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Publications (8)

Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Sepatu di Kawasan Kota Medan
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2024


104 Reads


3 Citations


Aulia Ishak Sipahutar


Atika Wafa



Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) sepatu di Kota Medan merupakan salah satu jenis UMKM yang sangat berkaitan dengan perekonomian dari masyarakat serta menyumbangkan pertumbuhan di Kota Medan. Penelitian dilakukan pada salah satu UMKM sepatu yaitu UMKM Sepatu BJ. Bersaudara Jaya. UMKM sepatu tersebut masih memiliki kendala terhadap strategi dalam pengembangan usahanya selama terjadinya pandemi Covid- 19 pada faktor-faktor permasalahan yaitu pemasaran, modal, teknologi, sumber daya manusia, manajemen, produksi, maupun kemitraan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal dan merumuskan strategi pengembangan UMKM sepatu di Kota Medan. Metode yang digunakan adalah Analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat). Analisis SWOT bertujuan memberikan suatu panduan supaya lebih fokus melalui berbagai sudut pandang, baik dari segi kekuatan maupun kelemahan serta peluang ataupun ancaman maka diperlukan suatu strategi dalam pengembangannya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan didapatkan nilai Matriks IE (Internal Eksternal) pada titik (2,93;3,59) berada di Sel II. Serta diagram analisis SWOT pada kuadran III titik (-0,43;0,55). Berdasarkan Matriks SWOT diperoleh strategi WO (Weakness-Opportunity) dengan fokus strategi dengan meminimalkan masalah dalam internal serta memaksimalkan peluang pasar yang ada dalam pengembangan UMKM sepatu di Kota Medan


Risk Analysis of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Using the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) Method

December 2020


92 Reads


2 Citations

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

PT. Pamapersada Nusantara was established as a company engaged in the coal mining contracting business which was later also trusted to work on gold, quarry, limestone, clinker, dam construction and road construction. Many problems that occur at PT. Pamapersada Nusantara TCMM District, which are: Factory layout and irregular flow patterns, technologies that are still operated manually, risk of work accidents and occupational diseases. From these problems one problem is taken, namely the risk of work accidents and occupational diseases to be appointed as a special task and discussed and sought solutions to the problem. Based on data, it is known that most often occurs in the Plant Department, therefore prevention is needed. We use the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) method to analyze the identification and prevention of activities at the reception station sorting section. Job Safety Analysis is a method of analyzing hazards / potential hazards at each work step or work procedure and determining recommendations for improvement or how to prevent hazards so that work can be carried out safely. The purpose of this study was to assess the risk of work for workplace accidents on the employees of PT. Pamapersada Nusantara uses Job Safety Analysis (JSA).

Figure 2. Homogeneity test graph of sugar concentration factor In the comparison factor of citric acid concentration, given 0.5 grams and 1 gram citric acid concentration. The following graph results of homogeneity test on citric acid concentration factor can be seen at Figure 3.
Figure 4. Homogeneity test graph of storage time factor In Figure 1, Figure 2 dan Figure 3 it can be seen that the variance of the two factor level of each sugar concentration, citric acid concentration and storage time are homogen. The result of homogeneity factor interaction test results using Minitab software can be seen in Figure 5.
Result of measurement on orange syrup's pH
ANOVA table for 2x2x2 factorial experiment calculation results with SPSS
Multiple correlation with SPSS
The Effect of Sugar Concentration, Citric Acid Concentration and Storage Time on Orange Syrup’s pH Using Completely Randomized Factorial Design

December 2020


1,457 Reads

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

One of the company in industrial product is orange syrup company. The quality of orange syrup can determine the success rate of company. Orange fruits contain acidic pH that can affect syrup quality depending on affecting factors. By using randomized factorial design, which consists of 3 factors, each factor consists of 2 factor levels, sugar concentration (50 gr and 70 gr), citric acid concentration (0.5 gr and 1 gr) and storage time (1 day and 3 days), this experiment was conducted using the axbxc fixed model with factorial 2x2x2 and 3 replications. Based on ANOVA table, there is a significant effect given by sugar concentration, citric acid concentration and storage time with F result = 0.532 > F table = 0.476. but there are no significant effect by conducted one or two factor only. The regression equation obtained is Y = 3.317 + 0.002 X1 + (-0.717) X2 + (-0.046) X3. For the correlations coefficient this research concluded that sugar concentration with value of 0.095 gives very low effect, citric acid concentration with value of -0.813 gives very strong opposite effect and storage time with value of -0.208 gives very low opposite effect on orange syrup’s pH.

