Anwyn Apedaile’s research while affiliated with QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute and other places

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Publications (20)

Table 1 MommeD mutants, causative mutations and disease association
Figure 2 (See legend on next page.)
Figure 3 (See legend on next page.)
Figure 6 (See legend on next page.)
An ENU mutagenesis/whole exome deep sequencing pipeline enables rapid identification of causative mutations in mice with defects in epigenetic gene silencing. A schematic overview of the ENU mutagenesis gene discovery pipeline is presented. The major components of the screen are described in the figure. Briefly, male FVB/NJ mice carrying an epigenetically sensitive GFP transgene (Line3) were treated with ENU and mated with female Line3 mice. Offspring were screened for a shift in the percentage of GFP expressing erythrocytes using flow cytometry. Putative mutants were mated with Line3 mice for four generations to test for heritability and reproducibility of the GFP expression, and to reduce the number of non-causative ENU mutations within the genomes. Linkage analysis was carried out on the offspring from two generations of backcrosses between putative mutants and C57BL/6J mice, which also carry the GFP transgene (Line3C). Causative mutations were identified by whole exome deep sequencing, or gene candidate sequencing on individuals that had been maintained on the Line3 background for at least seven generations. FACS, fluorescence-activated cell sorting.


An ENU mutagenesis screen identifies novel and known genes involved in epigenetic processes in the mouse
  • Article
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September 2013


423 Reads


80 Citations

Genome Biology

Lucia Daxinger


Sarah K Harten


Harald Oey




Emma Whitelaw

We have used a sensitized ENU mutagenesis screen to produce mouse lines that carry mutations in genes required for epigenetic regulation. We call these lines Modifiers of murine metastable epialleles (Mommes). We report a basic molecular and phenotypic characterization for twenty of the Momme mouse lines, and in each case we also identify the causative mutation. Three of the lines carry a mutation in a novel epigenetic modifier, Rearranged L-myc fusion (Rlf), and one gene, Rap-interacting factor 1 (Rif1), has not previously been reported to be involved in transcriptional regulation in mammals. Many of the other lines are novel alleles of known epigenetic regulators. For two genes, Rlf and Widely-interspaced zinc finger (Wiz), we describe the first mouse mutants. All of the Momme mutants show some degree of homozygous embryonic lethality, emphasizing the importance of epigenetic processes. The penetrance of lethality is incomplete in a number of cases. Similarly, abnormalities in phenotype seen in the heterozygous individuals of some lines occur with incomplete penetrance. Recent advances in sequencing enhance the power of sensitized mutagenesis screens to identify the function of previously uncharacterized factors and to discover additional functions for previously characterized proteins. The observation of incomplete penetrance of phenotypes in these inbred mutant mice, at various stages of development, is of interest. Overall, the Momme collection of mouse mutants provides a valuable resource for researchers across many disciplines.


GFP expression profiles and mean fluorescence of expressing cells in MommeD12 and MommeD38. (A) FACS profiles of MommeD12 and MommeD38 mutants. Erythrocytes from three-week-old mice were analyzed by flow cytometry with a GFP-positive gate set to exclude 99% of wild-type erythrocytes. In each case, the expression profiles from one litter are displayed. The phenotypically wild-type mice are shown in black and heterozygotes in red. The x-axis represents the erythrocyte fluorescence on a logarithmic scale, and the y-axis is the number of cells detected at each fluorescence level. Mean fluorescence was calculated using cells within the positive gate. Histograms depict only the GFP fluorescence channel. (B) Quantitative analysis of MommeD12 and MommeD38 expression and mean fluorescence of expressing cells. Each mutant line has a significantly different expression profile to that of wild-type littermates, reproducible over many generations. Data were collected from at least six litters in each case. Student t-test; *P ≤ 0.0001.
MommeD12 and MommeD38 have mutations in eIF3h. (A) Schematic of the eIF3h protein structure and positions of point mutations. The point mutation in MommeD12 causes skipping of exon 5. The MommeD38 mutation introduces a premature stop codon at amino acid 291, a highly conserved region of the protein. (B) Quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis for eIF3h normalized to Hprt. The graph shows the mean ± SEM for four testes samples of each genotype. All reactions were performed in triplicate. Student t-test; *P < 0.05.
Embryo dissections and heterozygous intercrosses for MommeD12 and MommeD38. (A) Embryonic dissections of eIF3h mutant mice. Embryonic dissections revealed no viable homozygotes at E9.5. All embryos were produced by natural matings, and detection of a vaginal plug was counted as embryonic day E0.5. The proportions of genotypes were compared with expected Mendelian ratios using a χ2 test. (B) Heterozygous intercrosses of eIF3h mutant mice analyzed at weaning. Tabulated data shows the number of observed mice and (percentage of total).
A Forward Genetic Screen Identifies Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3, Subunit H (eIF3h), as an Enhancer of Variegation in the Mouse

