Annette Alstadsæter’s research while affiliated with Norwegian University of Life Sciences and other places

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Publications (50)

The real effects of tax havens
  • Chapter

December 2024


2 Citations

Annette Alstadsæter


Ronald B. Davies


Mathieu Parenti


Social gradients in employment during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Article
  • Full-text available

September 2024


17 Reads

The Journal of Economic Inequality

Annette Alstadsæter






We examine employment effects of the COVID-19 crisis in Norway from March 2020 through June 2022: during the initial lockdown, through the subsequent recovery, and after the dust had settled. While we identify large and socially skewed effects of the crisis through its early phases, we find no long-term effects on employees exposed to early risk of job loss. For those employed at the onset of the pandemic, both the level and the socioeconomic composition of employment quickly returned to normal. In contrast, we find considerable negative long-term employment effects on people who were neither in employment nor in education when the crisis hit. We argue that these patterns can be explained by social insurance policies that gave priority to protecting existing jobs and to distribute benefits to those who were temporarily laid off. Given the extreme increase in the social insurance caseload, an almost unavoidable side-effect was reduced capacity for providing services to the already non-employed.


Screenshot, public database with all approved cash support applications. Source:
Distribution of sales loss. Distribution of sales loss from Equation (1) using the raw data. Dashed lines represent the sales loss eligibility threshold of a 20% and b 30%
Application vs. VAT data. The distributions of bi-monthly turnover in FCCS and VAT data
Estimated excess compensation from misreporting. The difference between the given and the counterfactual compensation amount—the excess compensation—a 1000 NOK and b percent
Pairwise comparison of actual vs. counterfactual FCCS. Scatter plot for compensation from application and counterfactual sales (in logs). Share above the 45-degree line a 54.2% and b 54.4%. Figure 8 plots the scatter plot by term


Misreporting in the Norwegian business cash support scheme

August 2024


10 Reads

International Tax and Public Finance

We analyze the reporting response to an ambitiously targeted government support scheme for Norwegian businesses at the very start of the Coronavirus crisis in 2020. Our empirical design is based on cross-checking self-reported data in the applications for support with administratively reported data used for VAT. We find strong evidence that strategic misreporting was present but conclude that its remaining quantitative extent after enforcement actions already taken by the tax authorities was relatively small. Firms tend to misreport 4% more often than expected, and the actual support paid out was 5% higher than it should have been. We discuss possible reasons for the relatively limited extent of non-compliance and more general lessons for the design of transfer programs.

Saving Effects of a Real-Life Imperfectly Implemented Wealth Tax: Evidence from Norwegian Micro Data

May 2022


25 Reads


2 Citations

AEA Papers and Proceedings

Countries that implement wealth taxes make many practical compromises regarding relative treatment and approach to valuation of different categories of assets in order to ease assessment and liquidity difficulties with this form of taxation. Relying on Norwegian variation in tax and base rules, we illustrate the resulting complexity and evaluate the effect of taxation on saving and portfolio composition. Our results highlight the sensitivity of the strength of response to the base definition.

Koronaledighetens sosiale gradient

May 2022


5 Reads


Vi studerer virkningene av koronakrisen på arbeidsledighet blant personer som var i jobb da krisen startet. Vi undersøker hvordan ledighetseksponering har variert på tvers av tre ulike dimensjoner: posisjon i lønnsfordelingen før krisen, landbakgrunn og utdanning. Vårt mål for ledighetseksponering omfatter tapt arbeidstid grunnet permittering, oppsigelse eller redusert avtalt arbeidstid, målt som andel av avtalt arbeidstid i februar 2020. Resultatene våre bekrefter en sosial gradient i arbeidsledigheten. Det relative fallet i arbeidstid var størst blant dem som vanligvis opplever å falle utenfor arbeidslivet i kriser, nemlig personer med lav alderskorrigert inntekt i utgangspunktet, innvandrere og personer med lav utdanning. Omfanget av ledighetseksponering har i stor grad vært knyttet til kjennetegn ved bedrift og yrke, og arbeidstakere i offentlig sektor har i svært liten grad vært rammet. Når vi korrigerer for observerbare kjennetegn, finner vi at jobb- og personkjennetegn forklarer hele forskjellen i ledighetseksponering mellom utdanningsgrupper, mens den sosiale gradienten består for lavinntektsgrupper og innvandrere.

Tax evasion and tax avoidance

February 2022


458 Reads


87 Citations

Journal of Public Economics

Exploiting rich administrative data and salient policy variation, we study the substitution between illegal tax evasion and legal tax avoidance. By increasing its enforcement effort, the Norwegian government pushed many wealthy individuals to disclose assets previously hidden abroad. We find that the taxes paid by these individuals rise 30% at the time of disclosure and that the rise is sustained over time. After stopping to evade, taxpayers do not start avoiding more. Our results suggest that cracking down on evasion by the wealthy can be an effective way to raise tax revenue, increase tax progressivity, and ultimately reduce inequality.

