Anthony A. James’s research while affiliated with University of California System and other places

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Publications (310)

Compound eye blindfolding and its effect on the search for oviposition sites
(a) Compound eye blindfolding and pattern diagram. The top images are a photo (left) and schematic representation (right) of the control eyes and the bottom images show a blindfolded specimen. The scale size is 0.1mm. (b) Two three-hole egg traps are placed inside the 1m³ tent, one with water and one blank. Effect of compound eye blindfolding on oviposition sites of gravid mosquitoes (t-test, ***, P<0.001). (c) Compound eye blindfolding results in differential expression of vision-related genes. (d) RT-qPCR detection of rho-l and kh gene transcripts after blindfolding compound eyes (t-test, *, P<0.05). Data in (b) and (d) are represented as means ± SEM. CE- Normal means compound eye normal, and CE-blindfolded means compound eye blindfolded.
Functional analysis of a rho-l ablation mutation
(a) Schematic diagram of the rho-l gene mutation. (b) rho-l protein structure: “outside” means extracellular, “inside” means intracellular, “delete” means the transmembrane domain is deleted. (c) Comparison of mRNA accumulation levels between wild-type control and rho-l△807 mutant lines during development. “3d Female” represents the female mosquito three days after emerging, “3d Male” represents male mosquitoes three days after emerging. (d) Comparison of search indices between wild-type control and rho-l△807 (***P <0.001). (e) Comparison between the numbers of wild type and rho-l△807 mosquitoes in the traps under the brightness conditions of 0, 130 and 1600 lux (**P<0.01 and ***P<0.001, n = 9). (f) Bidirectional selection on two-color oviposition cups. Comparison of egg-inducing index between wild-type control and rho-l△807 on black-white, black-green, black-yellow, black-blue, and black-red oviposition cups (**P<0.01, NS. P>0.05, n = 6). Oviposition activity index = (Number of eggs in non-black control cups–Number of eggs in black cups) / Total number of eggs laid in the experiment. (g) Comparison of the number of by wild type control and rho-l△807 mosquitoes attracted under red (center wavelength 630nm), blue (center wavelength 460nm) and green (center wavelength 520nm) light (**P<0.01 and NS. P>0.05, n = 6). Data in (d), (e), (f) and (g) are represented as means ± SEM, and Student’s t test was used (NS. P>0.05, *, P<0.05, **, P<0.01, ***, P<0.001).
Functional analysis of a khw mutant mosquitoes
(a) Schematic diagram of the mutant, khw, gene knockout structure [44]. (b) Phenotype comparison of khw knockout lines and wild-type compound eyes. The scale size is 0.1mm. (c) Comparison of khw strains and wild-type search index (***P < 0.001, n = 6). (d) Comparisons of the numbers of khw and wild-type controls recorded under the brightness conditions of 0 lux, 130 lux, 1600 lux (**P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001, n = 9). (e) Comparisons of bidirectional egg-trapping indices of gravid wild-type and khw mutants in black-white, black-green, black-yellow, black-blue, and black-red oviposition cups. Oviposition activity index = (Number of eggs in non-black control cups–Number of eggs in black cups) / Total number of eggs laid in the experiment. (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and NS. P>0.05, n = 6–8). (f) Comparison of the numbers of wild-type control and khw mosquitoes attracted by red (center wavelength 630nm), blue (center wavelength 460nm), and green (center wavelength 520nm) lights (***P < 0. 001.n = 6–7). Data in (c), (d), (e) and (f) are represented as means ± SEM, and Student’s t test was used (NS. P>0.05, *P < 0.05, **P<0.01, and ***P<0.001).
Vision guides the twilight search for oviposition sites of the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
  • Article
  • Full-text available

