Bambang Hermoyo’s scientific contributions

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Publications (3)

Kolaborasi Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Narkotika: Studi Kasus Badan Narkotika Nasional Kota Surakarta
  • Article
  • Full-text available

May 2024


19 Reads

Journal of Contemporary Law Studies

Bambang Hermoyo


Vidya Dyah Werdani


Yudha Hendra Hartanto




Firstanya Lazca Aundrianagari

The aim of this study is to evaluate the efforts undertaken by the Surakarta City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK Surakarta) in preventing and combating the abuse and trafficking of narcotics. The methodology involved the analysis of secondary data from BNNK Surakarta activity reports, interviews with relevant personnel, and surveys among the local community. The findings indicate that the collaboration between BNNK Surakarta, the Surakarta Police Narcotics Research Unit, and several anti-drug forums and communities has successfully implemented comprehensive, integrated, and multidimensional prevention methods. However, challenges persist in law enforcement, therapy, and rehabilitation of narcotics victims. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of collective action among various stakeholders in the efforts to prevent and combat the abuse and trafficking of narcotics. With improved cooperation, it is hoped that the Surakarta community can be freed from narcotics-related cases and create a productive, healthy, and competitive environment.


Teachers' experience and Knowledge about Thematic learning in Elementary School
The Teachers Readiness of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model In Elementary School (Exploration study at Elementary School Teacher of Surakarta)

March 2021


45 Reads

Journal of Physics Conference Series

The Research purpose was to determine The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School (Exploration Study at Elementary School Teacher of Surakarta .The research method used survey technique of quantitative research. The population were 80 Elementary School teachers in Surakarta and the sampling technique was purposive random sampling., consistst of Tempel Elementary School, Mojosongo 3 Elementary School, Bumi 1 Elementary School, Islam Bakti 1 Elementary School and Gandekan Elementary School. The data collection was questionnaire that to know the Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model. The questionnaire of Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model were dimensions, e.i curriculum concept understanding, teacher responsesiveness, responsibility, teacher self oriented, teacher perspective and teacher self confidence.The result revwal that The Teachers Readiness Of Scientific Collaborative Learning Model in Elementary School only slightly more than general, finding indicates that curriculum concept understanding needed intensive trainning in order to improve effectively learning process in classroom.


477 Reads

New paradigma change law the basic in 1945 should bring the midset change, cultural change of the entire apparatus of state and changes in varfious regulations that do not fit anymore. Keywords : UUD 1945, paradigma, pola pikir dan kultur. A. PENDAHULUAN Sebagaimana kita ketahui perubahan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 (IJUD 1945), telah dilakukan selama 4 kali. Perubahan pertama tahun 1999, perubahan kedua tahun 2000, perubahan ketiga tahun 2001 dan perubahan keempat tahun 2002 telah membawa implikasi politik yang sangat luas dalam system ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Kalau kita membaca dengan cermat perubahan tersebut, maka akan nampak bahwa empat kali perubahan tersebut merupakan satu rangkaian perubahan yang dilakukan secara sistematis dalam rangka menjawab tantangan baru kehidupan politik Indonesia yang lebih demokratis sesuai dengan perkembangan dan perubahan masyarakat. Tuntutan perubahan system politik dan ketatanegaraan dalam bentuk perubahan Undang Dasar 1945, adalah pesan yang sangat jelas disampaikan oleh gerakan reformasi yang dimulai sejak tahun 1998. Keempat perubahan ini, mencakup aspek yang sangat luas dan mendalam baik dari jumlah pasal yang diubah dan ditambah maupun substansi perubahan yang terjadi. UUD 1945 sebelum perubahan hanya terdiri dari 16 bab, 37 pasal dan 47 ayat ditambah 4 pasal Aturan Peralihan dan 2 ayat Aturan Tambahan. Setelah 4 kali perubahan, UUD 1945 menjadi 20 bab, 73 pasal, 171 ayat ditambah 3 pasal Aturan Peralihan dan 2 pasal Aturan Tambahan. Substansi perubahan menyentuh hal-hal yang sangat mendasar dalam system politik dan ketatanegaraan yang berimplikasi pada perubahan berbagai peraturan perundangan dan kehidupan politik Indonesia di masa depan.