Anna-Sophia Grossi’s research while affiliated with University Hospital Ulm and other places

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Publications (28)

Stellenwert des maschinellen Blutbildes bei der Diagnose der infektiösen Mononukleose durch EBV
  • Article

June 2020


11 Reads


1 Citation


Franziska Stupp


Thomas Karl Hoffmann


Anna-Sophia Grossi




Jörg Lindemann

Introduction: EBV serology is recommended for serological diagnosis of mononucleosis. As results of an automated differential blood count is available more quickly, possible differences between an EBV primary infection and a bacterial tonsillitis were investigated. Methods: A retrospective evaluation of absolute and relative lymphocyte and monocyte counts of n = 140 patients > 16 years from 01/2008 to 01/2019 (mean age 21.4 years, 51 % ♀, 49 % ♂) with suspected EBV infection was performed. The groups of a serologically confirmed or excluded EBV infection were compared. Results: An automated differential blood count was available in n = 42 patients with primary EBV infection. Average lymphocyte count was 5.5 ± 2.6 giga/l. Patients with acute bacterial tonsillitis (n = 36) had significantly lower values with 1.6 ± 1.3 giga/l, p < 0.05. Equal results were found in relative lymphocyte counts (47.4 ± 17.9 vs. 12.8 ± 9.1 %, p < 0.05). For monocyte counts, neither absolute (1.2 ± 0.8 vs. 1.2 ± 0.6 giga/l, p = 0.617) nor relative (8.8 ± 3.6 vs. 9.8 ± 5.2 %, p = 0.746) monocyte counts showed significant differences. Conclusion: Increased lymphocyte counts in an automated differential blood count can be a first indication of primary EBV infection. Perhaps up to 30 % morphologically altered lymphocytes are increasingly counted correctly with modern hematology analyzers and no longer counted as monocytes. These results could be used to make decisions about further diagnosis (abdominal ultrasonography, ECG) and antibiotic therapy before results of EBV serology are available.

Prospektive Erfassung der postinterventionellen Lebensqualität nach Adenotomie und Adenotonsillotomie bei KindernProspective assessment of postinterventional quality of life after adenoidectomy and adenotonsillotomy in children
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2020


47 Reads

Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde

Background In studies, the evaluation of the effectiveness of adenoidectomy (AT) and adenotonsillotomy (ATT) in symptomatic children with adenoids and hyperplastic tonsils is often solely based on the extent of the postoperative reduction of symptoms. Therefore, this study was carried out to document changes in the children’s quality of life (QOL) after AT and ATT by the use of the Glasgow children’s benefit inventory (GCBI) questionnaire and a visual analog scale (VAS).Material and methodsA total of 111 children (3–6 years old, ♂ 65%, ♀ 35%, mean age 4.2 years, AT 66%, ATT 34%, follow-up 3.5 months) were prospectively recruited. The QOL was measured by the GCBI questionnaire (24 items) and a VAS for general QOL (0–10 points).ResultsIn 107 children (96.4%) a postoperative improvement in QOL based on GCBI scores could be observed. The mean score was +32.7 ± 22.14, confidence interval (CI) +28.5–+36.9 with a maximum of +97.9 and a minimum of −25.0 points. A significantly higher mean score of +39.4 ± 25.18 was achieved in the ATT group compared to +29.3 ± 19.67 in the AT group (p = 0.024). In 91 (82.0%) of the children the parents reported a higher score in the VAS postoperatively, in 16 (14.4%) the parents noticed no change and the QOL deteriorated postoperatively in only 4 (3.6%).Conclusion Even an exclusive hyperplasia of pharyngeal tonsils relevantly influenced the general QOL in children. The increase in QOL in GCBI and VAS postoperatively confirmed the clear benefit of the operation. With additional hyperplasia of tonsils, an additional tonsillotomy significantly improved the QOL even more. Therefore, with differentiated indications AT and ATT are effective surgical procedures not only to significantly improve symptoms but also the children’s QOL.


