Anne Morgenstern’s research while affiliated with Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research and other places

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Publications (75)

(a) Overview of the Lena River watershed, delineated by the red line. Gray colors show the topography, while blue colors show rivers, lakes, and seas. (b) Satellite image (Landsat-5, 7, and 8 imagery courtesy of the US Geological Survey, multiyear mosaic, edited in Google Earth Engine) of the Lena River delta with the sampling location on Samoylov Island.
ERA5-Land monthly mean air temperature and total precipitation for the Lena River catchment. Lines show the air temperatures, with the light-gray area indicating the minimum–maximum range of all years from 1950 to 2022. Precipitation is shown by violins, with the width of the violin indicating the occurrence frequency within the years from 1950 to 2022. The years 2018 to 2022 are highlighted using color-coded lines (temperature) and squares in the violins (precipitation). Data source: ERA5. Credit: Copernicus Climate Change Service/ECMWF.
Discharge of the Lena River for all years from 1937 to 2022 (thin black lines) measured at Kyusyur. The years 2018 to 2022 are highlighted using different colors. The gray area shows the absolute minimum and maximum for each day from 1937 to 2022. The inset figure (top left) shows the annual discharge fluxes.
Time series of (a) discharge measured at Kyusyur and (b) river water temperature and (c) EC. Gray areas indicate the ice-free periods. Dashed black lines separate sample sets and indicate a change in the measurement protocol and method (see Table 1). For comparison, we added temperature data sampled by the ArcticGRO program (blue squares in panel b).
Time series of (a) δ18O, (b) δD, and (c) d-excess. The scatterplot in panel (d) shows the relationship between δ18O and δD for the Lena River, where samples measured at the Alfred Wegener Institute are indicated by a black outline and samples measured at the Melnikov Permafrost Institute are shown using a green outline. The linear regression is shown by the solid red line; the dashed blue line shows the Global Meteoric Water Line after Craig (1961).


Lena River biogeochemistry captured by a 4.5-year high-frequency sampling program
  • Article
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January 2025


92 Reads


Anne Morgenstern





Pier Paul Overduin

The Siberian Arctic is warming rapidly, causing permafrost to thaw and altering the biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, with cascading effects on the coastal and shelf ecosystems of the Arctic Ocean. The Lena River, one of the largest Arctic rivers, drains a catchment dominated by permafrost. Baseline discharge biogeochemistry data are necessary to understand present and future changes in land-to-ocean fluxes. Here, we present a high-frequency 4.5-year-long dataset from a sampling program of the Lena River's biogeochemistry, spanning April 2018 to August 2022. The dataset comprises 587 sampling events and measurements of various parameters, including water temperature, electrical conductivity, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, dissolved organic carbon concentration and ¹⁴C, colored and fluorescent dissolved organic matter, dissolved inorganic and total nutrients, and dissolved elemental and ion concentrations. Sampling consistency and continuity and data quality were ensured through simple sampling protocols, real-time communication, and collaboration with local and international partners. The data are available as a collection of datasets separated by parameter groups and periods at (Juhls et al., 2020b). To our knowledge, this dataset provides an unprecedented temporal resolution of an Arctic river's biogeochemistry. This makes it a unique baseline on which future environmental changes, including changes in river hydrology, at temporal scales from precipitation event to seasonal to interannual can be detected.


