André Gustavo Pinto de Souza’s research while affiliated with Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora and other places

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Publications (4)

Intervenção preventiva em distúrbios de imagem corporal, transtorno alimentar e dismorfia muscular:: um estudo com homens brasileiros cisgêneros gays e bissexuais
  • Article
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February 2024


57 Reads

Principia Caminhos da Iniciação Científica


Pedro Henrique Mol Baião


André Gustavo Pinto De Souza




Homens de minoria sexual e de gênero apresentam elevada insatisfação corporal, sintomas de transtornos alimentares e dismorfia muscular, problemas que comprometem a saúde física e o funcionamento psicossocial. O PRIDE Body Project é uma intervenção, baseada na dissonância cognitiva, criada para prevenir essas psicopatologias em homens cisgêneros gays e bissexuais. Contudo, ainda não apresenta eficácia comprovada para população brasileira. Assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar indicadores iniciais de eficácia do PRIDE Body Project na redução da internalização da aparência ideal, sintomas de transtornos alimentares e dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros cisgênero gays e bissexuais. Trata-se de um estudo quase experimental, realizado com 74 homens adultos, brasileiros cisgêneros gays e bissexuais, com elevada insatisfação corporal. Os sujeitos foram convidados a participar por meio da divulgação em locais estratégicos da cidade de Governador Valadares/MG, assim como por meio de sites da internet e redes sociais. Os participantes preencheram, antes e após a intervenção, um questionário sociodemográfico e instrumentos para avaliação da internalização da aparência ideal, sintomas de transtornos alimentares e dismorfia muscular. O PRIDE Body Project consiste de duas sessões com duração de aproximadamente duas horas cada e intervalo semanal entre elas. Durante as sessões os participantes foram encorajados a realizar uma série de atividades escritas, verbais e comportamentais. A idade dos participantes variou de 18 a 30 anos (M = 24,68 ± 2,84 anos) e o Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) de 18,29 a 50,70 (M = 25,34 ± 5,51). Em relação a cor/raça eles se auto identificaram como Pardo (n = 35; 47,30%), Preto (n = 20; 27,03%) e Branco (n = 19; 25,67%). Foi observada uma redução significante entre o momento pré e pós-intervenção para a internalização da aparência ideal, sintomas de transtornos alimentares e dismorfia muscular. O tamanho de efeito variou de médio a grande (d de Cohen ≥ 0,63). O PRIDE Body Project demonstrou indicadores iniciais de eficácia na redução da internalização da aparência ideal, sintomas de transtornos alimentares e dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros cisgêneros gays e bissexuais. Sugere-se a implementação dessa intervenção no âmbito acadêmico, clínico e epidemiológico.


Figura 1. Fluxograma do estudo.
Effects of wheelchair dancing on the health and quality of life of people with physical disability: a narrative review

September 2023


22 Reads


1 Citation


Wheelchair dancing (DCR) is an activity practised mainly by people with physical disabilities. In Brazil, it is an emerging activity lacking investigation and systematisation. Thus, the objective of the present study was, through a narrative review of the literature, to identify, analyse and systematise the existing studies about the effects of DCR on the health and quality of life of people with physical disabilities. The research was driven in specialised databases, the Theses and Dissertations Catalog of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes), and digital libraries of theses and dissertations from numerous higher education institutions. Eligible studies included only people with physical disabilities, as well as dealing with the effects of DCR on health and quality of life. A total of eight studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. Most of the studies had a qualitative approach and cross-sectional design. It is possible to conclude that DCR can bring countless benefits to the physical health, psychosocial functioning and quality of life of people with physical disabilities.

