Balai Besar’s research while affiliated with Bogor Agricultural University and other places

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Publications (53)

Seleksi Penanda Molekuler Cabai Besar Hibrida Inata Agrihorti
  • Conference Paper
  • Full-text available

December 2021


58 Reads






Teknologi Pertanian

Inata Agrihorti is a variety of first hybrid large chili registered by Agency for Agricultural Research and Development through Balitsa. This variety has the advantage of high yielding, early maturity, and suitable for planting in the highland during the dry season. Hence, the availability of molecular markers is deemed important in order to support the process of distributing seeds of this variety to farmers. This research aimed to select the microsatellite molecular markers from the Agricultural Genome Center. The research was conducted at the research station and Molecular Biology Laboratory of Balitsa and BB Biogen Molecular Biology Laboratory from January to December 2019. A total of 24 microsatellite markers were selected for their polymorphic level or ability to amplif y the parents generation and F1-Inata Agrihorti. The results of this research showed five microsatellites potential as the molecular markers. Of the five selected microsatellites, CaSSRBio2.1 was found as a microsatellite capable of clearly distinguishing female and male parents of Inata Agrihorti. Based on these primers, the female parent produced a PCR product of 300bp, the male parent produced a PCR product of 400bp. and F1 had two bands of 300bp and 400bp. Further research is still needed to test the stability of the selected microsatellites in this study.bahasa Inggris. Panjang abstrak tidak lebih dari 200 kata yang ditulis dalam satu paragraf


Faktor Risiko Potensial terhadap Canine Leptospirosis di Ragunan Animal Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia Risk Factors Potencial from Canine Leptospirosis at Ragunan Animal Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia

December 2021


226 Reads

Jurnal Sain Veteriner

Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by bacteria Leptospira sp. which causes infection in animals and humans. Dogs infected with leptospirosis showed symptoms such as anorexia, fever, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea and often experience yellowing of the eye area and mucosa around the mouth (icteric) with fatal systemic complications and multi-organ dysfunction, especially in the kidneys and liver. Leptospirosis is an endemic disease in Jakarta. This study aims to identify risk factors that can contribute to canine mortality based on early clinical symptoms that are found when the dog is in an animal health service facility such as a veterinary clinic, veterinary hospital or independent practice veterinarian. Method were used in this study is clinical manifestations and laboratory examinations and medical records of dogs with suspected leptospirosis. Criteria inclusion were based on aspects of the clinical symptoms of dogs in and around Jakarta. Analysis data used the chi-square with confidence of interval (CI) 95%. Dogs used during the study had ages for puppies (less than 1 year) totaling 13 or 32.50%, for adult dogs over 1 year amounted to 27 or 67.50%, 80% male dogs and 20% female. with 80% maintenance system not housed by the owner. Risk factors for clinical symptoms such as myalgia, symptomatic vomiting of the pulmonary area or shortness of breath and abdominal pain, conjunctival suffusion, anorexia and diarrhea contributed to the high mortality rate leptospirosis during study in dogs 2020.


November 2019


5,883 Reads

Mineral elements is one of the components that are needed by living things in addition to carbohydrates, fats, protein, and vitamins. The content of some mineral elements in foodstuffs need attention because it is very instrumental in some good metabolism in humans, animals and plants. Rice breeding research has now come to the use of genes with vitamins and minerals that have been successfully developed iron-rich rice, zinc-rich rice and beta carotene rich rice as a source of vitamin A. Efforts to increase the zinc content in rice products and other food products needs to be done to contribute to the increase in value-added products and the improvement of nutrition and public health. Biofortification is an effort to increase the zinc content in rice has been done in Indonesia. The study was conducted on a national varieties of high yield potential. Based on the research results Indrasari, et al. (2002), local varieties Pandan Wangi, Solo, and Rojo Lele contain high zinc. PENDAHULUAN Mutu produk pertanian saat ini cenderung berorientasi pada kandungan beberapa unsur penting atau makro yang sangat erat kaitannya dengan kesehatan manusia. Keberadaan unsur mikro yang terdapat dalam produk pangan belum banyak digali dan dihargai. Salah satunya adalah kandungan beberapa unsur mineral yang perlu mendapat perhatian karena sangat berperan dalam beberapa metabolisme baik pada manusia, hewan maupun tanaman. Kebutuhan terhadap mineral untuk kesehatan manusia kedepan diindikasikan akan terus meningkat, hal ini disebabkan antara lain karena meningkatnya asupan radikal bebas dari makanan, air dan udara yang tercemar dan menimbulkan berbagai penyakit degeneratif (Latief, 2004). Mineral sebagai zat gizi belum banyak disadari manfaatnya oleh sebagian besar masyarakat. Kecukupan akan mineral dalam komposisi pangan belum dipahami sebaik kecukupan akan kalori, protein atau vitamin. Bahkan sebagian masyarakat awam ada yang menganggap bahwa mineral telah terdapat dalam protein atau vitamin. Makanan pokok berupa beras untungnya mengandung berbagai mineral yang

