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Publications (110)

Meningkatkan Kewirausahaan Pemuda melalui Pendidikan Vokasional: Tinjauan Literatur Sistematis tentang Keterampilan dan Niat Kewirausahaan
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


11 Reads

Al Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan

Muhammad 'Ariqsyah


Ganefri Ganefri


Asmar Yulastri




Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana pendidikan vokasional dapat meningkatkan kewirausahaan pemuda melalui tinjauan literatur sistematis yang berfokus pada keterampilan dan niat kewirausahaan. Kewirausahaan pemuda merupakan pilar penting dalam mendorong inovasi dan pertumbuhan ekonomi. Pendidikan vokasional, dengan orientasinya pada pengembangan keterampilan praktis, memiliki potensi besar untuk membekali pemuda dengan keterampilan yang dibutuhkan untuk memulai dan mengelola usaha mereka sendiri. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis literatur yang relevan untuk memahami peran pendidikan vokasional dalam membentuk keterampilan dan niat kewirausahaan di kalangan pemuda. Hasil tinjauan ini menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan vokasional tidak hanya meningkatkan keterampilan praktis tetapi juga memupuk niat kewirausahaan. Temuan ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan mendalam mengenai kontribusi pendidikan vokasional terhadap pengembangan kewirausahaan pemuda dan menawarkan rekomendasi untuk kebijakan pendidikan yang lebih efektif dalam mendukung kewirausahaan pemuda.


CFA Output Using the CB-SEM Approach
Validation of the integrated progressive internship model syntax in tourism polytechnic

December 2024


15 Reads

Data & Metadata

In the era of globalization, the gap between university graduates' competencies and industry requirements remains a significant challenge. Internship programs often fail to optimally bridge the gap between academic theories and workplace practices. This study aims to validate the development of an integrated progressive internship model designed to enhance the quality of industrial internship programs for students. The model was developed based on the Four D’s framework (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate), with key syntax elements including Coaching Clinic, Input, Process, Evaluation, and Dissemination. Validation was conducted involving 8 experts through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and data analysis using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) based on Structural Equation Modeling. The findings reveal that the model demonstrates high validity and reliability, with R-Square values ranging from 0.938 to 0.939. It can be concluded that this internship model holds significant potential for implementation in reducing the gap between theory and practice while enhancing students’ preparedness to meet the demands of the workforce.

Hubungan antara Tingkat Pendapatan Keluarga dan Pola Konsumsi Pangan Masyarakat: Sebuah Literatur Review

December 2024


45 Reads


Food is a basic need that must be fulfilled before other needs, such as clothing, shelter, and education. This study aims to analyze the impact of family income on the food consumption patterns of society, specifically how income affects access to and the quality of food consumption. Through a literature review, this study examines various previous studies on the factors influencing food consumption patterns. The findings show that family income significantly affects food consumption patterns. Families with higher income tend to consume more nutritious and diverse food, while low-income families are more limited in choosing nutritious food, which may negatively impact their health. These findings highlight the importance of income increase in improving food consumption patterns. This study also aims to provide strategic recommendations for improving access to quality food for low-income families. By integrating previous findings, this research is expected to serve as a reference for policymakers in developing programs that support food security and the improvement of the nutritional quality of society, contributing to the future welfare development of the community.

Manajemen Pembelajaran TeFa untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi dan Jiwa Enterpreuner Siswa Teknik Kendaraan Ringan SMK

Juwara Jurnal Wawasan dan Aksara

Teaching factory has several main objectives, namely increasing the competence of SMK graduates, fostering entrepreneurial spirit, and producing products in the form of goods or services that have added value. This research applies a qualitative approach with a descriptive design. The data obtained were then analyzed using non-statistical descriptive methods to explore information about the implementation of teaching factory learning management to improve the competence and entrepreneurial spirit of students majoring in light vehicle engineering at SMK. The results of this study are (1) Implementation of Teaching Factory Learning Management: Comprehensive planning and a solid organizational structure are clearly visible, with implementation in accordance with industry standards. However, evaluation based on achievement analysis still needs to be improved; (2) Supporting and inhibiting factors: Infrastructure that meets industry standards and qualified teaching staff are the main supporting elements. Challenges faced include the mismatch between planning and implementation time, and limited collaboration with industry. Proposed solutions include implementing a block scheduling system and increasing partnerships with relevant industry sectors; (3) Effectiveness Evaluation: The assessment of Teaching Factory learning management shows that the program is efficient and effective in developing entrepreneurial spirit among students.

Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Teknologi Vokasi Berbasis Kewirausahaan untuk Menghadapi Revolusi Industri 4.0 di Bidang Teknologi Manufaktur

November 2024


32 Reads

Al Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan

p>Revolusi Industri 4.0 membawa transformasi signifikan dalam sektor manufaktur, dengan adopsi teknologi canggih seperti Internet of Things, analisis big data, kecerdasan buatan, dan otomasi proses produksi. Untuk menghadapi tantangan ini, lulusan pendidikan teknologi vokasi perlu dibekali tidak hanya keterampilan teknis, tetapi juga keterampilan kewirausahaan seperti kreativitas, inovasi, pengambilan risiko, dan identifikasi peluang bisnis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kurikulum pendidikan teknologi vokasi berbasis kewirausahaan yang selaras dengan tuntutan Revolusi Industri 4.0 di bidang teknologi manufaktur. Melalui studi literatur yang komprehensif, penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep kewirausahaan, dampak Revolusi Industri 4.0 pada sektor manufaktur, dan prinsip-prinsip pengembangan kurikulum yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perlunya integrasi keterampilan kewirausahaan, keterampilan teknis manufaktur, serta keterampilan terkait Industri 4.0 seperti pemrograman, analisis data, pemikiran kritis, dan kolaborasi dalam kurikulum. Implementasi kurikulum ini membutuhkan kolaborasi erat antara institusi pendidikan dan industri, serta evaluasi berkala untuk memastikan relevansinya dengan perkembangan terkini.</p

Prospek Unit Usaha Sepeda Motor Siswa Teknik Sepeda Motor SMKN 1 Lubuk Basung

November 2024


9 Reads

Al Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan

p>Penelitian ini berfokus pada prospek unit usaha sepeda motor bagi siswa Teknik Sepeda Motor di SMKN 1 Lubuk Basung. Berdasarkan observasi yang dilakukan di SMKN 1 Lubuk Basung, Sejumlah peserta didik ternyata belum memiliki gambaran yang jelas mengenai prospek usaha yang akan dijalani setelah menyelesaikan pendidikan mereka. Ini berdampak pada peningkatan angka pengangguran. Untuk itu perlu di lakukan sebuah penelitian untuk melihat prospek usaha yang akan dijalani siswa nantinya agar masalah ini dapat teratasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif dengan istrumen penelitian berupa angket skala likert yang disebar kepada siswa kelas 11 Teknik Sepeda Motor di SMK Negeri 1 Lubuk Basung. Teknik sampling menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 58 orang siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan persentase dengan cara menghitung persentase untuk setiap pernyataan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pemahaman siswa tentang manajemen dan strategi suatu usaha memperoleh persentase rata –rata 80 % dengan iterpretasi tinggi. kemudian hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan adanya prospek dan optimisme yang tinggi terhadap berbagai prospek usaha mulai dari bengkel sepeda motor hingga penjualan sepeda motor bekas. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa siswa Kelas XI teknik sepeda motor sudah memiliki pemahaman yang cukup baik tentang manajemen dan strategi dalam menjalankan suatu usaha, kemudian bengkel sepeda motor adalah prospek usaha yang paling banyak ingin dijalani oleh siswa kelas XI Teknik Sepeda Motor SMKN 1 Lubuk Basung setelah mereka tamat nantinya. </p