The Lena River catchment
Sampling location (Samoylov Island; red star) at the outlet of the Lena River catchment comprising four major sub-catchments, with contribution to annual streamflow for the Upper Lena (42%), the Aldan (30%), the Vilui (9%), and the Lower Lena (19%) catchments²⁰ with digital elevation model of the Lena catchment (GEBCO Grid).
One-year chemical monitoring of the Lena River water
Between 20th April 2018 and 28th March 2019 (A, M, J, J, A, S, O, N, D, J, F, M: months from April until March) at Samoylov station including the open water period (blue area) and the ice-covered period: (a) Discharge close to Samoylov station for the Lena catchment (Roshydromet⁴²); (b) Ge/Si ratio ( ± SD); (c) Si isotope composition ( ± SD); (d) SUVA values (Y-axis reverted) and dissolved NH4 concentrations¹⁵.
Winter chemical monitoring of the Lena River water
Between 15th October 2018 and 31th March 2019 (O, N, D, J, F, M: months from October until March): (a) Air temperature for the whole Lena catchment, with shaded areas for the colder winter phases with air temperature < −30 °C (ERA5-Land⁴¹); (b) Discharge (dashed line; Roshydromet⁴²) and water temperature (dotted line) at Samoylov station¹⁵; (c) Ice thickness measurement (dots; Roshydromet⁴²) and modeled ice growth rate (full line) at Samoylov station (see Methods); (d) Dissolved Si isotope composition ( ± SD) and Ge/Si ratio ( ± SD) at Samoylov station, (e) SUVA values (Y-axis reverted) and NH4 concentration at Samoylov station¹⁵.
Processes leading to the formation of microzones in river ice
Longer reaction time for solutes in the water column under river ice cover (red arrows). A: Flow; B: Stable ice cover; C: Frazil produced in supercooled water (T < 0 °C); D: Turbulent flow entrains frazil in flow; E: Frazil agglomerates; F: Frazil tends to accumulate at slope transitions; G: Frazil sticks to bed matter to form anchor ice; H: Microzones with longer reaction time for winter biogeochemical processes in the water column; I: Water with longer time in the water column (heavy Si isotope composition, high Ge/Si) and amorphous silica precipitates (light Si isotope composition, low Ge/Si). Graphical design by Y. Nowak.
Frazil ice changes winter biogeochemical processes in the Lena River

November 2024


37 Reads


1 Citation

The ice-covered period of large Arctic rivers is shortening. To what extent will this affect biogeochemical processing of nutrients? Here we reveal, with silicon isotopes (δ³⁰Si), a key winter pathway for nutrients under river ice. During colder winter phases in the Lena River catchment, conditions are met for frazil ice accumulation, which creates microzones. These are conducive to a lengthened reaction time for biogeochemical processes under ice. The heavier δ³⁰Si values (3.5 ± 0.5 ‰) in river water reflect that 39 ± 11% of the Lena River discharge went through these microzones. Freezing-driven amorphous silica precipitation concomitant to increased ammonium concentration and changes in dissolved organic carbon aromaticity in Lena River water support microbially mediated processing of nutrients in the microzones. Upon warming, suppressing loci for winter intra-river nitrogen processing is likely to modify the balance between N2O production and consumption, a greenhouse gas with a large global warming potential.

Lena River biogeochemistry captured by a 4.5-year high-frequency sampling program

July 2024


248 Reads

The Siberian Arctic is warming rapidly, causing permafrost to thaw and altering the biogeochemistry of aquatic environments, with cascading effects on the coastal and shelf ecosystems of the Arctic Ocean. The Lena River, one of the largest Arctic rivers, drains a catchment dominated by permafrost. Baseline discharge biogeochemistry data is necessary to understand present and future changes in land-to-ocean fluxes. Here, we present a high-frequency, 4.5-year-long dataset from a sampling program of the Lena River’s biogeochemistry, spanning April 2018 to August 2022. The dataset comprises 587 sampling events and measurements of various parameters, including water temperature, electrical conductivity, stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes, dissolved organic carbon concentration and 14C, coloured and fluorescent dissolved organic matter, dissolved inorganic and total nutrients, and dissolved elemental and ion concentrations. Sampling consistency and continuity and data quality were ensured through simple sampling protocols, real-time communication, and collaboration with local and international partners. The data is available as a collection of datasets separated by parameter groups and periods at (Juhls et al., 2020b). To our knowledge, this dataset provides an unprecedented temporal resolution of an Arctic river’s biogeochemistry. This makes it a unique baseline on which future environmental changes, including changes in river hydrology, at temporal scales from precipitation event to seasonal to interannual, can be detected.

Drivers of winter ice formation on Arctic water bodies in the Lena Delta, Siberia

June 2024


39 Reads


3 Citations

Arctic landscapes are characterized by diverse water bodies, which are covered with ice for most of the year. Ice controls surface albedo, hydrological properties, gas exchange, and ecosystem services, but freezing processes differ between water bodies. We studied the influence of geomor- phology and meteorology on winter ice of water bodies in the Lena Delta, Siberia. Electrical conductivity (EC) and stable water isotopes of ice cores from four winters and six water bodies were measured at unprecedented resolution down to 2-cm increments, revealing differences in freezing systems. Open-system freezing shows near-constant isotopic and EC gradients in ice, whereas closed-system freezing shows decreasing isotopic composition with depth. Lena River ice displays three zones of isotopic composition within the ice, reflecting open-system freezing that records changing water sources over the winter. The isotope composition of ice covers in landscape units of different ages also reflects the individual water reservoir settings (i.e., Pleistocene vs. Holocene ground ice thaw). Ice growth models indicate that snow properties are a dominant determinant of ice growth over winter. Our findings provide novel insights into the winter hydrochemistry of Arctic ice covers, including the influences of meteorology and water body geomorphology on freezing rates and processes.