November 2012


90 Reads


19 Citations

G3 Genes Genomes Genetics

We have used a forward genetic screen to identify genes required for transgene silencing in the mouse. Previously these genes were found using candidate-based sequencing, a slow and labor-intensive process. Recently, whole-exome deep sequencing has accelerated our ability to find the causative point mutations, resulting in the discovery of novel and sometimes unexpected genes. Here we report the identification of translation initiation factor 3, subunit H (eIF3h) in two modifier of murine metastable epialleles (Mommes) lines. Mice carrying mutations in this gene have not been reported previously, and a possible involvement of eIF3h in transcription or epigenetic regulation has not been considered.

Smchd1-Dependent and -Independent Pathways Determine Developmental Dynamics of CpG Island Methylation on the Inactive X Chromosome

July 2012


267 Reads


166 Citations

Developmental Cell

X chromosome inactivation involves multiple levels of chromatin modification, established progressively and in a stepwise manner during early development. The chromosomal protein Smchd1 was recently shown to play an important role in DNA methylation of CpG islands (CGIs), a late step in the X inactivation pathway that is required for long-term maintenance of gene silencing. Here we show that inactive X chromosome (Xi) CGI methylation can occur via either Smchd1-dependent or -independent pathways. Smchd1-dependent CGI methylation, the primary pathway, is acquired gradually over an extended period, whereas Smchd1-independent CGI methylation occurs rapidly after the onset of X inactivation. The de novo methyltransferase Dnmt3b is required for methylation of both classes of CGI, whereas Dnmt3a and Dnmt3L are dispensable. Xi CGIs methylated by these distinct pathways differ with respect to their sequence characteristics and immediate chromosomal environment. We discuss the implications of these results for understanding CGI methylation during development.

Citations (7)

... The WIZ variant identified in patient S1 (sufficient bladder) and the CYP4F22 and TP63 variants identified in patient l1 and l5, respectively (insufficient bladders) are classified as variants of uncertain significance by Varsome (Kopanos et al., 2019). WIZ is perhaps the most interesting candidate to evaluate for causation because homozygosity for null alleles results in embryonic lethality in mouse models (Daxinger et al., 2013). ...


Rare exonic CELSR3 variants identified in Bladder Exstrophy Epispadias Complex
An ENU mutagenesis screen identifies novel and known genes involved in epigenetic processes in the mouse

Genome Biology

... Beyond its role in cancer, EIF3H has garnered interest as a candidate gene associated with Microcephaly-Thin Corpus Callosum syndrome, highlighting its potential relevance to maxillofacial developmental processes 64 . Intriguingly, studies in mice have revealed that homozygous mutants for the eIF3h MommeD12 and eIF3h MommeD38 mutations experience embryonic lethality at E9.5, emphasizing its vital role during early embryonic development 65 . Moreover, in zebrafish embryogenesis, eif3h has been found to play a pivotal role in the development of various organs, including the brain, heart, vasculature, and lateral line 66 . ...

