Angel Carocca’s research while affiliated with Universidad de La Frontera and other places


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Publications (46)

On Group Actions on Riemann-Roch Spaces of Curves
  • Article

June 2023


4 Reads

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra

Angel Carocca


Daniela Vásquez Latorre

The Monodromy Group of pq-Covers
  • Article
  • Publisher preview available

September 2022


18 Reads


1 Citation

Transformation Groups

In this work, we study the monodromy group of covers φ ∘ ψ of curves Y→ψYψ\mathcal {Y}\xrightarrow {\quad {\psi }}X→φℙ1XφP1 \mathcal {X} \xrightarrow {\quad \varphi } \mathbb {P}^{1}, where ψ is a q-fold cyclic étale cover and φ is a totally ramified p-fold cover, with p and q different prime numbers with p odd. We show that the Galois group GG\mathcal {G} of the Galois closure ZZ\mathcal {Z} of φ ∘ ψ is of the form G=ℤqs⋊UG=ZqsU \mathcal {G} = \mathbb {Z}_{q}^{s} \rtimes \mathcal {U}, where 0 ≤ s ≤ p − 1 and UU\mathcal {U} is a simple transitive permutation group of degree p. Since the simple transitive permutation group of prime degree p are known, and we construct examples of such covers with these Galois groups, the result is very different from the previously known case when the cover φ was assumed to be cyclic, in which case the Galois group is of the form G=ℤqs⋊ℤpG=ZqsZp \mathcal {G} = \mathbb {Z}_{q}^{s} \rtimes \mathbb {Z}_{p}. Furthermore, we are able to characterize the subgroups HH{\mathscr{H}} and NN\mathcal {N} of GG\mathcal {G} such that Y=Z/NY=Z/N\mathcal {Y} = \mathcal {Z}/\mathcal {N} and X=Z/HX=Z/HX = \mathcal {Z}/{\mathscr{H}}.

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Figure 2. A commutative diagram summarizing Theorem 1

September 2022


71 Reads

Let Y, X, T be closed Riemann surfaces, P : Y → X be an unbranched abelian Galois covering and let π : X → T be a (possible branched) covering. We provide a description of the structure of the Galois cover group of the associated Galois closure of π • P : X → T .

The Monodromy group of pqpq-covers

December 2021


32 Reads

In this work we study the monodromy group of covers φψ\varphi \circ \psi of curves \linebreak YψXφP1\mathcal{Y}\xrightarrow {\quad {\psi}} \mathcal{X} \xrightarrow {\quad \varphi} \mathbb{P}^{1}, where ψ\psi is a qq-fold cyclic \'etale cover and φ\varphi is a totally ramified pp-fold cover, with pp and qq different prime numbers with pp odd. We show that the Galois group G\mathcal{G} of the Galois closure Z\mathcal{Z} of φψ\varphi \circ \psi is of the form G=ZqsU \mathcal{G} = \mathbb{Z}_q^s \rtimes \mathcal{U}, where 0sp10 \leq s \leq p-1 and U\mathcal{U} is a simple transitive permutation group of degree pp. Since the simple transitive permutation group of prime degree pp are known, and we construct examples of such covers with these Galois groups, the result is very different from the previously known case when the cover φ\varphi was assumed to be cyclic, in which case the Galois group is of the form G=ZqsZp \mathcal{G} = \mathbb{Z}_q^s \rtimes \mathbb{Z}_p. Furthermore, we are able to characterize the subgroups H\mathcal{H} and N\mathcal{N} of G\mathcal{G} such that Y=Z/N\mathcal{Y} = \mathcal{Z}/\mathcal{N} and X=Z/HX = \mathcal{Z}/\mathcal{H}.

Abelian varieties and Riemann surfaces with generalized quaternion group action

August 2021


52 Reads

In this article we consider Riemann surfaces and abelian varieties endowed with a group of automorphisms isomorphic to a generalized quaternion group. We provide isogeny decompositions of each abelian variety with this action, compute dimensions of the corresponding factors and provide conditions under which this decomposition is nontrivial. We then specialize our results to the case of Jacobians and relate them to the so-called genus-zero actions on Riemann surfaces. We also give a complete classification and description of the complex one-dimensional families of Riemann surfaces and Jacobians with a generalized quaternion group action, extending known results concerning the quasiplatonic case. Finally, we construct and describe explicit families of abelian varieties with a quaternion group action and derive a period matrix for the Jacobian of the surface with full automorphism group of second largest order among the hyperellip-tic surfaces of genus four.


Citations (23)

... Then P is a Galois covering with deck group A A , and U = Y × (P,Q) S (the fiber product of P and Q). In this particular situation, in [7] it is asserted that G K ⋊ L (even if q is not relatively prime to the order of L). ...


The Monodromy Group of pq-Covers

Transformation Groups

... For example, in [RCR20], Reyes-Carocca and Rodriguez prove that if π : X → Y is a regular covering map the group algebra decomposition of J(X) can be lifted to J(Y ) in an equivariant way. Another example, In [CLR21], Carocca, Lange and Rodriguez study a weaker question and prove that given any positive integer g, there exists a smooth projective curve X whose jacobian variety J(X) is isogenous to the product of m ≥ g jacobian varieties of the same dimension. In [CLZ17], Chen, Lu and Zuo reformulate the Ekedahl and Serre's question to a Coleman-Oort problem. ...

Decomposable Jacobians
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021


... In this paper we consider an easier question, namely: can a Jacobian be isogenous to the product of arbitrary many Jacobians of the same genus (not necessarily equal to one)? In [4] we gave examples of Jacobians which are isogenous to an arbitrary number of Prym varieties of the same dimension. The main result of this paper is the following theorem (see Corollary 5.3). ...

Equations for abelian subvarieties
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Journal of Algebra

... where N acts on each canonically defined abelian subvariety A W of P( X/X) by (an appropriate multiple of) the representation W. Since N Z 2g q is an abelian group, a precise description of each A W is given as follows. According to [8] Corollary 4.2, each non trivial complex irreducible linear character V of N is defined over the field Q[w q ], with w q a primitive q-th root of unity, and each non trivial rational irreducible representation W of N is given by ...

Abelian varieties with finite abelian group action
  • Citing Article
  • April 2019

Archiv der Mathematik

... Finally, we should mention the survey article by Rodríguez [14] in which the author review part of the theory of abelian varieties with group actions and the decomposition of them up to isogeny. Somewhere else we will try to describe our decomposition results for generalized Fermat curves in their language. ...

Abelian varieties with finite abelian group action
  • Citing Article
  • October 2018

Archiv der Mathematik

... We compute the degrees of the Abel-Prym maps and show that the bounds obtained in Theorems 3 and 9 are sharp. In the last two examples we consider the isotypical decomposition of a Jacobian of a smooth curve with an action of the dihedral group D p , for p an odd prime, and the quaternions group Q 8 , following Carocca et al. (2002) and Lange and Recillas (2004). We then use our results to compute or give bounds for the degrees of the Abel-Prym maps in these cases, under some hypotheses on the action. ...

Dihedral groups acting on Jacobians
  • Citing Article
  • January 2002