The MOSAiC Distributed Network: Observing the coupled Arctic system with multidisciplinary, coordinated platforms

May 2024


239 Reads


5 Citations

Central Arctic properties and processes are important to the regional and global coupled climate system. The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) Distributed Network (DN) of autonomous ice-tethered systems aimed to bridge gaps in our understanding of temporal and spatial scales, in particular with respect to the resolution of Earth system models. By characterizing variability around local measurements made at a Central Observatory, the DN covers both the coupled system interactions involving the ocean-ice-atmosphere interfaces as well as three-dimensional processes in the ocean, sea ice, and atmosphere. The more than 200 autonomous instruments (“buoys”) were of varying complexity and set up at different sites mostly within 50 km of the Central Observatory. During an exemplary midwinter month, the DN observations captured the spatial variability of atmospheric processes on sub-monthly time scales, but less so for monthly means. They show significant variability in snow depth and ice thickness, and provide a temporally and spatially resolved characterization of ice motion and deformation, showing coherency at the DN scale but less at smaller spatial scales. Ocean data show the background gradient across the DN as well as spatially dependent time variability due to local mixed layer sub-mesoscale and mesoscale processes, influenced by a variable ice cover. The second case (May–June 2020) illustrates the utility of the DN during the absence of manually obtained data by providing continuity of physical and biological observations during this key transitional period. We show examples of synergies between the extensive MOSAiC remote sensing observations and numerical modeling, such as estimating the skill of ice drift forecasts and evaluating coupled system modeling. The MOSAiC DN has been proven to enable analysis of local to mesoscale processes in the coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean system and has the potential to improve model parameterizations of important, unresolved processes in the future.

Optical remote sensing (Sentinel-3 OLCI) used to monitor dissolved organic carbon in the Lena River, Russia

March 2023


257 Reads


4 Citations

In the past decades the Arctic has experienced stronger temperature increases than any other region globally. Shifts in hydrological regimes and accelerated permafrost thawing have been observed and are likely to increase mobilization of organic carbon and its transport through rivers into the Arctic Ocean. In order to better quantify changes to the carbon cycle, Arctic rivers such as the Lena River in Siberia need to be monitored closely. Since 2018, a sampling program provides frequent in situ observations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) of the Lena River. Here, we utilize this ground truth dataset and aim to test the potential of frequent satellite observations to spatially and temporally complement and expand these observations. We explored all available overpasses (~3250) of the Ocean and Land Colour Instrument (OLCI) on Sentinel-3 within the ice-free periods (May – October) for four years (2018 to 2021) to develop a new retrieval scheme to derive concentrations of DOC. OLCI observations with a spatial resolution of ~300 m were corrected for atmospheric effects using the Polymer algorithm. The results of this study show that using this new retrieval, remotely sensed DOC concentrations agree well with in situ DOC concentrations (MAPD=10.89%, RMSE=1.55 mg L⁻¹, r²=0.92, n=489). The high revisit frequency and wide swath of OLCI allow it to capture the entire range of DOC concentrations and their seasonal variability. Estimated satellite-derived DOC export fluxes integrated over the ice-free periods of 2018 to 2021 show a high interannual variability and agree well with flux estimates from in situ data (RMSD=0.186 Tg C, MAPD=4.05%). In addition, 10-day OLCI composites covering the entire Lena River catchment revealed increasing DOC concentration and local sources of DOC along the Lena from south to north. We conclude that moderate resolution satellite imagers such as OLCI are very capable of observing DOC concentrations in large/wide rivers such as the Lena River despite the relatively coarse spatial resolution. The global coverage of remote sensing offers the expansion to more rivers in order to improve our understanding of the land-ocean carbon fluxes in a changing climate.

