February 2025
3 Reads
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
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February 2025
3 Reads
Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology
May 2024
254 Reads
Plant Pathology
Bacterial blight, incited by Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum (Xcm), is historically one of the most devastating diseases of cotton globally. In India, the initial documentation of the disease dates back to 1918 and it assumed a great magnitude after 1947, primarily triggered by cultivation of tetraploid cotton, as the earlier cultivated indigenous diploid cotton was naturally resistant to the pathogen, and became widespread during the 1970s. Among 20 races of bacterial blight pathogen documented at global level, Race 18 is the most virulent one and prominent in India. The pathogen inflicts damage at all crop stages, beginning with seedlings. The disease caused regular yield losses of 30%–35% in India and had become a formidable adversary to cotton cultivation in the country; however, over the years its appearance diminished. Much larger gains were apparently achieved when disease was managed with a combination of seed treatment, foliar sprays and bio-agents. Furthermore, extensive breeding programmes led to development of resistant cultivars, which proved instrumental in managing the disease. The disease exhibited a sharp decline from the beginning of the 21st century and is now no longer a chronic problem in India. This comprehensive review attempts to provide insight into the dynamic nature of bacterial blight threatening cotton cultivation in India during the last century and the underpinning multifaceted research efforts that paved the way for countering the disease. An attempt is made to discuss the qualitative and quantitative studies on genetics of bacterial blight for facilitating the breeding programmes.
May 2024
79 Reads
Plant Pathology
Bacterial blight, incited by Xanthomonas citri pv. malvacearum (Xcm), is historically one of the most devastating diseases of cotton globally. In India, the initial documentation of the disease dates back to 1918 and it assumed a great magnitude after 1947, primarily triggered by cultivation of tetraploid cotton, as the earlier cultivated indigenous diploid cotton was naturally resistant to the pathogen, and became widespread during the 1970s. Among 20 races of bacterial blight pathogen documented at global level, Race 18 is the most virulent one and prominent in India. The pathogen inflicts damage at all crop stages, beginning with seedlings. The disease caused regular yield losses of 30%–35% in India and had become a formidable adversary to cotton cultivation in the country; however, over the years its appearance diminished. Much larger gains were apparently achieved when disease was managed with a combination of seed treatment, foliar sprays and bio-agents. Furthermore, extensive breeding programmes led to development of resistant cultivars, which proved instrumental in managing the disease. The disease exhibited a sharp decline from the beginning of the 21st century and is now no longer a chronic problem in India. This comprehensive review attempts to provide insight into the dynamic nature of bacterial blight threatening cotton cultivation in India during the last century and the underpinning multifaceted research efforts that paved the way for countering the disease. An attempt is made to discuss the qualitative and quantitative studies on genetics of bacterial blight for facilitating the breeding programmes. KEYWORDS bacterial blight, boll rot, breeding, race 18, Xanthomonas
September 2023
36 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Oilseeds Research
The efficacy of different fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii was tested using poison food technique under in vitro conditions and through seed treatment in screen house. Efficacy of fungicides in vitro against S. rolfsii showed that carboxin, vitavax power and hexaconazole completely inhibited mycelial growth up to 100 per cent at 100 ppm concentration. Thiram inhibited 95.8 per cent and propiconazole inhibited 98.1 per cent at 1000 ppm. Captan inhibited 80.6 per cent at 1000 ppm while, carbendazim only inhibited 18.5 per cent at 1000 ppm. Pencycuron have failed to show antifungal activity against S. rolfsii even at 1000 ppm. Evaluation of bio-agents against S. rolfsii in vitro revealed that Trichoderma harzianum showed maximum antifungal activity with 70.1 per cent inhibition of mycelial growth followed by T. viride (63.1%) and Bacillus spp. (53.7%). Seed treatment with fungicides and soil treatment with bio-agents significantly reduced the disease incidence of collar rot. Maximum collar rot control wasfound by carboxin (73.9%) followed by vitavax power (69.9%) and thiram (69.4%) by seed treatment under screen house conditions. For the bio-agents, T. harzianum showed maximum control of the disease (40.8%) followed by Bacillus spp. (36.9%) and T. viride (34.6%) in comparison to control.
