January 2024
32 Reads
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension Economics & Sociology
The study was undertaken to analyse the income inequality and its pattern among farm households in Udaipur and Banswara districts of southern Rajasthan. The study was based on primary data collected from 240 households with the help of pre structured schedule during the year 2020-21. Selection of farmers categorized into two categories i.e., beneficiary farmers and non-beneficiary farmers under assured and unassured irrigation, respectively. Lorenz curve and Gini Concentration ratio were used to analyzed the data. Results revealed that the Gini-concentration ratio for beneficiary farms was observed lower i.e., 0.36 and 0.40 as compared to non-beneficiary farms i.e., 0.46 and 0.48, respectively in Banswara and Udaipur districts. Thus, it can be concluded that income inequality was lower on beneficiary farms compared to non-beneficiary farms in the study area. Authors recommended that government should encourage the farmers to increase agricultural productivity, use of new technology providing by irrigation facilities by water harvesting technology in study area to increase the farm income and lower down the income inequality.