Variasi dan Berat Benih Jati Putih Hasil Koleksi Dari 6 Populasi di Indonesua

November 2019


19 Reads

Jurnal Hutan Tropis

Gmelina arborea Roxb. is one of tree species that was widely developed in Indonesia, but information about variation among distribution populations is still limited. This research was conducted to determine the variation of seeds from several distribution populations in Indonesia. This study arranged in completely randomized design/CRD with 6 origin populations as teratment as follows Sumedang, Lampung, Bondowoso, Mataram, Bogor and Bantul. Each treatment uses 40 seed samples and repeated 5 times. The results showed that the distribution population showed a significant variation in all characters of seed length, seed diameter, weight of 1000 seed grains and number of seeds per kilogram. The average seed length ranged from 15.22-17.06 mm, seed diameter 8.57-9.68 mm, weight of 1000 seeds 518.74-657.47 grams and number of seeds per kilogram 1528-1940 grains. The best weight of 1000 seeds is from the Sumedang population while the most number of seeds per kilogram is from Bogor population.

Deteksi Parasit Darah pada Sapi Perah Berdasarkan Analisis Pcr Duplex

December 2018


2,699 Reads


3 Citations

Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi parasit darah pada sapi (Babesia spp., Theileria spp., dan Trypanosoma spp.) secara molekular berdasarkan analisis duplex PCR. Seratus sampel darah sapi perah Friesian Holstein diambil secara acak untuk deteksi parasit darah dengan pemeriksaan ulas darah. Sebanyak tiga puluh dari seratus sampel diseleksi untuk analisis PCR single berdasarkan jenis parasit dan tingkat parasitemia yang terdiri dari 5 sampel positif Babesia spp, 15 sampel positif Theileria spp., dan 10 sampel negatif parasit darah untuk dilanjutkan pada tahap PCR single. Optimasi PCR single dilakukan menggunakan tiga primer spesifik untuk B. bovis (Bover2A), T. annulata (Cytob 1) dan T. evansi (ITS 1). Hasil optimasi PCR single menunjukan bahwa suhu anneling 56 °C merupakan suhu optimal untuk deteksi Babesia bovis dan T. evansi sedangkan T. annulata tidak menunjukan hasil positif pada kondisi tersebut. Hasil analisis PCR single menunjukan 28 sampel positif B. bovis, 1 sampel positif T. evansi, 1 sampel negatif semua parasit darah dan 0 sampel positif T. annulata sehingga hanya B. bovis dan T. evansi yang dilanjutkan ke tahap analisis duplex PCR duplex. Teknik duplex PCR berhasil dioptimasi dengan dilakukannya modifikasi penambahan MgCl2 (25 μM) sebanyak 0.5 L/tube sehingga dapat diaplikasikan untuk mendeteksi parasit darah B. bovis dan T. evansi pada sampel di lapang

Rooting regeneration of in vitro and ex vitro plant of Santalum album Linn.) tissue culture

January 2018


127 Reads

ROOTING REGENARATION OF IN-VITRO AND EX-VITRO PLANT OF SANTALUM ALBUM Cendana (Santalum album Linn.) is one of the important hemiparasite species due to its high-value essential oil for pharmaceutical industries. However, since1998 this species has been categorized as vulnerable by the IUCN Red List. The propagation of Cendana has been hampered by inadequacy in regeneration, either through sexual or vegetative propagation. Regeneration of Cendana through in vitro technique is still limited due to the difficulty in rooting and acclimatization. The purpose of this study is to observe the effect of clones, in vitro and ex vitro techniques on primary and secondary root development. Two clones of Cendana: Clone A.III.4.14 and WS28 were tested in Gresshoff & Doy culture media enriched by IBA 20 mg/l; IAA 0.15 mg/l and kinetin 0.15 mg/l. Root development was observed for six months of culture in vitro and three months after acclimatization in a greenhouse forex vitro. The results of this study showed that Clone A.III.4.14 formed primary root in lower percentage rate (41.85%) than Clones WS28 (60,44%), on the contrary it grew secondary root in higher percentage rate (58.15%) than Clone WS28 (39,56%). The ex vitro following the acclimatization showed that the root hairs grew only in the plantlets which formed secondary root during in vitro. This result indicates an important of clone's selection for secondary root development during in vitro to obtain a better root system in the success of acclimatization of Santalum album

