Angus H. Gibson’s research while affiliated with Australian National University and other places

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Publications (16)

Figure 1: Snapshot of the ocean surface speed from a two-tier, one-way nested regional ocean configurations of the East Australian Current. The outer regional configuration (dashed region) uses 1/10ᵒ horizontal resolution, 75 vertical levels, and is forced by the output from the global ocean-sea ice model at 1/10ᵒ horizontal resolution (ACCESS-OM2-01; Kiss et al. (2020)). The inner regional configuration (dotted region) uses 1/30ᵒ horizontal resolution, 100 vertical levels, and is forced with the outer regional model. All simulations share a common inter-annual atmospheric forcing from 1990 to 2018 provided by the JRA55-do reanalysis (Tsujino et al., 2018).
regional-mom6: A Python package for automatic generation of regional configurations for the Modular Ocean Model 6
  • Article
  • Full-text available

August 2024


108 Reads


1 Citation

The Journal of Open Source Software

Ashley J Barnes



Angus H Gibson




regional-mom6 is a Python package that provides an easy and versatile way to set up regional configurations of the Modular Ocean Model version 6 (MOM6). code repository:


Automatic adjoint-based inversion schemes for geodynamics: reconstructing the evolution of Earth's mantle in space and time

July 2024


64 Reads


1 Citation

Reconstructing the thermo-chemical evolution of Earth's mantle and its diverse surface manifestations is a widely recognised grand challenge for the geosciences. It requires the creation of a digital twin: a digital representation of Earth's mantle across space and time that is compatible with available observational constraints on the mantle's structure, dynamics and evolution. This has led geodynamicists to explore adjoint-based approaches that reformulate mantle convection modelling as an inverse problem, in which unknown model parameters can be optimised to fit available observational data. Whilst there has been a notable increase in the use of adjoint-based methods in geodynamics, the theoretical and practical challenges of deriving, implementing and validating adjoint systems for large-scale, non-linear, time-dependent problems, such as global mantle flow, has hindered their broader use. Here, we present the Geoscientific ADjoint Optimisation PlaTform (G-ADOPT), an advanced computational modelling framework that overcomes these challenges for coupled, non-linear, time-dependent systems by integrating three main components: (i) Firedrake, an automated system for the solution of partial differential equations using the finite-element method; (ii) Dolfin-Adjoint, which automatically generates discrete adjoint models in a form compatible with Firedrake; and (iii) the Rapid Optimisation Library, ROL, an efficient large-scale optimisation toolkit; G-ADOPT enables the application of adjoint methods across geophysical continua, showcased herein for geodynamics. Through two sets of synthetic experiments, we demonstrate the application of this framework to the initial condition problem of mantle convection, in both square and annular geometries, for both isoviscous and non-linear rheologies. We confirm the validity of the gradient computations underpinning the adjoint approach, for all cases, through second-order Taylor remainder convergence tests and subsequently demonstrate excellent recovery of the unknown initial conditions. Moreover, we show that the framework achieves theoretical computational efficiency. Taken together, this confirms the suitability of G-ADOPT for reconstructing the evolution of Earth's mantle in space and time. The framework overcomes the significant theoretical and practical challenges of generating adjoint models and will allow the community to move from idealised forward models to data-driven simulations that rigorously account for observational constraints and their uncertainties using an inverse approach.