December 2021
116 Reads
9 Citations
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
Background Pearl millet remains prone to many diseases; among them downy mildew caused by Sclerospora graminicola (Sacc.) Schroet is economically more important. The use of endophytic bacteria for management of downy mildew of pearl millet as eco-friendly approach is increasing attention as sustainable alternative to pesticides. The objective of the present study was to isolate endophytic bacteria from roots of pearl millet cultivars and assess for biocontrol activity against Sclerospora graminicola . Results Thirty pearl millet root bacterial endophytes (PMRBEs) were isolated and screened in vitro for biocontrol activities such as: siderophore production, hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production and 1-amino cyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity. Sixteen isolates possessed siderophore production potential, 3 isolates were found to be HCN producers, and 30% of the bacterial endophytes showed a good growth on ACC supplemented plates. On the basis of biocontrol activities, promising endophyte PMRBE6 was selected for seed treatment as well as a foliar spray to manage downy mildew of pearl millet in screen house experiment. The isolate PMRBE6 was found to be effective in managing downy mildew disease. Grain yield, test weight, plant height and average number of productive tillers were found to be maximum on inoculation of seeds of different pearl millet cultivars with PMRBE6, and the results were statistically significant as compared to control. Conclusions On the basis of biochemical characterization and partial 16S rRNA sequencing, the isolate PMRBE6 was identified as Bacillus subtilis strain PD4 (Accession no. MN400209) . Pearl millet root bacterial endophyte (PMRBE6) exhibiting biocontrol activities could be exploited in friendly, sustainable organic agriculture.
November 2021
37 Reads
1 Citation
Journal of Agrometeorology
March 2021
48 Reads
6 Citations
Bangladesh Journal of Botany
Progression of Alternaria blight disease was measured on two susceptible Indian mustard varieties viz., RH 30 and RH 0749 sown at three different dates. The maximum increase in disease severity was recorded between first weeks of February and last week of February. During this period, the maximum and minimum temperature, relative humidity at morning and evening, average vapour pressure of morning and evening, maximum and bright sunshine hours and wind speed were higher, which resulted in congenial conditions for severe infection by the pathogen. The disease severity was positively correlated with maximum and minimum temperature, average vapour pressure, wind speed, sunshine hours and evaporation, while relative humidity and rainfall negatively correlated with Alternaria blight on both the varieties. A maximum value of area under disease progress curve was observed on cultivar RH 30 (651.1 cm2) as compared to RH 0749 (578.9 cm2), when crop was sown on 9th November.
February 2021
118 Reads
Field experiment was conducted with mungbean yellow mosaic susceptible variety LBG 623 during kharif and rabi 2011-12 with a view to alleviating the effects of whitefly borne geminivirus, Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) in blackgram through foliar application of salicylic acid (SA) 3mM, triacontanol (tria) 10 ppm and certain mineral nutrients like potassium as KNO 3 (0.5%), magnesium as MgSO 4 (0.5%) and manganese as MnSO 4 (0.2%) either alone successively or alternated with each other. The treatments tria followed by KNO 3 and tria-KNO 3 were found more effective in reducing the MYMV incidence and intensity with a consequent increase in growth and yield. The application of SA and mineral nutrients either alone or in alternation with tria and SA also reduced the disease compared with unsprayed check. Acetamiprid spray in combination with yellow sticky trap in the present investigation was not found to be effective.
January 2021
194 Reads
1 Citation
Indian Phytopathology
Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn inciting sheath blight is known to cause substantial quantitative and qualitative losses in rice. Sixty six isolates of R. solani representing different agro-ecological regions of Haryana were classified based on their cultural and morphological, pathogenic and genetic traits. R. solani isolates were found highly variable both in mycelial and sclerotial characters. The mean vertical disease spread caused by R. solani isolates on five rice cultivars viz. Tetep, IR 64, Pusa Basmati 1, Govind and HKR 127 varied between 24.67 and 57.25% and the fungal isolates formed three clusters based on their pathogenic behaviour. Inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and Universal rice primers (URPs) were used to study the population structure of R. solani isolates. The Nei’s diversity (h), Shannon’s diversity index (I) and percentage of polymorphic loci (P%) were observed to be 0.2761, 0.4301 and 100%, respectively at the population level. Genetic variation was maintained within the populations as reflected by the higher gene flow (Nm = 4.5997). Agro-ecological regions contributed to 6% of the total genetic variation, whereas the major proportion of genetic variation (89%) was attributed to the differences within populations and only 5% among populations.
January 2021
48 Reads
1 Citation
In India, enormous microorganisms that are present in nature are being exploited for various value-added importance. Among the microbes, fungi are considered as most useful microbes with wider application. To minimize the use of pesticides in agriculture the most alternative source is fungi for development of sustainable crop improvement. Hence, the search of diversified potent fungi for its broad spectrum of applications is the need of the hour. In this chapter, a detailed summary of diversification and classes of fungi and its economic importance are discussed in detail.
