Andrew Balmford’s research while affiliated with University of Cambridge and other places

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Publications (435)

Dedication: Professor Dame Georgina Mace DBE FRS (1953–2020)
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2025


27 Reads

Jon Bridle


Andrew Balmford


Sarah M. Durant





LIFE: A metric for mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions

January 2025


34 Reads


2 Citations

Human-driven habitat loss is recognized as the greatest cause of the biodiversity crisis, yet to date we lack robust, spatially explicit metrics quantifying the impacts of anthropogenic changes in habitat extent on species’ extinctions. Existing metrics either fail to consider species identity or focus solely on recent habitat losses. The persistence score approach developed by Durán et al. (Durán et al. 2020 Methods Ecol. Evol. 11, 910–921 (doi:10.1111/2041-210X.13427) represented an important development by combining species’ ecologies and land-cover data while considering the cumulative and non-linear impact of past habitat loss on species’ probability of extinction. However, it is computationally demanding, limiting its global use and application. Here we couple the persistence score approach with high-performance computing to generate global maps of what we term the LIFE (Land-cover change Impacts on Future Extinctions) metric for 30 875 species of terrestrial vertebrates at 1 arc-min resolution (3.4 km² at the equator). These maps provide quantitative estimates, for the first time, of the marginal changes in the expected number of extinctions (both increases and decreases) caused by converting remaining natural vegetation to agriculture, and restoring farmland to natural habitat. We demonstrate statistically that this approach integrates information on species richness, endemism and past habitat loss. Our resulting maps can be used at scales from 0.5–1000 km² and offer unprecedented opportunities to estimate the impact on extinctions of diverse actions that affect change in land cover, from individual dietary choices through to global protected area development. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Bending the curve towards nature recovery: building on Georgina Mace's legacy for a biodiverse future’.

How should we bend the curve of biodiversity loss to build a just and sustainable future?

January 2025


61 Reads

Current rates of habitat and biodiversity loss, and the threat they pose to ecological and economic productivity, would be considered a global emergency even if they were not occurring during a period of rapid anthropogenic climate change. Diversity at all levels of biological organization, both within and among species, and across genomes and communities, is critical for the resilience of the world’s ecosystems in the face of such change. However, it remains an urgent scientific challenge to understand how biodiversity underpins these ecological outputs, how patterns of biodiversity are being affected by current threats, and how and where such biodiversity contributes most directly to human economies, well-being and social justice. In addition, even with such scientific understanding, there is a pressing need for societies to incorporate biodiversity protection into their economies and governance, and to stop subsidizing the loss of humanity’s future prosperity for short-term private benefit. We highlight key issues and ways forward in these areas, inspired by the research and career of Dame Georgina Mace FRS, and by our discussions during the Royal Society meeting of June 2023. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Bending the curve towards nature recovery: building on Georgina Mace's legacy for a biodiverse future’.

Sustainable high-yield farming is essential for bending the curve of biodiversity loss

January 2025


42 Reads


1 Citation

Food production does more damage to wild species than any other sector of human activity, yet how best to limit its growing impact is greatly contested. Reviewing progress to date in interventions that encourage less damaging diets or cut food loss and waste, we conclude that both are essential but far from sufficient. In terms of production, field studies from five continents quantifying the population-level impacts of land sharing, land sparing, intermediate and mixed approaches for almost 2000 individually assessed species show that implementing high-yield farming to spare natural habitats consistently outperforms land sharing, particularly for species of highest conservation concern. Sparing also offers considerable potential for mitigating climate change. Delivering land sparing nevertheless raises several important challenges—in particular, identifying and promoting higher yielding farm systems that are less environmentally harmful than current industrial agriculture, and devising mechanisms to limit rebound effects and instead tie yield gains to habitat conservation. Progress will depend on conservationists forging novel collaborations with the agriculture sector. While this may be challenging, we suggest that without it there is no realistic prospect of slowing biodiversity loss. This article is part of the discussion meeting issue ‘Bending the curve towards nature recovery: building on Georgina Mace's legacy for a biodiverse future’.