Funktion und Physiologie der KieferhöhleFunction and physiology of the maxillary sinus

May 2020


27 Reads


10 Citations


Background The question of the “true” function of the maxillary sinus and the paranasal sinuses (PS) has been a controversial issue in the literature for decades, leading to many discussions and speculations.Objective This review briefly summarizes various theories on the possible physiology and functions of the maxillary sinus/PS that have been discussed over the centuries.Materials and methodsA literature search was conducted in PubMed using a combination of the search terms “physiology,” “function,” “maxillary sinus,” and “paranasal sinuses.”ResultsCurrent and scientifically evidenced theories are described. “Sinusology” is the science of the PS. The maxillary sinuses might simply serve to improve the respiratory function of the nose. A flow of inspiratory air does not occur. The maxillary sinuses are decisively involved in the production of nitrogen monoxide (NO) and thus in supporting the immune defense of the nasal cavity. The mucosa of the maxillary sinus continuously synthesizes NO and serves as a reservoir of NO. Other important functions are protection of the orbit and the brain in case of skull fractures, as well as weight reduction of the skull.Conclusion The various theories about the function of the PS still raise many questions and their true function is yet not fully understood. Possible functions of the maxillary sinuses are local immune defense through the production of NO. The PS serve as a crumple zone for vital cerebral structures in the context of craniocerebral traumas.

Diagnostik und Therapie der adenotonsillären Hyperplasie im KindesalterDiagnostics and treatment of adenotonsillar hyperplasia in children

February 2020


42 Reads


4 Citations


Adenoidectomy, paracentesis, and tonsillar interventions are the most common operations in childhood. Hypertrophy of the lymphatic tissue of Waldeyer’s ring can lead to individually distinct, acute, and chronic symptoms as well as anatomical and functional changes. When presented with affected children in otolaryngologic practice, the combination of parental interview, questionnaire-based screening for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, and physical examination including ear microscopy, inspection of the oropharynx and, if necessary, the nasopharynx, has proven its worth. Audiometric diagnosis for detection of tympanic effusion should be mandatory. The treatment of choice is adenoidectomy, if necessary plus tonsillotomy and paracentesis with a tympanic tube insert. However, the indication remains controversial, as the effectiveness of the interventions seems to depend on the preoperative severity of symptoms. With a correct indication, effective symptom reduction, improvement in quality of life, and high parent satisfaction can be expected.

Der KINDL-Fragebogen zur Erfassung der allgemeinen Lebensqualität bei adenotonsillärer Hyperplasie

October 2019


8 Reads


Background: There are few systematic studies on the general quality of life of children before and after adenoidectomy and adenotonsillotomy, although interventions on adenoids and tonsils are the most frequent operations in childhood in Germany. For this reason, the established KINDL questionnaire was used to assess the quality of life of children for the first time. Methods: Study participants (n = 111) and a waiting design control group (n = 35) were recruited consecutively from children (3-6 years) receiving adenoidectomy (66 %) or adenotonsillotomy (34 %). The Kiddy-KINDL® questionnaire was answered by parents on the day of surgery and 3.5 months postoperatively. Parents of the control group were interviewed, when the date of operation was scheduled and on the day of operation. Results: Total scale score of the Kiddy-KINDL of max. 100 points improved slightly in the intervention group from preoperatively 75.9 ± 10.8 (95 %-KI [73.8-77.9]) to postoperatively 77.2 ± 9.2 points (95 %-KI [75.1-79.0]; p = 0.365). Also in the comparison group there was no significant change over time (77.9 ± 9.7; 95 % CI [74.1-81.7] vs. 77.3 ± 11.3; 95 % CI [72.8-81.8]; p = 0.949) or compared to the preoperative score of the intervention group (p = 0.894). The subscales scores for "physical well-being" (p < 0.01), "school" (p = 0.034) and "parents" (p < 0.01) showed significant improvements for the intervention group. Children with additional tonsillotomy also showed a significant postoperative increase of the total scale score (p = 0.049). Conclusion: The version of the Kiddy-KINDL we used is therefore not fully suitable for recording the general QOL in adenotonsillar hyperplasia, since an improvement in QOL could only be recorded in subscales. However, since tonsillotomy in particular seems to have a relevant influence on QOL, it should be performed in children with significant hyperplasia.

