Ari Widodo’s research while affiliated with Indonesia University of Education and other places

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Publications (5)

Demographic Data of the Research Sample
Summary of the Descriptive Analysis Results
Anova Two-Way Test Results
Identification of Students’ Science Anxiety: Do Grade Level and Gender Affect It?
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


10 Reads

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Pohaci Puspa Nuwangi



Ari Widodo




Fadjrina Hapsari Woro Ayuningbudi

This study aims to identify the level of junior high school students' science anxiety, determine the effect of the three indicators of science anxiety on the level of science anxiety, and explore the differences between students' science anxiety based on class and gender. The study was conducted descriptively quantitatively through a survey of 205 junior high school students in Bandung Raya, using the Science Anxiety Questionnaire instrument which was developed multidimensionally by measuring students' learning anxiety, test anxiety, and class anxiety. Parametric statistical tests stated that the three indicators predicted students' science anxiety, students' test anxiety was higher than other anxieties, there was no significant difference in science anxiety between females and males, and there was a significant difference in science anxiety between students in grades VII, VIII, and IX.


Professional Development Program on Innovative Teaching Strategies for Novice Science Teachers

December 2024


27 Reads

Pedagogia Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

This study aimed to provide professional development to beginner teachers for modifying science teaching strategies innovatively.The program involved 15 primary teachers with diverse genders, ages, educational backgrounds, and teaching experience. The program was developed through a four-stage training model: reflection, identification, analysis, and modification. The study assessed participants' understanding of innovative science teaching through a pre-test, post-test, journals, worksheets, and lesson plans with data analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. Results showed that most teachers (73.3%) could participate in the training stages optimally, which increased their competence in modifying innovative science teaching strategies. However, some teachers needed help during the training process, which was influenced by factors such as educational background and teaching experience. The study found that a teacher’s educational background and teaching experience positively influence their competence, with better alignment and more experience enhancing pedagogical skills. A training program fostered lifelong learning, motivating teachers to create development plans. Teachers also formed learning communities through social media, enhancing collaboration and professional growth.

Diagnosing Elementary School Students' Representation of Light Concept Through the Five-tier Diagnostic Test

June 2024


12 Reads

International Journal of Elementary Education

Elementary school students do not yet have a scientific understanding of light. For example, they represent vision as the process of objects being hit by light and the eye being automatically able to see them. Their verbal and visual representations present irrelevance to scientific beliefs. Students need to understand science more comprehensively through multiple-representation learning. The relevant diagnostic tests are needed to find out student multiple-representation profiles. However, diagnostic tests identifying multiple-representation profiles of elementary school students are still rare. This paper aims to communicate the results of development, validity, and reliability, as well as trials of the five-tier diagnostic test (5TDT) in measuring multiple representations of elementary school students about light concepts. The 5TDT is a developed version of the four-tier where there are answer choices and reasons and the level of student confidence in answering both. A package of 15 questions was developed, tested for readability by elementary school teachers and students, and then piloted. Two hundred twenty-seven elementary school students who had studied the concept of light attempted this test. Internal validity was submitted to five experts and showed valid results with several improvement notes. Meanwhile, the results of statistical tests on external validity and reliability show that the five-tier diagnostic test is valid and reliable. The five-tier diagnostic test can measure the diversity of students' representation of their ideas regarding the light concept with more precision. It is shown that they are dominating the Lack of Representation (LOR) level of 39% and Misconception (MIS) level of 31%.