November 2024


17 Reads

Si Yu Zhao


Hong Kai Liu


Zhen Sheng Xie




Background Oviposition site selection is an important component of vector mosquito reproductive biology. The Asian Tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, is a major and important vector of arboviruses including Dengue. Previous studies documented the preference of gravid females for small, dark-colored water containers as oviposition sites, which they sought during the twilight period (dusk) of their locomotor activity. Vision plays an important role in this behavior, and factors such as the shape, size, and color of the container, light intensity, polarization, spectrum, and other visual cues guide the search for suitable oviposition sites, but the mechanistic factors driving this behavior are unclear. Methodology/Principal findings We blindfolded adult female compound eyes and observed the effects of a lack of vision on the ability to discriminate and utilize preferred oviposition sites. Furthermore, the transcriptomes of blindfolded mosquitoes were screened to identify genes with vision-sensitive expression profiles and gene-editing was used to create non-functional mutations in two of them, rhodopsin-like (mutation designated ‘rho-l△807’) and kynurenine hydroxylase (mutation designated ‘khw’). Behavioral tests of both mutant and control strains revealed that the rho-l△807 mutant mosquitoes had a significant decrease in their ability to search for preferred oviposition sites that correlated with a reduced ability to recognize long-wavelength red light. The khw mutant mosquitoes also had a reduced ability to identify preferred oviposition sites that correlated with reductions in their ability to respond to variations in daily brightness and their ability to discriminate among different color options of the containers and background monochromatic light. Conclusions/Significance This study underscores the importance of visual cues in the oviposition site selection behavior of adult female Ae. albopictus. We demonstrate that wild-type rho-l and kh gene products play a crucial role in this behavior, as mutants exhibit altered sensitivity or recognition of light intensity and substrate colors.


Geographic and ecological diversity of Anopheles gambaie and An. coluzzii strains. The six parental strains used in this study come from distinct geographic and ecological zones. The numbers refer to the specific strain and are placed over the phytogeographic region from which they were first colonized. The species and place of origin are listed. The key designation refers to the abbreviations used in the text. The source lists the strain number as available from BEI MR4. Year refers to the first available reference. The phytogeographic map was adapted with permission from the 2013 publication ‘A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of Africa’, copyright American Association of Geographers [23–29]
Schematic representations of experimental crosses and analysis. Parental crosses consist of wild-type individuals from each respective introduction or introgression line and homozygous AgNosCd-1 individuals of the opposite sex. All crosses were performed in triplicate and wild-type males and females used in the crosses were preserved for analysis of target site conservation. F1 generation: 150 randomly-selected F1 hybrid larvae form the parental crosses were used to populate the next generation (F2) from each male and female lineage. The remaining F1 individuals from male lineages were screened at the pupal stage, reared to adulthood, and preserved for molecular analysis. F1 progeny from female lineages not used in either F1 or F2 generation crosses were screened at the pupal stage, reared to adulthood and preserved for molecular analyses. F2 generation: 150 randomly-selected F1 hybrid larvae from the parental crosses were reared, allowed to intercross and used to populate F2 generation. A subset of F1 males representative of each unique phenotype was taken from the female lineage and outcrossed to wild-type females of the respective parental line. All F2 progeny of these F1 phenotype-specific backcrosses were screened as pupae, reared to adulthood and preserved for molecular analysis. The F2 progeny from the F1 next-generation crosses were screened at the pupal stage, reared to adulthood and preserved for molecular analysis
Phenotype proportions observed in F1 hybrids from male and female lineages introduction and introgression outcrosses. AgNosCd-1 male lineages produced a majority of black-eye/CFP⁺ progeny with a small proportion having a small tear/CFP⁺ phenotype. AgNosCd-1 female lineages produced a number of different phenotypes. The greatest proportion of progeny from female crosses had small and big tear phenotypes in all introduction and introgression outcrosses while the smallest proportion of progeny had the cardinal-eye phenotype
Genotypes at the 14 SNP markers used as part of the DIS assay. Data for the six strains are arranged in blocks subdivided by linkage groups: X = X chromosome, (28S is also on the X), 2L = left arm of chromosome 2, and 3L = left arm of chromosome 3. SNP labels are listed on the right and their locations in the genome are depicted on the left. The light blue color (col/col) represents the An. coluzzii genotype, the dark blue (gam/gam) is the An. gambiae genotype, yellow (col/gam) are the An. coluzzii/An. gambiae hybrid heterozygotes, and red (ND) represents missing data. Each column represents individual mosquitoes with genotypes organized in 14 rows. Sample sizes (N) for each strain are presented at the bottom of the Figure. G3 is a long-standing colony that is an An. coluzzii/An. gambiae hybrid, this strain was engineered to produce the AgNosCd-1 strain. AgNosCd-1 is the parental strain used to generate introduced and introgressed strains by crossing and inbreeding. The An. gambiae strains include AgZAN (Zanzibar-Tanzania), AgKIS (Kisumu-Kenya) and the AgNDO (Ndokayo-Cameroon). The AcMOP (N’Gabacoro Droit-Mali) is the An. coluzzii strain
Cas9/guide RNA-based gene-drive dynamics following introduction and introgression into diverse anopheline mosquito genetic backgrounds

