Arni S. R. Srinivasa Rao’s research while affiliated with Augusta University and other places

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Publications (89)

A 3D ball B(z0,rA)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$B(z_{0},r_{A})$$\end{document} within a complex plane bundle G
a A Jordan curve on 3D ball B(z0,rA)\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$B(z_{0},r_{A})$$\end{document} within a complex plane bundle G, b Possibility of multiple Jordan curves on 3D ball in G
A Jordan Curve Theorem on a 3D Ball Through Brownian Motion
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

September 2024


25 Reads

Complex Analysis and Operator Theory

Arni S. R. Srinivasa Rao


The Jordan curve theorem states that any simple closed curve in 3D space divides the space into two regions, an interior and an exterior. In this article, we prove the Jordan curve theorem on the boundary of a 3D ball that is inserted in a complex plane bundle. To do so, we make use of the Brownian motion principle, which is a continuous-time and continuous-state stochastic process. We begin by selecting a random point on an arbitrarily chosen complex plane within a bundle G and on the boundary of the 3D ball considered. Using the two-step random process developed on complex planes earlier by Srinivasa Rao (Multilevel contours on bundles of complex planes, 2022), we draw a contour from the initial point to the next point on this plane. We then continue this process until we finish the Jordan curve that connects points on the boundary of a ball within G.

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CONSORT diagram.
Percent severe outcomes in nasal irrigation group compared to CDC dataset. Percent of participants >55 in the prospective nasal irrigation group who were hospitalized compared to the number of patients age >50 in the CDC National Dataset reported hospitalized, or with death reported if hospitalization information was not reported or missing.
All participants with completed intake surveys (n = 53).
Outcomes by irrigant and unit.
Rapid initiation of nasal saline irrigation to reduce severity in high-risk COVID+ outpatients

June 2024


205 Reads


21 Citations


Kyle R Schwartz





Objective To determine whether initiating saline nasal irrigation after COVID-19 diagnosis reduces hospitalization and death in high-risk outpatients compared with observational controls, and if irrigant composition impacts severity. Methods Participants 55 and older were enrolled within 24 hours of a + PCR COVID-19 test between September 24 and December 21, 2020. Among 826 screened, 79 participants were enrolled and randomly assigned to add 2.5 mL povidone-iodine 10% or 2.5 mL sodium bicarbonate to 240 mL of isotonic nasal irrigation twice daily for 14 days. The primary outcome was hospitalization or death from COVID-19 within 28 days of enrollment by daily self-report confirmed with phone calls and hospital records, compared to the CDC Surveillance Dataset covering the same time. Secondary outcomes compared symptom resolution by irrigant additive. Results Seventy-nine high-risk participants were enrolled (mean [SD] age, 64 [8] years; 36 [46%] women; 71% Non-Hispanic White), with mean BMI 30.3. Analyzed by intention-to-treat, by day 28, COVID-19 symptoms resulted in one ED visit and no hospitalizations in 42 irrigating with alkalinization, one hospitalization of 37 in the povidone-iodine group, (1.27%) and no deaths. Of nearly three million CDC cases, 9.47% were known to be hospitalized, with an additional 1.5% mortality in those without hospitalization data. Age, sex, and percentage with pre-existing conditions did not significantly differ by exact binomial test from the CDC dataset, while reported race and hospitalization rate did. The total risk of hospitalization or death (11%) was 8.57 times that of enrolled nasal irrigation participants (SE = 2.74; P = .006). Sixty-two participants completed daily surveys (78%), averaging 1.8 irrigations/day. Eleven reported irrigation-related complaints and four discontinued use. Symptom resolution was more likely for those reporting twice daily irrigation (X² = 8.728, P = .0031) regardless of additive. Conclusion SARS-CoV-2+ participants initiating nasal irrigation were over 8 times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate.

