Aminuddin Prahatama Putra’s research while affiliated with Lambung Mangkurat University and other places

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Publications (34)

Analysis of Needs for Empowerment Model Development Young Generation Cares About the Environment
  • Conference Paper

January 2024

Norhasanah Norhasanah



Muhammad Zaini


Aminuddin Putra

Actual Effectiveness of Meeting 1
Actual Effectiveness of Meeting 2
Actual Effectiveness of Meeting 3
-gain Test Results for Students' Critical Thinking Skills
The effectiveness of developing popular scientific books on Anacardiaceae to improve students’ critical thinking skills
  • Article
  • Full-text available

October 2023


58 Reads

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

The development of innovative local potential-based teaching materials in the Ethnobotany course of the Anacardiaceae family, which has not been fully implemented, causes student boredom while studying. It is necessary to develop popular scientific books (PSB) to help students understand learning material and significantly improve students' critical thinking skills. This development research aims to describe the expected and actual effectiveness of PSBs developed to enhance students' critical thinking skills. The research method used Tessmer's formative evaluation design. Research results on the effectiveness of expectations get an average value of 72.7%, and actual effectiveness is 77.35%. The average value of N-gain is 0.5, which is included in the medium criteria. The conclusion from the research results shows that the PSB on Ethnobotany of the Anacardiaceae family that was developed is effective in improving students' critical thinking skills so that students in Ethnobotany courses can use it. In general, the benefit of the results of this research is that development products based on local potential can be developed according to the needs of teaching materials and by the principles of critical thinking skills for students.Abstrak Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis potensi lokal yang inovatif pada mata kuliah Etnobotani famili Anacardiaceae yang belum sepenuhnya dilakukan menyebabkan kejenuhan mahasiswa saat belajar. Perlu dikembangkan buku ilmiah populer (BIP) untuk membantu mahasiswa memahami materi pembelajaran sekaligus salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan harapan dan aktual dari pengembangan BIP untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan desain evaluasi formatif Tessmer. Hasil penelitian pada keefektifan harapan memperoleh nilai rata-rata 72,7% dan keefektifan aktual memperoleh nilai rata-rata 77,35%%. Nilai rata-rata N-gain sebesar 0,5 yang termasuk ke dalam kriteria sedang. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa BIP Etnobotani famili Anacardiaceae yang dikembangkan efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa sehingga dapat digunakan mahasiswa pada matakuliah Etnobotani. Secara umum, manfaat dari hasil penelitian ini adalah produk pengembangan berbasis potensi lokal dapat dikembangkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan bahan ajar dan sesuai dengan kaidah keterampilan berpikir kritis untuk mahasiswa.


Module Validity Scoring Guidelines Teach Viruses based on Likert Scale
Guidelines for Interpreting Module Validity Teach Virus
Validation Result of the Virus Teaching Modul
Validation of the virus teaching module based on project based learning on creative thinking ability

October 2023


43 Reads

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

The virus teaching module based on project based learning (PjBL) was developed as an innovative learning medium and is expected to accommodate students' learning needs to improve their creative thinking abilities. This research aims to validate the PjBL-based virus teaching module for valid creative thinking abilities. This research uses a four-D (4D) research and development model but only reaches the product validity stage. Validation was carried out by two validators, namely experts in the field of biology, especially regarding viruses, and education experts. The instrument used is a validity sheet which includes aspects of suitability of content, grammar, sentences with indicators of creative thinking abilities. Data were analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques with a Likert scale resulting from validation carried out by the validator. The research results show that the average open module validity score is 3.3 with a very valid category. Therefore, the project-based learning module based on the teaching virus that was developed is very valid and can be used to train the creative thinking of class X SMA/MA students. This research needs to be followed up by continuing the implementation of broader research to prove how practical and effective the PjBL-based virus teaching module is when used by students in learning.Abstrak Modul ajar virus berbasis project based learning (PjBL) dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran yang inovatif dan diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan belajar peserta didik untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memvalidasi modul ajar virus berbasis PjBL terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif yang valid. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian dan pengembangan four-D models (4D) namun hanya sampai pada tahap validitas produk. Validasi dilakukan oleh dua orang validator yaitu pakar dalam bidang biologi khususnya mengenai virus dan pakar pendidikan. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa lembar validitas yang meliputi aspek kesesuaian isi, tata bahasa, kalimat dengan indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik deskriptif kuantitatif dengan skala Likert hasil validasi yang dilakukan oleh validator. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan skor rata-rata validitas modul ajar sebesar 3,3 dengan kategori sangat valid. Oleh karena itu, modul ajar virus berbasis project based learning yang dikembangkan sangat valid dan dapat digunakan untuk melatih berpikir kreatif peserta didik kelas X SMA/MA. Penelitian ini perlu ditindaklanjuti dengan melanjutkan penelitian implementasi yang lebih luas untuk membuktikan seberapa praktis dan efektif modul ajar virus berbasis PjBL saat digunakan oleh peserta didik dalam pembelajaran.