Geographical distribution of sites where hunting data were collected
Map of West and Central Africa, showing forest cover (green shading) and sites where hunting data were collected (white circles). Circle edge colours indicate the proportion of hunters monitored that were village hunters (with a gradient from orange to purple representing only forest hunter-gatherers to only village hunters, respectively). The data were collated from seven countries in West and Central Africa and represent hunters from 115 settlements at 78 sites. Forest cover data are from Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA¹¹⁹. The country outlines were obtained using the wrld_simpl data in the maptools R package¹⁰⁵. Three-digit country codes denote countries with studies available: Cameroon (CMR), Central African Republic (CAF), Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD), Equatorial Guinea (GNQ), Gabon (GAB), Liberia (LBR) and the Republic of the Congo (COG).
Variables tested for associations with components of wild meat hunter offtake
Bayesian generalized linear multilevel model standardized coefficient estimates and posterior density curves across the following response variables: mean daily hunter offtake (OFFTAKE; kg per hunter per day), the proportion of total animals that were sold (SOLD), the proportion of animals hunted by gun (GUN), species richness (RICHNESS), the ratio of larger to smaller duikers (DUIKER RATIO), the ratio of ungulates to rodents (U:R RATIO) and the proportion of total animals that were primates (PRIMATES). Possible explanatory variables, on the basis of a priori hypotheses, are the number of hunters surveyed (Hunters), the Subnational Human Development Index (SHDI), the distance to a protected area (PA), the number of monitoring days (Days), the proportion of animals hunted by gun (Gun), the mean human population density within 20 km (HPD), the travel time to the nearest town >10,000 people in minutes (Town), the proportion of monitored hunters who were village hunters rather than traditional forest hunter-gatherers (Village), the mean forest condition within 20 km (Forest; index from poor condition (0) to good (10)), the proportion of animals that were sold (Sold), the year (Year) and an interaction between year and the proportion of village hunters (Year:Village). For each variable, the vertical line shows the mean estimate, the outer light purple line represents the 95% uncertainty interval (UI) and the darker purple shaded area represents the 89% UI. Possible variable associations are not well supported in the model when the UI overlaps with 0 (the vertical light purple line). The variables are ordered by mean coefficient estimate within each model, from negative to positive.
Variables associated with hunter offtake and proportion sold
a–f, Bayesian generalized linear multilevel model predicted effects of an association between hunter offtake and the proportion of animals sold (a), forest condition (b), the proportion of village hunters (c) and the travel time from a site to the nearest town with a population >10,000 (d). The proportion of offtake that is sold is associated with year (e) and the proportion of village hunters (f). The purple ribbons show the 89% (dark purple) and 95% UIs (light purple), while the black line shows the global average marginal effect. The points show individual studies (scaled by the number of hunters surveyed) and are coloured according to the proportion of hunters monitored that were village hunters (with a gradient from orange to purple representing only forest hunter-gatherers to only village hunters, respectively). The points are semi-transparent to show point density.
The winners and losers of gun hunting
Top, Bayesian generalized linear multilevel model predicted changes in the proportion of the total number of individual animals caught that were hunted by gun over time, plotted as the interaction term when the proportion of hunters monitored that were village hunters is 1 (that is, purple points only). Bottom, modelled relationships of the proportion of animals hunted by gun with the ungulate:rodent ratio (left) and with the proportion of animals hunted that were primates (right). The purple ribbons show the 89% (dark purple) and 95% UIs (light purple), while the black line shows the global average marginal effect. The points show individual studies (scaled by the number of hunters surveyed) and are coloured according to the proportion of hunters monitored that were village hunters (with a gradient from orange to purple representing only forest hunter-gatherers to only village hunters). The points are semi-transparent to show point density. Credit: animal silhouettes, under a Creative Commons license CC0 1.0.
Regional patterns of wild animal hunting in African tropical forests

January 2025


186 Reads

Nature Sustainability

Wildlife contributes to the diets, livelihoods and socio-cultural activities of people worldwide; however, unsustainable hunting is a major pressure on wildlife. Regional assessments of the factors associated with hunting offtakes are needed to understand the scale and patterns of wildlife exploitation relevant for policy. We synthesized 83 studies across West and Central Africa to identify the factors associated with variation in offtake. Our models suggest that offtake per hunter per day is greater for hunters who sell a greater proportion of their offtake; among non-hunter-gatherers; and in areas that have better forest condition, are closer to protected areas and are less accessible from towns. We present evidence that trade and gun hunting have increased since 1991 and that areas more accessible from towns and with worse forest condition may be depleted of larger-bodied wildlife. Given the complex factors associated with regional hunting patterns, context-specific hunting management is key to achieving a sustainable future.