Preditores de dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero

June 2023


18 Reads


1 Citation

Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria

Objectives To evaluate predictors of muscle dysmorphia in sexual and gender minority Brazilian men and to describe community norms for the Muscle Dysmorphic Disorder Inventory (MDDI), an instrument for assessing muscle dysmorphia symptoms. Methods This cross-sectional study was carried out with 1.444 sexual and gender minority Brazilian men, with ages between 18 and 50 years. By means of an on-line survey the participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, as well as muscle dysmorphia symptoms, drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification measures. Descriptive and correlation (Spearman’s rho ) analysis were performed among the study variables, in addition to a multiple linear regression analysis (stepwise forward) to evaluate predictors of muscle dysmorphia. Results A positive and significant association of large magnitude was observed among muscle dysmorphia symptoms, drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification. Multiple linear regression showed that all these variables are predictors of muscle dysmorphia symptoms in sexual and gender minority Brazilian men. Conclusions Sexual and gender minority Brazilian men present high risk for muscle dysmorphia. Muscle dysmorphia symptoms were associated with drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification, showing that they are predictors of muscle dysmorphia. Interventions should target this population, considering the need to create strategies to reduce muscle dysmorphia symptoms, the drive for muscularity, appearance-ideal internalization, and self-objectification. Body dysmorphic disorders; men; sexual and gender minorities; body image

Sociocultural influences and body weight and shape dissatisfaction in female Cheerleading athletes: a comparison between flyer and base positions

December 2022


121 Reads

Objective: to compare the variables (dependents) of sociocultural pressures related to appearance, appearance-ideal internalization, and body weight and shape dissatisfaction, controlled by body mass index (BMI), in Brazilian female Cheerleading athletes in flyer and base positions. Methods: A descriptive-comparative, cross-sectional study was used, with a quantitative approach. The study included 98 female Cheerleading athletes, aged between 18 and 30 years. After approval by the ethics committee, an online protocol was applied via Google Forms, containing a sociodemographic questionnaire, Body Shape Questionnaire-8 (body weight and shape dissatisfaction) and Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-4 (sociocultural pressures related to appearance and appearance-ideal internalization). For statistical analysis, descriptive statistics of the variables was carried out, as well as the Mann-Whitney U test to compare the age and BMI variables, and the ANCOVA, controlling the BMI, to compare the dependent variables between the two groups, flyer and base, respectively. Results: The sample consisted of 49 athletes in flyer position and 49 in base position, with a mean age of 21.94 ± 2.43 years old. The results showed statistically significant differences in BMI variable (U = 2240.000, p < 0.001, d = 2.241), with athletes in base position showing elevated values in comparison to the flyer position. Furthermore, the dependent variables and age variable do not present statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: It is concluded that, excluding the BMI influence, Cheerleading athletes showed no statistically significant difference for the variables sociocultural pressures related to appearance, appearance-ideal internalization and body weight and shape dissatisfaction. Keywords: Body Image. Body Dissatisfaction. Women. Sports. Gymnastic.

Citations (2)

... En cuanto a los cuidadores, el uso de estas herramientas tecnológicas optimiza su trabajo al reducir la carga emocional y operativa relacionada con la comunicación constante y la atención individualizada. Además, las tecnologías de control ambiental y las aplicaciones de monitoreo remoto proporcionan una mayor autonomía a los pacientes, lo que permite a los cuidadores gestionar de manera más eficiente su tiempo y esfuerzo un entorno más seguro y accesible para las personas con capacidades diferentes, incrementando su calidad de vida y, al mismo tiempo, mejorando la efectividad del cuidado (Almeida et al., 2023). ...


Innovación tecnológica y acceso a la información en el cuidado personalizado de personas con discapacidad.
Effects of wheelchair dancing on the health and quality of life of people with physical disability: a narrative review


... Additionally, it has demonstrated negative associations with body appreciation (Almeida et al., 2022). A previous study including Brazilian sexual and gender minority adult men found that body ideal internalization, drive for muscularity, and self-objectification were significant predictors of muscle dysmorphia symptoms (Baião et al., 2023). ...

Preditores de dismorfia muscular em homens brasileiros de minoria sexual e de gênero

Jornal Brasileiro de Psiquiatria