January 2022
9 Reads
Journal of Ayurveda
Introduction: Modern gerontologist accepted aging as a natural phenomenon which cannot be avoided. In Ayurveda, it is mentioned as Jara and believed as Svabhavika Vyadhi. There are various factors mentioned in Ayurveda which accelerates the process of aging and results in Akalaja jara. The sign of aging reflects the first on the skin in the third decade of life. The present study was intended to identify the potential factors that may accelerate the process of aging in the context of food habits, with special reference to skin health. Methods: A Nidanatmaka study was conducted at NIA Jaipur in which 492 participants aging between 30 and 65 years, having signs of aging were included after informed consent, and the data were collected to measure the prevalence of the etiological factors of early aging by incorporating a well-designed questionnaire. Results: Majority of participants were of the age group 30–39 years (64.43%), belong to middle socioeconomic class (66.05%) and urban habitat (95.32%) and having graduate level (24.79%) of education. Majority of participants were female (61.78%), married (85.97%), and homemakers (40.44%). The majority of the participants reported excessive intake of Guru Ahara (46.13%), Snigdha Ahara (59.75%), and Ushṇa Ahara (56.30%) sometimes, while rare intake of Ati Shita Ahara (54.47%) was reported in majority of participants. Most of the participants reported Lavaṇa as dominant Rasa (49.59%) and practicing Viṣamasana (50.20%). Conclusion: These data advocate the fact that faulty food habits contribute toward accelerated intrinsic aging which reflects on skin health.