Figure 2. Total of articles by year (2004-2023)
Figure 3. Top ten most productive affiliations
Figure 3 presents the TreeMap visualization as an effective method for elucidating the diverse origins of academic affiliates engaged in prolific research endeavors about digital entrepreneurship in education and learning. The TreeMap visualization offers a hierarchical depiction, facilitating quick comparisons of relative productivity through area representation. Each block's size directly correlates with the volume of publications, with larger blocks denoting higher productivity. Furthermore, distinct color coding enhances user discernment between various universities, aiding in swift identification and interpretation. The University of Salento emerges as the foremost contributor, spearheading the cohort with 12 articles, thus underscoring its pivotal role in advancing research in digital entrepreneurship within an educational milieu. Noteworthy is the presence of myriad institutions spanning diverse domains, ranging from technology and business-oriented entities like the BA School of Business and Finance to domains such as agriculture and medicine, exemplified by the ICAR-National Academy of Agricultural Research Management and Wenzhou Medical University. This interdisciplinary engagement signifies a collective recognition of the pivotal role played by digital entrepreneurship across multifarious sectors, transcending the confines of business and technology alone. It underscores a burgeoning trend wherein entrepreneurial skills are seamlessly integrated with digital platforms across
The top five most productive authors
Top ten most cited article
Digital Entrepreneurship Research for Learning and Teaching in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

August 2024


146 Reads


1 Citation

TEM Journal

Digital entrepreneurship has heralded a paradigm shift in the business and educational landscape, ushering in an era where creative thinking, problem-solving, and digital prowess are integral curriculum components. This study undertakes a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of digital entrepreneurship in education, delving into its profound influence on the learning and teaching process. Leveraging the extensive Scopus database for data extraction, our research aims to offer a panoramic view of research trends, methodologies, and critical themes encapsulated within the academic literature from 2004 to 2023. Employing a meticulous bibliometric analysis methodology utilizing Bibilioshiny complemented by Microsoft Excel for metadata visualization, our study meticulously identified and analyzed 257 relevant documents. Through this analysis, we delineate the contributions of 743 authors and their affiliations while scrutinizing the geographical distribution of contributing countries. The findings of our study underscore a marked surge in interest surrounding digital entrepreneurship in education, with China emerging as the primary contributor, boasting 108 published articles in this domain. © 2024 Rahmat Fadillah et al; published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License. The article is published with Open Access at U Beyond mere statistics, our research endeavors to equip educators, curriculum developers, and policymakers with invaluable insights into the seamless integration of digital entrepreneurship into educational frameworks. Moreover, it sheds light on specific areas warranting further exploration, elucidating their potential impact on future learning paradigms.

The interview guidelines
Entrepreneurship-Based School Management Model to Increase Entrepreneurship Interest of Vocational Education Students

August 2024


68 Reads


1 Citation

Al Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan

em>The aim of this research is to determine the perceptions of students, teachers and school principals regarding the entrepreneurship-based management model that is planned to be implemented at SMK Negeri 1 Lembah Melintang and to find out their hopes regarding increasing students' interest in entrepreneurship. Qualitative research with a case study approach. Data sources were obtained through observation and interviews with students, teachers and principals of SMK Negeri 1 Lembah Melintang. The entrepreneurship-based management model is believed to be able to create a learning environment that is conducive to the development of an entrepreneurial spirit. However, commitment and support from all stakeholders is needed, including improving facilities, to achieve the goal of increasing students' interest in entrepreneurship. Implementing a comprehensive entrepreneurship-based management model along with strengthening infrastructure support can motivate students' interest in entrepreneurship at SMK Negeri 1 Lembah Melintang.</em

