Amy Gunty’s scientific contributions

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Publications (184)

Educational Objectives
  • Chapter

January 2012


33 Reads

John R. Buri


Amy Gunty





E. James Kehoe

Citations (23)

... The research on the analysis method of classroom teaching behavior mainly focuses on the preparation of scales, among which the most famous scales are Flanders interactive analysis system (Flanders, 1963) and S-T analytical method (Fu & Zhang, 2001). The Flanders interactive analysis system uses a set of coding systems and uses teacher-student language interaction in the classroom as the analysis element to grasp the law and essence of classroom teaching. ...


Similar or Different? A Comparison of Traditional Classroom and Smart Classroom’s Teaching Behavior in China
Effortful Information Processing
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... In the current study VERP was used alongside the Engagement Profile and Scale. The Engagement Profile and Scale was developed by Barry Carpenter in association with the Special Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) as a classroom tool to direct teachers towards determining the level of a child's engagement in school and to help create a personalised learning environment for a child (Carpenter, 2010). It allows teachers to record and monitor changes to the level of the student's engagement in the areas of awareness, initiation, curiosity, persistence, investigation, anticipation and discovery. ...

Engagement Profile
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... Bilginin kaynağı boyutunun ölçekte yer almaması ve diğer boyutların faktör yüklerinin düşük düzeyde olması yapısal açıdan sorun teşkil etmiştir. Hofer ve Pintrich (1997) (Chinn, 2009). Daha önceki nitel araştırmalardan farklı olarak veri toplamayı kolaylaştıran Schommer'in (1990) ölçeği, birçok dile çevrilerek farklı kültürlerde uygulanmış ve bunun sonucunda epistemolojik inançların öğrenme ve öğretme üzerindeki etkilerine yönelik çalışmalar hızlanmıştır (Deryakulu, 2014: 269). ...

Epistemological Beliefs
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... r experiential learning - Andersen et al., 1996;Lengnick-Hall & Sanders, 1997;Lazonder et al., 2008), and may imply a peculiar interaction between the trainer and the trainees. Therefore, in order to select a specific approach for management education, it is useful to focus on the concept of learning, which usually entails to (Kolb, 1984;Kim, 1993;A. Kolb & D. Kolb, 2012;Senge & Kim, 2013): (a) acquire new knowledge or skills/abilities, and (b) rely on direct experience/experimentation. ...

Experiential Learning
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... Situated Expectancy-Value Theory Expectancy-Value Theory (EVT) postulates that some choices are motivated by a combination of people's expectations for success and subjective task value (Eccles, 1994;Wigfield and Eccles, 2000;Eccles and Wigfield, 2002). The model further differentiates task value into four components: attainment value (i.e., the importance of doing well), intrinsic value (i.e., personal enjoyment), utility value (i.e., perceived usefulness), and cost (i.e., competition with other goals) (Leaper, 2011). The model was recently improved to add an S (situated) to the EVT acronym as empirical work in individuals' developmental histories, the socio-cultural beliefs and values that influence individuals as they develop, and the situations in which they find themselves, are of such importance (Eccles and Wigfield, 2023). ...

Expectancy-Value Theory
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... Si les contraintes sont munies de propagateur GAC, le principe ne dépend pas de l'ordre dans lequel ces propagations sont effectuées. Il est possible de générer avec un nombre linéaire d'étapes des ensemble en conflits minimaux au sens de l'inclusion[69] (ou encore logarithmique en procédant par dichotomie). Sachant que chaque ensemble en conflit engendrera au moins une violation, par une génération d'ensemble disjoints on peut obtenir une borne inférieure du nombre de contraintes violées. ...

Explanation Based Generalization
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... Applying an evolutionary epistemological jargon [162][163][164][165], it is safe to say that human beings today come with a biologically-evolved expectation to live in an oxygen-rich environment, and their gastro-intestinal tract as well as entire bodies expect to become populated with microbial communities, some of which will enable the digestion of food provided by the environments, others will be harmful for which the human body is or will be able to develop immunity. Equally, Hawaiian bobtail squids [117] come with a biochemically programmed expectation to find luminescent bacteria that will colonize their light organs, as well as induce post-translational epigenetic and morphological changes to it. ...

Evolutionary Epistemology
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... Thus, the policymakers were compelled to rethink the contents of the teacher training programmes and there has been a great consciousness nowadays towards what contents to be incorporated in the pre-service, and in-service teacher training courses all over the world. On the other hand, Peters (2005) describes that the preparation of teachers depends upon three major elements: a basic general education in the liberal tradition, a thorough grasp of one or more academic disciplines taught in the schools, and an intellectual and practical introduction to a career in education which includes an internship or apprenticeship. Murray & Christison (2011), in the same vein, describe that the courses given in the teacher education should include the background information teachers need to know and be able to use in their classrooms. ...

Education of Teachers of Teachers
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... According to Jeffrey Young [42,43], early maladaptive schemas are defined as lifelong, comprehensive and pervasive cognitive patterns that involve the individual's memories, emotions, body sensations and cognitions, and are directed towards one's self and relationships with others [36]. It is possible to say that the schemas can be compatible or incompatible. ...

Early Maladaptive Schemas
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012

... This effect is defined as the prioritisation of proces- sing positive information and the avoidance of negative information. However, the preference for processing negative information is associated with young people (Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001;Kensinger, 2012). The frame of the positivity effect is the socioemotional selectivity theory (Carstensen, 2006). ...

Emotion and Memory Interaction
  • Citing Chapter
  • January 2012