Andrea Massaccesi’s research while affiliated with Sapienza University of Rome and other places

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Publications (30)

Load Consumption Buzzer PowerAlert Integrated in Italian Residential LV Energy Communities
  • Article

January 2025

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications






L. Martirano

Residential housing is increasingly oriented toward all-electric consumption, also replacing gas loads. Users are under contract by an electricity provider that sets a power threshold above which the supplied is interrupted, that means it is increasingly difficult to stay below the threshold. The paper proposes an innovative device, called PowerAlert, that could show real-time power consumption with an audible signal related to the power thresholds set by the user. It is possible to switch the display between power consumption and the real-time clock with a simple push button. During device configuration is possible to connect it to a wireless network, to set a power meter among those available and its IP address. It is also possible to set three power thresholds referred to three different frequencies of the buzzer as alarm. This device can also be useful for monitoring modern electric devices that work in pulse mode and thermally stress protections that might intervene later. This paper is an extended version of a paper presented in I&CPS Las Vegas 2024 [1]

Measurement of Nonsinusoidal Electric Power on Distributed Nonlinear Loads

January 2025


1 Read

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

The change in the electrical nature of the loads together with the loss of linearity are increasingly common phenomena in buildings, which requires special attention during the design phase of the electrical system in order to avoid problems in the management of reactive power flows and to better manage the power quality of the system. The presence of distributed nonlinear loads determines unusual behavior in terms of reactive power flux for the high harmonic distortion and for the capacitive behavior of the loads. Capacitive behavior is often evident when measuring reactive power in electrical systems feeding tertiary or commercial buildings, they feed reactive power at certain times of the day from a private network into a public network. The aim of this work is to analyze the performance of power systems feeding non-linear distributed loads with harmonic distortion and capacitive behavior, highlighting when this is real and when it is simply due to incorrect power factor measurements. If the behavior is truly capacitive, the problem can be solved by replacing the power factor correction systems with static compensators that are able to compensate reactive power for both capacitive and inductive behavior, working on all 4 quadrants. At the end, a real case study shows the unusual behavior of the distributed non-linear loads.

A Real Smart Digital Current Simulator Prototype for BESS Power Management

November 2024


8 Reads

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

Commercial Battery Energy Storage Systems are equipped with a standard control unit with simplified logic, able to reduce the impact of the power system on the electric grid. The standard control is locked in a closed environment without any chance to modify the logic. The control unit receives signals from current sensors located at the entrance point of the power system. This paper presents a proposal of innovative device called Smart Digital Current Simulator as a substitute of those current sensors, aiming to generate a sinusoidal signal that falsifies the real induced current inside current sensor's windings by house power leads, in order to fool the control unit to inject or withdraw the desired electric power from or to the electric system. This paper shows a prototype of the suggested device completed of the open sources Node-Red server, Mosquitto broker and Home Assistant Container. This device communicates through Mosquitto protocol and can be managed by a user-friendly Graphic User Interface with open logics to manage a user-desired charge and discharge. Also, allows complying Demand Side Management and Demand Response strategies, otherwise not possible. Moreover, it is useful to buy energy when the price of electricity is below a specific threshold or the Battery Storage power is preferred instead of the grid power when the price of electricity is above a specific threshold. Finally, is able to perform a peak shaving to keep the withdrawal of power constant from the grid. This paper was presented in the conference IEEE IAS Nashville 2023 [1].

Stand-Alone LED Lighting System Powered by PV and Battery: Electrical Overall Performance Analysis of a Case Study

May 2024


34 Reads


4 Citations

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

In the present paper an innovative street lighting system with solar PV and battery as the source of electricity was monitored and analyzed considering a case study installed in Italy center. A Light Emitting Diode (LED) is used together with a dimmer control system. This application is new because high efficiency PV cells are applied to the cylindrical surface of the pole: monocrystalline cells have diodes able to bypass the cells that are not directly irradiated by sun to allow the best performance of the PV. The data of this solution were monitored for one year in terms of LED consumptions, current, voltage, PV power, and charging-discharging performance of the battery. These electricity parameters were hourly investigated considering different boundary conditions (weather parameters). These results allow to propose different optimization strategies in terms of scheduling and management of the system related to all the electrical components. The best sizing of the PV and the optimal scheduling profile were proposed based on the experimental and numerical analysis.

FIGURE 3. Main components of the PC-based streetlamp and the measurement apparatus installed for the monitoring.
FIGURE 4. LED power derating profiles depending on battery voltage. The "High" profile ensures a higher battery duration time.
FIGURE 6. 100% power of the LED and 0°tilt angle: trend of the current supplied by the grid (the red line indicates the average voltage) (a); global solar radiation on horizontal plane (b).
FIGURE 7. Comparison subplot showing real and simulated data alongside the PV power output for the same days with a fixed tilt angle of 0°. Highlighted areas indicate LED simulated activation periods. Local radiation data were used for these results.
Applications of Hybrid Solar Streetlamps: Electrical Performance Measurements and Development of Algorithms for Their Optimal Management
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2024


42 Reads


2 Citations

IEEE Access

This study examines the electrical performance and management of hybrid solar street lighting systems with the objective of optimizing their operation for sustainable urban development. Hybrid solar streetlights, which integrate photovoltaic panels with additional power sources, offer resilience and reliability that are crucial for urban settings. A hybrid solar streetlamp was installed in a city in central Italy and monitored for over a year to analyze its electrical behavior and the illuminances obtainable under different boundary conditions and operational programs. The measured data permit the development of an optimization algorithm in a Python program for the optimal management of the solar streetlamp and the forecasting of the battery charging/discharging cycles, as well as the electricity taken from the grid. The simulation scenarios permit the development of a novel management algorithm that is capable of optimizing the battery usage with a minimal draw on the grid in order to achieve a state of near self-sufficiency for the solar streetlamp. The results demonstrate that tilted solar panels enhance energy production, while optimized LED power profiles and system management enhance efficiency. The study highlights the importance of maintaining the state of charge (SOC) of the battery above 20% to extend its lifetime and reduce replacement needs. Economic analysis indicates significant potential energy savings, emphasizing the necessity of system optimization for economic viability and environmental sustainability in urban lighting. Despite initial investment costs and challenges, adopting hybrid solar lighting in urban environments presents substantial benefits, paving the way for a more sustainable and energy-efficient urban future.