Figure 3. The relationship between í µí°¾ 10 -the K value at which í µí±ƒ í µí°¸=µí°¸= 0.1 -and maximum growth rate í µí±Ÿ max for various values of environmental stochasticity í µí¼Ž for (a) Model A and (b) Model B.
A general relationship between population size and extinction risk

November 2024


24 Reads

Understanding the relationship between a population's probability of extinction and its carrying capacity is key in assessing conservation status, and critical to efforts to understand and mitigate the ongoing biodiversity crisis. Despite this, there has been limited research into the form of this relationshop. We conducted around five billion population viability assessments which reveal that the relationship is a modified Gompertz curve. This finding is consistent across around 1700 individual model populations, which between them span different breeding systems and widely varying rates of population growth, levels of environmental stochasticity, adult survival rate, age at first breeding and starting population size. Applying analytical methods to equations describing population dynamics showed that minimal assumptions were required to prove this is a general relationship whichholds for any extant population subject to density dependant growth. Finally, we discuss the implications of these finds and consider the practical use of our results by conservationists.

Figure 3. The relationship between í µí°¾ 10 -the K value at which í µí±ƒ í µí°¸=µí°¸= 0.1 -and maximum growth rate í µí±Ÿ max for various values of environmental stochasticity í µí¼Ž for (a) Model A and (b) Model B.
A general relationship between population size and extinction risk

November 2024


56 Reads

Understanding the relationship between a population’s probability of extinction and its carrying capacity is key in assessing conservation status, and critical to efforts to understand and mitigate the ongoing biodiversity crisis. Despite this, there has been limited research into the form of this relationship. We conducted around five billion population viability assessments which reveal that the relationship is a modified Gompertz curve. This finding is consistent across around 1700 individual model populations which between them span different breeding systems and widely varying rates of population growth, levels of environmental stochasticity, adult survival rate, age at first breeding, and starting population size. Applying analytical methods to equations describing population dynamics showed that minimal assumptions were required to prove this is a general relationship which holds for any extant population subject to density-dependent growth. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings and consider the practical use of our results by conservationists.

Mitigating risk of credit reversal in nature-based climate solutions by optimally anticipating carbon release

August 2024


61 Reads


2 Citations

Nature-based climate solutions supply carbon credits generated from net carbon drawdown in exchange for project funding, but their credibility is challenged by the inherent variability and impermanence of drawdown. By evaluating drawdown benefits from a social cost of carbon perspective, project developers can enhance credibility and estimate impermanence by conservatively anticipating drawdowns to be eventually released following a release schedule, issuing additional credits when actual release is less severe than anticipated. We demonstrate how we can use ex post observations of drawdowns to construct optimal release schedules that limit the risk of credit reversals (when net drawdown is negative). We simulate both theoretical and real-life projects to examine how this approach balances the trade-off between generating credits evaluated as more permanent and limiting reversal risk. We discuss how this approach incentivizes project performance and provides a pragmatic solution to challenges facing larger-scale implementation of nature-based climate solutions.

Citations (57)

... Focusing on the most significant of all sectors for biodiversity loss, Balmford et al. [23] explore how agriculture, which already covers almost half of ice-free land worldwide, might meet future human needs at least cost to wild species. They explore scope for encouraging less land-intensive and energy-demanding diets and for cutting food loss and waste, concluding that both are essential yet far from sufficient-and that additional supply-side measures involving judicious promotion of high-yield farming systems are critical if we are to slow nature's erosion. ...


How should we bend the curve of biodiversity loss to build a just and sustainable future?
Sustainable high-yield farming is essential for bending the curve of biodiversity loss

... Eyres et al. [16] introduce a new spatial metric (LIFE) to understand the consequences of habitat conversion for biodiversity in terms of changes in modelled species' persistence. They demonstrate the utility of the index at a global scale by considering the conversion of natural habitats to agriculture in one direction, and the restoration of such land to natural habitats in the other. ...

