August 2024
4 Reads
Journal of Eco-friendly Agriculture
‘On farm trials’ to assess the effect of organic nutrient package on soil chemical and microbial properties, productivity and economics of summer moong were laid in the farmers’ field of district Tarn Taran. The study tested organic farming, natural farming and integrated nutrient management practices against farmers’ practices in the district. I was found that integrated nutrient management practices gave significantly higher value of yield attributes such as plant height, number of pods per plant and 100 grain weight. Though, the number of seeds per pod were reported as highest with natural farming practice. Continuous application of organic nutrient sources in amounts sufficient to meet the requirements of crops not only resulted in increasing crop yield but also improved soil fertility and organic matter content. There are indications of organic matter build up in organic as well as in natural farming involving treatments which might improve a lot in the long-term. The highest value of organic carbon was reported under scientifically recommended organic package owing to application of organic manure. The trends of nitrogen availability under different treatments were observed similar to that of organic carbon. The highest available P content was registered in INM treatment. The highest yield of summer moong was reported with INM practice followed by farmers’ practice. Despite lower yield in organic and natural farming practices the net returns and B:C ratio were found highest under these treatments.