Amiram Ron’s research while affiliated with Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and other places

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Publications (14)

Quantum Kinetic Equations for Electrons in a Periodic System
  • Article

June 1964


3 Reads


1 Citation

Amiram Ron

The approach to equilibrium of a system of electrons in a periodic system is studied by deriving a kinetic equation in the self‐consistent field approximation. The derivation based on the introduction of an hierarchy of equations for the s‐body density matrices and employing a truncation scheme, valid in the self‐consistent field approximation. The irreversibility is introduced by the adiabatic hypothesis of Bogoliubov. The kinetic equation takes proper account of the collective aspects of the electron system and includes the dynamic shielding.

Dynamics of Degenerate Electron Gas in a Magnetic Field

April 1964


2 Reads


15 Citations

Physical Review

Some aspects of the correlations between interacting electrons in a magnetic field are studied by a quantum kinetic approach, taking into account the quantization of the orbital motion of the electrons. The treatment is based on the introduction of an hierarchy of equations of motion for the s-body density matrices and employing a decoupling scheme, valid in the self-consistent field approximation. In this Way the dielectric function is introduced naturally,'' and the response of the system to an applied field is calculated. The dielectric function reflects the two main effects of the correlations, i.e., the collective excitations of the system and the dynamical shielding. The dielectric function plays a role also in the dressing'' of the interacting electrons. This is shown by calculating the spectrum of the density fluctuations and the equation that governs the approach to equilibrium of the system. The method is not limited to systems in thermal equilibrium, but also applies to systems in other stationary equilibrium states. (auth) versus temperature plot, resulted in a maximum of about 5.0 cm/sup 2/ sec/sup -1/ V/sup -1/ around 600 deg K after a steep climb from the value 2.8 cm/sup 2/ sec/sup -1/ V/sup -1/ at T = 300 deg K; between 600 and 900 deg K the decline in mobility is only slight. This behavior is discussed in terms of ion-molecule force fields and charge transfer. (auth)

Frequency-Dependent Relaxation Time of Electron-Phonon Systems. II. Effects of Finite Lifetime of the Phonons

March 1964


1 Read


13 Citations

Physical Review

A previous theory of the frequency-dependent relaxation time for a simple model of metal assuming the phonons to have infinite lifetime is investigated from a more sophisticated point of view. The effects of low temperature are reconsidered and the effect of the finite lifetime of the phonons is included. The Green's function technique is used to obtain the response of the electron-phonon system to an oscillating electric field. The treatment, which employs the time-dependent currents correlation function, does not have the time scale restriction of the usual transition probability approach and does give a proper description of the time-dependent collective effects. (auth)

Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by an Electron-Phonon System

November 1963


3 Reads


10 Citations

Physical Review

A theory is developed which described the scattering of electromagnetic waves by the electron density fluctuation of an electron-phonon system. The frequency spectrum of the scattered radiation is calculated by the temperature-dependent Green's function method and is alternatively derived by an elementary treatment in terms of dressed electrons and phonons. The theory may find its application in the study of incoherent scattering of electromagnetic waves in the vacuum ultraviolet region by thin metals. The resulting frequency spectrum of the scattered radiation shows resonances corresponding to the collective response of the electrons to the lattice vibrations, and to the collective excitation of plasma oscillations.

Influence of Collisions on Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Plasma Fluctuations

October 1963


27 Citations

Physical Review

The incoherent scattering of electromagnetic waves from electron-plasma oscillations in a thermal plasma is investigated. In particular, the effect of collisions on the shape of the isolated peak in the scattered intensity at a frequency displaced from the incident frequency by the plasma frequency is discussed making use of Nyquist's theorem and recent conductivity calculations. (auth)

Kinetic Equations for Electrons and Phonons

September 1963


3 Reads


14 Citations

A method is presented for deriving a set of kinetic equations for a system of electrons and phonons in a simplified model of a metal. By employing the second quantization representation for the creation and annihilation operators of the electrons and the phonons, an hierarchy of equations for the distribution functions and correlation functions is introduced. This hierarchy is studied, using an approach originally developed by Bogoliubov, where both truncation of the hierarchy and irreversibility are achieved under general assumptions. A set of kinetic equations is obtained for an homogeneous system, where the electrons dynamically shield both each other and the phonons.

High-Frequency Resistivity of Degenerate Semiconductors

September 1963


6 Reads


41 Citations

Physical Review

The problem of high-frequency conductivity of a degenerate semiconductor is investigated by a kinetic description. The finite duration of encounters is taken into account in a self-consistent fashion which properly includes collective effects. This treatment is an extension for quantum plasmas of the Dawson-Oberman method given for classical plasmas. (arth)

Frequency-Dependent Relaxation Time of Electron-Phonon Systems

September 1963


24 Reads


26 Citations

Physical Review

A derivation of the frequency-dependent relaxation time in a simple model of metal, composed of electrons and phonons, is presented. The problem is investigated by a quantum-kinetic description of the response of the electron-phonon system to an oscillating electric field. The treatment, which stems from a proper time-dependent transport equation, does not have the time scale restriction of the usual transition probability approach, and does give a proper description of the time-dependent collective effects.

Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Quantum and Classical Plasmas

July 1963


11 Reads


88 Citations

Physical Review

A systematic study of the absorption of electromagnetic waves in a quantum (classical) plasma is given, for waves whose frequencies are high compared to the collision frequency and whose wavelengths are long compared to the Bohr (Debye) radius. The treatment rests on the introduction of the temperature-dependent Green's function and Kubo's formula for the conductivity. An exact expression for the conductivity is obtained for a quantum plasma, which in its classical limit is in complete agreement with Dawson and Oberman, and with Oberman, Ron, and Dawson. The special case is treated of a quantum system of electrons in the presence of fixed ion scatterers.

Citations (4)

... The free-free opacity of a dense plasma at finite temperatures is a fundamental manybody problem on the boundary between plasma [1] and condensed matter physics [2,3], with further practical applications across astrophysics, laser-plasma interactions and inertial confinement fusion research [4]. At solid density, particle correlations, degeneracy and manybody effects all play an important role in determining how materials interact with light [5,6], invalidating the classical Coulomblogarithm-based inverse bremsstrahlung picture widely applied in plasma physics modelling [7][8][9]. ...


Time-resolved XUV Opacity Measurements of Warm-Dense Aluminium
Absorption of Electromagnetic Waves in Quantum and Classical Plasmas
  • Citing Article
  • January 1963

Physical Review Letters

... To interpret the photoyield data that is defined by the collective electronic response, we propose that real plasmons generated in the system by the primary photoexcited electronic polarization may act as a frequency-locked field for excitation of electrons from the E F . A similar scenario has been conjectured by Hopfield 76 and Ron and Tzoar, 137 and later elaborated by Mahan. 138 Hopfield argued that photons can excite plasmons resonantly in the energy window ℏω p (0) ≤ ℏω L ≤ ℏω p (q c ), with the required momentum q being supplied by the spatial inhomogeneities. ...

Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Quantum and Classical Plasmas
  • Citing Article
  • July 1963

Physical Review

... V. It has been previously pointed out that this approximation allows an exact evaluation of integrals similar to Eq. (1) in the context of the conductivity problem [15,20], although our method is new, as far as we know. Setting α = 0 in the dielectric function leaves us with ...

High-Frequency Conductivity of a Fully Ionized Plasma
  • Citing Article
  • December 1962

The Physics of Fluids

... The inspection of intermediate regimes would involve the use of a time-dependent electric field and of more sophisticated approaches that are generally dedicated to the study of laser-irradiated materials. [57][58][59][60][61] Investigated structures First, we consider the all-inorganic perovskite CsPbX 3 (X = I, Br, Cl) series. Recently, the synthesis of colloidal nanocrystals and nanoplatelets of these compounds has been reported. ...

Frequency-Dependent Relaxation Time of Electron-Phonon Systems
  • Citing Article
  • September 1963

Physical Review