A Forward Genetic Screen Identifies Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 3, Subunit H (eIF3h), as an Enhancer of Variegation in the Mouse

G3 Genes Genomes Genetics

... Xist RNA physically coats the prospective inactive X-chromosome in cis and triggers a series of events (Penny et al. 1996;Engreitz et al. 2013;Gayen et al. 2016) by recruiting chromatin remodelers, transcriptional repressors and other RNA-binding proteins that ultimately lead to chromosomewide transcriptional silencing and reconfigures X-chromosome architecture into condensed heterochromatin (Zhao et al. 2008;Chu et al. 2015;Minajigi et al. 2015;Cerase et al. 2015;Bonora and Disteche 2017;Wang et al. 2018;Loda and Heard 2019;Colognori et al. 2020;Boeren and Gribnau 2021;Markaki et al. 2021). This condensation is accomplished through the depletion of active histone marks such as H3K4me3, H3K27ac, H3K9ac and H3K36me3 (Jeppesen and Turner 1993;Chaumeil et al. 2002;Janiszewski et al. 2019;Brockdorff et al. 2020;Dixon-McDougall and Brown 2022) and deposition of the repressive histone marks such as H2AK119Ub, H3K27me3, H3K9me2/3, H4k20me3 (Plath et al. 2003;Kohlmaier et al. 2004;Brockdorff 2017;Żylicz et al. 2019) as well as incorporation of macroH2A (Costanzi and Pehrson 1998;Chadwick and Willard 2002;Changolkar and Pehrson 2006) and DNA methylation (Norris et al. 1991;Gendrel et al. 2012;Pasque et al. 2014;Yagi et al. 2020). ...

Smchd1-Dependent and -Independent Pathways Determine Developmental Dynamics of CpG Island Methylation on the Inactive X Chromosome

Developmental Cell

... An intriguing possibility relates to the histone PTM H3K9me3 which is enhanced/redistributed on Xi following recruitment of the chromosomal protein SmcHD1 (Ichihara, Nagao, Sakaguchi, Obuse, & Sado, 2022). SmcHD1 in turn is required for CpG methylation at the majority (~90%) of Xi CGIs (Blewitt et al., 2008;Gendrel et al., 2012). Potential mechanisms include direct binding of DNMT3B to H3K9me3, and here it is interesting to note that the protein ATRX has an ADD domain which has been shown to mediate H3K9me3 binding (Iwase et al., 2011). ...

SmcHD1, containing a structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes hinge domain, has a critical role in X inactivation
  • Citing Article
  • January 2008

Nature Genetics

... These sites, and the long genes found within them, are often hotspots for the chromosomal rearrangements and deletions that arise in cancers and other genetic diseases (Smith et al., 2006). Replication, transcription, and chromatin organisation are also intricately inter-connected, with each influencing the other (Ehrenhofer-Murray, 2004;Sequeira-Mendes et al., 2009;Turner and Woodworth, 2001;Tabancay Jr and Forsburg, 2006;Kadonaga, 1998). In particular, chromatin remodelling regulates the accessibility of regulatory factors, influencing both gene expression and the replication process. ...

Transcription Initiation Activity Sets Replication Origin Efficiency in Mammalian Cells

... Female ESCs often lose one X chromosome in culture 38 . Homozygous X 5c-∆ X 5c-∆ ESCs lost an X chromosome more rapidly compared to both the WT and heterozygous X 5c-fl X 5c-∆ female ESCs ( Figure S6). ...

Global hypomethylation of the genome in XX embryonic stem cells

Nature Genetics

... Thus, vacating CTCF from the inactivating X except at specific escape loci is believed to contribute to an overall loss of TADs and compartments (Giorgetti et al. 2016). Along with Xist a noncanonical SMC protein SMCHD1 (structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes hinge domain containing 1) enriched on inactive X (Blewitt et al. 2008), suppresses CTCF binding on inactive X and weakens TADs and brings decompartmentalization thereby contributes for X chromosome architectural transformation (Wang et al. 2018). ...

SmcHD1, containing a structural-maintenance-of-chromosomes hinge domain, has a critical role in X inactivation

Nature Genetics