Effectiveness of popular scientific books on Fabaceae plant in KHDTK ULM to improve critical thinking skill

October 2023


29 Reads

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

Local potential can be used as a learning resource to preserve community knowledge in using specific plants and instil a sense of love in students for the potential in their area. Learning resources like Popular Scientific Books (PSB) based on local potential can train students' critical thinking skills. The research aims to describe the effectiveness of the PSB Fabaceae ethnobotany in Forest Areas with Special Purposes (KHDTK) ULM training students' critical thinking skills. The research method uses the Educational Design Research (EDR) model through Tessmer's formative evaluation. The development stages include a small group of 5 students and a field test of 20 Biology Education undergraduate students who have passed the Ethnobotany course one year. Students' critical thinking skills are improved through working on practicum guides and evaluation questions, which contain aspects of critical thinking skills. The research results of students' critical thinking skills are in the medium category, with an average N-Gain of 0.5. Based on these results, it can be concluded that BIP effectively improves students' critical thinking skills. Students who have critical thinking skills are expected to be able to improve the quality of human resources, especially in the field of education.Abstrak Potensi lokal dapat dijadikan sumber belajar untuk melestarikan pengetahuan masyarakat dalam pemanfaatan tumbuhan tertentu dan menanamkan rasa cinta mahasiswa terhadap potensi di daerahnya sendiri. Sumber belajar berupa Buku Ilmiah Populer (BIP) berbasis potensi lokal dapat melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Tujuan penelitian untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan BIP etnobotani Fabaceae di Kawasan Hutan dengan Tujuan Khusus (KHDTK) ULM dalam melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Metode penelitian menggunakan model Educational Desain Research (EDR) melalui evaluasi formatif Tessmer. Tahapan pengembangan meliputi kelompok kecil 5 mahasiswa dan uji lapangan 20 mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Biologi yang telah lulus mata kuliah Etnobotani. Keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa ditingkatkan melalui pengerjaan penuntun praktikum dan soal evaluasi yang memuat aspek keterampilan berpikir kritis. Hasil penelitian keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa berkategori sedang dengan rata-rata N-Gain 0,5. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan BIP efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang memiliki keterampilan berpikir kritis diharapkan mampu untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia khususnya di bidang pendidikan.

Effectiveness Criteria
Expectation Effectiveness Test Results of Popular Scientific Books
Actual Effectiveness Test Results of Popular Scientific Books
The effectiveness of the popular scientific book Dayak Ngaju ethnopharmacology in Pendahara Village to train students' critical thinking abilities

October 2023


14 Reads


1 Citation

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

One effort that can be made to build students' critical thinking skills is to develop popular scientific books (PSB) that are systematic and easy for students to understand. This research aims to describe the effectiveness of the PSB Ethnopharmacology in Pendahara Village, Ngaju Dayak Community Area, for Training Students' Critical Thinking Skills. The development stage includes self-evaluation, expert testing, individual testing, small group testing, and field testing. The research subjects were five students for the small group test and 20 for the field test. The effectiveness of PSB is analyzed descriptively. The research results show that the developed PSB was declared effective. Based on this data, the average N-Gain value is 0.5, resulting in a medium N-Gain category. Base on this research results, it can be concluded that the PSB on ethnopharmacology in Pendahara Village, Ngaju Dayak Community Area, is effectively used in training students' critical thinking skills.Abstrak Salah satu usaha yang dapat dilakukan dalam membangun keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa adalah mengembangkan buku ilmiah popular (BIP) yang sistematis dan mudah dipahami mahasiswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan keefektifan BIP Etnofarmakologi Desa Pendahara Kawasan Masyarakat Dayak Ngaju untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Mahasiswa. Tahap pengembangan meliputi evaluasi diri, uji pakar, uji perorangan, uji kelompok kecil, uji lapangan. Subjek penelitian adalah 5 mahasiswan untuk uji kelompok kecil dan 20 mahasiswa untuk uji lapangan. Keefektifan BIP dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan BIP yang dikembangkan dinyatakan efektif. Berdasarkan data tersebut maka nilai rerata N-Gain 0,5 sehingga diperoleh kategori N-Gain sedang. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa BIP etnofarmakologi Desa Pendahara Kawasan Masyarakat Dayak Ngaju efektif digunakan dalam melatih keterampilan berpikir kritis mahasiswa.

Teacher written assignment answer results (LTG) at LDGPP level 3 (high)
Digital literacy of biology science teacher in learning during the covid-19 pandemic

February 2023


236 Reads


1 Citation

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

The Challenges of 21st Century Education in the digital era 4.0 require the learning process to follow digitalization. Since 2019 the world has been hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, and this condition has made the government issue an online distance learning policy. So that digital literacy competence is an urgent need for teachers to carry out learning. The study aims to describe the level of digital literacy and the character of each level of digital literacy of Biology Science teachers in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at MTsN 2 Kapuas. The research method is descriptive qualitative with three people of the research subject. The research instrument includes the main instrument of the researcher himself and the supporting instrument of the teacher's written sheet (LTG). The level of digital literacy is categorized based on a hypothetical theory with five levels, namely LDGPP 4 (very high), LDGPP 3 (high), LDGPP 2 (medium), LDGPP 1 (low) and LDGPP 0 (very low). The results showed that Biology Science teachers' digital literacy level in learning during the Covid-19 pandemic at MTsN 2 Kapuas consisted of two levels, namely LDGPP 4 (very high) and LDGPP 3 (high). The teacher's high level of digital literacy is strength to produce students with a high level of digital literacy as well.Abstrak Tantangan Pendidikan Abad 21 era digital 4.0 menuntut proses pembelajaran mengikuti digitalisasi. Sejak tahun 2019 dunia dilanda pandemi Covid-19, kondisi ini membuat pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan pembelajaran jarak jauh secara online. Sehingga kompetensi literasi digital menjadi kebutuhan mendesak yang harus dimiliki guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat literasi digital dan karakteristik setiap tingkat literasi digital guru IPA Biologi dalam pembelajaran masa pandemi Covid-19 di MTsN 2 Kapuas. Metode penelitian adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan tiga orang subjek penelitian. Instrumen penelitian meliputi instrumen utamanya peneliti sendiri dan instrumen pendukungnya lembar tertulis guru (LTG). Tingkat literasi digital dikategorikan berdasarkan teori hipotetik dengan lima tingkatan, yaitu LDGPP 4 (sangat tinggi), LDGPP 3 (tinggi), LDGPP 2 (sedang), LDGPP 1 (rendah) dan LDGPP 0 (sangat rendah). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat literasi digital guru IPA Biologi dalam pembelajaran pada masa pandemi Covid-19 di MTsN 2 Kapuas terdiri dari dua tingkatan yaitu LDGPP 4 (sangat tinggi) dan LDGPP 3 (tinggi). Level literasi digital guru yang tinggi merupakan kekuatan untuk menghasilkan peserta didik dengan level literasi digital yang tinggi pula.


October 2022


1,407 Reads


8 Citations

Quantum Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan terdapat atau tidaknya pengaruh penggunaan E-LKPD berbasis liveworksheets pada konsep pembelahan sel terhadap hasil belajar kognitif produk, hasil belajar kognitif proses, dan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi experiment dengan desain pada hasil belajar kognitif menggunakan The Non-equivalent Control Group Design dan keterampilan berpikir kritis menggunakan Posttest-only Control Group Design. Sampel pada penelitian ini diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) terdapat pengaruh signifikan pada hasil belajar kognitif produk (sig. 0.005), (2) terdapat pengaruh signifikan pada hasil belajar kognitif proses (sig. 0.007), dan (3) tidak terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada keterampilan berpikir kritis (sig. 0.078). Kesimpulan yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini bahwa penggunaan E-LKPD berbasis liveworksheets dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik, namun tidak dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik.

Practicality of Biological E-Handout on Mushroom Materials for High School Students

June 2022


1 Read

Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy

The purpose of this study is to describe the practicality of the mushroom material e-handout which was developed to train students' critical thinking skills. This study uses the R&D method with the ADDIE model. The stages of the ADDIE development model are carried out through 5 stages, namely Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The e-handout is written in a communicative language, equipped with pictures and illustrations that can attract students and contain critical learning activities. Small group test subjects were conducted on 9 students and field tests were conducted on 25 students. Data obtained from practicality instruments were analyzed descriptively. The results of student responses got a value of 90% with the criteria of strongly agreeing and the results of the implementation of 84% with very good criteria. This shows that the developed e-handout is practical for developing critical thinking skills.