Integration of Fuzzy AHP-VIKOR Methods in Multi Criteria Decision Making: Literature Review

December 2020


135 Reads


12 Citations

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

The rapid development of the times directly demands technology, culture and social development as well. The development of this era also gives us many problems that must be resolved. One of the problems that must be faced is the problem of making decisions. There are many methods for solving decision-making problems, one of which is Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM). MCDM is a decision-making method to determine the best alternative from a number of alternatives based on certain criteria. This journal will discuss one of the MCDM methods, namely Fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS. Basically, AHP breaks up a complex and unstructured situation into its component parts. Then arrange these parts or variables in a hierarchical arrangement and give numerical values to subjective considerations about the relative importance of each variable. The fuzzy set theory used to represent uncertainty, obscurity, inaccuracy, lack of information, and partial truth. In the VIKOR method, a ranking is performed on the weight that has been obtained in the FAHP method by comparing ratings from a series of alternatives. The VIKOR method calculate the ratio positive and negative ideal solution. The VIKOR method propose a compromise solution with profit rate. This method overcomes the drawbacks of other MCDM methods.

Identifikasi: Kriteria untuk Menilai Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah

July 2020


122 Reads


2 Citations

Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri

Hirarki AHP adalah sarana terstruktur untuk memodelkan keputusan yang ada. Ini terdiri dari tujuan keseluruhan, sekelompok opsi atau alternatif untuk mencapai tujuan, dan sekelompok faktor atau kriteria yang menghubungkan alternatif dengan tujuan. Kriteria selanjutnya dapat dipecah menjadi subkriteria dan sebagainya, dalam level sebanyak yang diperlukan masalah. Kriteria untuk penilaian teknologi pengolahan air limbah ditentukan melalui review literatur yang luas. Literatur adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan tentang suatu topik. Tujuan dari makalah ini adalah untuk mengetahui kriteria yang dapat digunakan untuk penilaian teknologi pengolahan air limbah.

The Transport Management Job Description
Analysis of Employees Satisfaction Index to Management of Transportation Facilities Office Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA): Case Study

July 2019


78 Reads


2 Citations

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

In this instant era, employees have to supported by facilities which be given by company to make their work be easier Employees have to feel satisfy to facilities that be given by company so that they can have well performance and positive influence for company. PT. XYZ in ABC Area is a company that has 3 regional offices in ABC area, there are regional I, II, and III. A part of employees in regional office I have complaint with office transportfacilities which have been given. Therefore, company has to evaluate thetransport management job with employee satisfaction index measurement. Beside that, company also wants to know it as a suggestion so that it can be repaired and can improve employee work spirit.. After calculate employee responses, the results show that 73.81% is employees satisfaction index for transport management. After that, importance performance analysis is used for analyzing the attributes from transport management. Based on that analysis, There are 4 attributes from transport management are on A Quadran (First Priorities) become the first priority for company to be repaired.

Information of Six Sigma Papers in Academic
Quality Control with Six Sigma DMAIC and Grey Failure Mode Effect Anaysis (FMEA) : A Review

July 2019


541 Reads


28 Citations

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

Currently, manufacturing industry competes in improving the quality of products produced, High demand leads to competition in similar manufacturing industries. Therefore, it becomes a challenge for companies to reduce product abnormality. Six sigma is a very early and potential ideology in this field. In production sector accross the world, six sigma is well known and its asset is being taken for improving capacity and character achievement and also to make the course sturdy to quality alteration. The effectiveness of Six Sigma is well supported by anecdotal evidence. However, academic research on Six Sigma is still in its early stage. The review of Six Sigma and Grey FMEA case studies that is achieved in modest scale corporation, service company and product construction is showed in this paper.

Comparison Between Characteristics of Diffetent Decision Models
Analytical Hierarchy Process and PROMETHEE as Decision Making Tool: A Review

July 2019


108 Reads


19 Citations

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

Journal reviews published on a typical topic are called review literature. AHP is a multicriteria decision that is widely used that makes research tools in various fields and continues to improve its use, so we can conduct a review of AHP and PROMETHEE to get the most commonly studied topics. AHP provides a proven and effective way to handle complicated decision making and can assist in analyzing collected data and speeding up decision making methods and identifying and weighing criteria. Rating Organization Method Preference for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE) is an established decision support system that deals with the assessment and selection of a series of options based on several criteria with the aim of obtaining rank among them. Simultaneously can deal with qualitative and quantitative criteria. The purpose of this paper is to find out about the use of PROMETHEE and Analytical Hierarchy processes as decision-making tools.

Citations (7)

... In the digital era, marketing MSME products through digital marketing platforms is one of the most effective strategies to increase sales, promotion and competitiveness. The Medan City Government has actively encouraged the development of MSMEs as a form of support to improve the local economy (Ishak & Wafa, 2024). ...


The Influence of Government Policies on the Digital Platform Kedai Elektronik Medan (KEDAN) to Facilitate the Marketing of MSMEs Products in the City of Medan
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Sepatu di Kawasan Kota Medan


... This method is implemented with minimal equipment and financial resources and only with a careful study based on the ability of the assessment team and the experience of the interviewees (workers and operators). All people, both managers, and workers benefit from the results in proportion to their information which will increase employees' understanding of the level of risk and will have a positive effect on their behavior [6]. As a result, it will reduce critical safety and health risks [7]. ...

Risk Analysis of Occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases Using the JSA (Job Safety Analysis) Method

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... The integration process involves identifying relevant criteria specific to the context of Egyptian cities and assigning appropriate weights to these criteria based on their significance and impact. MCDM methods, like the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), the multicriteria optimization and compromise solution (VIKOR), and others, can be used to look at and combine data that help evaluate a city's competitiveness (Abdel-Basset et al. 2022;Chiu 2021;Ishak et al. 2020). The VIKOR method is used to rank alternatives when considering multiple conflicting criteria. ...

Integration of Fuzzy AHP-VIKOR Methods in Multi Criteria Decision Making: Literature Review

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... Namun, organisasi juga harus mempertimbangkan bahwa teknologi terus berkembang dan akan selalu ada teknologi baru yang muncul di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, organisasi harus tetap beradaptasi dan memperbarui teknologi mereka agar tetap efektif dan mengikuti tren terbaru (Ishak, 2020 ). ...

Identifikasi: Kriteria untuk Menilai Teknologi Pengolahan Air Limbah

Jurnal Sistem Teknik Industri

... The method is an easy-to-understand management insight and decision-making direction for criteria or factors in a four-quadrant diagram. IPA is commonly used for satisfaction evaluation; the model is intuitive and clear (58,59), which facilitates nurse managers to quickly understand the current situation and make improvements. Until now, the method has been applied in different areas, such as higher education (60), service quality (61), and information systems (62). ...

Analysis of Employees Satisfaction Index to Management of Transportation Facilities Office Using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA): Case Study

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... Any other MCDM method can be used for the validation of AHP solution. In this regard, this paper selected PROMETHEE method which is also a prominent MCDM method in the decision sciences [14]. AHP method shows the compensatory decision-making behavior. ...

Analytical Hierarchy Process and PROMETHEE as Decision Making Tool: A Review

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering

... Based on the research conducted by Isaac using the QCC method combined with Six Sigma, the rate of rejects was reduced, but it required qualified human resources to implement Six Sigma. Additionally, real commitment within the organization was needed for successful implementation (Ishak et al., 2019). ...

Quality Control with Six Sigma DMAIC and Grey Failure Mode Effect Anaysis (FMEA) : A Review

IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering