August 2024
166 Reads
International Journal of Humanities & social Science studies (IJHSSS)
The study investigated the impact of inadequate infrastructure on the effective teaching and learning of Physics in senior secondary schools in Bwari Area council of Federal capital Nigeria. The study was guided by one research question and one research hypotheses which was formulated and tested at P ≤ 0.05 significant level, which formed the basis for rejection or acceptance of the hypotheses. Descriptive research was adopted for the research. The instrument for the research is a well-structured questionnaire. The population of the study comprises of 360 SSII Physics students in senior secondary school Bwari Area Council, Abuja. The stratified random sampling was used to accommodate every stratum of people that make up the population. The data was analyzed with the use of, mean standard deviation and T-test. The result of the study showed that, inadequate infrastructural materials affect the effective teaching and learning of Physics. The researcher recommended that; functional workshops and laboratory should be built in schools to promote academic achievement in Physics. Alternative steady power supplies should be made available for the schools so as to compliment for the insufficient time with the electrically operated equipment/facilities in the workshops.