Ana Vine Jara’s research while affiliated with University of Concepción and other places

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Publications (6)

Propuesta de un modelo para una prueba con fines específicos académicos en ele
  • Article

August 2018


9 Reads


3 Citations

Literatura y lingüística

Ana Vine Jara


En este artículo se propone un modelo para construir un prototipo de prueba de Español como Lengua Extranjera con Fines Académicos (EFA), en línea, para un nivel B2. Para ello, se realizó un estudio mixto de dos etapas: 1) Cualitativa: Se definió los criterios necesarios para diseñar un prototipo de prueba de EFA en línea de nivel B2 y 2) Cuantitativa: Se utilizaron estos datos para la elaboración y validación del instrumento por expertos. Los resultados indican que el prototipo de prueba es válido en cuanto evalúa las distintas habilidades lingüísticas del nivel B2 de EFA en un entorno interactivo y acorde con el perfil de los estudiantes.

Figura 1: Modelo de criterios para el diseño, elaboración y validación del prototipo de prueba EFA  
Figura 3: Criterios para evaluar los textos  
Figura 4: Ejemplo de elaboración de preguntas  
Figura 5: Tarea de escritura  
Figura 6: Criterios de pilotaje  


Propuesta de un modelo para una prueba con fines específicos académicos en ele
  • Article
  • Full-text available

January 2016


2,650 Reads


4 Citations

Literatura y lingüística

This article suggests a model to construct a prototype of an online B2 level test of Spanish as a Foreign Language for Academic Purposes (SAP). To this end, we carried out a mixed study in two stages: 1) Qualitative: The necessary criteria for the design of an online test of SAP for level B2 were defined, and 2) Quantitative: The gathered data was used for the test construction and validation by experts. Results indicate that the test prototype is valid, as it evaluates the B2 related linguistic skills for SAP in an interactive environment and in agreement with students' profiles.


Figura 1. Fases en la confección de un examen (Bordón, 2006).
Figura 8. Entorno de acceso al Aula Virtual del Programa ELE-UdeC.
Figura 9. Interfaz de un módulo del curso B1.
Figura 10. Interfaz de acceso a la prueba.
Hacia una prueba de nivel en español como lengua extranjera

December 2013


2,324 Reads


12 Citations

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

The Program of Spanish as a Foreign Language at Universidad de Concepción (ELE-UdeC ) quarterly teaches courses to exchange students studying in this university. The level expected by the institution corresponds to a B1 level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In this context, it is necessary to assess the level of proficiency of students in order to place them in appropriate courses, and thus organize balanced groups in terms of their language level. In this paper, we present research aimed to generate a Level Test with two equivalent forms: Form A and Form B to evaluate the B1 level of proficiency in Spanish as a FL. The different phases considered in making a placement test as proposed by Bordón (2006) are described and then the results of the pilot phase are presented, in which we evaluated the performance of the instrument in two versions. The study was conducted between 2011 and 2013 and involved 50 students from different L1 and nationalities. There were two specific objectives of this research: 1) to design a B1 placement test for SFL with two equivalent forms, and 2) to evaluate the performance of the test forms A and B to measure the proficiency level corresponding to B1. For this purpose, the two versions were applied to two sample groups. The results allow us to visualize that the two versions of the instrument have been adequate to measure the B1 proficiency level.

Figura 1. Fases en la confección de un examen (Bordón, 2006).
Figura 8. Entorno de acceso al Aula Virtual del Programa ELE-UdeC.
Figura 9. Interfaz de un módulo del curso B1.
Figura 10. Interfaz de acceso a la prueba.
Towards a placement test in Spanish as a foreign language

January 2013


233 Reads

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

The Program of Spanish as a Foreign Language at Universidad de Concepción (ELEUdeC ) quarterly teaches courses to exchange students studying in this university. The level expected by the institution corresponds to a B1 level as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In this context, it is necessary to assess the level of proficiency of students in order to place them in appropriate courses, and thus organize balanced groups in terms of their language level. In this paper, we present research aimed to generate a Level Test with two equivalent forms: Form A and Form B to evaluate the B1 level of proficiency in Spanish as a FL. The different phases considered in making a placement test as proposed by Bordón (2006) are described and then the results of the pilot phase are presented, in which we evaluated the performance of the instrument in two versions. The study was conducted between 2011 and 2013 and involved 50 students from different L1 and nationalities. There were two specific objectives of this research: 1) to design a B1 placement test for SFL with two equivalent forms, and 2) to evaluate the performance of the test forms A and B to measure the proficiency level corresponding to B1. For this purpose, the two versions were applied to two sample groups. The results allow us to visualize that the two versions of the instrument have been adequate to measure the B1 proficiency level.

Improvement of the communicative competence in Spanish as a foreign language by using video communication

January 2012


73 Reads


4 Citations

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

The concept of communicative competence, understood as the skills a person develops to be able to understand and produce messages suitable to the different topics and communicative situations encountered, has not been thoroughly studied through experimental research, due to its difficulty. The purpose of this study is to provide evidence of the positive effects that intercultural cooperative video-web communication tasks (using chat, web cam and microphone) have in the development of communicative competence of students learning Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) in a b-learning course. Thus, an experimental study with a pretest - postest and control group was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of this kind of pedagogical practices. The results show the experimental group, which carried out the tasks through video web interaction, achieved a higher language learning level than the control group which performed the tasks using the chat.

Figura 2. Modelo de competencia comunicativa (Canale y Swain, 1980). 
Figure 2 of 2
Mejoramiento de la competencia comunicativa en español como lengua extranjera a través de la videocomunicación

December 2011


6,048 Reads


26 Citations

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

The concept of communicative competence, understood as the skills a person develops to be able to understand and produce messages suitable to the different topics and communicative situations encountered, has not been thoroughly studied through experimental research, due to its difficulty. The purpose of this study is to provide evidence of the positive effects that intercultural cooperative video-web communication tasks (using chat, web cam and microphone) have in the development of communicative competence of students learning Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) in a b-learning course. Thus, an experimental study with a pretest - postest and control group was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of this kind of pedagogical practices. The results show the experimental group, which carried out the tasks through video web interaction, achieved a higher language learning level than the control group which performed the tasks using the chat.

Citations (4)

... Con el fin de garantizar una evaluación justa y equitativa para sus prospectos universitarios no hispanohablantes, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México decidió impulsar la creación de un nuevo examen de español como lengua extranjera para el ámbito académico (de ahora en adelante, EXELEAA). La razón de dicho cambio se debió a tres motivos fundamentales: 1) el examen anterior (Examen de Posesión de la Lengua Española) no fue diseñado con fines académicos, 2) el examen anterior no contaba con una prueba de respuesta construida para evaluar la expresión escrita, habilidad esencial en el ámbito académico (Mendoza, 2014(Mendoza, , 2015a y 3) no existen exámenes de español con fines académicos que sean administrados a gran escala (Vine y Ferreira, 2016;Mendoza y Knoch, 2018). Con el advenimiento del nuevo examen, sin embargo, también se presentó la necesidad de validarlo. ...


Propuesta de un modelo para una prueba con fines específicos académicos en ele

Literatura y lingüística

... It is also observed that cultural diversity predominates in the current era's globalized historical, social, and cultural context. This is an age where communication technologies have globalized, benefiting the teaching of various languages [15]. There is, therefore, a paradigm shifts from a monolithic society to a society of cultural pluralism, which leads to the need to promote intercultural competence in teacher training. ...

Improvement of the communicative competence in Spanish as a foreign language by using video communication
  • Citing Article
  • January 2012

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

... Destreza relacionada con la capacidad de expresarse de forma eficaz tanto desde el punto de vista oral, escrito y con una lectura fluida (Fadel et al., 2015). Esto se debe reflejar en la capacidad de los individuos para producir y/o comprender mensajes en distintas situaciones comunicativas (Vine y Ferreira, 2012). Un comunicador eficaz es capaz de seleccionar información clave de una idea compleja y luego comunicarla expresada en palabras, sonidos y/o imágenes, de modo que pueda ser entendida por todos (Levy y Murnane, 2004). ...

Mejoramiento de la competencia comunicativa en español como lengua extranjera a través de la videocomunicación

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada

... Entre estos cambios, están relacionarse en una lengua y cultura distintas, vivir en el internado, cambios en su forma de alimentación… Por otra parte, para la realización de este estudio se empleó como instrumento una prueba escrita basada en lectura, en la que deben responder varias actividades, con preguntas abiertas. Ferreira et al. (2013) señalan que las pruebas se elaboran para valorar una competencia determinada. En suma, con esta se pretende evaluar el uso de los dos pretéritos simples a través de la competencia escrita. ...

Hacia una prueba de nivel en español como lengua extranjera

RLA Revista de lingüística teórica y aplicada