November 2024


24 Reads

BMC Genomics

Background Novel technologies are needed to combat anopheline vectors of malaria parasites as the reductions in worldwide disease incidence has stalled in recent years. Gene drive-based approaches utilizing Cas9/guide RNA (gRNA) systems are being developed to suppress anopheline populations or modify them by increasing their refractoriness to the parasites. These systems rely on the successful cleavage of a chromosomal DNA target site followed by homology-directed repair (HDR) in germline cells to bias inheritance of the drive system. An optimal drive system should be highly efficient for HDR-mediated gene conversion with minimal error rates. A gene-drive system, AgNosCd-1, with these attributes has been developed in the Anopheles gambiae G3 strain and serves as a framework for further development of population modification strains. To validate AgNosCd-1 as a versatile platform, it must perform well in a variety of genetic backgrounds. Results We introduced or introgressed AgNosCd-1 into different genetic backgrounds, three in geographically-diverse Anopheles gambiae strains, and one each in an An. coluzzii and An. arabiensis strain. The overall drive inheritance, determined by presence of a dominant marker gene in the F2 hybrids, far exceeded Mendelian inheritance ratios in all genetic backgrounds that produced viable progeny. Haldane’s rule was confirmed for AgNosCd-1 introgression into the An. arabiensis Dongola strain and sterility of the F1 hybrid males prevented production of F2 hybrid offspring. Back-crosses of F1 hybrid females were not performed to keep the experimental design consistent across all the genetic backgrounds and to avoid maternally-generated mutant alleles that might confound the drive dynamics. DNA sequencing of the target site in F1 and F2 mosquitoes with exceptional phenotypes revealed drive system-generated mutations resulting from non-homologous end joining events (NHEJ), which formed at rates similar to AgNosCd-1 in the G3 genetic background and were generated via the same maternal-effect mechanism. Conclusions These findings support the conclusion that the AgNosCd-1 drive system is robust and has high drive inheritance and gene conversion efficiency accompanied by low NHEJ mutation rates in diverse An. gambiae s.l. laboratory strains.

The odorant-binding protein genes obp67 and obp56d-like encode products that guide oviposition site selection in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus

August 2024


9 Reads


2 Citations

Insect Science

Aedes albopictus is an important vector of arboviruses and prefers small containers of stagnant water as oviposition sites. One of the mechanisms mosquitoes use to search for suitable oviposition sites is relying on odor cues from prospective sites and their surroundings. The genetic and molecular bases of this behavior are not known for Ae. albopictus. Oviposition site-searching behavior can be separated into 2 stages: container location and water detection. We applied a glue compound to the antennae and the maxillary palps of adult females to mask their ability to detect molecules that may guide them to preferred oviposition sites. Treatment of the antennae significantly reduces the location index (P < 0.001), indicating a decreased ability to find oviposition sites, whereas no significant difference was observed in mosquitoes with maxillary palps treated with the same glue compound (P > 0.05). The detection time, measured as the duration from contact with the water surface to the deposition of the first egg, was extended in mosquitoes with treated antennae or maxillary palps, supporting the conclusion that olfaction is involved in the detection of oviposition site. Transcriptomic analysis identified differentially expressed olfactory-related genes, including obp67, obp56d-like, obp19d-like and obp67-like. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of obp67 and obp56d-like significantly affected the location index and detection time, respectively. Cas9/guide RNA-mediated knockout of obp56d-like resulted in a prolonged detection time, compared with the wild type (P < 0.05). These findings help to elucidate aspects of the olfactory mechanisms involved in Ae. albopictus oviposition site selection, and provide a basis for the development of mosquito surveillance and control strategies.

