January 2024
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Nauka Innovatsii Tekhnologii
A sinusoidal model of the dynamics of mudflow series, temperature and precipitation in the warm seasons in the high-mountain zone of Kabardino-Balkaria complements the previously obtained statistical analysis of the average characteristics of the series, results of a comparative analysis of their average values for two subperiods (base 1953-1983 and modern 1984-2015), improves the quality of the unidirectional regression model of the number of mudflows and meteorological parameters over the past 60 years. The article shows that the use of the sinusoidal regression function makes it possible to identify the cyclicity of time series, which will help in assessing the dynamics of mudflows taking into account long-term changes in climate variables. The increased efficiency of the models is confirmed by the criteria. The coefficient of determination R2, determined for linear regression models, increases in sinusoidal regression models: for series with the number of mudflows from R2 = 0.067 to R2 = 0.645, for precipitation from R2 = 0.028 to R2 = 0.653, for temperatures from R2 = 0.012 to R2 = 0.829. In the sinusoidal regression model, using eight harmonics, short-period ripples are added against the background of slow changes. In the series with mudflows, these are short periods from T = 2.4 years to T = 10.7 years against the background of the main period T = 62 years. In the series of temperatures there are short periods from T = 1.9 years to T = 5.2 years to a long period T = 63 years. In the series with precipitation, a long period T = 20.1 years is added to the short periods from T = 2.2 years to T = 8.7 years. The identified long-period fluctuations in mudflows and temperatures (T = 62 years, 63 years) are associated with significant and nonlinear changes in the elements of these series during the period under study. In contrast to these series, the precipitation series is dominated by short-period changes (T = 4 years) against a background of slow fluctuations with a period of T = 20.1 years.