December 1989
15 Reads
17 Citations
Insect Biochemistry
We report the purification and characterization of three sequence-specific polyclonal antibodies raised against specific portions of the Drosophila αIV collagen chain produced from the gene DCg1. These antibodies were used for immunolocalization experiments on tissue sections from embryonic organogenesis stages (13–17) and first larval stages. This analysis was paralleled by in situ hybridization experiments with a labeled fragment of the gene DCg1. We demonstrated that, by late embryogenesis, the DCg1 αIV chain was synthesized by individual mesoblasts and deposited in basement membranes of skeletal and visceral muscles. These sites of αIV collagen deposition were the same, by first and second instars, but the protein was then synthesized by fat body cells. Our results were reminiscent of those obtained for vertebrate in vitro myogenesis, they suggested, moreover, a tissue-specific composition of basement membranes in Drosophila melanogaster.