Benedikt Wiestler’s research while affiliated with Technical University of Munich and other places

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Publications (375)

Definition of domain‐specific cortical regions corresponding to “extremity function”. First (panel 1), statistical brain maps corresponding to “hand” and “leg”, to cover both upper and lower extremities, were obtained from the online meta‐analysis tool NeuroSynth. We then identified the best‐matching ICA‐based functional brain networks, using high‐resolution fMRI data from the HCP (as recently proposed by (Tahedl and Schwarzbach 2023), panel 2). These maps were then used as masks on the MAP 1000‐parcellation (panel 3), leaving N = 79 extremity‐specific patches which were then used as pre‐selected features in an SVM to predict domain‐specific clinical progression (panel 4). HCP = Human Connectome Project, fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging, ICA = independent component analysis, MAP = Mosaic Approach, SVM = support vector machine.
Baseline correlations between TPF and clinical scores. The upper row shows linear best fits of the extremity‐specific restricted TPF, only considering domain‐specific patches topographically associated with “extremity function” (cf. methods section and Figure 1 for further details on the definition of “extremity‐specific patches”). The lower row shows the corresponding correlations for unrestricted whole‐brain TPF. Columns correspond to different clinical functions, namely the extremity‐specific motor function (a subscore from the MDS‐UPDRS III, cf. methods section), domain‐related but less specific general motor function (MDS‐UPDRS III total scores), and domain‐unrelated cognitive function (MoCA total scores). BL = baseline, Ex. = extremity, MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment, ROI = region of interest, TPF = thin‐patch fraction, MDS‐UPDRS = Unified Parkinson's disease rating scale, modified revision sponsored by the Movement Disorder Society.
Patient definition as “progressors” and “non‐progressors”. For each analyzed clinical measurement, patients were classified as either “progressors” or “non‐progressors” across 1 year (Y1, A)/3 years (Y3, B). For extremity‐specific motor function and domain‐related but less specific general motor function (both subscores from the MDS‐UPDRS III), progressors were defined as patients with an increased score at the Y1/Y3 follow‐up assessment. For nondomain‐specific cognitive function, progressors were defined as patients with a decreased MoCA total score at Y1/Y3. Each dot indicates the difference (Δ) of the respective clinical score at Y1–BL/Y3‐BL, the histograms to the right are the corresponding distributions. The thick horizontal line in gray marks the zero‐line, that is, the cutoff between progressors and nonprogressors. BL = baseline, Ex. = extremity, MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment, ROI = region of interest, TPF = thin‐patch fraction, MDS‐UPDRS = Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, modified revision sponsored by the Movement Disorder Society, Y1 / Y3 = 1‐/3‐year (follow‐up assessment).
Classification results. We compared the performance of two support vector machine (SVM) models in predicting 1‐year (Y1, A)/3‐year (Y3, B) clinical scores using standardized baseline (BL) information from either an extremity‐specific restricted thin‐patch fraction (TPF), only considering domain‐specific patches corresponding to “extremity function” (upper row, cf. Methods section and Figure 1 for further details) and unrestricted whole‐brain TPF (lower row). Feature selection in the whole‐brain SVM model was set to N = 79 patches, that is, features, to match the number of the extremity‐specific SVM, for which no further feature selection was performed. Columns correspond to different clinical functions, namely the extremity‐specific motor function (a subscore from the MDS‐UPDRS III, cf. methods section), domain‐related but less‐specific general motor function (MDS‐UPDRS III total scores), and nondomain‐specific cognitive function (MoCA total scores). As input data, we used z‐standardized cortical thickness (CTh) values from each patch following the Mosaic Approach (MAP, cf. Methods section). Red crosses indicate predicted progressors, red circles observed progressors, and vice versa for nonprogressors and blue symbols. The accuracy of each model is indicated in the lower left corner. The insert in the upper right corner represents the best‐fitting hyperplane. MAP = Mosaic Approach, MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment, ROI = region of interest, TPF = thin‐patch fraction, MDS‐UPDRS = Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, modified revision sponsored by the Movement Disorder Society.
Domain‐Specific Prediction of Clinical Progression in Parkinson's Disease Using the Mosaic Approach
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


