Angela Egri’s research while affiliated with University of Petroșani and other places

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Publications (12)

Fig. 4 PM 10 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Fig. 5 PM 10 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Fig. 6 PM 10 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Fig. 7 PM 10 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Measurements of PM10 particles made in the Rosia of Jiu quarry as a result of the use of Komatsu PC4000-11 hydraulic excavator
  • Article
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January 2022


43 Reads


1 Citation

MATEC Web of Conferences

Bogdan Ioan Marc



Angela Egri

This paper studies the Roșia Jiu quarry area in Romania. This research highlights the working method of hydraulic excavators and the values of particles released into the atmosphere by them. Improving technological equipment not only helps build a better world, but also restores and preserves the environment. The measurements were made during 2020, using DSM501A sensors, which were located at four points in the quarry, namely in the north, southeast and west of the quarry.


Fig. no. 1. PM 10 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Fig. no. 2. PM 2.5 suspended particle value [µg/m³].
Fig. no. 3. The pH of the accumulation lake (ppm)
Fig. no. 4 The pH of the rainwater (ppm)
Research on the negative effects of the “Valea Arsului” tailings dumps on the environment

January 2022


43 Reads


1 Citation

MATEC Web of Conferences

As a result of the exploitation of coal in the mines from the Jiu Valley, significant quantities of tailings result from the mining works, but also from the coal preparation processes. They are stored in piles of different sizes, placed on the ground horizontally or between mountains, piles called tailings dumps. For the construction of tailings dumps the first requirement was the removal of the vegetal layer from the soil surface, a requirement that was often not observed so that the environment was affected. This paper aims to show how the environment around the Vulcan coal mine was affected in 2020..

Fig. 1. Noise level in the perimeter of Livezeni Mine.
Fig. 2. Noise level in the perimeter of Lupeni Mine.
Monitoring the noise level around the Jiu Valley mines using Bruel&Kjaer noise dose meter type 4448

July 2021


13 Reads

MATEC Web of Conferences

This paper studies the noise level near the mines in the Jiu Valley using the Bruel & Kjaer Noise Dose Meter Type 4448. The purpose of the paper is to determine the noise level and how it can be reduced so that it falls within the limits imposed by law. The monitoring was done for a period of three months, during which we analyzed and compared the data with the values established by law. The results of our monitoring showed that the noise due to mining activities has a rather influential aspect in terms of occupational safety and security and does not directly affect daily life.

Fig. 1. Connection diagram for the 8 LM75A sensors.
Fig. 2. Capture of the values recorded by sensors.
Fig. 3. Variation of temperature in the north of the Petrosani
Measuring the change of air temperature with 8 LM75A sensors in mining area

January 2020


140 Reads


5 Citations

MATEC Web of Conferences

The studied geographical area is situated in a intramontane region situated on the Jiu River called the Jiu Valley, where the main economic activity is mining. The importance of studying this area is related to the effect of coal mining on the climate. Coal extraction in the area led to a change of atmospheric temperature due to the emissions of gases and dust that affects the environment. The use of LM75A sensors allow us to accurately read the air temperature and transmit warning messages when certain temperature intervals are exceeded.

Fig.1 Graphical representation of the obtained answers for question no. 1
Fig.2 Graphical representation of the obtained answers for question no. 2
Fig.3 Graphical representation of the obtained answers for question no. 3
Fig.4 Graphical representation of the obtained answers for question no. 4

January 2020


57 Reads


5 Citations

Mining activities for the extraction and efficient use of mineral substances have opened the way to civilization, progress and well-being for many countries of the world, including Romania. This paper analyzes the intramontane area of the Jiu Valley. This paper is based on a public opinion poll conducted in Jiu Valley. The survey was conducted between 16.07.2020 and 16.09.2020 on a sample of 2000 persons, adults over the age of 18 years.


January 2018


46 Reads


7 Citations

In the coal preparation plant situated in Vulcan, a part of raw coal extracted from the mining units in the "Valea Jiului" is being processed. The small grit coal from circulating waters is concentrated with cyclone batteries and recovered and drained with the help of special screens. The fine tailings from residual water are directed into the slurry decanters and the water is purged using reagents. For appropriate dosing of the reagents, weekly samples of water containing tailings are collected form the slurry decanters. In the following we will analyze and interpret the indicators obtained from the processing of these samples.

Fig.1 Reprezentarea grafică a rezultatelor obţinute
Analiza, prelucrarea şi interpretarea principalilor indicatori rezultaţi în urma colectării probelor din decantoarele de şlam steril ale Preparaţiei Coroeşti

Analiza, prelucrarea şi interpretarea principalilor indicatori rezultaţi în urma colectării probelor din decantoarele de şlam steril ale Preparaţiei Coroeşti Şoica Florin Flavius, Egri Angela Rezumat În cadrul Preparaţiei Coroeşti, din Vulcan str. Preparaţiei nr.1, se prelucrează o parte din cărbunele brut extras de unităţile miniere din Valea Jiului. Cărbunele mărunt din apele de circulaţie este concentrat cu ajutorul bateriilor de hidrocicloane şi recuperat, respectiv desecat cu ajutorul ciururilor de desecare. Sterilul fin din apele reziduale este dirijat în decantoarele de şlam steril, după care apa se epurează în prezenţa reactivilor. În vederea dozării corespunzătoare a reactivilor săptămânal se colectează probe din decantoarele de şlam steril. În cele ce urmează vom analiza şi interpreta indicatorii obţinuţi din prelucrarea acestor probe.


June 2017


44 Reads

Asian Academic Research Journal of Multidisciplinary

This paper presents and analyzes the existing system for controlling the flow of coal on the conveyor with scrapers in a complex mechanized mining component in order to find a better adjustment system. The driving of the imprest and cutting system of mining machine is done by means of a squirrel-cage induction motor. Automatic adjustment of the flow of coal on the conveyor is made by means of a control system which has in the main loop the flow of coal while the secondary loop is the advancing and cutting speed of the mining machine. Speed of advance and cutting speed are considered components of the input vector of mining machines. Induction motors speed control in the imprest and cutting systems is done by a control system with direct orientation on electromagnetic flux of the rotor, sensorless type. The mining machine analyzed in this paper is intended for cutting the coal seams in longwall mining methods.


October 2016


22 Reads

Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities

After the implementation of the new Directives of European Union in the national public procurement system of Romania, the vast majority of public authorities has troubles making direct purchases – especially when using the dynamic purchasing system (SEAP). The new directives (theoretically) are meant to make purchasing easier, cheaper and should involve less bureaucracy, but the new laws passed in Romania seem to overcomplicate the procedures and hold back basic purchases.

Citations (4)

... Figure 6 shows the scheme of such drillings. [4][5][6][7][8] At the level of environmental protection, horizontal drilling technology is very efficient and has the great advantage of eliminating field excavations and works performed by horizontal drilling do not cause discomfort in rail or road traffic, also bypassing previous underground obstacles (pipes, cables and other). ...


Dewatering of waters from surface quarries in the Oltenia basin with the help of horizontal drilling
Measurements of PM10 particles made in the Rosia of Jiu quarry as a result of the use of Komatsu PC4000-11 hydraulic excavator

MATEC Web of Conferences

... In developing a portable air quality detector using Arduino Uno, a dust sensor will be utilized. In specific a dust sensor called DSM501A will be used [16]. The reason behind using this dust sensor is that it is affordable, widely available, and more accurate when detecting PM10 particles. ...


... An interesting aspect is, though the population considers mine water to be an environmental threat, that they also think that RAG AG is best suited to improve the situation. This is similar to public opinion survey results from the Romanian Jiu Valley (Valea Jiului, Schiltal) coal mining region, where people think that the mining industry irreparably affects the environment, but modernizing the mines could considerably reduce pollution (Stanimirescu et al., 2020). In relation to legal aspects of mine water, there is a lack of knowledge of the population in the three post-mining regions with similar findings in Guatemalan mining regions, where knowledge about mining law and related subjects is also low (Parker, 2009). ...


... The main activity of the Jiu Valley since the interwar period is mining, and if in the past the area experienced a good development due to mining, now this area is considered disadvantaged due to the closure of mining. [2] Mining activities produce a series of pollutants that affect all components of the environment. Soil, one of the most important components of the environment is also the most affected by this industry, because the quantities of sterile material resulting from the preparation of coal are deposited on the soil surface in dumps, thus making changes in relief and occupying large areas of which may not be used for other purposes. ...

Measuring the change of air temperature with 8 LM75A sensors in mining area

MATEC Web of Conferences