Conceptual diagram illustrating temporal and spatial dynamics of gene drive systems. A1 Gene drive mosquitoes are released at specific release locations (black dots) and individual mosquitoes disperse to different habitats [12, 110, 167]. A2 Over time and multiple generations, the gene drive progressively increases in frequency, (measured as a percent, or proportion, of gene drive mosquitoes from the total mosquito population) and, aided by the dispersal of individual mosquitoes to different habitats, spreads to other individuals through interbreeding in target populations (white arrow) [12]. A3 The gene drive persists in this area (dome within light-blue dotted borders) and continues to spread further through target populations (white arrow). B1 In the case of population suppression gene drive, the gene drive system is released in mosquitoes which disperse from release locations. B2 The gene drive system increases in frequency at release locations, observed as an increase in frequency of mosquitoes heterozygous for the gene drive system. The gene drive also spreads to distal target populations, increasing in frequency as it does so. Increasing numbers of mosquitoes that are heterozygous for the gene drive leads to increasing chances of heterozygous males mating with heterozygous females, thus increasing the number of female progeny that are homozygous for the gene drive system, and thus sterile. B3 This leads to a progressive reduction in the density of the target mosquito populations, propagating out over time from release locations, with the spectrum of navy to sky blue indicating high to low population densities in the illustration. These progressive reductions in vector numbers would correlate with progressive reductions in the incidence of malaria, with the spectrum of navy to sky blue indicating high to low malaria incidence in the illustration, and the progressive nature of these effects indicated by grey arrows. No direct change in the prevalence and intensity of infectious Plasmodium sporozoites in mosquitoes would be anticipated initially, although over time with anticipated reduced prevalence of malaria in humans, sporozoite rates in mosquitoes would be reduced. The frequency of the gene drive system in the mosquito population should be unaffected by its suppression, unless the population was to be eliminated completely. C1 For population modification gene drive, the gene drive system is released in mosquitoes which disperse from release locations. C2 The gene drive system increases in frequency. C3 This would be associated with progressive decreases in sporozoite rates in target populations of mosquito, leading to progressive reductions in the incidence of malaria, without any anticipated changes in the densities of mosquito target populations
Phased testing pathway for low-threshold gene drive system from laboratory studies to post-implementation surveillance, as recommended by the WHO [12]. In the case of low-threshold gene drive systems, it is recognized that the potential for indefinite spread and persistence makes a clear delineation between Phase 2 and later Phases impractical, so that field testing could be perhaps better thought of as a spectrum of expanding releases [12]. Therefore, safety testing in Phase 1 laboratory, insectary, and modelling studies along with thorough risk assessment prior to Phase 2 will be particularly important for low-threshold gene drive applications, as has been the case for releases of Wolbachia and biological control agents. As highlighted in the main body of this article and Fig. 3, Phase 2 could be further subdivded into different trial phases whereby Phase 2A would measure genetic efficacy and Phase 2B would measure entomological efficacy
Potential design features for initial field trials of low-threshold gene drive systems. There are three potential levels of efficacy, which could be assessed separately or in different combinations in initial field trials. Where genetic efficacy (WHO Phase 2 “A”; [12]) would be the sole efficacy objective of initial field trials, this could potentially be assessed in observational studies without control locations, given the pre-release absence of the gene drive system from wild target mosquito populations, provided potentially confounding factors such as rainfall were recorded. Where the objectives of an initial field trial were also to assess entomological (WHO Phase 2 “B”) and epidemiological efficacy (WHO Phase 3), cRCTs would provide the most robust estimates of entomological and epidemiological efficacy with least opportunity for introduction of bias from confounding factors. Genetic efficacy of a low threshold gene drive system involves its increase in frequency at, and spread from, the release location in target populations. This could be measured using a variety of endpoints and field methodologies as outlined. Entomological efficacy could be established by measuring the impact of the low threshold gene drive on vectorial capacity using highlighted endpoints and methodology. Epidemiological efficacy could be measured as impact on rate of infection or malaria incidence and prevalence, as indicated. The range of endpoints chosen for initial field trials, whether addressing genetic, entomological, or epidemiological efficacy, will depend on power calculations for specific field methods underpinning them, as well as operational and cost considerations. In addition to efficacy assessments, considerations of the design of initial field trials may consider operational issues, the potential to assess potential safety endpoints, in addition to capturing data and information before and during trials on potential confounding factors that could impact efficacy assessments. Furthermore, considerations of the scope of efficacy measurements will also need to consider the higher levels of oversight and governance that accompany epidemiological efficacy assessment as clinical trials
Illustrative scenario for monitoring of the spread of a gene drive system from a release location. A In this example, each ring (black circle) is a 5 km radial distance from the release location (black circle at centre). The area between rings is defined as an annulus, identified here by sequential numbering from the release location. The annulus surrounding the release location is the release zone (light-blue ring surrounding black circle of release location). For the purposes of this illustration, it is assumed that modelling indicates that the rate of spread of the gene drive system is 20 km per annum from the release zone. The duration of this initial field trial would be 2 years. In this particular trial design scenario, entomological and epidemiological measurements could be compared between the release location and control locations (four navy blue circles) in ninth annulus (medium-blue). A buffer zone of the second to eighth annuli (grey) minimizes the potential for ‘spillover’ of the gene drive system between the release and control locations. For the purposes of measuring spread of the gene drive system, either larvae or adult mosquitoes could be tested for the presence of the transgene at monitoring locations every 5 km along transects running northwest to southeast and northeast to southwest from the release location (yellow stars), as well as in buffer zone habitations (purple circles). B In an example of a potential adaptive trial design element for monitoring, the gene drive system is detected in mosquitoes at monitoring locations the first, second, third, and fourth annuli (light blue stars) but also at a buffer zone habitation in the seventh annulus (light blue circle) C Additional adaptive monitoring locations (red stars) are introduced at the eighth and ninth annuli between the two transects to ensure as accurate as possible monitoring of both the rate and variability of spread of the gene drive system
Illustrative example of a potential adaptive trial design for initial field trials of low threshold gene drive. Considering the intended potentially indefinite persistence and spread of the gene drive system in target populations, the first field trials could be divided into two Phases, building on the WHO guidance framework for the evaluation of GMMs [12]. Phase 2A would initially focus on the primary goals of assessing the increase in frequency of the gene drive system at, and the rate of its spread from, the release location but would also involve initiation of baseline data collections for subsequent assessment of Phase 2B entomological (‘@3’) and Phase 3 epidemiological (‘@4’) endpoints. Phase 2A of the trial could involve release of the gene drive system in a single vector species or multiple ones. Should the primary goals of Phase 2A be achieved, Phases 2B and 3 could be activated to allow the parallel assessment of entomological endpoints and epidemiological endpoints, potentially with expanded releases of the gene drive system in a single vector species or multiple ones Additional adaptive trial design elements could include flexibility in the numbers of mosquitoes and frequencies of release to achieve self-sustaining transmission of the gene drive system (‘@1’), adapting monitoring (‘@2’; see also Fig. 4); and potential to extend the duration of the trial where efficacy and safety assessments support this (‘@5’)
Considerations for first field trials of low-threshold gene drive for malaria vector control