Figure 2: Schematic 30 x 30 m vegetation plot set up with 2 x 2 m subplots for vegetation cover estimation for different canopy layers and above ground biomass sampling on 0.5 x 0.5m inside the 2 x 2 m subplots. The background photo shows a vegetation plot within
Figure 5: Habitat linked disturbance regimes across the Lena Delta. The map (a) includes all vegetated areas (excluding water and sand). The pie chart (b) shows the contribution of vegetated classes across the Lena Delta grouped by high and low disturbance regimes. The bottom panels show c) the measured dry above ground biomass (Dataset 2) and d) the species richness and Shannon index (from Dataset 1) of the vegetation plots for different habitat classes and disturbance regimes.
A new habitat map of the Lena Delta in Arctic Siberia based on field and remote sensing datasets

February 2023


452 Reads

The Lena Delta is the largest river delta in the Arctic (about 30 000 km2) and prone to rapid changes due to climate warming, associated cryosphere loss and ecological shifts. The delta is characterized by ice-rich permafrost landscapes and consists of geologically and geomorphologically diverse terraces covered with tundra vegetation and of active floodplains, featuring approximately 6 500 km of channels and over 30 000 lakes. Because of its broad landscape and habitat diversity the delta is a biodiversity hotspot with high numbers of nesting and breeding migratory birds, fish, caribou and other mammals and was designated a State Nature Reserve in 1995. Characterizing plant composition, above ground biomass and application of field spectroscopy was a major focus of a 2018 expedition to the delta. These field data collections were linked to Sentinel-2 satellite data to upscale local patterns in land cover and associated habitats to the entire delta. Here, we describe multiple field datasets collected in the Lena Delta during summer 2018 including foliage projective cover (Shevtsova et al., 2021a), above ground biomass (Shevtsova et al., 2021b), and hyperspectral field measurements (Runge et al., 2022, We further describe a detailed Sentinel-2 satellite image-based classification of habitat types for the central Lena Delta (Landgraf et al., 2022), an upscaled classification for the entire Lena Delta (Lisovski et al., 2022), as well as a synthesis product for disturbance regimes (Heim and Lisovski, 2023, in the delta that is based on the classification, the described datasets, and field expertise. We present context and detailed methods of these openly available datasets and show how they can improve our understanding of the rapidly changing Arctic tundra system. The new Lena Delta habitat distribution dataset represents a first baseline against which future observations can be compared. With the link between such detailed habitat type classifications and disturbance regimes future upscaling efforts may provide a better understanding of how Arctic lowland landscapes will respond to climate change and how this will impact land surface processes.

Citations (47)

... (Fig. 3b). Support for frazil ice formation is provided by the difference in δ 18 O in river water between the outlet of the catchment (Samoylov) and about 800 km upstream (Zhigansk) 17 (see Methods; Supplementary Fig. 2). The comparison highlights that between November 2018 and February 2019, downstream water from Samoylov present heavier δ 18 O values than upstream water from Zhigansk 17 . ...


Frazil ice changes winter biogeochemical processes in the Lena River
Drivers of winter ice formation on Arctic water bodies in the Lena Delta, Siberia

... The MOSAiC Central Observatory (CO) and its surrounding distributed network (DN) of automated observational platforms and buoys were deployed in residual ice north of the Laptev Sea in early October 2019, and drifted across the Central Arctic during the subsequent winter, entering the Fram Strait in June 2020 . Maps showing the track of the drifting station and more details of the atmospheric, ice, ocean and DN observations along this drift track can be found in a series of MOSAiC overview (Nicolaus et al., 2022;Rabe et al., 2022Rabe et al., , 2024 and domain-specific (e.g., Fer et al., 2022;Krumpen, Haapala, et al., 2021;Krumpen, von Albedyll, et al., 2021;Peng et al., 2023;von Albedyll et al., 2022;Watkins et al., 2023) publications. Figure 1 shows a map of the relative positions of the CO and the DN sites on 31 Jan 2020, at which time the CO was located at 87.5°N, 96.0°E (275 km from the North Pole). ...

The MOSAiC Distributed Network: Observing the coupled Arctic system with multidisciplinary, coordinated platforms

... ERA5-Land reanalysis data along with the perennial monitoring data at Tiksi and Kyusyur weather stations show a significant change in air temperature and solar radiation which have occurred at the beginning of the 21 century. According to (Chalov et al., 2023) air temperatures in the Lena Delta increased significantly (p-value < 0.05) (Fig. 8a). An increase in warming rate was observed between the periods 1950-1999 and 2000-2021, i.e., the most significant increase in air temperature occurred in the last 20-year period. ...

