April 2015
29 Reads
6 Citations
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April 2015
29 Reads
6 Citations
August 2014
17 Reads
11 Citations
January 1998
8 Reads
26 Citations
January 1991
21 Reads
January 1991
12 Reads
22 Citations
January 1976
11 Reads
12 Citations
Empiricism has engendered many different ideas, from the naive concepts of knowledge as a copy of reality, to the more refined forms of “functional copy” (Hull’s behaviorism) to logical positivism, which aims at reducing scientific knowledge exclusively to physical experience and to language. If we look for common factors in these diverse approaches we find a central idea: the function of cognitive mechanisms is to submit to reality, copying its features as closely as possible, so that they may produce a reproduction which differs as little as possible from external reality. This idea of empiricism implies that reality can be reduced to its observable features and that knowledge must limit itself to transcribing these features.
January 1976
54 Reads
507 Citations
January 1971
22 Reads
January 1966
30 Reads
71 Citations
January 1963
28 Reads
12 Citations
2 broad groups of problems can be distinguished: (a) formation of images—are they a direct extension or prolongations of perception, or are they imitative processes with motor components; (b) is the evolution of images an autonomous process or does their development indicate an increasing external influence? Along these lines the authors explore systematically the more detailed problems, finding numerous as yet unanswered questions, the most difficult one being the transition from reproductory to anticipatory images. (34 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
... E, por isso, as soluções também o não estão. Contudo, entre as razões do insucesso na aprendizagem em Física, são em geral apontados aos professores métodos de ensino desajustados das teorias de aprendizagem mais recentes e não utilização dos meios mais modernos, enquanto aos alunos são apontados insuficiente desenvolvimento cognitivo [1], deficiente preparação matemática e pré-existência de concepções relacionadas com o senso comum e não com a lógica científica [2]. Devemos ainda acrescentar, especialmente no ensino secundário em Portugal, o grande número de alunos que não têm a menor vocação para a disciplina e que, portanto, dificilmente poderão ter qualquer sucesso no estudo dela. ...
August 2014
... In their book La genèse des structures logiques élémentaires, Jean Piaget and Bärbel Inhelder ( [11], page 25) provide a precise distinction between figural and non-figural collections, which are still called classes or categorical collections. For the authors, a class requires only two categories or relationships, both necessary and sufficient, for its actual definition as a class: ...
January 1998
... Memory is considered as a mental process that plays a major role in everyday activities. It refers to the brain's capability of encoding, storage, and retrieval of information (Piaget and Inhelder, 2015). Since the introduction of the term "memory" in the 1880's by Hermann Ebbinghaus, many research studies have tried to appropriately categorize this concept (Chai et al., 2018). ...
April 2015
... The underlying task for the Falling Raindrops intervention was based on the work of others (e.g. Engel & Sedlmeier, 2005;Green, 1982;Piaget & Inhelder, 1975), and this motivated the current project, which again aimed to look at using a two-dimensional probability phenomenon to motivate thinking about and questions related to variability in data. Thus, the project for Random Walks, similar to that of Falling Raindrops (Canada, 2019), reflected the first four aspects of Engel's (2002) five-step procedure: Making initial observations and conjectures regarding a specific probabilistic phenomenon, developing a model to simulate the phenomena, gathering data from that simulation, and comparing subsequent results to initial predictions. ...
January 1976
... L'évolution des patterns de motricité globale, de motricité fine et le développement moteur oral sont les prédécesseurs du développement ultérieur des compétences d'auto-alimentation qui affectent à leur tour l'apport nutritionnel des nourrissons et leur croissance ). Par exemple, l'utilisation d'une cuillère pour se nourrir implique la mobilisation de plusieurs systèmes musculaires, donc le développement des muscles de la main et du poignet, mais également le développement de l'os du poignet, la coordination du regard et de la main pour permettre de réajuster le mouvement de la cuillère en direction de la bouche, et enfin la coordination de la bouche et de la main à l'approche de la cuillère, donc un ensemble de capacités motrices et perceptives (Vauclair, 2004 (1969, cité par Bernicot, & Bert-Erboul, 2014). ...
January 1991
... To highlight the importance of epistemological frameworks, let us contrast Baillargeon's empiricist theory with Piaget's constructivist sensorimotor theory . Somewhat ironically, Baillargeon (2008) classifies Piaget as an empiricist, even though Piaget's critical stance toward empiricist theories should be well known (Piaget & Inhelder, 1969). For Piaget (1936/ 1963), the basic functions with which the infant interacts with the world are assimilation and accommodation . ...
January 1976
... This age range was chosen based on previous literature on size representation among children and children's drawing development and abilities in different domains. The youngest tested participants were 5-year-olds because at this age, children distinguish between big and small real-world objects 11 , and, at the same time, most children of this age are capable of producing recognisable drawings of ordinary objects [30][31][32] and should also be capable of producing relatively recognisable drawings under haptic control (without visual feedback) 29 . We decided to test children up to 9 years as, at this age, children should be able to integrate and equivalently use spatial information whose source is sight or touch 28 . ...
May 1957
British Journal of Educational Studies
... Les objets Smart qui peuvent participer à l'apprentissage doivent diagnostiquer, pronostiquer et intervenir pour améliorer le pronostic. Leur conception peut s'appuyer sur les résultats de l'approche classique de la catégorisation selon laquelle l'enfant se libère progressivement des contraintes spatio-temporelles immédiates pour pouvoir raisonner sur des informations plus abstraites(Bruner, Goodnow & Austin, 1956 ;Inhelder & Piaget, 1959), que lorsqu'il s'agit de classer librement des objets géométriques hétéroclites, il réalise d'abord des collections figurales (entre 2 et 4 ans) avant de former des classes logiques (à partir de 7-8 ans) ou de raisonner leurs transformations. Entre les collections figurales (assembler trois carrés et un triangle pour qu'ils forment une maison) et les classes logiques (mettre les fleurs ensemble parmi les plantes), on a pu situer les classes collectives (les fleurs rouges parmi les plantes). ...
... Las imágenes mentales permanecieron olvidadas casi durante 30 años (1920-1950), durante el periodo conductista, cuando no se investigó sobre ellas. Es a partir del año 1950, con la aparición de la psicología cognitiva, cuando se reanuda el estudio científico de las imágenes mentales, fundamentalmente por Piaget e Inhelder (1963Inhelder ( , 1966) y Paivio (1971), que es, probablemente, el autor más importante en el estudio de la imagen de todos los tiempos. En el año 1977 aparece en Estados Unidos el Journal of Mental Imagery, una revista dedicada exclusivamente al estudio de las imágenes mentales ( Campos & Sueiro, 1998b), y en el año 1981 aparece, también en Estados Unidos, la Imagination, Cognition and Personality, revista dedicada también, aunque no exclusivamente, al estudio de las imágenes mentales. ...
January 1963
... Or, malgré une présence constante dans les programmes, cette notion est encore loin d'être acquise par tous les élèves lors de leur entrée en seconde (Gille, 2008). Par ailleurs, diverses études ont mis en évidence que les difficultés associées à l'apprentissage du raisonnement proportionnel demeurent présentes tant chez les adolescents que chez les adultes (Inhelder & Piaget, 1955 ;Kaput & West, 1994 ;Lesh et al., 1988 ;Vergnaud, 1983Vergnaud, , 1988. Malgré des preuves croissantes indiquant que les compétences en matière de raisonnement proportionnel apparaissent dès l'âge de 5 à 6 ans (Vanluydt et al., 2019), de nombreux systèmes éducatifs n'intègrent cet apprentissage qu'à un stade plus avancé du parcours scolaire. ...