Stationary status of discrete and continuous age-structured population models

August 2023


12 Reads


1 Citation

Mathematical Biosciences

From Leonhard Euler to Alfred Lotka and in recent years understanding the stationary process of the human population has been of central interest to scientists. Population reproductive measure NRR (net reproductive rate) has been widely associated with measuring the status of population stationarity and it is also included as one of the measures in the millennium development goals.This article argues how the partition theorem-based approach provides more up-to-date and timely measures to find the status of the population stationarity of a country better than the NRR-based approach. We question the timeliness of the value of NRR in deciding the stationary process of the country. We prove associated theorems on discrete and continuous age distributions and derive measurable functional properties. The partitioning metric captures the underlying age structure dynamic of populations at or near stationarity. As the population growth rates for an ever-increasing number of countries trend towards replacement levels and below, new demographic concepts and metrics are needed to better characterize this emerging global demography.

Markov Chain Models for Cardiac Rhythm Dynamics in Patients Undergoing Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

March 2023


40 Reads

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

We have developed a novel Markov Chain modeling system that considers vectors of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) by their AF status over a period of time. Our model examines the impact of catheter ablation of AF upon the dynamics of a patient's AF status and their potential return to sinus rhythm. We prove several theorems to determine the probabilities of patients achieving sinus rhythm or progressing to permanent AF. Additionally, we observed aggregation of patients within the paroxysmal AF state in simulation. The aggregating property of Markov chains illustrated the potential benefits of catheter ablation on healthcare resource allocation.

Fig. 3 Average number of years served and years remaining from 1800 through 2020 in a the U.S. House (top); and b the U.S. Senate. Data on "years remaining" are truncated after 1980 since many of Senator's were not yet completed
Fig. 4 Distributions of years served and years remaining for U.S. Senators normalized by number in selected years for the U.S. House (top panels) and Senate (bottom panels)
Fig. 8 Distributions of years served and years remaining in the U.S. House and Senate in 10-year intervals from 1800 through 1980. The red exponential curves were generated using the inverse of the mean-of-means for the nine distributions shown in green for the Congresses during the twentieth century, 1900 to 1980. Rate parameter values for the growth and senescence exponents of the House were 0.141 and 0.136, respectively, and for the Senate were 0.111 and 0.101, respectively
Fig. 9 Distribution of years served and years remaining by party affiliation for U.S. Senators in the 1980 U.S. Senate: Blue = 59 Democrats (D); Red = 41 Republicans (R). Note the average years served ( c ) and remaining ( g ) for members of each party. The light red and light blue-shaded regions on either side depict the proportion of the 100-senate seats filled by predecessors (on left) and successors (or right)
Congressional Symmetry: Years Remaining Mirror Years Served in the U.S. House and Senate

February 2023


46 Reads


2 Citations


Our overarching goal in this paper was to both test and identify applications for a fundamental theorem of replacement-level populations known as the Stationary Population Identity (SPI), a mathematical model that equates the fraction of a population age x and the fraction with x years to live. Since true stationarity is virtually non-existent in human populations as well as in populations of non-human species, we used historical data on the memberships in both chambers of the U.S. Congress as populations. We conceived their fixed numbers (e.g., 100 Senators; 435 Representatives) as stationary populations, and their years served and years remaining as the equivalent of life lived and life remaining. Our main result was the affirmation of the mathematical prediction—i.e., the robust symmetry of years served and years remaining in Congress over the approximately 230 years of its existence (1789–2022). A number of applications emerged from this regularity and the distributional patterns therein including (1) new metrics such as Congressional half-life and other quantiles (e.g., 95% turnover); (2) predictability of the distribution of member’s years remaining; (3) the extraordinary information content of a single number—the mean number of years served [i.e., derive birth ( b ) and death ( d ) rates; use of d as exponential rate parameter for model life tables]; (4) the concept of and metrics associated with period-specific populations (Congress); (5) Congressional life cycle concept with Formation, Growth, Senescence and Extinction Phases; and (6) longitudinal party transition rates for 100% Life Cycle turnover (Democrat/Republican), i.e., each seat from predecessor party-to-incumbent party and from incumbent party-to-successor party. Although our focus is on the use of historical data for Congressional members, we believe that most of the results are general and thus both relevant and applicable to all types of stationary or quasi-stationary populations including to the future world of zero population growth (ZPG).