Climate change impacts on streamflow, sediment load and carbon fluxes in the Lena River delta

Ecological Indicators

... A relevant example of this is shifts in hydrologic pathways due to climate change and permafrost thaw (Prokushkin et al., 2019), which may affect organic matter (OM) quality but not discharge (Frey and Smith, 2005). In addition, higherfrequency or even continuous in situ measurements (e.g., Castro-Morales et al., 2022) will create new opportunities to validate remotely sensed data (El Kassar et al., 2023) or model results (e.g., Rawlins and Karmalkar, 2024) and to potentially upscale data spatially. The biogeochemistry of a river is impacted by the environmental processes of its entire upstream catchment and may therefore reflect changes across a range of scales (Holmes et al., 2012). ...

Optical remote sensing (Sentinel-3 OLCI) used to monitor dissolved organic carbon in the Lena River, Russia

... Average annual rainfall is low (169 mm over the period 2002-2018). The snowfall season starts between mid-September and mid-October and generally lasts to late May or early June Heim et al. 2022). The snow depth varies greatly, both spatially and temporally, through redistribution by strong winds and is generally relatively thin (~0.3 m; Figure 2, Table 4). ...

Spring snow cover duration and tundra greenness in the Lena Delta, Siberia: two decades of MODIS satellite time series (2001-2021)

... In September 2020, the Arctic sea-ice cover was at its annual minimum and transiting into regrowth state (Nicolaus et al., 2022) when two strong cyclonic events occurred. The first cyclone on September 13 lasted 1.5 days (hereafter referred to as WAI2a). ...

Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Snow and sea ice

... Here, we selected six water bodies (five thermokarst lakes and the Lena River) on SAM and KUR, representing conditions of both hydrologically open (e.g., river) and closed (e.g., isolated lake) systems (Table 1). Two of the lakes with the informal names Larisa Lake I (referred to as Oval Lake in previous studies; e.g., in Stolpmann et al. 2022) and Larisa Lake II are located in the southern part of KUR, within late Pleistocene Yedoma deposits. Three additional lakes, namely, Shallow Lake, Fish Lake, and Molo Lake, are located on the much younger deltaic deposits of the Holocene (marine isotope stage 1) on SAM. ...

Origin and Pathways of Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Small Catchment in the Lena River Delta

... In addition to uncertainties in how climate warming drives increased soil respiration, there is large uncertainty regarding mediating effects from increased vegetation productivity (and CO 2 uptake) caused by longer growing seasons, increased atmospheric CO 2 concentrations, and additional nutrient release from thawing permafrost (Abbott et al., 2016;Liu, Kimball, et al., 2022;Liu, Kuhn, et al., 2022;McGuire et al., 2018). While uncertainties remain large, many studies based on observational GHG flux time series show enhanced net GHG emissions from warming and thawing permafrost soils Marushchak et al., 2021;Natali et al., 2015;Rodenhizer et al., 2022;Voigt et al., 2017Voigt et al., , 2019. ...

Thawing Yedoma permafrost is a neglected nitrous oxide source

... For further analysis, our samples were transported to labs of the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam and on Helgoland. In Potsdam, we used the Shimadzu TOC-VCPH with the non-purgeable 125 organic carbon (NPOC) method to measure the concentration of DOC in milligrams per liter (mg L -1 ) in our water samples using the same approach as in Stolpmann et al. (2021). We used the Dionex DX-320 Ion Chromatography System to measure anions and the Perkin Elmer Optima 8300 DV Spectrometer to measure the cations. ...

First pan-Arctic assessment of dissolved organic carbon in lakes of the permafrost region

... The interior Alaskan (sub-)Arctic environment is characterized by discontinuous permafrost, and typical surface water chemistry can have high dissolved organic carbon (DOC; > 10 mg L −1 ) (Ma et al. 2019;Manasypov et al. 2014;Stolpmann et al. 2021). High DOC in Alaskan surface waters is especially intriguing when considering the fate of PTEs. ...

First Pan-Arctic Assessment of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Permafrost-Region Lakes