Regenerasi Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr) Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) Regeneration Result Of Gamma Ray Irradiation

January 2018


89 Reads


2 Citations

Produksi kedelai masih belum mencukupi kebutuhan masyarakat di Indonesia. Salah satu upaya meningkatkan produksi kedelai adalah dengan penggunaan varietas unggul dan ekstensifikasi pada lahan kering. Pemuliaan mutasi in vitro merupakan salah satu cara mendapatkan varietas unggul melalui perbaikan sifat yang diinginkan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui media terbaik guna meregenerasi planlet kedelai hasil iradiasi sinar Gamma 4. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Agustus 2017 di laboratorium biologi sel dan jaringan dan rumah kaca Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumber Daya Genetik Pertanian, Bogor. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan perlakuan iradiasi sinar gamma 4 Gray. Dari hasil analisis data kombinasi media MS+BA 0,5 mg/l+Kin 0,1 mg/l merupakan media regenerasi terbaik. Terdapatpengaruh dari perlakuan iradiasi sinar Gamma 4 Gray terhadap penurunan pertumbuhan kedelai varietas Grobogan, Wilis dan Dering 1. Serta didapatkan 14 planlet kedelai yang berhasil diaklimatisasi.

Perbaikan Varietas Padi untuk Lahan Keracunan Fe

February 2017


1,285 Reads


10 Citations

Buletin Plasma Nutfah

p> Abstract The use of rice varieties tolerant to iron toxicity is an efficient way to deal with low rice production in iron toxicity areas. The varietal improvement activities consisted of evaluation, screening of rice germplasm, bulk population of crossed materials, and introduction. Varietal screening was conducted by direct selection at the iron toxicity areas of +200 ppm Fe content at Tamanbogo, Lampung. Anther culture would speed up breeding activities due to the availability of genetic resources tolerant to Al toxicity which were having high regeneration and callus induction. The character of Fe tolerance was controlled by two or more dominant genes which were epistatic and duplicate genes, additive, dominant and non allelic interaction genes. Selection for Fe tolerance at advanced generation could increase degree of homozygotes, lead to more tolerant genotypes and increase selection effectiveness. From bulk population had been selected tolerant lines in the early generation were some lines of IR64 progeny, promising lines from crossings of introduced IRRI varieties and local varieties. Nine rice varieties released for tidal swamps areas. More than 100 accesions of rice germplasm tolerant to Fe toxicity had been evaluated. Abstrak Penggunaan varietas padi toleran keracunan Fe merupakan cara yang efisien dalam mengatasi rendahnya produksi padi pada lahan keracunan Fe. Perbaikan varietas meliputi evaluasi, skrining plasma nutfah padi, bahan populasi hasil persilangan, dan introduksi. Metode skrining yang dilakukan dengan menyeleksi langsung di lahan dengan kadar Fe tinggi (+200 ppm) di Tamanbogo, Lampung. Sumber keragaman genetik toleran cukup tersedia, sehingga perbaikan varietas untuk tujuan keracunan Fe dapat dilakukan. Metode kultur anter dapat mempercepat siklus pemuliaan, dengan tersedianya bahan genetik toleran Fe yang memiliki daya regenerasi dan induksi kalus yang tinggi. Terdapat dua gen ketahanan atau lebih yang bersifat epistatis atau duplikat gen. Pola pewarisan sifat toleran keracunan Fe dipengaruhi oleh gen aditif, dominan, dan interaksi gen nonalelik. Seleksi pada generasi lanjut dapat meningkatkan derajat homozigositas, terbentuk genotipe dengan derajat toleransi yang tinggi dan meningkatkan efektifitas seleksi. Dari bulk populasi persilangan generasi awal telah diperoleh galur-galur hasil seleksi perbaikan varietas IR64, galur harapan asal persilangan Bogor dan introduksi dari IRRI. Sembilan varietas padi toleran keracunan Fe telah dilepas untuk lahan pasang surut. Evaluasi terhadap plasma nutfah padi menunjukkan lebih dari 100 aksesi toleran keracunan Fe.</p

Karakter Agronomi dan Ketahanan Beberapa Galur Pelestari Dihaploid terhadap Hawar Daun Bakteri

October 2016


306 Reads


2 Citations

Buletin Plasma Nutfah

p>Agronomic Characters and Resistance of Several Dihaploid Maintainer Lines to Bacterial Leaf Blight. Bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, Xoo) is one of the most serious diseases of rice in Indonesia. From previous research thirteen lines of dihaploid (DH) maintainer lines-derived anther culture were selected for developing cytoplasmic male sterile lines. In this research those DH maintainers were evaluated for their agronomic characters such as plant height, number of productive tiller, and seed weight per hill as well as their resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight (BLB) pathotypes III, IV and VIII at Indonesian Center Rice Research (ICRR), Sukamandi during wet season 2008/2009. The results showed that 10 DH maintainer lines i.e. BioMAc18-H36-3-Ma, BioMAc19-H36-3-Mb, BioMAc20- H36-3-Mc, BioMAc21-H36-4-M, BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db, BioMAc31-B2-1-M, BioMAc33-B2-4- Pb, BioMAc34-B4-1-Da and BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc having plant height ranged from 88.79-104.08 cm, productive tiller ranged from 9 to 13 tillers/hill. Among those DH maintainer lines three lines were resistant to BLB pathotype III, i.e. BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db and BioMAc31- B2-1-M lines, and two lines, i.e. BioMAc21-H36-4-M and BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc were highly resistant to BLB pathotype VIII. Only BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc lines highly resistant to BLB pathotype IV. Abstrak Hawar daun bakteri yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae, (Xoo) adalah salah satu penyakit utama padi di Indonesia. Dari penelitian sebelumnya 13 galur pelestari dihaploid (DH pelestari) yang berasal dari kultur antera telah diseleksi untuk perakitan galur mandul jantan baru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi karakter agronomi dan ketahanan galur-galur DH pelestari terhadap patogen HDB. Karakter agronomi yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan produktif, dan bobot hasil per rumpun, sedangkan ketahanan terhadap HDB diamati berdasarkan skor ketahanan terhadap Xoo patotipe III, IV dan VIII di Balai Penelitian Padi, Sukamandi pada musim hujan 2008/2009. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 10 galur DH pelestari, yaitu galur BioMAc18-H36-3-Ma, BioMAc19-H36-3-Mb, BioMAc20- H36-3-Mc, BioMAc21-H36-4-M, BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db, BioMAc31-B2-1-M, BioMAc33-B2-4- Pb, BioMAc34-B4-1-Da, dan BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc mempunyai tinggi tanaman berkisar antara 88,79-104,08 cm, anakan produktif berkisar antara 9-13 batang/rumpun. Di antara galur DH pelestari yang tahan terhadap HDB patotipe III, yaitu galur BioMAc26-B1-1-Mb, BioMAc29-B2-1-Db dan BioMAc31- B2-1-M, dua galur yaitu galur BioMAc21-H36-4-M dan BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc sangat tahan terhadap HDB patotipe VIII, sedangkan galur BioMAc35-B4-1-Dc yang sangat tahan terhadap HDB patotipe IV.</p

Seleksi Lapang Ketahanan Beberapa Varietas Padi terhadap Infeksi Hawar Daun Bakteri Strain IV dan VIII