24 Reads


Ulrich Bogdahn


Bernadette Wimmer




Benedikt Wiestler

Purpose: Due to the highly individualized clinical manifestation of Parkinson's disease (PD), personalized patient care may require domain‐specific assessment of neurological disability. Evidence from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies has proposed that heterogenous clinical manifestation corresponds to heterogeneous cortical disease burden, suggesting customized, high‐resolution assessment of cortical pathology as a candidate biomarker for domain‐specific assessment. Method: Herein, we investigate the potential of the recently proposed Mosaic Approach (MAP), a normative framework for quantifying individual cortical disease burden with respect to a population‐representative cohort, in predicting domain‐specific clinical progression. Using MRI and clinical data from 135 recently diagnosed PD patients from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative, we first defined an extremity‐specific motor score. We then identified cortical regions corresponding to “extremity functions” and restricted MAP, respectively, and contrasted the explanatory power of the extremity‐specific MAP to unrestricted MAP. As control conditions, domain‐related but less specific general motor function and nondomain‐specific cognitive scores were considered. We also tested the predictive power of the restricted MAP in predicting disease progression over 1 and 3 years using support vector machines. The restricted, extremity‐specific MAP yielded higher explanatory power for extremity‐specific motor function at baseline as opposed to the unrestricted, whole‐brain MAP. On the contrary, for general motor function, the unrestricted, whole‐brain MAP yielded higher power. Finding: No associations were found for cognitive function. The extremity‐specific MAP predicted extremity‐specific motor progression over 1 and 3 years above chance level. The MAP framework allows for domain‐specific prediction of customized PD disease progression, which can inform machine learning, thereby contributing to personalized PD patient care.


Noninvasive blood–brain barrier integrity mapping in patients with high‐grade glioma and metastasis by multi–echo time–encoded arterial spin labeling

January 2025


15 Reads

Purpose In brain tumors, disruption of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) indicates malignancy. Clinical assessment is qualitative; quantitative evaluation is feasible using the K2 leakage parameter from dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI. However, contrast agent–based techniques are limited in patients with renal dysfunction and insensitive to subtle impairments. Assessing water transport times across the BBB (Tex) by multi‐echo arterial spin labeling promises to detect BBB impairments noninvasively and potentially more sensitively. We hypothesized that reduced Tex indicates impaired BBB. Furthermore, we assumed higher sensitivity for Tex than dynamic susceptibility contrast–based K2, because arterial spin labeling uses water as a freely diffusible tracer. Methods We acquired 3T MRI data from 28 patients with intraparenchymal brain tumors (World Health Organization Grade 3 & 4 gliomas [n = 17] or metastases [n = 11]) and 17 age‐matched healthy controls. The protocol included multi‐echo and single‐echo Hadamard‐encoded arterial spin labeling, dynamic susceptibility contrast, and conventional clinical imaging. Tex was calculated using a T2‐dependent multi‐compartment model. Areas of contrast‐enhancing tissue, edema, and normal‐appearing tissue were automatically segmented, and parameter values were compared across volumes of interest and between patients and healthy controls. Results Tex was significantly reduced (−20.3%) in contrast‐enhancing tissue compared with normal‐appearing gray matter and correlated well with |K2| (r = −0.347). Compared with healthy controls, Tex was significantly lower in tumor patients' normal‐appearing gray matter (Tex,tumor = 0.141 ± 0.032 s vs. Tex,HC = 0.172 ± 0.036 s) and normal‐appearing white matter (Tex,tumor = 0.116 ± 0.015 vs. Tex,HC = 0.127 ± 0.017 s), whereas |K2| did not differ significantly. Receiver operating characteristic analysis showed a larger area under the curve for Tex (0.784) than K2 (0.604). Conclusion Tex is sensitive to pathophysiologically impaired BBB. It agrees with contrast agent–based K2 in contrast‐enhancing tissue and indicates sensitivity to subtle leakage.

Efficient MedSAMs: Segment Anything in Medical Images on Laptop

December 2024


130 Reads

Promptable segmentation foundation models have emerged as a transformative approach to addressing the diverse needs in medical images, but most existing models require expensive computing, posing a big barrier to their adoption in clinical practice. In this work, we organized the first international competition dedicated to promptable medical image segmentation, featuring a large-scale dataset spanning nine common imaging modalities from over 20 different institutions. The top teams developed lightweight segmentation foundation models and implemented an efficient inference pipeline that substantially reduced computational requirements while maintaining state-of-the-art segmentation accuracy. Moreover, the post-challenge phase advanced the algorithms through the design of performance booster and reproducibility tasks, resulting in improved algorithms and validated reproducibility of the winning solution. Furthermore, the best-performing algorithms have been incorporated into the open-source software with a user-friendly interface to facilitate clinical adoption. The data and code are publicly available to foster the further development of medical image segmentation foundation models and pave the way for impactful real-world applications.

Fig. 1. We optimize (blue) a 3D scalar tumor concentration estimation (yellow) by simultaneously fitting the data and regularizing on physical properties. Using this predicted tumor concentration (orange), we propose a radiotherapy plan (Clinical Target Volume (CTV), orange). We evaluate (green) our method's ability to capture areas with later tumor recurrence.
Fig. 3. The recurrence coverage is shown for the GliODIL Dataset with 152 patients comparing contrast-enhancing recurrence (orange) and any recurrence (green). Different core and edema visibility threshold parameters τ are tested. On the right, the individual results for each patient are shown compared to the standard plan. A clear improvement is visible for many patients, while also a lot of patients result in 0% or 100% coverage.
Comparison of recurrence segmentation coverage given equal radiation vol- ume, tested for different edema and core thresholds (Figure 3). Our method outperforms all others with short runtime.
We evaluated our method on the independent second RHUH Dataset with 40 patients. We compared our method to the standard plan and the best-performing baseline from the GliODIL dataset.
Spatial Brain Tumor Concentration Estimation for Individualized Radiotherapy Planning

December 2024


5 Reads

Biophysical modeling of brain tumors has emerged as a promising strategy for personalizing radiotherapy planning by estimating the otherwise hidden distribution of tumor cells within the brain. However, many existing state-of-the-art methods are computationally intensive, limiting their widespread translation into clinical practice. In this work, we propose an efficient and direct method that utilizes soft physical constraints to estimate the tumor cell concentration from preoperative MRI of brain tumor patients. Our approach optimizes a 3D tumor concentration field by simultaneously minimizing the difference between the observed MRI and a physically informed loss function. Compared to existing state-of-the-art techniques, our method significantly improves predicting tumor recurrence on two public datasets with a total of 192 patients while maintaining a clinically viable runtime of under one minute - a substantial reduction from the 30 minutes required by the current best approach. Furthermore, we showcase the generalizability of our framework by incorporating additional imaging information and physical constraints, highlighting its potential to translate to various medical diffusion phenomena with imperfect data.

Machine Learning-based Prognostic Subgrouping of Glioblastoma: A Multi-center Study

December 2024


122 Reads


Background Glioblastoma is the most aggressive adult primary brain cancer, characterized by significant heterogeneity, posing challenges for patient management, treatment planning, and clinical trial stratification. Methods We developed a highly reproducible, personalized prognostication and clinical subgrouping system using machine learning (ML) on routine clinical data, MRI, and molecular measures from 2,838 demographically diverse patients across 22 institutions and 3 continents. Patients were stratified into favorable, intermediate, and poor prognostic subgroups (I, II, III) using Kaplan-Meier analysis (Cox proportional model and hazard ratios [HR]). Results The ML model stratified patients into distinct prognostic subgroups with HRs between subgroups I-II and I-III of 1.62 (95%CI: 1.43-1.84, p<0.001) and 3.48 (95%CI: 2.94-4.11, p<0.001), respectively. Analysis of imaging features revealed several tumor properties contributing unique prognostic value, supporting the feasibility of a generalizable prognostic classification system in a diverse cohort. Conclusions Our ML model demonstrates extensive reproducibility and online accessibility, utilizing routine imaging data rather than complex imaging protocols. This platform offers a unique approach for personalized patient management and clinical trial stratification in glioblastoma.