Analyse von Gesichtsasymmetrien bei Patienten mit Schiefnasen

August 2019


45 Reads


2 Citations


Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das chirurgische Management der Schiefnase stellt selbst für erfahrene Rhinochirurgen eine Herausforderung dar, obwohl zahlreiche Techniken zur Korrektur beschrieben sind. Nicht selten besteht zusätzlich zur Schiefnase eine Asymmetrie des Gesichtes, die das ästhetische Ergebnis der Operation beeinflusst. In dieser Studie sollte festgestellt werden, wie häufig bei Patienten mit einer Schiefnase zusätzlich eine anthrometrische Asymmetrie des Gesichtes besteht. Material und Methoden Hierzu wurden retrospektiv die Daten von Patienten mit Schiefnasen (n = 607, 304 Frauen, 303 Männer, mittleres Alter 30 Jahre) ausgewertet. Die präoperativen Fotos des Gesichtes wurden standardisiert anthrometrisch anhand von Winkelmessungen ausgewertet. Ergebnisse 382 der 607 Patienten hatten eine C-förmige (63 %) und 225 eine I-förmige (37 %) Schiefnase. Mehr als Dreiviertel der Patienten wiesen eine Gesichtsasymmetrie bezüglich der Pupillenverbindungs-/Nasenbasislinie auf. 49 % der Patienten gaben ein Nasentrauma in der Vorgeschichte an, dieses hatte jedoch keinen relevanten Einfluss auf die Häufigkeit einer Gesichtsasymmetrie. Schlussfolgerungen Eine vorbestehende Gesichtsasymmetrie ist sehr häufig und kann das ästhetische Operationsergebnis erheblich beeinträchtigen. Dies sollte im Rahmen der präoperativen Aufklärung angesprochen werden. Insbesondere sollte erwähnt werden, dass das Operationsergebnis bei Schiefnasen ästhetisch erheblich hinter den Erwartungen bleiben kann und nicht selten eine Revisionsoperation notwendig werden kann.

Citations (7)

... Their size may be correlated with the occurrence of obstructive sleep apnea, the genesis of antrochoanal polyps, and fungal infections. Despite their location and function, the thorough radiological assessment of the morphology of the MS pre-and postoperatively is not a standard routine in patients undergoing surgical procedures involving the LeFort I osteotomy [8][9][10][11][12][13]. ...


Changes in Maxillary Sinus Volume and Mucosal Thickness Post Bimaxillary Advancement Procedures: A Retrospective Study
Funktion und Physiologie der KieferhöhleFunction and physiology of the maxillary sinus
  • Citing Article
  • May 2020


... Adenoidectomy is a common procedure in childhood [46]. The physiological involution of the adenoids begins at the age of 6 years [62] and is completed by puberty. ...

Diagnostik und Therapie der adenotonsillären Hyperplasie im KindesalterDiagnostics and treatment of adenotonsillar hyperplasia in children
  • Citing Article
  • February 2020


... In our study, CR took place within a week of nasal trauma. Taken together, the patient should always be informed that the surgical outcome may not meet their aesthetical and functional expectations and that surgical revisions may be necessary [29]. ...

Analyse von Gesichtsasymmetrien bei Patienten mit Schiefnasen
  • Citing Article
  • August 2019


... Nasal septal deviation and turbinate hypertrophy are common anatomical causes of nasal airway obstruction (NAO). 1,2 Although surgeries to correct the anatomical malformations that cause NAO are generally successful, the outcomes of many of such procedures, especially the longterm results, are not satisfactory. [3][4][5][6] Most surgeries are aimed at improving nasal resistance. ...

Value of turbinoplasty in rhinosurgery - a controlled randomized study
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019

Rhinology Journal

... Die Probanden füllten neben dem ENS6Q-GAV auch den NO-SE©-GAV-Fragebogen [12] zur Erfassung ihrer allgemeinen Nasengesundheit und subjektiver Nasenatmungsbeschwerden aus. Beide Fragebögen wurden von 191 Probanden 1-mal bzw. ...

Erstellung einer deutschen Version des „Nasal Obstruction Symptom Evaluation“ Fragebogens (NOSE©)
  • Citing Article
  • June 2019


... Опросник SNOT-20 широко используется для оценки качества жизни проведенной операции на перегородке носа [9,10]. J. Lindemann и соавторы [11] сообщают о выявлении статистической значимости при использовании опросника SNOT-20 у пациентов с искривлением перегородки носа до операции и через 6 месяцев после операции септопластики по Котлле. X. Kang и соавторы [12] доказали, что опросник SNOT можно использовать как прогностическую модель для прогнозирования эффективности хирургического лечения. ...

Subjective patient satisfaction after nasal septumplasty
  • Citing Article
  • July 2017


... There is evidence that PG underestimates AHI compared to PSG in OSA patients. [21][22][23][24] We show that PG significantly underestimates AHI in each OSA severity group. This finding is not surprising because, unlike PG, PSG includes EEG and hypopneas associated with arousals (even without accompanying desaturations) tend to inflate AHI values. ...

Diagnostic accuracy of outpatient polygraphy devices : A comparison with inpatient polysomnography in clinical routine
  • Citing Article
  • January 2017