Citations (12)

... This underscores the pivotal role of local administration in driving the transition toward decentralized energy systems, thereby enabling communities to actively engage in the benefits derived from local projects [14]. Interesting research studies concerning this kind of solar streetlamp was conducted by Belloni et al. [15][16][17][18]: in [17] authors analyzed the electricity parameters and the lighting behavior of a photovoltaic (PV)integrated lighting system installed along a footpath and monitored for several months. Additionally, data were employed to investigate the potential substitution of the conventional lampposts along the walkway with the novel proposed system. ...


Applications of Hybrid Solar Streetlamps: Electrical Performance Measurements and Development of Algorithms for Their Optimal Management
Implementation of a New Solar-Powered Street Lighting System: Optimization and Technical-Economic Analysis Using Artificial Intelligence

IEEE Access

... Photovoltaic (PV) systems are well known for their potential in green energy with the advantages of pollution-free power generation and low-cost operation and maintenance [1,2]. The main problem with PV systems is the uncertainty of the generated power, which depends on the weather [3,4]. ...

Stand-Alone LED Lighting System Powered by PV and Battery: Electrical Overall Performance Analysis of a Case Study
  • Citing Article
  • May 2024

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

... The recovery of hydropower production (+44%) and the growth of photovoltaics (+10%) are continuing, due to the higher rainfall and the increase in the installed park of about 3.8 GW compared to June 2022 [4]. Moreover it is important to highlight the potential of urban photovoltaic (PV) generation in Italy's energy transition [5], [6], particularly in the context of public lighting and its possible optimization under different environmental conditions using a neural network, as shown in [7]. ...

A street lighting based on solar energy: optimization of a neural network for the productivity evaluation in different climate conditions
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • July 2023

... Energy management may provide the realization of different goals, like self-balancing in local areas, energy cost minimization, renewable energy source production forecasting, and the maximization of renewable energy usage, load shifting, and demand-side response. To achieve these goals, simple equation-based solutions, optimization algorithms with the cost function and constraints, artificial intelligence, or machine learning can be implemented [27,[29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37]. ...

Electrical Load Profiles for Residential Buildings: Enhanced Bottom-Up Model (EBM)
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2023

... The escalating global demand for clean and sustainable energy has catalyzed a remarkable surge in the adoption of photovoltaic (PV) systems for electricity generation [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. By harnessing solar power, these systems offer a compelling solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. ...

Preliminary analysis of stand-alone street lighting system with PV and battery: measurements and simulations of a case study
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • June 2023

... It is crucial to note that these categories differ from the energy efficiency classes of entire buildings as defined in the EN ISO 52003 standard [102]. As shown in [103], the standard can be used already at the design and prototype stage. The simplified list of control functions with a basic indicator calculation method could be used for buildings without detailed information related to BACS and TBM concepts. ...

A prototype of Low-Cost Home Automation System for Energy Savings and Living Comfort
  • Citing Article
  • January 2023

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications

... A comprehensive analysis of a cascaded inductively coupled distribution static synchronous compensator (CIC-DSTATCOM) proved its superiority by reducing total harmonic distortion (THD) by 3.14% and improving power factor compared to other methods [7]. MATLAB simulation also confirmed the effectiveness of connecting DSTATCOM in parallel using a common DC link capacitor, with the modified instantaneous reactive power theory (MIRP) controlling the system to minimize power quality issues [8]. Experimental results highlighted the improvement of voltage profiles in grid systems compensated by matrix converter (MC)-based DSTATCOM. ...

Combined DC-Link Fed Parallel-VSI-Based DSTATCOM for Power Quality Improvement of a Solar DG Integrated System


... The electricity produced is fed into the private DC bus, where it is physically and instantaneously consumed by the consumers. This method incorporates the benefits associated with using DC microgrids and maximizes the power generated by renewable energy sources with a simple and robust control system, as shown in Figure 5. Several studies in the literature explore this method [13], [14]. ...

Microgrids Models for the Aggregation of End- Users in Energy Communities
  • Citing Conference Paper
  • November 2022

... This method shifted building information from two-dimensional to threedimensional design by implementing input of information flow, and introduced monitoring and data acquisition systems. The experiment outcomes denoted that this method could effectively improve the workflow efficiency of construction projects [14]. X. Liu et al. proposed an automatic BIM building appearance annotation method based on index analysis in order to reduce the resource consumption caused by the transmission of outdoor scene data to BIM technology. ...

Building Information Modeling and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Integration: The Lambda Lab Digital Twin
  • Citing Article
  • January 2022

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine

... This can be achieved through retrofitting historic buildings with energy efficient technologies. Such works may include techniques such as better insulation methods, changing windows, enhancing HVAC systems and using renewable sources of power [9]. Through retrofitting, historic buildings can become functional spaces that are compatible with today's requirements by retrofitting them. ...

A Case Study of a Renovation of an Historical University Department: the Nearly Zero-Energy Refurbished Buildings (nZERBs)
  • Citing Article
  • November 2022

IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications