December 2021
58 Reads
Inata Agrihorti is a variety of first hybrid large chili registered by Agency for Agricultural Research and Development through Balitsa. This variety has the advantage of high yielding, early maturity, and suitable for planting in the highland during the dry season. Hence, the availability of molecular markers is deemed important in order to support the process of distributing seeds of this variety to farmers. This research aimed to select the microsatellite molecular markers from the Agricultural Genome Center. The research was conducted at the research station and Molecular Biology Laboratory of Balitsa and BB Biogen Molecular Biology Laboratory from January to December 2019. A total of 24 microsatellite markers were selected for their polymorphic level or ability to amplif y the parents generation and F1-Inata Agrihorti. The results of this research showed five microsatellites potential as the molecular markers. Of the five selected microsatellites, CaSSRBio2.1 was found as a microsatellite capable of clearly distinguishing female and male parents of Inata Agrihorti. Based on these primers, the female parent produced a PCR product of 300bp, the male parent produced a PCR product of 400bp. and F1 had two bands of 300bp and 400bp. Further research is still needed to test the stability of the selected microsatellites in this study.bahasa Inggris. Panjang abstrak tidak lebih dari 200 kata yang ditulis dalam satu paragraf