Armin Heinzl’s research while affiliated with Mannheim University of Applied Sciences and other places

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Publications (291)

Comparison of acute stroke care pathways. Patient pathways upon entering the model. A mobile stroke unit (MSU) is deployed when a stroke is suspected at dispatch and it is available. MSU‐based care is compared with conventional care by emergency medical services. The number of patients is defined by the population in the catchment zone and incidence rates. Improvement of outcomes is only assumed for ischemic stroke patients treated by MSU. Therefore, a time horizon of 5 years was simulated for these patients, including quality‐adjusted life years and costs of long‐term care. EMS, emergency medical services; QALY, quality‐adjusted life year; TIA, transient ischemic attack.
Cost‐effectiveness simulation for different operating modes. For 750,000 inhabitants, incremental cost‐effectiveness ratios (ICERs) of 12 different operating modes were computed from the healthcare perspective in relation to mobile stroke unit (MSU) stroke coverage. There are substantial differences in economic performance of the models, suggesting that the 16 h/7 day and 12 h/7 day models offer higher coverage at lower ICERs, and that 8 h coverage models lead to comparably poor coverage at relatively higher costs.
Mobile stroke unit (MSU) short‐term costs and incremental cost‐effectiveness ratios (ICERs) according to catchment zone size. Short‐term costs of MSU deployment per ischemic stroke patient and corresponding ICERs from the healthcare perspective of 5‐year modeling are displayed for varying catchment zone populations for an 8 h/7 day model. Higher catchment zone population leads to lower costs per patient and lower ICERs. Optimistic and pessimistic scenarios display a range of possible cost outcomes.
Probabilistic sensitivity analyses.The figure panel shows the results of the probabilistic sensitivity analysis of the base case based on 10,000 Monte Carlo iterations based on probability distributions of the input parameters. The cost‐effectiveness plane demonstrates the distribution of the iterations below (green) and above (red) an incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €47,901 per ICER, for a healthcare system perspective (a) and societal perspective (c). Corresponding acceptability curves for varying willingness‐to‐pay thresholds (b and d). EMS, emergency medical services; MSU, mobile stroke unit; QALY, quality‐adjusted life year.
Mobile stroke units services in Germany: A cost‐effectiveness modeling perspective on catchment zones, operating modes, and staffing
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


43 Reads






Fabian Tollens

Background and Purpose Investigating the cost‐effectiveness of future mobile stroke unit (MSU) services with respect to local idiosyncrasies is essential for enabling large‐scale implementation of MSU services. The aim of this study was to assess the cost‐effectiveness for varying urban German settings and modes of operation. Methods Costs of different operating times together with different personnel configurations were simulated. Different possible catchment zones, ischemic stroke incidence, circadian distribution, rates of alternative diagnoses, as well as missed cases were incorporated to model case coverage and patient numbers. Based on internationally reported clinical outcomes of MSUs, a 5‐year Markov model was applied to analyze the cost‐effectiveness for the different program setups. Results Compared with standard stroke care, MSUs achieved an additional 0.06 quality‐adjusted life years (QALYs) over a 5‐year time horizon. Assuming a catchment zone of 750,000 inhabitants and 8 h/7 day operation resulted in an incremental cost‐effectiveness ratio (ICER) of €37,182 per QALY from a societal perspective and €45,104 per QALY from a healthcare perspective. Lower ICERs were possible when coverage was expanded to 16 h service on 7 days per week and larger populations. Sensitivity analyses revealed that missing ischemic strokes significantly deteriorated economic performance of MSU. Conclusions Major determinants of cost‐effectiveness should be addressed when setting up novel MSU programs. Catchment zones of more than 500,000–700,000 inhabitants and operating times of at least 12–16 h per day, 7 days per week could enable the most cost‐effective MSU services in the German healthcare system.


Micro-randomized trials in Information Systems research: An experimental method for advancing knowledge about our dynamic and digitalized world

September 2024


10 Reads

Journal of Information Technology

The increasing ubiquity of individualized digital devices expands the scope of Information Systems (IS) research and offers novel opportunities for investigating and influencing individuals’ intentions, cognitions, and behavior. Based on these technological advancements, behavioral science researchers have started to develop experimental methods that allow for rigorously investigating dynamic phenomena in our digitalized world. We introduce an experimental design, called a micro-randomized trial (MRT), and propose that it is widely applicable in IS research for examining complex and dynamic IS research phenomena. MRTs allow for analyzing causalities and testing theories with dynamic components by considering how time-varying personal and contextual factors influence an experimental treatment’s efficacy over time. The resulting insights can be leveraged to refine theories, improve IS design, influence users’ cognitions and intentions, and steer user behavior. This paper motivates the relevance of the MRT experimental design for IS research, equips interested IS researchers with the required knowledge to conduct MRTs, and demonstrates how MRTs can be deployed to advance IS knowledge by achieving research goals that until now, given the standard IS method assortment, could not be properly addressed.

Innovating with AI: Exploring the Impact of Generative AI on Creative Processes

August 2024


310 Reads

Academy of Management Proceedings

Citations (63)

... More broadly speaking, the application of RPA has an overall effect on the overarching socio-technical system. which can be understood in terms of task, human, technology, and structure (Heinzl et al. 2024). The deployment of RPA can be considered a socio-technical change which impacts all four components. ...


Robotic process automation – research impulses from the BPM 2023 panel discussion
Wirtschaftsinformatik: Einführung und Grundlegung
  • Citing Book
  • January 2024

... Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit werden die zwei großen Veränderungsbeschleuniger der kommenden Jahre sein und dazu führen, dass sich die Regeln für die Unternehmenswelt ändern. Somit ist digitale Transformation weit mehr als die Digitalisierung von bestehenden Prozessen in einem Unternehmen (Staudt 2019). Digitale Transformation bedeutet, dass Unternehmen ihre Unternehmensstrategie und Denkweise hinterfragen und ggf. ...

Digitalisierung und digitale Transformation
  • Citing Chapter
  • May 2024

... Studying the interaction between workers and digital AA is crucial due to their growing integration across various work environments. Their versatility and widespread application in transportation, healthcare, customer service, sales and knowledge work underscore their potential impact on processes and decision-making in different workplaces (Jussupow et al., 2024;Vanneste and Puranam, 2024). ...

An Integrative Perspective on Algorithm Aversion and Appreciation in Decision-Making
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

MIS Quarterly

... While this simulation and the subsequent de novo implementation of an MSU service in the city of Mannheim are the first steps in this endeavor, whose financial feasibility has already been demonstrated [10], the meaningful expansion of the catchment area will subsequently follow. Our findings suggest that MSU utilization is generally scalable to and beneficial for novel scenarios beyond those already established, which in turn will deliver important lessons for the continuous refinement of MSU-related organizational and procedural aspects. ...

Establishing an MSU service in a medium-sized German urban area—clinical and economic considerations

... However, in the wake of digitization and the COVID-19 pandemic, remote working via technology-mediated conferencing has emerged as the new status quo for collaboration in new product development (Marion & Fixson, 2021). While many companies rely on VC platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, these tools often lead to unintended adverse consequences like Zoom fatigue (i.e., exhaustion due to nonverbal overload), low participation within meetings (Bailenson, 2021;Seitz et al., 2024), and low creativity (Brucks & Levav, 2022). This, in turn, poses a risk to firm performance, as high creativity is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge through innovativeness (Im & Workman, 2004). ...

The Impact of Video Meeting Systems on Psychological User States: a State-of-the-Art Review
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

... The development perspective on scaling includes computational resources, infrastructure (such as development workbench or data storage and extraction tools), data governance and strategy, technical skills and roles, security, as well as D&A Page 5787 technology management aspects (Kreuzberger et al. 2022;Grebe et al. 2023). ...

Artificial intelligence: how leading companies define use cases, scale-up utilization, and realize value

Informatik Spektrum

... In addition to skeptical uses, which focus on comparatively basic aspects such as research and text-based activities, patterns such as the optimistic or enthusiastic frames seem to actively aim to integrate the technology into everyday life, which is also confirmed by the statement that GenAI is attributed the ability to perform many tasks and is seen as an assistant or a replacement. This coincides with approaches to HI described by Dellermann et al. (2019) and represents a possible team-AI scenario described by Zercher et al. (2023). ...

When AI joins the Team: A Literature Review on Intragroup Processes and their Effect on Team Performance in Team-AI Collaboration

... Manipulation thus operates at the partnership level. In support of this idea, prior research has shown that platform owners can bend ecosystem rules and standards to achieve desirable partnership-level results (Lueker, Foerderer, & Heinzl, 2018). For example, a platform owner can repurpose its partner program to grant specific complementors preferential access to resources (Huber et al., 2017). ...

App Superstars: Are High-Status Complementors a Sustained Source of Innovation in Platform
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • January 2018

... However, implementing personalization in a way that respects user privacy and avoids intrusive behaviour is an ongoing challenge. Balancing the system's adaptability with respect for user autonomy and data security is crucial for building trust and ensuring long-term user engagement with multimodal systems [196][197][198][199]. Table 5 recaps the critical challenges discussed in this section. ...

Designing User-Centric Explanations for Medical Imaging with Informed Machine Learning
  • Citing Chapter
  • May 2023

Lecture Notes in Computer Science

... Table 6 indicates CFA results and thresholds. As all calculated values are lower than boundary levels (Byrne, 2011;Amirul et al., 2022;Kude et al., 2023), the generated factor structure model in this study was considered a good fit. ...

How deadline orientation and architectural modularity influence software quality and job satisfaction
  • Citing Article
  • February 2023

Journal of Operations Management