Citations (34)

... Large parts of the literature, and surely the public debate, use the above discussed estimates on profit shifting as a measure for the losses societies experience because of MNCs' tax avoidance. Alstadsaeter, Davies, Parenti, and Toubal (2024) forcefully argue in Chapter 7 that such a narrow focus on tax revenue misses important (empirical) aspects. Therefore, Alstadsaeter et al. (2024) broaden the scope to various real effects of tax havens. ...


The need for (economic) research on tax havens: an overview on where we are and where we go
The real effects of tax havens
  • Citing Chapter
  • December 2024

... Following the collective bargaining theory, rent-sharing between workers within rms depends on their bargaining power (Alstadsaeter et al., 2022). Thus, members of the board of directors could get higher compensation derived from greater after-tax pro ts originating in Pro t-Shifting if they had high bargaining power. ...

Pennies from Haven: Wages and Profit Shifting
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Thus, the degree to which the taxpayer complies with the tax laws is emphasized by correctly declaring income, submitting declarations and paying taxes due on time according to the legislation's deadlines to avoid penalties. To increase the collection of budget revenues, it is essential to stimulate tax compliance, and thus, all taxpayers participate correctly and equitably in the financing of public goods and services (Alm & McClellan, 2012;Bruno, 2019;Enachescu et al., 2019;Alstadsaeter et al., 2022). Tax revenues provide various public goods, support public expenditures, and finance public services (Youde & Lim, 2019). ...

Tax evasion and tax avoidance
  • Citing Article
  • February 2022

Journal of Public Economics

... We do not take account of the issuance of new equity, as underwriting commissions and other fees tend to make issuance a more costly alternative than retained earnings or debt(Alstadsaeter & Fjaerli, 2009). 3 For details, seeAursland et al. (2019). ...

Neutral Taxation of Shareholder Income? Corporate Responses to an Announced Dividend Tax
  • Citing Article
  • January 2009

SSRN Electronic Journal

... En otras palabras, aquellos que han realizado una planificación fiscal con el objetivo de incrementar sus beneficios fiscales y/o reducir sus obligaciones tributarias. Esta es la principal causa por 36 la cual se debe identificar al colectivo que realiza el agrupamiento (Alstadsaeter y Jacob, 2013), pues incrementa el residuo fiscal interfiriendo en los objetivos redistributivos del sistema tributario (Saez, 2010). Para la identificación de los contribuyentes que se agrupan deben cumplirse una serie de requisitos (Alstadsaeter y Jacob, 2013;Mortenson y Whitten, 2020), entre los que destacan: 1) Los individuos deberán tomar sus decisiones según el tipo marginal y no a través del tipo medio. ...

Who Participates in Tax Avoidance?
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

SSRN Electronic Journal

... A third kind of te s is sometimes used in countries that receive iff s, either as final recipients or as 'transit countries' (Musselli and Bürgi Bonanomi, 2020). These te s target intangible assets, in particular through so-called patent boxes (pb s) and other te provisions for research and development (R&D) (Alstadsaeter et al., 2018;Haufler and Schindler, 2022). ...

Patent Boxes Design, Patents Location and Local R&D
  • Citing Article
  • January 2015

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Tax is something undeniable for every citizen, their awareness of taxation will be important in pursuing tax compliance. Alstadsaeter (2013) in his study on the effect of awareness and incentives on tax evasion found that tax awareness has an explanation as to why some taxpayers engage in legal tax avoidance activities while others do not. The taxpayer's awareness of tax rules depends on the salience of taxes. ...

The Effect of Awareness and Incentives on Tax Evasion
  • Citing Article
  • January 2013

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Before introducing 27 Recent empirical literature examines whether investment reacts to changes in the taxation of dividends and capital gains at the individual level. Yagan (2015) and Alstadsaeter et al. (2017) find that large reduction in dividends taxes had no impact to investment of U.S. and Swedish firms, respectively. This finding is consistent with the view that marginal investments are financed by retained earnings. ...

Do Dividend Taxes Affect Corporate Investment
  • Citing Article
  • January 2014

SSRN Electronic Journal

... Our second communication strategy mixes normative appeals with various audit probabilities (5%, 33%, 66%) that we disclose to the recipients. Audits and sanctions mostly demonstrate enhanced compliance (Bíró et al., 2022;Bjørneby et al., 2021). However, threatening taxpayers with audits risks undermining trust and eliciting adverse reactions (Gangl et al., 2020;Hofmann et al., 2017;Mendoza et al., 2017). ...

Limits to third-party reporting: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Norway
  • Citing Article
  • November 2021

Journal of Public Economics

... Governments also introduced unprecedented loan guarantee programs and credit support measures to support businesses (Bennedsen et al., 2020). Loan guarantees and government purchases of corporate bonds were key instruments to inject liquidity into affected businesses (Alstadsaeter et al., 2020). Initially, banks were able to meet the surge in liquidity demand due to funds from liquidity injection programs, depositor inflows, and pre-existing high levels of bank capital . ...

Norwegian and U.S. Policies Alleviate Business Vulnerability Due to the COVID-19 Shock Equally Well
  • Citing Article
  • September 2020

National Tax Journal