Aristoula Georgiadou’s research while affiliated with William Penn University and other places

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Publications (14)

Lucian's Science Fiction Novel "True Histories": Interpretation and Commentary
  • Article

January 1999


24 Reads


27 Citations

Classical World


David H. J. Larmour


Aristoula Georgiadou

Citations (3)

... GEORGIADOU y LARMOUR (1994) 1452. 28 HELM (1927) col. ...


Tucídides y el corpus Lucianeum: Cómo hay que escribir historia
Lucían and Historiography: ‘De Historia Conscribenda’ and ‘Verae Historiae’
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 1993

... It does not further our understanding of the Libyan myth in Or. 5, although as a matter of interest we should note that Dio mentions the same idea in his analogy of the birds in Or. 12.8, but does not refer to it as a Libyan myth. For a comparison of Dio's story with Lucian (VH 1. [6][7][8][9], see Georgiadou and Larmour (1997). Lucian appears to have been familiar with Dio's story, but treats it differently. ...

Lucian's Vine-Women (VH 1,6-9) and Dio's Libyan Women (Orat. 5): Variations on a Theme
  • Citing Article
  • January 1997


... Ovo delo nastalo je kao odgovor na nauku tog vremena, tokom kojeg su nastajala mnoga istoriografska i filozofska dela koja su priznavana kao relevantna i tačna, a koja su zapravo sadržala mnoge izmišljene i netačne podatke. Sam naslov dela ukazuje na kritički i satirični stav autora, koji kroz svoj apsurdni narativ opisuje najneverovatnije događaje u formi autobiografskog putopisa (Georgiadou, Larmour, 1998). U priči Lukijan putuje na Mesec, susreće se sa raznim vanzemaljskim bićima, upoznaje društvo u kojem nema žena i opisuje način na koji ono funkcioniše. ...

Lucian's Science Fiction Novel "True Histories": Interpretation and Commentary
  • Citing Article
  • January 1999

Classical World