December 2024
8 Reads
Psychological Methods
In psychology, researchers have to choice between different kinds of effect measures. For example, when evaluation whether a new treatment works or not, the effectiveness might be expressed as a difference between the treatment and control group (e.g., four points less in a test) or as a ratio (e.g., twice as many points in a test). It is unclear, however, how ratio-based effect measures might be interpreted from a causal perspective. It has often been shown that ratio-based effect measures are not easy to identify in randomized experiments, a phenomenon called collapsibility. In addition, different ratio-based effect measures (e.g., simple ratio and odds ratio) might yield very different implications on the effectiveness of a treatment. While causality theories do in principle allow for ratio-based effect measures, the literature lacks a comprehensive definition and examination of ratio-based effect measures. In this article, we show how both simple ratios and odds ratios can be defined based on the stochastic theory of causal effects. Then, we examine if and how expectations (i.e., true means) of these effect measures can be identified under four causality conditions. Finally, we discuss an alternative computation of ratio-based effect measures as ratios of causally unbiased expectations instead of expectations of individual ratios, which is identifiable under all causality conditions and consistent with difference-based effect measures.