Figure.1. Top Ten Most Productive Affiliations Figure 1 shows a TreeMap visualization representing the number of publications, contributions, or related metrics of the various affiliations. The size of each block correlates with the number associated with each university, indicating a quantifiable measure of output or impact in a particular entrepreneurship-related area in higher education, as seen from bibliometric analysis. This graph can provide insight into entrepreneurship research's geographical and institutional distribution. For example, the "Institute for the Future of Education" takes the top spot with 21 publications, indicating that this institution may have a dedicated program or robust
Figure.3. Co-Occurrence Analysis Figure 3 is a visualization of the network analysis that illustrates various concepts related to entrepreneurship in higher education. Through this analysis, it is possible to understand how the topic "Emerging Research on Entrepreneurship in Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis" may materialize in the broader corpus of academic research. At the centre of the network, the keyword "students" dominates, indicating that students are the main focus of entrepreneurship-related research in higher education settings. This reflects the current trend where universities place the student experience at the core of entrepreneurship education, recognizing that a student-centred learning approach is critical to developing entrepreneurial qualities among the younger generation (Sioukas, 2023). The keywords "higher education" and "entrepreneurship education" are strategically linked, suggesting a close relationship between the academic environment and the delivery of entrepreneurship education. This may include curriculum, teaching methods, and institutional resources used to support entrepreneurship education. This relationship emphasizes the importance of curricular design and institutional infrastructure in developing entrepreneurship programs (Güneş, 2023; Sholeh et al., 2023). At a deeper level, keywords such as "innovation," "sustainability," and "technology transfer" are seen to be connected with "entrepreneur" and "higher education," suggesting that recent research involves an emphasis on innovation and sustainability in entrepreneurship. This suggests that universities are not only focusing on creating new businesses but also on developing ideas that can promote social and economic sustainability (Wirba, 2023). The connection between "teaching" and "entrepreneurship" highlights the critical role that lecturers and educators play in informing and inspiring aspiring entrepreneurs. Modern research explores teaching methods and pedagogical approaches that can enhance the entrepreneurial learning experience and enrich students' entrepreneurial competencies (Nájera-Sánchez et al., 2023). Buzzwords such as "education computing" and "e-learning" reflect the role of digital technologies in entrepreneurship education. New research may explore how digital platforms and
Penelitian yang sedang berkembang tentang Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi: Analisis Bibliometrik

July 2024


20 Reads

PAKAR Pendidikan

Kewirausahaan dalam pendidikan tinggi telah mendapatkan momentum sebagai subjek penelitian yang signifikan, terutama dalam dekade terakhir. Pendekatan baru terhadap pendidikan kewirausahaan di universitas mengakui bahwa tujuannya tidak hanya untuk melahirkan bisnis baru, tetapi lebih luas dalam mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir kritis, pemecahan masalah, dan inovasi mahasiswa. Dalam perekonomian global yang kompetitif ini, lulusan yang memiliki keahlian teknis semata dianggap tidak cukup. Diperlukan juga kemampuan untuk berinovasi dan beradaptasi, serta menciptakan peluang baru. Sebagai respons, universitas di seluruh dunia telah mengintegrasikan pendidikan kewirausahaan ke dalam kurikulumnya, berupaya membekali lulusan dengan pola pikir yang fleksibel dan proaktif melalui berbagai program dan inisiatif. Namun, tantangan dalam penerapan pendidikan kewirausahaan meliputi integrasi efektifnya ke dalam kurikulum yang sering kali kaku dan padat, serta kesulitan dalam mengukur dampak jangka panjang kewirausahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan memvisualisasikan publikasi terkait pembelajaran kewirausahaan dalam konteks pendidikan tinggi. Menggunakan analisis bibliometrik dengan sumber data utama dari database Scopus, penelitian ini memfokuskan pada publikasi antara tahun 2014 dan 2023, menghasilkan 799 dokumen relevan untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut menggunakan Biblioshiny untuk visualisasi data. Dari hasil penyaringan data, 265 publikasi teridentifikasi dengan pertumbuhan tahunan 13,33% dan 672 penulis yang telah berkontribusi dalam bidang ini, menandakan minat yang tinggi dari komunitas peneliti. Analisis mendalam mengungkapkan trend publikasi, penulis yang paling produktif, afiliasi yang paling aktif, dan artikel yang paling banyak dikutip, memberikan gambaran komprehensif tentang lanskap bibliometrik saat ini. Wawasan ini penting bagi para pendidik, pengembang kurikulum, dan pembuat kebijakan untuk menginformasikan pengembangan program dan kebijakan pendidikan yang lebih efektif serta menyoroti kebutuhan akan penelitian lebih lanjut tentang dampak pembelajaran kewirausahaan dan integrasi teknologi digital dalam pendidikan. Penelitian ini memberikan landasan bagi eksplorasi masa depan mengenai kewirausahaan digital, memetakan jalur untuk inovasi dan dampak positif dalam sektor pendidikan

Meta-Analisis: Efektivitas Implementasi Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan TIK Pada Mata Pelajaran Kewirausahaan

July 2024


57 Reads

PAKAR Pendidikan

Proses pembelajaran merupakan aspek mendasar yang mendukung pengembangan pengetahuan, keterampilan dan sikap di antara peserta didik. Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi digital, telah terjadi integrasi substansial alat pembelajaran berbasis TIK yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan siswa dan hasil pendidikan. Meskipun tersedia alat inovatif, banyak pendidik masih menggunakan metodologi konvensional, sering kali menghasilkan lingkungan belajar yang pasif dan kurang efektif. Studi empiris terbaru menekankan pentingya alat pendidikan berbasis TIK dalam pendidikan kewirausahaan. Alat seperti video pendidikan, modul elektronik, dan platform interaktif memfasilitasi interaksi langsung antara pendidik dan peserta didik. Selain itu, pemanfaatan simulasi dan sumber daya multimedia untuk menjelaskan konsep-konsep yang kompleks, sehingga meningkatkan pemahaman siswa. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan meta-analisis untuk menilai efikasi media pendidikan berbasis TIK dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar dalam pendidikan kewirausahaan. Dengan menganalisis data sekunder dari hasil pre-test dan post-test yang ditampilkan dalam sepuluh artikel ilmiah yang diambil dari Google Scholar, studi tersebut menghitung ukuran efek dan melakukan pengujian hipotesis melalui t-test sampel berpasangan. Analisis mengungkapkan nilai p-signifikan dua ekor sebesar 0,000, yang lebih rendah dari nilai ambang 0,05, mengarah pada penerimaan hipotesis alternatif. Akibatnya, terdapat peningkatan yang nyata dalam skor rata-rata dari 61.793 menjadi 84.131, menunjukkan peningkatan sebesar 19,5%. Temuan tersebut menunjukkan bahwa alat pendidikan berbasis TIK tidak hanya meningkatkan pembelajaran siswa tetapi secara khusus efektif dalam pendidikan kewirausahaan, dengan ukuran efek Cohen sebesar 1,58.

Citations (37)

... The collaborative potential of the portal has also been acknowledged, as it fosters knowledge sharing among teachers across different vocational colleges. Teachers have noted that the portal encourages the adoption of best practices, which can lead to a more standardized and effective approach to teaching entrepreneurship (Fadillah et al., 2024;Kesse, 2024). Overall, the Business Project Portal has proven to be a transformative tool, aligning with the needs of both students and teachers, and further research suggests its potential to enhance vocational education on a broader scale. ...


Implementing Business Project Portal in Business Management Program: A Case Study in Vocational Colleges, Malaysia
Digital Entrepreneurship Research for Learning and Teaching in Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

TEM Journal

... This approach allows students to explore and develop innovative ideas that can be implemented in various fields, not limited to the business sector. Entrepreneurship-based education plays an important role in changing students' way of thinking from simply looking for a job to creating new job opportunities (Saputri, 2024). When students are equipped with skills, they are not only better prepared to face the competitive labor market, but are also able to lead change and innovation in the community. ...

Entrepreneurship-Based School Management Model to Increase Entrepreneurship Interest of Vocational Education Students

Al Qalam Jurnal Ilmiah Keagamaan dan Kemasyarakatan

... Padang Berdasarkan analisis data yang telah dilakukan, dapat di ambil kesimpulan bahwa pada variabel Hasil Belajar berada dalam kategori rendah. Menurut Aprilia et al., (2024) terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya hasil belajar yiatu faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Menurut Sudirman et al., (2019), hasil belajar yang rendah pada pendidikan vokasional umumnya disebabkan oleh kurangnya keterampilan praktis dan disiplin belajar. ...

The Relationship Between Parental Parenting and Student Learning Outcomes In Public High School 6 Padang

Jurnal Pendidikan Tata Boga dan Teknologi

... Uyun dan Warsah (2021) menyatakan bahwa "motivasi belajar adalah keadaan psikologis yang mendorong siswa untuk belajar dengan serius, yang akhirnya membentuk cara belajar yang terstruktur, fokus, dan mampu memilah kegiatan yang dilakukan." Selain itu, motivasi belajar yang tinggi dapat mendorong minat dan semangat siswa dalam belajar, sehingga mereka termotivasi untuk melakukan perbaikan dalam cara belajar mereka dan meningkatkan hasil akademis (Annisa et al., 2024). ...

The Influence Of Learning Motivation And Independence On Learning Outcomes Of Creative Project And Entrepreneurship (PKK) Subjects In SMK N 6 Padang

Jurnal Pendidikan Tata Boga dan Teknologi

... Clasificación JEL: J01, L26, I23 1. INTRODUCCIÓN En la actualidad, el emprendimiento juvenil se ha convertido en una estrategia política para apoyar a los jóvenes en su crecimiento económico (Ardi et al., 2024), en la creación de empleo, en avances en educación e inclusión social, y en la reducción del desempleo juvenil (Nungsari et al., 2023). De esta manera, la estrategia europea 2020 promueve la iniciativa, la mentalidad emprendedora y los conocimientos necesarios para potenciar la competitividad y el crecimiento sostenible como motor de crecimiento económico y de generación de empleo (Parlamento Europeo, 2015). ...

Enhancing entrepreneurial intention through curriculum, risk awareness, optimism and opportunities: the mediating and moderating roles of entrepreneur inspiration and support
  • Citing Article
  • April 2024

Journal of Social and Economic Development

... The use of Team-Based Project Methods in the 4.0 era is very important to prepare students to enter the world of work, where collaboration and teamwork are important skills. These methods align with educational strategies that aim to equip students with relevant 21st-century skills, as they encourage collaboration, problem-solving, and technical competencies that are essential in the modern job market (Kim et al., 2019;Suyuthie et al., 2024). ...


Community practitioner: the journal of the Community Practitioners' & Health Visitors' Association

... Vocational education holds a heightened obligation compared to general education, particularly in generating graduates with professional-level skills and a strong capacity for employment. However, in reality, vocational education has not produced many professional human resources with good skills [7]. Students' low desire and excitement for studying are the cause of these issues, which have an impact on their learning outcomes [8], [9]. ...

Analysis of Job Recommendations in Vocational Education Using the Intelligent Job Matching Model

JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization

... To ensure food safety and operational efficiency, sufficient food logistics and formal collaborations are essential (Aloysius and Ananda, 2023). In addition, a mobile application could be used to make food donation more efficient and accessible from anywhere and at any time (Hidayat et al., 2024). If excess food is deemed unfit for human consumption, it may be utilised as animal feed, either in its original state or in a recycled form (Zheng et al., 2024). ...

NasiQu: Designing Mobile Applications with the Concept of Social Entrepreneurship for Hunger People Using Agile Methods

JOIV International Journal on Informatics Visualization

... Ada beberapa gejala yang umumnya mendahului penyakit degeneratif dan sering kali terabaikan, kumpulan gejala ini disebut sindrom metabolik. Beberapa kondisi yang disebut dengan sindrom metabolik yaitu kadar lipid darah yang tidak normal, tekanan darah tinggi, kadar gula darah tinggi dan obesitas (Fatihaturahmi et al., 2023). ...

Literature Review : Penyakit Degeneratif : Penyebab, Akibat, Pencegahan Dan Penanggulangan
  • Citing Article
  • June 2023

JGK Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan

... Because of this, it is not uncommon for families to experience nutritional problem. In line with the quote according to Lailani et al. (2022) that malnourished children will experience a decrease in endurance so that children are susceptible to infectious diseases, low levels of intelligence, decreased physical abilities, impaired physical and mental growth, stunting, blindness and death in children. Low education and education affect the emotional stability of couples which will have an impact on family harmony. ...

Literature Riview : Masalah Terkait Malnutrisi: Penyebab, Akibat, dan Penanggulangannya

JGK Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan