Basil Gordon’s research while affiliated with University of California, Los Angeles and other places

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Publications (6)

On the Parity of the Rogers-Ramanujan Coefficients
  • Article

January 2012


17 Reads


6 Citations

Developments in Mathematics

Basil Gordon

The parity of g(n) and h(n), the enumerators of restricted partitions of n appearing in the Rogers-Ramanujan identities, is studied. The parity of g(n) for odd n and that of h(n) for even n are completely determined. It is shown that these numbers are almost always even.

A Survey of Classical Mock Theta Functions

November 2011


299 Reads


101 Citations

Developments in Mathematics

In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 functions M(q), | q | < 1, which he called mock θ-functions. He observed that as q radially approaches any root of unity ζ at which M(q) has an exponential singularity, there is a θ-function T ζ(q) with M(q) - Tz(q) = O(1)M(q) - {T}_{\zeta }(q) = O(1) . Since then, other functions have been found which possess this property. We list various linear relations between these functions and develop their transformation laws under the modular group. We show that each mock θ-function is related to a member of a universal family (mock θ-conjectures). In recent years the subject has received new impetus and importance through a strong connection with the theory of Maass forms. The final section of this survey provides some brief remarks concerning these new developments. KeywordsMock theta functions- q-series-Modular forms

Modular Transformations of Ramanujan's Fifth and Seventh Order Mock Theta Functions

March 2003


88 Reads


57 Citations

The Ramanujan Journal

In his last letter to Hardy, Ramanujan defined 17 functions F(q), where |q| < 1.="" he="" called="" them="" mock="" theta="" functions,="" because="" as="">q radially approaches any point e 2ir (r rational), there is a theta function F r(q) with F(q) – F r(q) = O(1). In this paper we obtain the transformations of Ramanujan's fifth and seventh order mock theta functions under the modular group generators + 1 and –1/, where q = e i. The transformation formulas are more complex than those of ordinary theta functions. A definition of the order of a mock theta function is also given.

Some Eighth Order Mock Theta Functions

October 2000


181 Reads


139 Citations

Journal of the London Mathematical Society

A method is developed for obtaining Ramanujan’s mock theta functions from ordinary theta functions by performing certain operations on their q-series expansions. The method is then used to construct several new mock theta functions, including the first ones of eighth order. Summation and transformation formulae for basic hypergeometric series are used to prove that the new functions actually have the mock theta property. The modular transformation formulae for these functions are obtained.

Algebraic Dilogarithm Identities

December 1997


16 Reads


16 Citations

The Ramanujan Journal

The Rogers L-function L(x)=n=1xnn2+12logxlog(1x)L(x) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\frac{{x^n }} {{n^2 }} + \frac{1} {2}\log x} \log (1 - x) satisfies the functional equation L(x)+L(y)=L(xy)+L(x(1y)1xy)+L(y(1x)1xy)L(x) + L(y) = L(xy) + L\left( {\frac{{x(1 - y)}} {{1 - xy}}} \right) + L\left( {\frac{{y(1 - x)}} {{1 - xy}}} \right) .From this we derive several other such equations, including Euler's identity L(x)+L(1-x)=L(1) and various identities arising from summation and transformation formulas for basic hypergeometric series. We also obtain some new equations of the form k=0nckL(θk)=0\sum\limits_{k = 0}^n {c_k L(\theta ^k ) = 0} where ? is algebraic and the ck are integers.

Divisibility of Certain Partition Functions by Powers of Primes
  • Article
  • Full-text available

March 1997


265 Reads


114 Citations

The Ramanujan Journal

Let k=p1a1p2a2pmamk = p_1^{a_1 } p_2^{a_2 } \cdot \cdot \cdot p_m^{a_m } be the prime factorization of a positive integer k and let bk(n) denote the number of partitions of a non-negative integer n into parts none of which are multiples of k. If M is a positive integer, let Sk(N; M) be the number of positive integers = N for which bk(n)= 0(modM). If piaikp_i^{a_i } \geqslant \sqrt k we prove that, for every positive integer j limNSk(N;pij)N=1.\mathop {\lim }\limits_{N \to \infty } \frac{{S_k (N;p_i^j )}} {N} = 1. In other words for every positive integer j,bk(n) is a multiple of pijp_i^j for almost every non-negative integer n. In the special case when k=p is prime, then in representation-theoretic terms this means that the number ofp -modular irreducible representations of almost every symmetric groupSn is a multiple of pj. We also examine the behavior of bk(n) (mod pijp_i^j ) where the non-negative integers n belong to an arithmetic progression. Although almost every non-negative integer n= (mod t) satisfies bk(n) = 0 (mod pijp_i^j ), we show that there are infinitely many non-negative integers n= r (mod t) for which bk(n) ? 0 (mod pijp_i^j ) provided that there is at least one such n. Moreover the smallest such n (if there are any) is less than 2 108piai+j1k2t4\cdot 10^8 p_i^{a_i + j - 1} k^2 t^4 .


Citations (6)

... Gordon [25] proved that c(G; n) is odd for n odd if and only if 60n − 1 = p 4a+1 m 2 for prime p and integer m with p ∤ m. Similarly, he proved that c(H; n) is odd for n even if and only if 60n + 11 = p 4a+1 m 2 for prime p and integer m with p ∤ m. ...


Parity of coefficients of mock theta functions
On the Parity of the Rogers-Ramanujan Coefficients
  • Citing Article
  • January 2012

Developments in Mathematics

... Ahmed and Baruah [1], Alladi [2], Andrews, Hirschhorn, and Sellers [6], Ballantine and Merca [8], Barman,Singh,and Singh [9], Baruah and Das [11], Calkin, Drake, James, Law, Lee, Penniston, and Radder [14], Carlson and Webb [15], Cui and Gu [16,17,18,19], Dai [20], Dai and Yan [21], Dandurand and Penniston [22], Furcy and Penniston [23], Gordon and Ono [24], Granville and Ono [25], Hirschhorn and Sellers [26], Hou, Sun, and Zhang [27], Iwata [28], Keith [30], Keith and Zanello [31,32], Lin and Wang [33], Lovejoy [34], Lovejoy and Penniston [35], Mestrige [36], Ono and Penniston [38,39], Penniston [40,41,42], Singh and Barman [44,45], Singh, Singh, and Barman [46], Wang [48], Webb [49], Xia [50], Xia and Yao [51,52], Yao [53,54], Zhao, Jin, and Yao [55]. ...

Divisibility of Certain Partition Functions by Powers of Primes

The Ramanujan Journal

... Since Khoi's open problem can be solved directly as a special case of the identity in (10) proved in 2017, this motivates our further applications of (10). Based on extant literature on or related to polylogarithm ladders[1,2,3,4,5,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,17,18], the ladders we obtain from Theorems 1 and 2 below appear to be new.Theorem 1. For a positive integer n, let u denote the unique positive root of ...

Algebraic Dilogarithm Identities
  • Citing Article
  • December 1997

The Ramanujan Journal

... 304-305] or [21,Theorem 1.8]). To establish (5.8), it suffices then to show that the identity T + (x; q) = xT − (1/x; q) holds at five suitably chosen 17 values of x. At the points x = 1, −1, q 6 , −q 6 , this identity can be verified by elementary manipulations; the details are straightforward and are omitted here. ...

A Survey of Classical Mock Theta Functions
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2011

Developments in Mathematics

... In a sequel, Gordon and McIntosh obtained modular transformation laws for two mock theta functions χ 3 (q) and ρ 3 (q), given below, of order 3 due to Ramanujan and Watson, respectively. To do so, they found two more mock theta functions ξ(q) and σ (q) of the order 3 in [12], given below: ...

Modular Transformations of Ramanujan's Fifth and Seventh Order Mock Theta Functions
  • Citing Article
  • March 2003

The Ramanujan Journal