May 2024


113 Reads


4 Citations

Malaria Journal

Sustainable reductions in African malaria transmission require innovative tools for mosquito control. One proposal involves the use of low-threshold gene drive in Anopheles vector species, where a ‘causal pathway’ would be initiated by (i) the release of a gene drive system in target mosquito vector species, leading to (ii) its transmission to subsequent generations, (iii) its increase in frequency and spread in target mosquito populations, (iv) its simultaneous propagation of a linked genetic trait aimed at reducing vectorial capacity for Plasmodium, and (v) reduced vectorial capacity for parasites in target mosquito populations as the gene drive system reaches fixation in target mosquito populations, causing (vi) decreased malaria incidence and prevalence. Here the scope, objectives, trial design elements, and approaches to monitoring for initial field releases of such gene dive systems are considered, informed by the successful implementation of field trials of biological control agents, as well as other vector control tools, including insecticides, Wolbachia, larvicides, and attractive-toxic sugar bait systems. Specific research questions to be addressed in initial gene drive field trials are identified, and adaptive trial design is explored as a potentially constructive and flexible approach to facilitate testing of the causal pathway. A fundamental question for decision-makers for the first field trials will be whether there should be a selective focus on earlier points of the pathway, such as genetic efficacy via measurement of the increase in frequency and spread of the gene drive system in target populations, or on wider interrogation of the entire pathway including entomological and epidemiological efficacy. How and when epidemiological efficacy will eventually be assessed will be an essential consideration before decisions on any field trial protocols are finalized and implemented, regardless of whether initial field trials focus exclusively on the measurement of genetic efficacy, or on broader aspects of the causal pathway. Statistical and modelling tools are currently under active development and will inform such decisions on initial trial design, locations, and endpoints. Collectively, the considerations here advance the realization of developer ambitions for the first field trials of low-threshold gene drive for malaria vector control within the next 5 years.

miR‐2940‐1 is involved in the circadian regulation of oviposition in Aedes albopictus

March 2024


13 Reads


1 Citation

Insect Science

The vast majority of all global species have circadian rhythm cycles that allow them to adapt to natural environments. These regular rhythms are regulated by core clock genes and recent studies have also implicated roles for microRNAs in this regulation. Oviposition is an important circadian behavior in the reproductive cycle of insect vectors of diseases, and little is known about the rhythm or its regulation in mosquitoes. Aedes albopictus is a diurnal mosquito that transmits arboviruses and is the major cause of outbreaks of dengue fever in China. We analyzed the oviposition rhythm patterns of A. albopictus under different light/dark conditions and show that the mosquitoes have an oviposition peak between zeitgeber time 9 (ZT 9) and ZT 12. Furthermore, the antagomir‐mediated knockdown of expression of the microRNA miR‐2940‐1 affected the oviposition rhythm of A. albopictus . These data support the conclusion that miR‐2940‐1 is involved in the regulation of oviposition rhythm in A. albopictus and provide a foundation for using oviposition rhythms as a new target for vector mosquito control.