November 2024


18 Reads


BACKGROUND Glioblastoma is an infiltrative primary brain tumor with poor prognosis despite multimodal therapy. Recurrence is inevitable secondary to tumor cell infiltration in the peritumoral tissues, beyond contrast enhancing margins, which is the target for surgical resection. We hypothesize that a machine learning model constructed from a diverse, inter-institutional dataset can improve accuracy of generated tumor infiltration maps, thus guiding precision targeted therapies. METHODS 731 MRI scans of treatment-naïve glioblastoma patients from 10 institutions were included. All patients had pre-operative multiparametric-MRI (T1, T1Gd, T2, T2-FLAIR, ADC), and underwent complete resection of the enhancing tumor followed by standard-of-care chemoradiotherapy. 42 patients were used as an independent validation set, and 689 were used for training. Of these 239 patients had histopathologically confirmed recurrence with corresponding MRI scans, which were used as ground-truth for evaluating the location of recurrence using a leave-one-site-out (LSO) method. An AI model combining deep learning and SVM was used to develop a predictive model for infiltration. We validated the generalizability of our results in an unseen, multi-institutional data set. RESULTS Our model predicted locations of recurrence with odds ratio (99% CI) 37.6 (37.1-38.1) on the LSO testing set and 24.3 (23.4-25.2) on the validation set, indicating that areas labeled highly infiltrated were over 37 and 24 times more likely to coincide with future recurrence respectively. CONCLUSIONS We demonstrate that AI-based pattern analysis from multiparametric-MRI can predict tumor infiltration in peritumoral regions with high likelihood of recurrence by decrypting the visually imperceptible heterogeneity of peritumoral tissue. Model performance improved from training on a larger/diverse dataset and combining results of multiple AI methods. Independent validation confirmed the model’s ability to generalize to unseen data. We believe this will serve to advance AI-based biomarkers for predicting future recurrence and facilitate development of multi-modal targeted therapies in this era of precision neuro-oncology.

Demonstrates the segmentation of the SVZ; individual subareas of the SVZ are outlined in distinct colors using multiple MRI biomarkers: T1c (A), TVM (B), FA-FWE (C) and CBV (D)
Scatter plot showing the relationship between tumor volume (mm³) and distance to the SVZ (mm) (A) and DG (mm) (B). Panel A: Pearson’s correlation coefficient = -0.30, p = 0.000107. Panel B: Pearson’s correlation coefficient = 0.02, p = 0.749. Each dot represents a data point. The regression lines indicate the trend, with shaded areas representing the 95% confidence intervals
Correlation between tumor perfusion and percent of tumor infiltration in the SVZ (A) and distance to SVZ (B). Panel A shows significant positive correlations between SVZ infiltration and CBV metrics: CBV P5 (r = 0.19, p = 0.019), CBV P25 (r = 0.24, p = 0.004), CBV P50 (r = 0.26, p = 0.001), CBV P75 (r = 0.24, p = 0.004), and CBV P95 (r = 0.19, p = 0.021). Panel B shows no significant correlations between tumor distance from the SVZ and perfusion metrics: CBV P5 (r = 0.05, p = 0.514) and CBV P95 (r = -0.10, p = 0.248). Each dot represents a data point. The shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals
Correlation between TVM and percent of tumor infiltration in the SVZ (A) and distance to SVZ (B). Panel A shows negative correlations between SVZ infiltration and TVM across percentiles: TVM P5 (r = -0.13, p = 0.109), TVM P25 (r = -0.17, p = 0.042), TVM P50 (r = -0.20, p = 0.019), TVM P75 (r = -0.17, p = 0.042), and TVM P95 (r = -0.19, p = 0.027). All but TVM P5 were statistically significant (p < 0.05). Panel B shows positive correlations between tumor distance from the SVZ and TVM: TVM P5 (r = 0.14, p = 0.097), TVM P25 (r = 0.17, p = 0.048), TVM P50 (r = 0.16, p = 0.052), TVM P75 (r = 0.14, p = 0.087), and TVM P95 (r = 0.09, p = 0.300). Only TVM P25 was statistically significant (p < 0.05). Each dot represents a data point. The shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals
Correlation between FA-FW) and percent of tumor infiltration in the SVZ (A) and distance to SVZ (B). Panel A shows positive correlations between SVZ infiltration and FA-FWE values at different percentiles: P50 (r = 0.18, p = 0.030), P75 (r = 0.18, p = 0.003), and P95 (r = 0.24, p = 0.004), while P5 and P25 were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Panel B shows negative correlations between tumor distance from the SVZ and FA-FWE values: P50 (r = -0.18, p = 0.023), P75 (r = -0.22, p = 0.003), and P95 (r = -0.24, p = 0.001). Each dot represents a data point. The shaded areas represent the 95% confidence intervals
Advanced imaging reveals enhanced malignancy in glioblastomas involving the subventricular zone: evidence of increased infiltrative growth and perfusion

