directamente el desempeño y la percepción de los individuos. Además, estudios recientes refuerzan que el bienestar laboral no solo impacta en la percepción salarial, sino también en la productividad y el compromiso organizacional (Ullah et al., 2024) La pirámide de necesidades de Maslow establece que los individuos buscan satisfacer necesidades básicas y de seguridad antes de avanzar hacia metas más elevadas, como la autorrealización. ...

The Motivation to Work.
  • Citing Article
  • April 1960

American Sociological Review

... However, we defined intrinsic motivation as doing something because it is inherently interesting or enjoyable. According to Herzberg (1957), intrinsic motivation is the self-generated factors that influence people to behave in a particular way or to move in a particular direction. These factors include responsibility (feeling that the work is important and having control over one's own resources), autonomy (freedom to act), scope to use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and challenging work and opportunities for advancement. ...

The Motivation to Work.
  • Citing Article
  • April 1960

ILR Review

... Therefore, the relationship between managers' perceptions of employee motivation and performance appraisal differs in cultural regions. Motivation includes two types, one is intrinsic motivation, the other is extrinsic motivation (Herzberg, 1957). According to The Human Side of Enterprise, McGregor (1960) divides mangers into two camps: Theory X manager and Theory Y manager. ...

The Motivation to Work. Second edition
  • Citing Article

... Contrary to many studies done, Hackman and Oldham (1980), Maslow (1954), and Herzberg et al. (1959) are pioneering studies that provoke more studies in the field. Teachers' job satisfaction questionnaire (TJSQ) using to measure job satisfaction was developed from studies done by Maslow and Herzberg in 1954. ...

Motivation to work (2nd ed
  • Citing Article
  • January 1959

... Many studies have shown that work itself, teaching and being a teacher, could play a role as a satisfier, also daily tasks could be classify as a factor that increases job satisfaction as an intrinsic motivator (Fried & Ferris, 1986; Hackman & Oldham, 1980; Herzberg, 1959). Corresponding to these studies, results of the study showed that the level of job satisfaction is high because the most important reason for teachers is their interest in teaching, English, and their ability to teach. ...

Motivation To Work
  • Citing Book
  • January 1959

The American Journal of Psychology

... Examples of content theories are Maslows hierarchy of needs theory (Scott-Myers, 1964). Alderfer's ERG theory (Alderfer, 1972), Herzberg's two-factor theory (Herzberg et al., 1959) and Mccelland's needs theory (McClelland, 1961). which people choose one action versus another in the workplace (Ruthankoon & Ogunlana, 2003). ...

The moivation to work
  • Citing Article