October 2018
82 Reads
11 Citations
Smart Innovation
In today’s world, steganography is achieved through various different factors like LSB replacement, DCT, etc., in various forms. In which the embedding of the data was used to be successful but at the cost of degrading the quality of the file behind which a secret message was embedded. Earlier techniques used were only for a particular subdomain like only file, only audio, and only video embedding. We have a proposed a new technique, in which the file of all format extensions like pdf, txt, doc, etc., are embedded behind a video without degrading the quality of the video. Video is dividing into number of frames along with dividing the secret file into various numbers of frames and then embedding each frame behind one another. The steganography achieved previously was near to 90–95% but we have achieved a success rate of near to 99%, as the pixels and properties of the video are unchanged, whereas earlier they used to be disrupted or degraded.