... The present finding matched with bio-agents against S. rolfsii that Trichoderma harzianum had the highest antifungal activity, inhibiting mycelial development by 70.1 percent, followed by T. viride (63.1 percent) and Bacillus spp. (53.7 percent) [7] . ...
September 2023
Journal of Oilseeds Research
... Bacillus subtilis, endophytic bacteria isolated from the root of pearl millet. B. subtilis showed activity against Sclerosporagraminicola which causes downy mildew disease of pearl millet (21). Endophytic bacterial strains isolated from chilli showed great antimicrobial activity against 4 pathogens namely, Sclerotium rolfsii, Fusarium oxysporum, Colletotrichum capsici, Pythium sp. ...
December 2021
Egyptian Journal of Biological Pest Control
... The growth and development of rapeseed-mustard crop differs in different environmental conditions [4] . crop establishment and cold spell and intermittent rains during crop growth stage cause considerable yield losses by physiological disorder and appearance and proliferation of diseases such as white rust, downy mildew and Sclerotinia stem rot and aphid pest [5,6] . Hence the prediction models using weather parameters can provide more accurate performance. ...
March 2021
Bangladesh Journal of Botany
... Much research has been devoted to disease management in mustard. Agrochemicals have been especially popular among farmers and have been reported to generate rapid control results in India (Dubey 1996;Bhatia and Gangopadhyay 2008;Asif et al. 2017; Gairola and Tewari 2019;Basavaraj et al. 2020). Another approach is to develop varieties that are resistant to this disease. ...
December 2020
Journal of Oilseeds Research
... In recent years, intensive rice cultivation, high use of nitrogenous fertilizer and mono-cropping tendency increase the incidence of sheath blight and other rice diseases in Bangladesh (Moni et al., 2016;Nihad et al., 2020). Yield losses due to sheath blight ranged from 14 to 35% (Khatun et al., 2021;Shahjahan et al., 1986) and worldwide it ranges 4-50% albeit yield loss depend on the crop stage, virulence of the pathogen, time of infection and environmental conditions (Kumar et al., 2020;Bhunkal et al., 2015;Zheng et al., 2013). ...
January 2020
Plant Disease Research
... Betasatellite molecules are responsible for disease severity and believed to be involved in symptom expression and alphasatellite molecules believed to have role in suppression of post transcription gene silencing (PTGS) and attenuation of symptoms. Previously, single betasatellite species, the Cotton leaf curl Multan betasatellite (CLCuMB) has been detected in the CLCuDbegomovirus complex in the Indian subcontinent [5,6,[14][15][16][17]. Zubair et al., [24] reported CLCuMB is the most important component of cotton leaf curl disease complex and identified three distinct CLCuMB in Pakistan. ...
April 2020
... The present finding of sheath blight management is in line with the findings of several researchers (Prajapati et al. 2014;Yellareddygari et al. 2014;Kumar et al. 2019) who suggested a systemic management approach combining all available sheath blight management options for better disease management. Application of balanced dose of manures and fertilizers followed by minimum application of plant protection chemicals have always been recommended by researchers for better management of diseases and obtaining maximum crop yield. ...
December 2019
The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences
... Understanding the continuous evolution and recombination events of begomovirus-satellite complexes, and the application of new technologies like CRISPR-Cas9, will facilitate the development of resistance sources against this disease. During 2015-2016, Balram et al. (2017) surveyed the cotton belt of Northern India and observed the maximum CLCuD incidence (70.3 to 72.3%) in Punjab in comparison to Haryana (42.2 to 61.0%) and Rajasthan (40.1 to 42.5%). Many changes have been noticed in the occurrence of the CLCuD in this Punjab Region (Datta et al. 2017) and Sattar et al. (2017) have predicted the upcoming third epidemic in the Indian subcontinent. ...
January 2017
... 50ppm concentration of Propiconazole inhibited 96.39% mycelial growth. Non systemic fungicides like captan and mancozeb inhibited cent per cent mycelial growth at a higher concentration of 500 ppm, while copper oxychloride was ineffective at lower concentrations (Rakesh et al. 2016). This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of crop residues and fungicides in inhibiting the carpogenic germination of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum under in vitro conditions. ...
March 2016
Journal of Applied and Natural Science
... "Rapeseed-mustard is the third most important oilseed commodity in the world after Soybean (Glycine max) and Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) India is the third largest producer of Rapeseed with global contribution of 28.3 per cent acreage and 19.8 per cent production" [1]. "The oil contains usually 38-57% of erucic acid, 4.7-30% of linoleic acid and 20% of oleic acid which are of high nutritive value that are essentially required to maintain good human health. ...
December 2016
Journal of Applied and Natural Science