October 2016


606 Reads


12 Citations

Buletin Plasma Nutfah

p>Field Selection on Several Rice Varieties for Resistance to Bacterial Leaf Blight strain IV and VIII. Bacterial leaf blight (BLB) on rice (Oryza sativa) caused by Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is the major obstruction for rice production. Powerful strategy to control BLB is generally conducted by planting resistant plant. Meanwhile, the main way to explore germplasm as the source of resistance gene is conducted by selection a wide rice varieties. Field selection for resistance to BLB on 150 rice-varieties (BB-Biogen collection) was conducted in 2009 in Cianjur. Three leaves and flag leaves of individual hills at vegetative and flowering stage were inoculated by clipping the leaf tip with scissors which had been connected with a suspension bottle of bacterial cells (109- 1010 cells/ml) of the isolates which represented bacterial groups (strain) IV and VIII, respectively. Each plant was inoculated with one race. Two weeks after inoculation, length of the lesion developed on the inoculated leaf was measured, as an index of severity of infection by BLB. This experiment was treated as Factorial-Randomized Completed Block Design (two factor-with 3 replications, respectively). The resistancyreaction to strain IV and VIII was observed as the variable tested, while the factors measured consists of plant-varieties and two bacterial strains. The results showed that 11 varieties with a resistance-reaction to Xoo strain IV, inwhich 5 varieties poses a consistent resistance-reaction, i.e: Pulu Bolong, Pelopor, Gombal, Barito and Kapuas. While resistancereaction to Xoo strain VIII obtained only one variety : IR42 (score-1), while 17 others showed intermediate resistancy (score-3). Abstrak Penyakit hawar daun bakteri (HDB) yang disebabkan oleh Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) pada padi (Oryza sativa) merupakan faktor pembatas upaya peningkatan produksi padi. Pencarian gen-gen tahan terhadap HDB sangat diperlukan untuk pengendalian penyakit tersebut. Seleksi ketahanan terhadap HDB dilakukan di Cianjur pada MT 2009 terhadap 150 varietas padi koleksi Bank Gen, BB-Biogen. Isolat Xoo yang diuji adalah strain IV dan VIII. Inokulasi dilakukan dua kali, yaitu pada fase vegetatif dan generatif dengan cara menggunting 3-5 cm dari ujung daun dan daun bendera dengan gunting yang telah dihubungkan dengan botol berisi suspensi Xoo strain IV dan VIII (109-1010 sel/ml). Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah acak kelompok faktorial dengan tiga ulangan. Sebagai varietas pembanding tahan digunakan IRBB7 dan pembanding rentan varietas Kencana Bali. Reaksi ketahanan tertinggi terhadap Xoo strain IV ditunjukkan oleh 11 varietas terpilih dengan reaksi agak tahan, lima varietas di antaranya menunjukkan reaksi yang konsisten agak tahan, yaitu varietas Pulu Bolong, Pelopor, Gombal, Barito, dan Kapuas. Reaksi ‘tahan’ terhadap Xoo strain VIII ditunjukkan oleh satu varietas introduksi IR42. Untuk varietas terpilih dengan reaksi ‘agak tahan’ terdapat 17 varietas.</p

Citations (27)

... Oleh karenanya untuk mencengah terjadinya kelangkaan kedelai di pasaran maka Badan Pangan Nasional menargetkan cadangan kedelai di indonesia tahun 2024 minimal 100 ribu ton (Badan Pangan Nasional (NFA), 2024). Adapun upaya untuk meningkatkan produksi kedelai dalam negeri adalah dengan memperbaiki produktivitas tanaman atau dapat dikatakan memperbaiki sifat tanaman yang diinginkan (Nisa, 2018). ...


Regenerasi Kedelai (Glycine max L. Merr) Hasil Iradiasi Sinar Gamma Soybean (Glycine max L. Merr) Regeneration Result Of Gamma Ray Irradiation

... Penyakit parasit darah pada ternak dilaporkan masih menjadi kendala yang serius dalam industri peternakan. Kerugian ekonomi yang disebabkan oleh penyakit-penyakit tersebut berupa pertumbuhan ternak menjadi terhambat, penurunan daya kerja, bobot badan, daya reproduksi dan produksi susu [14]. Ternak sapi yang mati di lokasi penelitian mencapai kurang lebih 2-3 ekor dalam kurun waktu satu tahun terakhir.Saat ini ternak sapi SISKA di lokasi penelitiantelah diupayakan pemberian vaksin dan vitamin, sehingga diperlukan upaya lebih lanjut untuk menanganinya. ...

Deteksi Parasit Darah pada Sapi Perah Berdasarkan Analisis Pcr Duplex

Acta Veterinaria Indonesiana

... These differences imply that although IR20 had more capacity to develop numerous tillers, the three mutant varieties demonstrated a stronger capacity to maintain their growth under drought conditions. This resilience is likely due to the genetic inheritance of the drought tolerance mechanism from Gajah Mungkur, which serves as the parental line for these mutants [23][24][25]. ...

