June 2004
143 Reads
2 Citations
The goal of evaluation platforms is design time and verification costs reduction, as these are the main parameters affecting time to market and final success of a product. The following article describes a new approach to prototyping of complex mixed-signal systems, suitable especially as a platform for system developers. Both digital and analog subsystems can be emulated within one development kit. The digital part is based on the ARM ASIC-Integrator Kit, targeting rapid development of embedded applications. Patented Electrically Programmable Analog Array (EPAA) acts as the part morphing the functionality of the analog subsystem. EPAA with fully parametrizable architecture allows either for transistor-level design of various analog function blocks, or reuse of pre-designed macros. In-field parameter adjustment and topology configuration designates the EPAA to be used in sensor and actor technology, or signal conditioning. Dedicated configuration software has been developed, allowing for various modi of device configuration, depending on the designer's experience and used abstraction level.