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Publications (32)

Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors, and Governments 1945—1998
  • Book

October 2023


95 Reads


904 Citations



Andrea Volkens




Silvia M Mendes

This book uniquely enriches and empowers its readers. It enriches them by giving them the most detailed and extensive data available on the policies and preferences of key democratic actors-parties, governments, and electors in 25 democracies over the post-war period. Estimates are provided for every election and most coalitions of the post-war period and derive from the programmes, manifestos, and platforms of parties and governments themselves. Thus, they form a uniquely authoritative source, recognized as such and provided through the labour of a team of international scholars over 25 years. The book empowers readers by providing these estimates on the website The printed text provides documentation and suggested uses for data, along with much other background information. The changing ideologies and concerns of parties trace general social developments over the post-war period, as well as directly affecting economic policy making. Indispensable for any serious discussion of democratic politics, the book provides necessary information for political scientists, policy analysts, comparativists, sociologists, and economists. A must for every social science library-private as well as academic or public.

Mapping Policy Preferences ii: Estimates For Parties, Electors, And Governments In Eastern Europe, European Union, OECD 1990–2003

October 2023


46 Reads


695 Citations

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

A Common Space for Electoral Communication? Comparing Party and Voter Placements on a Left-Right Continuum in Western Europe and CEE

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Evaluating Validity with the Standard Left-Right Scale: Matching Measurements to Conceptual Intentions

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Beyond the Left-Right Dimension: Policy Profiles and Programmatic Coherence of Party Groupings in the European Parliament

November 2006


1 Read

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Title Page

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

List of Tables

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

How to Use the Book

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Information or Error? Reliability of Policy Time Series

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Exploiting Manifesto-Based Estimates of the Median for Multi-Level Analysis: Relating Electoral, Legislative, and Government Policy Preferences

November 2006

This book is probably the most important source of evidence published up to now on the consolidation of democracy in Eastern Europe. It provides estimates of party positions, voter preferences and government policy from election programmes collected systematically for 51 countries from 1990 onwards. Time-series are presented in the text. This also reports party life histories (essential to over time analyses) and provides updated and newly validated vote statistics. All this information and much more is available on the devoted website described in the book. The final chapter gives instructions on how to access the data on your own computer. For comparative purposes, similar estimates of policy and preferences are given for CEE, OECD and EU countries. These estimates update the prize-winning data set covered in Mapping Policy Preferences: Estimates for Parties, Electors and Governments 1945-1998 - also published by OUP. A must-buy for all commentators, students and analysts of democracy, in Eastern Europe and the world.

Citations (4)

... Las preferencias redistributivas de los ciudadanos están moldeadas por su nivel de ingreso (Meltzer & Richard, 1981) y los riesgos del mercado de trabajo (Rehm, 2009). Las políticas de los partidos de derecha se inclinan por disminuir la inter-vención del Estado en la economía, y reducir los impuestos directos y las políticas sociales; mientras que los partidos de izquierda están a favor del Estado de bienestar (Huber & Stephens, 2001); la protección frente a los riesgos del mercado laboral (Swank, 2020); los impuestos redistributivos, y la redistribución del ingreso (Klingemann, 2006). 2 Dadas estas orientaciones, se esperaría que los gobiernos de izquierda fueran más proclives a representar las preferencias políticas de los ciudadanos de ingresos bajos y medios, y que los gobiernos de partidos de derecha respondieran más fielmente a las preferencias de los votantes de ingresos altos. ...


PERFILES LATINOAMERICANOS Revista de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Sede México
Mapping Policy Preferences ii: Estimates For Parties, Electors, And Governments In Eastern Europe, European Union, OECD 1990–2003
  • Citing Book
  • October 2023

... However, Dutch society gradually depillarized and voters became less loyal to political parties (Lucardie, 2008). This process was accelerated by the decrease in ideological distances between political parties (Volkens & Klingemann, 2002) and the disappearance of ties between political parties and media outlets (mainly through the introduction of commercial TV) in the 1990s (Lucardie, 2008). This opened opportunities for new populist parties on both side of the left and right side of the political spectrum (Thomassen, 2000), which also profited from discontent within society and voters that did not feel represented anymore by the traditional parties. ...

Parties, Ideologies, and Issues Stability and Change in Fifteen European Party Systems 1945-1998
  • Citing Chapter
  • November 2002

... Learning from the experience of internal diversity in both Southern Europedgreater salience and anchoring of left-right self-placement in Spain and Greece, lower salience and anchoring in Portugal (Freire, 2008;Budge and Klingemann, 2001), and in the Baltic Statesdgreater salience and anchoring of left-right self-placement in Lithuania, lower salience and anchoring in Estonia and Latvia (Duvold and Jurkynas, 2003;Klingemann et al., 2006;Lagerspetz and Vogt, 2003;Smith-Sivertsen, 2003), we believe that the substantive value content of the left-right divide is dependent not so much on the type of authoritarian legacy, but more on the type of democratic transition and, especially, on the type of party-politicization of the issues during the formative years of the new political systems. This is our fundamental hypothesis here. ...

Uniquely! The mapping of party policy movements in Central and Eastern Europe 1990–2003
  • Citing Article
  • January 2006