October 2024


130 Reads

Journal of Neuro-Oncology

Background Glioblastoma’s infiltrative growth and heterogeneity are influenced by neural, molecular, genetic, and immunological factors, with the precise origin of these tumors remaining elusive. Neurogenic zones might serve as the tumor stem cells’ nest, with tumors in contact with these zones exhibiting worse outcomes and more aggressive growth patterns. This study aimed to determine if these characteristics are reflected in advanced imaging, specifically diffusion and perfusion data. Methods In this monocentric retrospective study, 137 glioblastoma therapy-naive patients (IDH-wildtype, grade 4) with advanced preoperative MRI, including perfusion and diffusion imaging, were analyzed. Tumors and neurogenic zones were automatically segmented. Advanced imaging metrics, including cerebral blood volume (CBV) from perfusion imaging, tissue volume mask (TVM), and free water corrected fractional anisotropy (FA-FWE) from diffusion imaging, were extracted. Results SVZ infiltration positively correlated with CBV, indicating higher perfusion in tumors. Significant CBV differences were noted between high and low SVZ infiltration cases at specific percentiles. Negative correlation was observed with TVM and positive correlation with FA-FWE, suggesting more infiltrative tumor growth. Significant differences in TVM and FA-FWE values were found between high and low SVZ infiltration cases. Discussion Glioblastomas with SVZ infiltration exhibit distinct imaging characteristics, including higher perfusion and lower cell density per voxel, indicating a more infiltrative growth and higher vascularization. Stem cell-like characteristics in SVZ-infiltrating cells could explain the increased infiltration and aggressive behavior. Understanding these imaging and biological correlations could enhance the understanding of glioblastoma evolution.

Citations (40)

... The prospective validation of this classification is preliminary 62 and, although some questions have been raised about its clinical utility, the framework could facilitate more comprehensive reporting along with detailed annotation for machine learning-based approaches. Machine learning models trained on longitudinal brain MRI data are poised to be used for volumetric estimation of tumour burden 63,64 , given their prior use in neuro-oncology [65][66][67][68] . The AI-RANO group has provided recommendations for standardization, validation and optimized clinical implementation of artificial intelligence in neuro-oncology 69 . ...


Leptomeningeal metastatic disease: new frontiers and future directions
Artificial Intelligence for Response Assessment in Neuro Oncology (AI-RANO), part 1: review of current advancements
  • Citing Article
  • November 2024

The Lancet Oncology

... Machine learning models trained on longitudinal brain MRI data are poised to be used for volumetric estimation of tumour burden 63,64 , given their prior use in neuro-oncology [65][66][67][68] . The AI-RANO group has provided recommendations for standardization, validation and optimized clinical implementation of artificial intelligence in neuro-oncology 69 . ...

Artificial Intelligence for Response Assessment in Neuro Oncology (AI-RANO), part 2: recommendations for standardisation, validation, and good clinical practice
  • Citing Article
  • November 2024

The Lancet Oncology

... A drawback of using DDPMs for OOD detection is that healthy tissue is often altered in the reverse diffusion process. To overcome this and preserve the integrity of healthy tissue, various masking and stitching mechanisms have been explored: patched DDPM (Behrendt et al., 2024a), masked DDPM (Iqbal et al., 2023), AutoDDPM (Bercea et al., 2023b), masking in the latent space of an LDM (Pinaya et al., 2022a;Wolleb et al., 2024) and thermal harmonization for optimal restoration (Bercea et al., 2024). ...