Conceptual pathway to harm for the potential hazard: increase in vectorial capacity of GEM for non-target pathogens. Following synthesis and insertion of the gene-drive construct to produce the genetically engineered mosquito (GEM; top left), transgene expression in the larval or adult stages may lead to changes in the mosquito transcriptome or microbiome leading to changes in fitness parameters (top center). This may lead to an increase in GEM vector abundance and alter the vector/host ratio (top right). This could lead to an increase in human or animal morbidity and mortality (bottom right). Linkages for each step are categorized based on an established mechanistic quantitative or qualitative data (black box) and empirical quantitative data (red box). The potential most practical, cost effective or safest laboratory or field target for evaluation is shaded in green. Plausible, hypothetical and model-based linkages are shown with black, white (with question mark) and blue arrows. QSAR are quantitative structure–activity relationship models used conceptually in evaluating drugs or chemicals but could be adapted here (Kim and Kim, 2015).
Conceptual pathway to harm for the potential hazard: increase in malaria due to emergence of target pathogens with transmission advantage. The release of the genetically engineered mosquitoes (GEM) imposes selection pressures that lead to the emergence of parasites resistant to the effector molecules (top left and center). Two outcomes are possible, the first of which produces mosquitoes with no changes in transmission dynamics and malaria prevalence reverts to pre-release levels (top right). The second outcome results in parasites with an advantage that leads to an increase in prevalence above pre-release levels (bottom right). Image notations identical to Figure 1.
Conceptual pathway to harm for the potential hazard: emergence of new mosquito phenotypes through enhanced chromosomal translocation. The Cas9/gRNA-mediated cleavages of the target chromosome and potential off-target sites in other chromosomes results in reciprocal translocations (top left and center). If the translocations are fitness neutral or confer a reproductive advantage (top right), they may lead to reproductive isolation that results in a new mosquito species with unknown vectorial capacity for malaria parasites or other pathogens (bottom right). Image notations identical to Figure 1.
Conceptual risk assessment of mosquito population modification gene-drive systems to control malaria transmission: preliminary hazards list workshops

October 2023


53 Reads


4 Citations

The field-testing and eventual adoption of genetically-engineered mosquitoes (GEMs) to control vector-borne pathogen transmission will require them meeting safety criteria specified by regulatory authorities in regions where the technology is being considered for use and other locales that might be impacted. Preliminary risk considerations by researchers and developers may be useful for planning the baseline data collection and field research used to address the anticipated safety concerns. Part of this process is to identify potential hazards (defined as the inherent ability of an entity to cause harm) and their harms, and then chart the pathways to harm and evaluate their probability as part of a risk assessment. The University of California Malaria Initiative (UCMI) participated in a series of workshops held to identify potential hazards specific to mosquito population modification strains carrying gene-drive systems coupled to anti-parasite effector genes and their use in a hypothetical island field trial. The hazards identified were placed within the broader context of previous efforts discussed in the scientific literature. Five risk areas were considered i) pathogens, infections and diseases, and the impacts of GEMs on human and animal health, ii) invasiveness and persistence of GEMs, and interactions of GEMs with target organisms, iii) interactions of GEMs with non-target organisms including horizontal gene transfer, iv) impacts of techniques used for the management of GEMs and v) evolutionary and stability considerations. A preliminary hazards list (PHL) was developed and is made available here. This PHL is useful for internal project risk evaluation and is available to regulators at prospective field sites. UCMI project scientists affirm that the subsequent processes associated with the comprehensive risk assessment for the application of this technology should be driven by the stakeholders at the proposed field site and areas that could be affected by this intervention strategy.

Generating and Validating Transgenic Mosquitoes with Transposon-Mediated Transgenesis

October 2023


9 Reads


1 Citation

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

Transposon-mediated transgenesis has revolutionized both basic and applied studies of mosquito vectors of disease. Currently, techniques such as enhancer traps and transposon tagging, which rely on remobilizable insertional mutagenesis, are only possible with transposon-based vector systems. Here, we provide general descriptions of methods and applications of transposon-based mosquito transgenesis. The exact procedures must be adapted to each mosquito species and comparisons of some differences among different mosquito species are outlined. A number of excellent publications showing detailed and specific protocols and methods are featured and referenced.