Model grids, snapshots of normalized vorticity and super-inertial energy dissipation
a The simulations with 2 km and 500 m resolution are carried out in the colored region and the region in the white box, respectively. The analyses for the 2 km and 500 m simulations are performed in the white dotted box. Colors indicate ocean depth. A snapshot (1 day after the storm) of normalized vorticity at 33 m depth in the (b) eddy-wave and (c) wave-only cases with 500 m resolution, respectively. Note the different colorbar ranges. The mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies are indicated by red and blue circular patterns, respectively, in (b). A snapshot (8 days after the storm) of super-inertial energy dissipation (log scale) at 355 m depth in the (d) eddy-only, (e) eddy-wave, and (f) wave-only cases with 500 m resolution, respectively. Gray colors in (d–f) indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from under-sampling of parameterized viscosity values (See Methods and Supplementary Note 7).
The generation, propagation, and dissipation of near-inertial kinetic energy
a The wind work cospectrum in the eddy-only, eddy-wave, and wave-only cases. The frequency band over which the near-inertial wind work, near-inertial kinetic energy, and near-inertial vertical energy flux are computed is defined between 12 h and 24 h, which are marked by blue dotted lines. The Hövmoller diagram of (b) near-inertial kinetic energy and (c) vertical energy flux in the eddy-wave case, respectively. The negative vertical energy flux indicates downward energy propagation. The Hövmoller diagram of horizontally averaged super-inertial energy dissipation (log scale) in the (d) eddy-only, (e) eddy-wave, and (f) wave-only cases, respectively (Methods). As in Fig. 1, gray colors in (d–f) indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from under-sampling of parameterized viscosity values (Methods and Supplementary Note 7). Solid lines in (b–f) show the horizontally and temporally averaged stratification profiles with an x-axis ranges from 0 to 0.005 s⁻¹. The quantities shown are obtained from the 2 km simulations. See Supplementary Fig. 4 for the same figure for the 500 m simulations.
Kinetic energy distribution in frequency space
Frequency spectra of kinetic energy in the eddy-only (dotted lines), eddy-wave (solid lines), and wave-only (dashed lines) cases for the (a) 2 km simulations at 33 m depth, (b) 2 km simulations at 355 m depth, (c) 500 m simulations at 33 m depth, and (d) 500 m simulations at 355 m depth. The red curves indicate the Lagrangian spectrum (Supplementary Note 6) in the eddy-wave case. A slope of -2 representing the shape of GM spectrum is marked in blue dotted lines for comparison.
Internal wave energy distribution in frequency-horizontal-wavenumber space
Frequency-horizontal-wavenumber spectrum of internal wave energy at (a–b) 33 m depth and (e–f) 355 m depth from 500 m simulations in the eddy-wave and wave-only cases, respectively. The internal wave energy is computed using super-inertial high-pass velocities on Lagrangian particles with a temporal resolution of 2 h (Nyquist frequency of 7.0 × 10−5 s⁻¹; see Methods). The corresponding differences in the energy spectrum between the eddy-wave and wave-only cases at (c) 33 m depth and (g) 355 m depth. The associated horizontal wavenumber spectra of internal wave energy in the eddy-wave (solid lines) and wave-only (dashed lines) cases at (d) 33 m depth and (h) 355 m depth. The white horizontal lines in (a–c) and (e–g) mark f, 2f, and 3f (where f is the inertial frequency), respectively. The white dotted curves in (c) and (g) mark the dispersion relation for mode-1 baroclinic internal waves (Supplementary Note 5). Dashed, black vertical lines mark the horizontal wavenumber corresponding to eight grid spacings. At higher wavenumbers, horizontal numerical diffusion is important (note the spectral roll-off) and the modeled dynamics can no longer be considered inviscid. See Supplementary Figure 5 for the same figure for 2 km simulations.
The internal wave energy dissipation in frequency-horizontal wavenumber space
The energy dissipation cospectrum (log scale) in the frequency-horizontal-wavenumber space at 355 m depth for (a–c) 2 km simulations and (d–f) 500 m simulations in the eddy-only, eddy-wave, and wave-only cases, respectively. The energy dissipation cospectrum is computed using hourly Eulerian velocity and vertical viscosity fields (Nyquist frequency of ≈1.4 × 10⁻⁴ s⁻¹; see Methods) and only the super-inertial part of the cospectrum is shown. Dashed, black vertical lines mark the horizontal wavenumber corresponding to eight grid spacings, after which horizontal numerical diffusion is significant. Gray colors indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from under-sampling of parameterized viscosity values (Methods and Supplementary Note 7). The mean and standard deviation of these negative values in (a–f) are −(2.5 ± 3.4) × 10⁻¹⁴, −(3.4 ± 4.1) × 10⁻¹², −(4.3 ± 4.9) × 10⁻¹², −(4.9 ± 6.4) × 10⁻¹⁴, −(5.1 ± 8.8) × 10⁻¹³, −(2.8 ± 3.6) × 10⁻¹², respectively.
Oceanic eddies induce a rapid formation of an internal wave continuum