July 2023


53 Reads

Jurnal Edukasi

ABSTRAK Pada pembelajaran IPA pertanyaan merupakan salah satu hal yang sangat penting, oleh karena itu profil pertanyaan yang diajukan guru menjadi sesuat yang sangat penting pula, karena melalui pertanyaan kemampuan berpikir siswa dapat dikembangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk inendeskripsikan profi pertanyaan kognitif gum pada pembelajaran IPA (RPP, Proses Pembelajaran da Evaluasi ulangan harian). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif, yang bertujuan mendeskripsikan profil pertanyaan kogniti gum di Kelas V pada Mated Pokok Air yang dilakukan di 16 Sekolah Dasar d Kota Sumedang. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data penelitian adalah video proses pembelajaran IPA, dokumen RPP, dokumen evaluasi ulangan harian dan dokumen angket profil gum. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan mmus statistik sederhana, sehingga diperoleh persentase setiap profil pertanyaan kategori jenjang pertanyaan kognitif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil pertanyaan dalam RPP di Sekolah Dasar Kota Sumedang pada Materi pokok air distribusi jenjang pertanyaan kognitifhya belum merata, kemunculan pertanyaan yang menuntut siswa untuk berpikir tingkat tinggi jumlahnya lebih besar daripada pertanyaan yang menuntut siswa untuk berpikir tingkat rendah. Profil pertanyaan kognitif pada proses pembelajaran IPA di Sekolah Dasar di Kota Sumedang pada Materi pokok air, diketahui gum lebih banyak mengajukan pertanyaan yang menuntut siswa untuk berpikir tingkat rendah daripada pertanyaan yang menuntut siswa untu berpikir tingkat tinggi, dan hanya ada lima kategori pertanyaan yang muncul. Hasil analisis terhadap profil gum menunjukkan bahwa jenis kelamin, pengalaman mengajar, tingkat pendidikan, status gum, dan program pelatihan bertanya gum dapat berpcngaruh terhadap kemunculan jenjang pertanyaan kognitif. Profil pertanyaan kognitif dalam Evaluasi ulangan harian di Sekolah Dasar Kota Sumedang pada Materi pokok air, secara umum terdapat dua jenis tes, yaitu tes hasil belajar bentuk obyektif (soal pilihan ganda dan soal isian) dan tes hasil belajar bentuk uraian (soal uraian). Pada analisis kategori jenjang pertanyaan kognitif distribusi pertanyaanya didominasi oleh pertanyaan berpikir tingkat tinggi. Berdasarkan analisis, secara umum profil pertanyaan kognitif gum temyata hasilnya masih belum merata dan rnasih didominasi oleh pertanyaan yang hanya menyentuh domain kognitif terendah, untuk itu disarankan adanya program pelatihan terpadu dan berbagai fasilitas penunjang sebagai pedoman dalam menyusun RPP, pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dan evaluasi pembelajaran IPA.

A Thematic Review on Exploring Ethnoscience in Science Education: A Case in Indonesia

December 2021


271 Reads


8 Citations

Tadris Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah

This study aims to review the ethnoscience studies in science education in Indonesia thematically. From 2010 to 2020, the databases contained 71 relevant articles of ethnoscience studies. These studies belonged to the content analysis theme parameters of method/design, sample, data collection, data analysis, topic, result, recommendation, and location. The results indicated that most of the ethnoscience studies explored the effect of integrating ethnoscience with the lessons to investigate students' achievement and attitudes towards science. Correspondingly, the investigated studies mostly used Research and Development (R & D) and experimental research design. The preferred data collecting techniques were tests (multiple-choice/description), questionnaires, and observation. Moreover, seventh and eighth graders of junior high school commonly employed the argumentation activities in physics, chemistry, biology, and basic concept of science topics. This study suggests the teachers employ different methods (e.g., ethnoscience) to improve concept understanding, problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and motivation in learning science from the primary school level. Furthermore, resources from cultural activities in Indonesia are beneficial for integrating ethnoscience in learning.

Citations (1)

... (19) This study used the review process adopted according to Pahlevan-Sharif et al. (20) , which included the following steps: (1) formulating research questions; (2) determining the criteria for article review (table.1); (3) searching for articles in various databases (Google Scholar and Scopus) using publish or perish by typing the keywords "ethnoscience and" "elementary school"; (4) article coding using Paper Classification Form (PCF); (5) identifying patterns across all articles; and (6) synthesizing. The collected data is analyzed using descriptive statistics such as presenting data in the form of percentages, tables, graphs, and diagrams. ...


Bridging Cultures in the Classroom: A Systematic Literature Review of Ethnoscience Research in Indonesian Elementary Science Education
A Thematic Review on Exploring Ethnoscience in Science Education: A Case in Indonesia

Tadris Jurnal Keguruan dan Ilmu Tarbiyah