Mosquito Transposon-Mediated Transgenesis

October 2023


19 Reads


3 Citations

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

Transposon-mediated transgenesis of mosquito vectors of disease pathogens followed the early success of transgenesis in the vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster The P transposable element used in Drosophila does not function canonically in mosquitoes, and repeatable, routine transgenesis in mosquitoes was not accomplished until new transposable elements were discovered and validated. A number of distinct transposons were subsequently identified that mediate the introduction of exogenous DNA in a stable and heritable manner in mosquito species, including members of the genera Aedes, Anopheles, and Culex The most versatile element, piggyBac, is functional in all of these mosquito genera, as well as in many other insects in diverse orders, and has been used extensively outside the class. Transposon-mediated transgenesis of recessive and dominant marker genes and reporter systems has been used to define functional fragments of gene control sequences, introduce exogenous DNA encoding products beneficial to medical interests, and act as "enhancer traps" to identify endogenous genes with specific expression characteristics.

The dynamics of deltamethrin resistance evolution in Aedes albopictus has an impact on fitness and dengue virus type-2 vectorial capacity

September 2023


107 Reads


5 Citations

Background Worldwide invasion and expansion of Aedes albopictus , an important vector of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses, has become a serious concern in global public health. Chemical insecticides are the primary means currently available to control the mosquito populations. However, long-term and large-scale use of insecticides has selected for resistance in the mosquito that is accompanied by a genetic load that impacts fitness. Results A number of laboratory strains representing different resistance mechanisms were isolated and identified from laboratory-derived, deltamethrin-resistant Ae. albopictus recovered in previous work. Resistance levels and fitness costs of the strains were evaluated and compared to characterize the evolution of the resistance genotypes and phenotypes. The heterozygous F1534S mutation (1534 F/S ) in the voltage gated sodium channel ( vgsc ) gene product (VGSC), first detected in early stages of resistance evolution, not only confers high-level resistance, but also produces no significant fitness costs, leading to the rapid spread of resistance in the population. This is followed by the increase in frequency of homozygous F1534S (1534 S/S ) mosquitoes that have significant fitness disadvantages, prompting the emergence of an unlinked I1532T mutation with fewer side effects and a mating advantage better adapted to the selection and reproductive pressures imposed in the experiments. Metabolic resistance with no significant fitness cost and mediating a high-tolerance resistance phenotype may play a dominant role in the subsequent evolution of resistance. The different resistant strains had similar vector competence for dengue virus type-2 (DENV-2). Furthermore, a comparative analysis of vectorial capacity revealed that increased survival due to deltamethrin resistance balanced the negative fitness cost effects and contributed to the risk of dengue virus (DENV) transmission by resistant populations. The progressive evolution of resistance results in mosquitoes with both target-site insensitivity and metabolic resistance with lower fitness costs, which further leads to resistant populations with both high resistance levels and vectorial capacity. Conclusions This study reveals a possible mechanism for the evolution of deltamethrin resistance in Aedes albopictus . These findings will help guide practical strategies for insecticide use, resistance management and the prevention and control of mosquito-borne disease.

Citations (56)

... Olfactory proteins have been associated with recognition of suitable host plants for offspring to develop in a multi-trophic context (Zhao et al., 2024). MsexOR35 mediates the preference of Manduca sexta females to lay eggs on mandragora infested with beetle (Lema daturaphila) larvae or adults by specifically responding to αcopaene released by beetle-induced mandragora that reduces parasitism probability by parasitic wasps . ...


Molecular evidence for the role of the ovipositor of the fall armyworm: Where to lay or not to lay?
The odorant-binding protein genes obp67 and obp56d-like encode products that guide oviposition site selection in the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus
  • Citing Article
  • August 2024

Insect Science

... Candidate constructs for both approaches have been developed in the lab, most notably: i) a CRISPR-based system that targets the doublesex gene in Anopheles gambiae, the main African malaria vector, causing sterility in female homozygotes and inducing collapse of cage populations [4], and ii) CRISPR-based systems carrying dual antimalarial effector genes in An. gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii, that spread rapidly through cage populations [5]. Discussions regarding field trials of these systems are currently underway [6]. ...