December 2023


263 Reads


7 Citations

Oceanic internal waves are a major driver for turbulent mixing in the ocean, which controls the global overturning circulation and the oceanic heat and carbon transport. Internal waves are observed to have a continuous energy distribution across all wave frequencies and scales, commonly known as the internal wave continuum, despite being forced at near-inertial and tidal frequencies at large scales. This internal wave continuum is widely thought to be developed primarily through wave-wave interactions. Here we show, using realistic numerical simulations in the subpolar North Atlantic, that oceanic eddies rapidly distribute large-scale wind-forced near-inertial wave energy across spatio-temporal scales, thereby forming an internal wave continuum within three weeks. As a result, wave energy dissipation patterns are controlled by eddies and are substantially enhanced below the mixed layer. The efficiency of this process potentially explains why a phase lag between high-frequency and near-inertial wave energy was observed in eddy-poor regions but not in eddy-rich regions. Our findings highlight the importance of eddies in forming an internal wave continuum and in controlling upper ocean mixing patterns.

Automatic adjoint-based inversion schemes for geodynamics: Reconstructing the evolution of Earth’s mantle in space and time

November 2023


108 Reads

Reconstructing the thermo-chemical evolution of Earth's mantle and its diverse surface manifestations is a widely-recognised grand challenge for the geosciences. It requires the creation of a digital twin: a digital representation of Earth's mantle across space and time that is compatible with available observational constraints on the mantle's structure, dynamics and evolution. This has led geodynamicists to explore adjoint-based approaches that reformulate mantle convection modelling as an inverse problem, in which unknown model parameters can be optimised to fit available observational data. Whilst recent years have seen a notable increase in the use of adjoint-based methods in geodynamics, the theoretical and practical challenges of deriving, implementing and validating adjoint systems for large-scale, non-linear, time-dependent problems, such as global mantle flow, has hindered their broader use. Here, we present the Geoscientific Adjoint Optimisation Platform (G-ADOPT), an advanced computational modelling framework that overcomes these challenges for coupled, non-linear, time-dependent systems. By integrating three main components: (i) Firedrake, an automated system for the solution of partial differential equations using the finite element method; (ii) Dolfin-Adjoint, which automatically generates discrete adjoint models in a form compatible with Firedrake; and (iii) the Rapid Optimisation Library, ROL, an efficient large-scale optimisation toolkit; G-ADOPT enables the application of adjoint methods across geophysical continua, showcased herein for geodynamics. Through two sets of synthetic experiments, we demonstrate application of this framework to the initial condition problem of mantle convection, in both square and annular geometries, for both isoviscous and non-linear rheologies. We confirm the validity of the gradient computations underpinning the adjoint approach, for all cases, through second-order Taylor remainder convergence tests, and subsequently demonstrate excellent recovery of the unknown initial conditions. Moreover, we show that the framework achieves theoretical computational efficiency. Taken together, this confirms the suitability of G-ADOPT for reconstructing the evolution of Earth's mantle in space and time. The framework overcomes the significant theoretical and practical challenges of generating adjoint models, and will allow the community to move from idealised forward models to data-driven simulations that rigorously account for observational constraints and their uncertainties using an inverse approach.