Identifikasi Somaklon Padi Gajahmungkur, Towuti dan IR 64 Tahan Kekeringan Menggunakan Polyethylene Glycol Drought Tolerance Identification of Gajahmungkur, Towuti, and IR 64 Rice Somaclones Using Polyethylene Glycol

... 25 Salah satunya adalah pemeriksaan bakteri Leptospira dengan menggunakan metode PCR dengan target gen 16s RNA dan Lipl32. 4,26 Target gen LipL32 hanya terdapat pada Leptospira patogenik dan merupakan faktor virulensi yang penting 3,4,8,19,26 . Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa target LipL 32 dapat mendeteksi adanya bakteri Leptospira pada sampel ginjal tikus. ...


... Howe and Sibley [13] used PCR-RFLP (DdeI) to characterize the differences between avirulent and virulent strains. The DNA target regions used in that study are important for T. gondii, including the genes B1#1, B1#2, B1#3, SAG1#1, SAG1#2, P30, BAG1, ROP1, and GRA1 [21][22][23]. PCR-RFLP capable of distinguishing the alleles in one restriction enzyme reaction by agarose gel electrophoresis [24]. ...

Kloning dan Analisis Hasil Kloning Gen GRA1 dari Takizoit Toxoplasma gondii Isolat Lokal

... BBLitvet Culture Collection (BCC) memiliki koleksi mikroba bakteri potensial yang dapat menghasilkan antibakteri, namun pemanfaatannya pada ternak belum diteliti. Koleksi tersebut secara in vitro memiliki daya hambat terhadap bakteri patogen tertentu dalam saluran pencernaan (Chotiah 2013). Dalam rangka untuk memanfaatkan bakteri isolat lokal yang potensial menghasilkan zat antibakteri terhadap patogen tertentu pada ternak, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mengevaluasi isolat bakteri indigen asal sapi di Bogor sebagai upaya mencari alternatif pengganti probiotik untuk mengatasi salmonelosis pada ayam pedaging. ...

Eksplorasi dan Konservasi Sumber Daya Genetik Mikroba Penghasil Bakteriosin Penghambat Pertumbuhan Bakteri Patogen pada Ternak
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

... 32 Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi efektivitas repelen antara lain komponen bahan kimia aktif, komposisi, dosis, metode aplikasi, titik didih, kecepatan penguapan, jenis serangga target, aktivitas dan kondisi fisik individu (misalnya pori-pori tubuh), dan faktor lingkungan (suhu, kelembaban, sirkulasi udara, iklim dan curah hujan). 33 Semakin lama waktu pengamatan menunjukkan kecenderungan daya tolak yang semakin menurun pada setiap jam pengamatan. Hal ini disebabkan adanya penguapan minyak atsiri yang dioleskan pada lengan relawan. ...

UJI EFIKASI REPELEN "X" TERHADAP NYAMUK Aedes aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus DAN Anopheles aconitus DI LABORATORIUM
  • Citing Article

... Fig. 1 summarizes the flow of search, screening, and selection of articles. All publications included were challenge studies: seven to assess vaccine immunogenicity and efficacy [7,[21][22][23][24][25][26]; four to explore transmissibility of AI among vaccinated birds [27][28][29][30]; and two to assess a ''Differentiate infected and vaccinated animals" (DIVA) strategy [31,32]. Table 1 summarizes relevant features of these publications. ...

Tingkat Proteksi Beberapa Vaksin Avian Influenza Unggas terhadap Infeksi Virus Isolat Lapang A/chicken/West Java/Smi-Pat/2006 dan A/chicken/West Java/Smi-Mae/2008 pada Kondisi Laboratorium
  • Citing Article

... These local genotypes possess a higher resistance to abiotic stresses such as drought, floods, and poisoning, as well as biotic stresses like pest and disease attacks. The resistance of these genotypes to various stress conditions, both biotic and abiotic, is attributed to the symbiotic relationship between the plants and endophytic microbes, including endophytic fungi (Dewi et al. 2011). ...

Karakter Agronomi dan Ketahanan Beberapa Galur Pelestari Dihaploid terhadap Hawar Daun Bakteri

Buletin Plasma Nutfah

... Several studies have been conducted and revealed that extract of green, brown, and red seaweeds had antioxidant activities, measured by several markers such as peroxide value, chelating ion metal, and scavenging of radical 2010;Devi et al., Sullivan et al., 2011;Meenakshi et al., 2012). Polyphenols derived from seaweeds may be more potent than analogous polyphenols derived from terrestrial plant sources due to presence of up to eight interconnected phenol rings (Hemat, 2007). ...

Kandungan Fenol dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Makroalga Bentik Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskal) dari Teluk Hurun, Lampung Phenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Benthic Macroalga Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskal) from Hurun Bay, Lampung