Considerations for first field trials of low-threshold gene drive for malaria vector control

Malaria Journal

... Moreover, effective vector control strategies must prioritize environmental sustainability, ensuring that the implementation of gene drives minimizes ecological disruption while preserving non-malaria-transmitting mosquito populations [12]. Comprehensive risk assessments, including analyses of potential pathways to harm, are essential to achieve this balance [42][43][44]. The establishment of robust monitoring systems will be vital for evaluating the effectiveness of these integrated interventions. ...

Conceptual risk assessment of mosquito population modification gene-drive systems to control malaria transmission: preliminary hazards list workshops

... Complete (autonomous) elements are able to mobilize (excise and integrate) through either a conservative (no net increase in copy number) or replicative (increase in copy number) mode, thereby changing their linkage relationships in the genome [41]. Following the inability to adapt the P element, first discovered in D. melanogaster, to mosquito species, new discoveries identified a number of elements, Hermes, Mos 1 mariner, Minos, and ultimately, piggyBac, that work well in both anopheline and culicine mosquitoes [42]. ...

Mosquito Transposon-Mediated Transgenesis
  • Citing Article
  • October 2023

Cold Spring Harbor Protocols

... As noted above, the fraction of para 1014L alleles tallied in first cage generation cage experiments was greater than would be expected based on simple chromosome segregation, suggesting that a fitness cost was associated with the para 1014F allele, as we documented previously in D. melanogaster 16 and has also been reported in mosquitoes [30][31][32] . We confirmed this effect for the e-Drive by carrying out competitive mating experiments in which equal numbers of WT Percentage of individuals carrying the e-Drive (DsRed + ) at each generation. ...

The dynamics of deltamethrin resistance evolution in Aedes albopictus has an impact on fitness and dengue virus type-2 vectorial capacity

... This has provided a genetic basis for the successive breeding of edible silkworms on artificial feeds [12]. Moreover, advancements in molecular biology have enabled scientists to genetically modify silkworm germplasm resources, significantly contributing to innovation in sericulture [13][14][15]. For example, genetic mutant lines of naked pupae have been selected to meet the needs of silkworms as bioreactors [16,17]. ...

Engineering a complex, multiple enzyme-mediated synthesis of natural plant pigments in the silkworm, Bombyx mori

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... Suppression drives are generally more sensitive than modification drives to fitness costs from leaky somatic Cas9 expression or resistance allele formation from early embryonic activity of Cas9/gRNA, as reported in D. melanogaster 28,30 and Anopheles mosquitoes 27,40 . Even though A. stephensi and A. gambiae are relatively closely related, the A. stephensi nanos promoter was substantially less effective in A. stephensi than the A. gambiae nanos promoter in A. gambiae, though one caveat to this is that the A. gambiae examples were at a different target site 26,40 . This difference could be attributed to lower expression of Cas9, which may have been due to the limited size of our nanos promoter (3489 bp, though it was larger than versions used in A. gambiae, which were 1642~2092 bp 26,40 ), potentially lacking regulatory sequences. ...

Dual effector population modification gene-drive strains of the African malaria mosquitoes, Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii
  • Citing Article
  • July 2023

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

... 18 The Y-specific gene M factor (AsuMf ) was identified in Armigeres subalbatus, and its depletion led to a shift from male to female specific splicing of doublesex and fruitless, resulting in feminization of males in both general transcription profile and morphology. 19 The CQ method has also been successfully used to screen maleness-on-the-Y (MoY) that orchestrates male sex determination in Tephritidae. 12 Therefore, typo-gyf was identified as a necessary gene for male development in Bactrocera dorsalis. ...

A DBHS family member regulates male determination in the filariasis vector Armigeres subalbatus

... Some previously reported approaches in Ae. aegypti include RNAi and antibody based methods that reduced vector competence for DENV [30][31][32][33][34]. Additionally, a transgenic Ae. aegypti strain was developed that expressed a DENV2 activatable antagonist of the Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) [35]. In this case, DENV2 induced apoptosis in mosquito cells that were actively infected with the virus and increased mortality in DENV2 infected transgenic mosquitoes when compared to infected wild-type mosquitoes [35]. ...

Transgene-induced cell death following dengue-2 virus infection in Aedes aegypti

... We focus on natural products that can prevent parasites from infecting mosquitoes. Previous studies show that malaria transmission entails extensive interactions between parasites and mosquitoes [8][9][10][11][12]. Such interactions during midgut invasion have been explored as vaccine targets for blocking malaria transmission [9,[13][14][15]. ...

Targeting plasmodium α-tubulin-1 to block malaria transmission to mosquitoes