Fig. 1 (a) The simulations with 2 km and 500 m resolution are carried out in the colored region and the region in the white box, respectively. Colors indicate ocean depth. The analyses for the 2 km simulations are performed in the same white box to allow direct comparisons with the 500 m simulations. A snapshot (1 day after the storm) of normalized vorticity at 33 m depth in the (b) eddy-wave and (c) wave-only cases with 500 m resolution, respectively. Note the different colorbar ranges. The mesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies are indicated by red and blue circular patterns, respectively, in (b). A snapshot (8 days after the storm) of super-inertial energy dissipation (log scale) at 355 m depth in the (d) eddy-only, (e) eddy-wave, and (f) wave-only cases with 500 m resolution, respectively. Gray colors in (d)-(f) indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from undersampling of parameterized viscosity values (See Methods and S7 in the Supplementary Information).
Fig. 2 (a) The wind work cospectrum in the eddy-only, eddy-wave, and wave-only cases. The frequency band over which the near-inertial wind work, near-inertial kinetic energy, and near-inertial vertical energy flux are computed is defined between 12 hr and 24 hr, which are marked by blue dotted lines. The Hövmoller diagram of (b) near-inertial kinetic energy and (c) vertical energy flux in the eddy-wave case, respectively. The negative vertical energy flux indicates downward energy propagation. The Hövmoller diagram of horizontally averaged super-inertial energy dissipation (log scale) in the (d) eddy-only, (e) eddy-wave, and (f) wave-only cases, respectively (Methods). As in Fig. 1, gray colors in (d)-(f) indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from under-sampling of parameterized viscosity values (Methods and S7 in the Supplementary Information). Solid lines in (b)-(f) show the horizontally and temporally averaged stratification profiles with an x-axis ranges from 0 to 0.005 s −1 . The quantities shown are obtained from the 2 km simulations. See Supplementary Fig. 4 for the same figure for the 500 m simulations.
Fig. 5 The energy dissipation cospectrum (log scale) in the frequency-horizontal-wavenumber space at 355 m depth for (a-c) 2 km simulations and (d-f) 500 m simulations in the eddy-only, eddy-wave, and wave-only cases, respectively. The energy dissipation cospectrum is computed using hourly Eulerian velocity and vertical viscosity fields (Nyquist frequency of ≈ 1.4 × 10 −4 s −1 ; see Methods) and only the super-inertial part of the cospectrum is shown. Dashed, black vertical lines mark the horizontal wavenumber corresponding to eight grid spacings, after which horizontal numerical diffusion is significant (see Fig. 5). Gray colors indicate weak negative dissipation values that result from under-sampling of parameterized viscosity values (Methods and S7 in the Supplementary Information). The mean and standard deviation of these negative values in (a)-(f) are −(2.5 ± 3.4) × 10 −14 , −(3.4±4.1)×10 −12 , −(4.3±4.9)×10 −12 , −(4.9±6.4)×10 −14 , −(5.1±8.8)×10 −13 , −(2.8±3.6)×10 −12 , respectively.
Oceanic eddies induce a rapid formation of an internal wave continuum

May 2023


362 Reads

Oceanic internal waves are a major driver for turbulent mixing in the ocean, which controls the global overturning circulation and the oceanic heat and carbon transport. Internal waves are observed to have a continuous energy distribution across all wave frequencies and scales, commonly known as the internal wave continuum, despite being forced at near-inertial and tidal frequencies at large scales. This internal wave continuum is widely thought to be developed primarily through wave-wave interactions. However, the development through wave-wave interactions occurs on yearly timescales and is insufficient to maintain the observed continuum given the large episodic wind energy input. Here we show, using realistic numerical simulations in the subpolar North Atlantic, that oceanic eddies rapidly distribute large-scale wind-forced near-inertial wave energy across spatio-temporal scales, thereby forming an internal wave continuum within three weeks. As a result, wave energy dissipation patterns are controlled by eddies and are significantly enhanced below the mixed layer. The efficiency of this process potentially explains why a phase lag between high-frequency and near-inertial wave energy was observed in eddy-poor regions but not in eddy-rich regions. Our findings highlight the importance of eddies in forming an internal wave continuum and in controlling upper ocean mixing patterns.

Continental Magmatism: The Surface Manifestation of Dynamic Interactions Between Cratonic Lithosphere, Mantle Plumes and Edge-Driven Convection

July 2022


190 Reads


13 Citations

Several of Earth’s intra-plate volcanic provinces lie on or adjacent to continental lithosphere. Although many are believed to mark the surface expression of mantle plumes, our limited understanding of how buoyant plumes interact with heterogeneous continental lithosphere prevents further progress in identifying mechanisms at the root of continental volcanism. In this study, using a suite of 3-D geodynamical models, we demonstrate that the magmatic expression of plumes in continental settings is complex and strongly sensitive to the location of plume impingement, differing substantially from that expected beneath more homogeneous oceanic lithosphere. Within Earth’s continents, thick cratonic roots locally limit decompression melting. However, they deflect plume conduits during their ascent, with plume material channelled along gradients in lithospheric thickness, activating magmatism away from the plume conduit, sometimes simultaneously at locations more than a thousand kilometres apart. This magmatism regularly concentrates at lithospheric steps, where it may be difficult to distinguish from that arising through edge-driven convection. At times, the flow field associated with the plume enhances melting at these steps long before plume material enters the melting zone, implying that differentiating geochemical signatures will be absent. Beneath regions of thinner lithosphere, plume-related flow can force material downwards at lithospheric steps, shutting off pre-existing edge-related magmatism. Additionally, variations in lithospheric structure can induce internal destabilisation of ponding plume material, driving intricate magmatic patterns at the surface. Our analysis highlights the challenges associated with linking continental magmatism to underlying mantle dynamics, motivating an inter-disciplinary approach in future studies.

Towards automatic finite-element methods for geodynamics via Firedrake

July 2022


81 Reads


9 Citations

Firedrake is an automated system for solving partial differential equations using the finite-element method. By applying sophisticated performance optimisations through automatic code-generation techniques, it provides a means of creating accurate, efficient, flexible, easily extensible, scalable, transparent and reproducible research software that is ideally suited to simulating a wide range of problems in geophysical fluid dynamics. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of Firedrake for geodynamical simulation, with a focus on mantle dynamics. The accuracy and efficiency of the approach are confirmed via comparisons against a suite of analytical and benchmark cases of systematically increasing complexity, whilst parallel scalability is demonstrated up to 12 288 compute cores, where the problem size and the number of processing cores are simultaneously increased. In addition, Firedrake's flexibility is highlighted via straightforward application to different physical (e.g. complex non-linear rheologies, compressibility) and geometrical (2-D and 3-D Cartesian and spherical domains) scenarios. Finally, a representative simulation of global mantle convection is examined, which incorporates 230 Myr of plate motion history as a kinematic surface boundary condition, confirming Firedrake's suitability for addressing research problems at the frontiers of global mantle dynamics research.

Automating Finite Element Methods for Geodynamics via Firedrake

January 2022


107 Reads


1 Citation

Firedrake is an automated system for solving partial differential equations using the finite element method. By applying sophisticated performance optimisations through automatic code-generation techniques, it provides a means to create accurate, efficient, flexible, easily extensible, scalable, transparent and reproducible research software, that is ideally suited to simulating a wide-range of problems in geophysical fluid dynamics. Here, we demonstrate the applicability of Firedrake for geodynamical simulation, with a focus on mantle dynamics. The accuracy and efficiency of the approach is confirmed via comparisons against a suite of analytical and benchmark cases of systematically increasing complexity, whilst parallel scalability is demonstrated up to 12288 compute cores, where the problem size and the number of processing cores are simultaneously increased. In addition, Firedrake's flexibility is highlighted via straightforward application to different physical (e.g. complex nonlinear rheologies, compressibility) and geometrical (2-D and 3-D Cartesian and spherical domains) scenarios. Finally, a representative simulation of global mantle convection is examined, which incorporates 230 Myr of plate motion history as a kinematic surface boundary condition, confirming its suitability for addressing research problems at the frontiers of global mantle dynamics research.

Citations (8)

... Ghil and Sciamarella (2023) highlighted that the aspects of dynamical systems and algebraic topology are promising for climate sciences because they could introduce a new methodology for modeling the Earth's climate and other environmental systems [19]. In addition, Ghelichkhan et al. (2024) presented the adjoint-based inversion for geodynamics with an emphasis on the reconstruction of the evolution of the earth's mantle. Their work especially highlights the need for models of much higher precision in order to accurately explain climatic and geodynamic processes happening on the planet for extended periods of time [17]. ...


Applications of Differential Equations in Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Engineering Projects
Automatic adjoint-based inversion schemes for geodynamics: reconstructing the evolution of Earth's mantle in space and time

... The frequency-wavenumber spectrum (x À k spectrum) serves as an effective tool to assess the energy intensity of signals across different spatial and temporal scales and is widely employed in studies on internal waves. [71][72][73][74] Qualitative analysis of the vorticity field indicates that the shoaling and breaking of ISWs can generate vortices at various spatial and temporal scales. Furthermore, these vortices generated by W a can be transported by W b and interact with it (refer to Fig. 2). ...

Oceanic eddies induce a rapid formation of an internal wave continuum

... As far as we are aware, this study is the first numerical model to be able to reproduce the style of rejuvenated magmatism observed for HALIP, that is, pulses of magmatic activity in the same region spread over >30 Myr, without the need for changes in plume flux or rifting. Previous work looking at plume-lithosphere interactions or the emplacement of LIPs focused either on specific settings (e.g., Ballmer et al., 2011;Bredow et al., 2017;Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba & Ballmer, 2022;Negredo et al., 2022), or on more general processes (e.g., Duvernay et al., 2022), and used different implementations of melt fractions instead of melt migration. A study closely related to ours is the work of Steinberger et al. (2019), who investigated how the North Atlantic Igneous Province may have been emplaced by the interaction of the Iceland Plume with the Greenland Craton. ...

Continental Magmatism: The Surface Manifestation of Dynamic Interactions Between Cratonic Lithosphere, Mantle Plumes and Edge-Driven Convection

... The symbolic representation of the PDE model also enables gradients and Hessian actions to be automatically computed using the discrete adjoint generation system dolfin-adjoint/pyadjoint (Mitusch et al., 2019). Firedrake supports a wide array of elements and has been used to build the ocean model Thetis (Kärnä et al., 2018), atmospheric dynamical core Gusto , glacier flow modelling toolkit Icepack (Shapero et al., 2021), and the geodynamics system G-ADOPT (Davies et al., 2022). ...

Towards automatic finite-element methods for geodynamics via Firedrake

... Their need for high numerical resolution has led to the development of geodynamic modelling codes based on state-of-art numerical techniques that are suitable for massively parallel computing (e.g. Bauer et al., 2020;Burstedde et al., 2013;Heister et al., 2017;Davies et al., 2022b). Growing computational capabilities, moreover, have allowed geodynamicists to move from a forward to an inverse modelling approach based on adjoint equations. ...

Automating Finite Element Methods for Geodynamics via Firedrake

... At near-inertial frequencies, the smoothing of the peak is not visible in latitude-dependent spectra (Figures 2a and 2b), and the ratio of Lagrangian to Eulerian spectra indicates values close to unity (Figure 2c). This suggests that drifter displacements do not distort the signature of near-inertial waves similarly to internal tides, in line with findings from Shakespeare et al. (2021). Another obvious contrast is that energy levels at the anticyclonic frequencies are substantially higher than those at the cyclonic frequencies, particularly below the semidiurnal frequency band (Figure 2d). ...

A New Open Source Implementation of Lagrangian Filtering: A Method to Identify Internal Waves in High‐Resolution Simulations

... While these mantle anomalies may have initially formed by other processes such as hot spots (Tao et al., 2021), edge-driven convection supplies warm upwelling mantle today. Our models provide new fodder for geodynamic studies of this complex process; the lithospheric profile, rheology, and platespeed must all influence flow geometry, including along-strike segmentation (Afonso et al., 2016;Duvernay et al., 2021;Liu & Chen, 2019;Ramsay & Pysklywec, 2011). Previous workers discuss individual EDC cells (Levin et al., 2018;Menke et al., 2018), and our models suggest EDC is a highly 3-D process along the margin. ...

Linking Intra‐Plate Volcanism to Lithospheric Structure and Asthenospheric Flow

... Likewise, advection with zero velocity can not cause spurious mixing either. For non-zero velocities and property gradients, however, the existence of substantial spurious mixing has been illustrated using clever experimental designs and diagnostics Megann, 2018;Burchard and Rennau, 2008;Getzlaff et al., 2012;Ilicak et al., 2012;Hill et al., 2012;Klingbeil et al., 2014;Gibson et al., 2017;Klingbeil et al., 2019;Banerjee et al., 2023). ...

Attribution of horizontal and vertical contributions to spurious mixing in an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian ocean model
  • Citing Article
  • September 2017

Ocean Modelling