Citations (42)

... The number of newborn individuals is related to the fertility of female individuals, which is determined by the age of females. To better capture this aspect, age-dependence has been introduced into certain dynamical systems to model the dynamic variations in the number of newborn individuals, etc (see, e.g., [15][16][17][18]). Zhang et al. [19] explored the effects of age-dependence in a stochastic population model and analyzed the system's exponential stability. ...


Convergence Rates of Partial Truncated Numerical Algorithm for Stochastic Age-Dependent Cooperative Lotka–Volterra System
Stationary status of discrete and continuous age-structured population models
  • Citing Article
  • August 2023

Mathematical Biosciences

... Although some high income countries have made significant achievements in controlling the HIV/AIDS epidemic, this condition is expanding in LMICs [24]. It is thus a serious issue drawing the attention of researchers and healthcare providers. ...

Strengthening India’s Response to HIV/AIDS Epidemic Through Strategic Planning, Innovative Financing, and Mathematical Modeling: Key Achievements over the Last 3 Decades

Journal of the Indian Institute of Science

... The study by Baxter et al. [61] explored whether initiating saline nasal irrigation after COVID-19 diagnosis reduces hospitalization and death in high-risk outpatients compared with observational controls. They found that SARS-CoV-2+ participants initiating nasal irrigation were over 8 times less likely to be hospitalized than the national rate. ...

Rapid initiation of nasal saline irrigation to reduce severity in high-risk COVID+ outpatients

... This is particularly topical in the context of the current COVID-19 epidemic, where NSIs have been advocated as a method of improving nasal health and potentially reducing infection risk. 45 A recent scoping review identified 10 studies reporting on the proteomics of nasal secretions but the number of proteins identified was limited (range 12-366, perhaps due to older methods of mass spectrometry). 19 Using contemporary proteomic methodology and analysis techniques this study identified 1865 unique proteins from minimally manipulated nasal mucous of healthy people, to our knowledge, the largest number of proteins ever identified within nasal mucous. ...

Rapid initiation of nasal saline irrigation: hospitalizations in COVID-19 patients randomized to alkalinization or povidone-iodine compared to a national dataset

... The application of intelligent and clever innovations, like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data mining, can be used as an assistance within the early distinguishing proof of potential cases of COVID-19 [10]. Data mining is the complex procedure of extracting valuable information from databases, involving discovering implicit, previously undisclosed, and potentially beneficial knowledge. ...

Better Hybrid Systems for Disease Detections and Early Predictions
  • Citing Article
  • May 2021

Clinical Infectious Diseases

... The effects of public health and social measures, such as implementation of MCOs, on the spread of COVID-19 can be assessed by measuring changes in case incidence and the reproduction rate at a particular time point [35]. This is useful to understand the spread of an epidemic in the context of revised pandemic preparedness and mitigation plans [36]. According to a recent study, MCO enforcement was able to reduce the time-varying reproduction rate of COVID-19 cases by up to 77.1% and 47.0% during the second and third waves, respectively [37]. ...

Ground Reality Versus Model-Based Computation of Basic Reproductive Numbers in Epidemics
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

... This unforeseen onset of the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated rapid expansion of telehealth as part of healthcare delivery. While telehealth was offered as one option in some healthcare delivery systems prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, others relied mostly or only on face-to-face communication [2,3]. The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, put an added burden on these facilities by causing them to shift all or most of their face-to-face appointments to telehealth [4,5]. ...

1010. Effective Management of HIV in Rural Georgia Using Telemedicine

Open Forum Infectious Diseases