LIFE: A metric for mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions

... They seek to reduce financial risk of an investment through risk transfer and distribution. Further suggestions for mitigating risks from the academic literature include robust baselining West et al., 2020), retreating to conservative estimates of project delivery (Haya et al., 2023;Swinfield et al., 2024), as well as using optimization of release schedules for credits that limit the risk of credit reversal (Rau et al., 2024a) and the risk failing to generate credits (Rau et al., 2024c). ...

Mitigating risk of credit reversal in nature-based climate solutions by optimally anticipating carbon release

... A variation of the STAR metric, created using data from the IUCN Red List, quantifies reductions in global extinction risk achieved through implementation of responses (40). Similarly, the LIFE metric (67,115) can be used to measure species responses resulting from restoration. Other metrics relating to ecosystem restoration have also been developed, highlighting areas in need of restoration globally or within a single country (Figure 11) (119) shows how a series of remotely sensed layers can be combined to yield a spatial metric of the extent of human pressures on nature (note that some pressures, like hunting or climate change, are not included in this metric). ...

LIFE: A metric for quantitatively mapping the impact of land-cover change on global extinctions

... One possible pathway for enhanced integration of adaptation and resilience measures is through their inclusion into project co-benefits. Carbon projects often seek to deliver co-benefits such as the enhancement of local biodiversity, improvement of livelihoods and equity and justice (Lam et al., 2024;Swinfield & Balmford, 2023). In the voluntary carbon market, co-benefits are usually not priced as separate value items adding to the price but can rather increase the perceived value of the credit itself, allowing projects with co-benefits to set a higher base price (Lou et al., 2022(Lou et al., , 2023. ...

Framework for assessing justice and equity impacts of nature-based solutions projects

... Most such analyses to date reveal positive cost : cost associations-(a) as illustrated in a comparison of soil loss and land cost across conventional and organic UK dairy systems (from Balmford [27]). Negative associations, such as that between antimicrobial use and land cost across 74 UK pig production systems (b), instead indicate trade-offs [148]. These might potentially be addressed by identifying exceptional systems that are characterized by low costs in both domains and so lie in the bottom left of the plot; note these are not predicted by labelling schemes (colours). ...

Trade-offs in the externalities of pig production are not inevitable

Nature Food

... They seek to reduce financial risk of an investment through risk transfer and distribution. Further suggestions for mitigating risks from the academic literature include robust baselining West et al., 2020), retreating to conservative estimates of project delivery (Haya et al., 2023;Swinfield et al., 2024), as well as using optimization of release schedules for credits that limit the risk of credit reversal (Rau et al., 2024a) and the risk failing to generate credits (Rau et al., 2024c). ...

Mitigating risk of credit non-delivery in nature-based climate solutions by optimally anticipating carbon release

... Further, staged investments imply that funding is released incrementally based on project milestones. Mechanisms such as certification and independent verification, guaranteed offsets, insurance and hedging can be used to address financial risk (Chan et al., 2023;Rau et al., 2024b;Tarnoczi, 2017). They seek to reduce financial risk of an investment through risk transfer and distribution. ...

Insuring against variability in the performance of Nature-Based Climate Solutions

... They are divided according to the nature, tasks, objectives, and management methods of protected areas and in line with practical and transparent principles. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) classifies the world's diverse nature reserves into ten categories [14]. They are (1) the absolute nature reserve and the national park; (2) the nature monument reserve/nature landscape reserve; (3) the natural landscape reserve; (4) the natural landscape and reserve and the natural landscape reserve; (5) controlled nature reserves and stratobiological reserves; (6) protected landscapes and seascapes; (7) natural resource reserves; (8) human reserve/natural biological reserve; (9) diversified management area and source management reserve; (10) biosphere reserve and world natural heritage reserve. ...

Marine protected areas can benefit biodiversity even when bycatch species only partially overlap fisheries

... In the meantime, we believe there is considerable scope for improving projects so they actively reduce the quantity of leakage, which may prove more satisfying than estimating exactly how much foregone production occurs and its attendant climate consequences. One option is to establish projects in areas where current land uses are relatively unproductive and could make way for large amounts of carbon storage 14,15 . Another option is to invest in the intensification of current agricultural production within the project area or beyond it. ...

A call to develop carbon credits for second-growth forests
  • Citing Article
  • January 2024

Nature Ecology & Evolution