Beatrice Blance’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

Do brooches have ritual associations?
  • Chapter

August 2017


6 Reads

Grace Simpson


Beatrice Blance

Early Bronze Age Colonists in Iberia

September 1961


27 Reads


43 Citations


The object of this paper is to show that certain Early Bronze Age sites in the Iberian Peninsula are actually colonies established by people coming from the Eastern Mediterranean. The term ‘colony’ is used here in contrast to the term ‘culture’. It is selected because, besides being the term used by Siret, who believed that Los Millares was a Phoenician colony, and the Leisners ( Factorei ), it is the term which best describes these sites. The following account will demonstrate that they were solitary, heavily-defended settlements situated in a culturally foreign environment. Their best parallels are to be found in the East Mediterranean area, where, from very early times politically independent city states which owed their existence to either a rich hinterland or to trade and commerce, are known. These sites in the Peninsula may, in fact, be regarded as primitive examples of the types of colonies established later by the Phoenicians and the Greeks.

Citations (2)

... É o caso das aludidas influências egípcias pré-dinásticas expressas por alguns objectos recolhidos no povoado de Vila Nova de São Pedro, Azambuja (JALHAY, 1943). A perspectiva de reportar ao Mediterrâneo oriental a origem ou pelo menos a inspiração de certas produções calcolíticas estremenhas, conheceu significativo alento com a célebre "teoria das colónias" das décadas de 1950/1960 defendidas por alguns investigadores que trabalharam nessa altura em Portugal, com destaque para Béatrice Blance (BLANCE, 1957(BLANCE, , 1961; também H. N. Savory, que efectuou um corte estratigráfico em Vila Nova de São Pedro em 1959, publicado muito anos depois (SAVORY, 1970) confirmou a recolha, no estrato basal, de produções cerâmicas de grande qualidade, que pouco tempo antes foram referenciadas a produções orientais (PAÇO, 1959) (Fig. 35). ...


Mineração, circulação e transformação de produtos geológicos não metálicos no Neolítico e no Calcolítico do Ocidente peninsular
Early Bronze Age Colonists in Iberia
  • Citing Article
  • September 1961


... In the early 20th century, the Iberian Peninsula became associated with the development of the Bell Beaker phenomenon (Castillo, 1922(Castillo, , 1928Blance, 1960;Schmidt, 1915;Siret, 1913) (Fig. 1), and many authors today still defend the estuary of the Tagus River as its place of origin (Case, 2004;Müller and van Willigen, 2001;Salanova, 2004Salanova, , 2005Strahm, 1979) (but see Alday, 2001;Lanting and van der Waals, 1976). The available data and the depth of knowledge on the Bell Beaker phenomenon in the Iberian Peninsula has grown considerably since the influential work by R. Harrison (1977) leading to a renewed and dynamic field of research (García Rivero, 2007Garrido-Pena, 1997Guerra and Liesau, 2016;Lazarich, 1999;Prieto-Martínez and Salanova, 2011;Rojo-Guerra et al., 2005). ...

The origin and development of the early Bronze Age in the Iberian Peninsula. [microform].
  • Citing Article