Diffusion Models with Implicit Guidance for Medical Anomaly Detection
  • Citing Chapter
  • October 2024

... Regarding the cross-attention mechanism in Transformer, Chen et al. (Chen et al., 2023) introduced an end-toend Swin Transformer-based framework, where cross-attention modules were proposed to match multilevel features and extract relevant information between moving and fixed images. To effectively capture short-and long-range flow features across multiple scales, Ghahremani et al. (Ghahremani et al., 2024) designed a hierarchical Vision Transformer with self-and crossattention modules in a pyramid-like framework, enhancing robustness in deformable image registration. ...

H-ViT: A Hierarchical Vision Transformer for Deformable Image Registration
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2024

... Although several radiologic studies have addressed distribution patterns and clinical outcomes [14,15], data investigating whether SVZ involvement/infiltration affects parameters of advanced MRI imaging, such as perfusion and diffusion parameters, are lacking. Quantitative cerebral blood volume (CBV) derived from perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) serves as an important MRI biomarker for tumor vascularization as it can detect areas of increased blood volume associated with angiogenesis [16]. For evaluating infiltrative tumor growth, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) parameters like free water-corrected fractional anisotropy (FA-FWE) and tissue volume masks (TVM) are utilized [17]. ...

Exploring molecular glioblastoma: Insights from advanced imaging for a nuanced understanding of the molecularly defined malignant biology

Neuro-Oncology Advances

... At the heart of this transformation lies AI-driven segmentation, where automation of tumor and organ-at-risk (OAR) delineation enhances workflow efficiency and reduces interobserver variability [7][8][9]. AI-powered segmentation reduces inter-observer variability and accelerates the planning process, providing clinicians with highly accurate and consistent delineations [10][11][12][13][14]. Beyond segmentation, AI contributes to dose prediction, adaptive planning, and real-time tracking of anatomical changes, creating opportunities for fully patientspecific and adaptive radiotherapy protocols [5,15]. ...

Deep learning for autosegmentation for radiotherapy treatment planning: State-of-the-art and novel perspectives

Strahlentherapie und Onkologie

... T1-weighted MRI is used for assessing the postoperative cavity and the presence of any residual tumor tissue. T2-weighted MRI provides information on the edema surrounding the tumor and is useful in identifying areas of residual tumor tissue [14]- [16]. FLAIR imaging is a modification of T2-weighted imaging that suppresses the signal from cerebrospinal fluid, making it easier to detect small areas of edema and residual tumor tissue. ...

The Brain Tumor Sequence Registration (BraTS-Reg) challenge: establishing correspondence between pre-operative and follow-up MRI scans of diffuse glioma patients
  • Citing Preprint
  • April 2024

... WHO grade 2/3 meningiomas using pre-operative MRI data, showing that radiomic features, such as tumor shape, can noninvasively predict the molecular IRS of meningiomas with high accuracy, especially for low-risk patients [8]. Similarly, in neurosurgery, new tools such as confocal laser technology have been employed in recent decades to obtain intraoperative histological data, particularly regarding tumor type and the presence of neoplastic cells at the resection margins during surgical procedures [9]. ...

Imaging meningioma biology: Machine learning predicts integrated risk score in WHO grade 2/3 meningioma

Neuro-Oncology Advances

... Automated segmentation is essential for ensuring reproducibility and generalizability in radiomics research. 2 Established models for the segmentation of pulmonary nodules are already available, with segmentation methods broadly classified into two categories: traditional segmentation approaches 3 and deep learning-based segmentation methods. 4 Consequently, advanced model-based automatic segmentation techniques would be more advantageous for constructing the LUNAI-fCT model. ...

Radiomics workflow definition & challenges - German priority program 2177 consensus statement on clinically applied radiomics

Insights into Imaging