Results of student worksheets for non-creative categories (Sample 5)
Results of student worksheets in the pretty creative category (S1, S2, and S8)
Results of creative category student worksheets (S4 and S9)
Creative thinking indicators achievement
The creative thinking ability of high school student to ecological problem

June 2022


29 Reads

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

Creative thinking in the 21st century is needed to prepare humans to become faithful, productive, innovative and creative individuals and contribute to the life of society, nation, and state. Schools make creative thinking skills one of the graduation competencies of students. This study aims to describe the level and character of students' creative thinking skills in solving ecological problems. The research method is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were nine students selected based on the purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed using the triangulation analysis method. The study results used four levels of students' ability to solve problems creatively on the concept of ecology. The level of creative thinking ability of students is dominant at a moderately creative level. Characteristics of the creative thinking ability level of students, namely the creative level, have a high fluency aspect achievement, while flexibility and novelty are classified as moderate. The moderately creative level has a moderate achievement of fluency, flexibility, and novelty aspects, and students with a less creative level have a low achievement of fluency, flexibility, and novelty aspects. These results prove that creative thinking skills still need to be optimized at the high school.Abstrak Berpikir kreatif pada abad 21 dibutuhkan untuk mempersiapkan manusia menjadi pribadi yang beriman, produktif, inovatif dan kreatif serta berkontribusi pada kehidupan masyarakat, berbangsa dan bernegara. Sekolah menjadikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif salah satu kompetensi kelulusan peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan tingkat dan karakter kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dalam menyelesaikan masalah ekologi. Metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah sembilan orang peserta didik yang dipilih berdasarkan metode purposive sampling. Data dianalisis mengunakan metode analysis triagulasi. Hasil penelitian menggunakan empat tingkat kemampuan peserta didik dalam penyelesaian masalah secara kreatif pada konsep ekologi. Tingkat kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik dominan pada tingkat cukup kreatif. Karakteristik tingkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik, yaitu tingkat kreatif memiliki ketercapaian aspek fluency tinggi, sedangkan flexibility dan novelty tergolong sedang. Tingkat cukup kreatif memiliki ketercapaian aspek fluency, flexibility dan novelty tergolong sedang, dan peserta didik tingkat kurang kreatif memiliki ketercapaian aspek fluency, flexibility dan novelty tergolong rendah. Hasil ini membuktikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif masih perlu dioptimalkan di tingkat SMA.

Citations (18)

... ication shows that the use of electronic student worksheets (ESW) increases the completeness of student learning outcomes. (Adawiyah et al., 2021). Adawiyah, R., Amin, S. M., Ibrahim, M., & Hartatik, S. (2021). The results of this research are expected to be used in the development of innovative E-LKPD in the science learning process. In addition, Mispa. et. al., (2022) In his research on the use of Live Worksheet-Based ESW on the Protist Concept on Learning Outcomes concluded that the use of live worksheet-based ESW affects students' cognitive learning outcomes. With the rapid development of information technology, there is an urgent need to develop engaging and informative digital teaching materials, ...


Need Analysis for the Development of Electronic Students' Worksheet (E-LKPD) on Education Sustainable Development on the Use of Eco Enzyme
Penggunaan E-Lkpd Berbasis Live Worksheet pada Konsep Protista terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas X Sman 7 Banjarmasin

Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

... PSB provides information and tools for the public or general readers to understand the topic easily and then improve their knowledge, technology and insight. In the world of education, the feasibility of PSB is usually tested, as was done by Fajeriadi et al. (2024), Harlinson et al. (2023), Irianti & Mahrudin (2024), Junaidi et al. (2023); Khatimah et al. (2023), Mulkan et al. (2022), Rahayu et al. (2022), Rini et al. (2021), and Suga et al. (2022). Feasibility includes validity, practicality, and effectiveness. ...

The effectiveness of the popular scientific book Dayak Ngaju ethnopharmacology in Pendahara Village to train students' critical thinking abilities

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

... The ability of scientific literacy in teachers is also very high; the emergence of scientific literacy in a process during a lesson, as well as expertise in the ability of scientific literacy in students after the process of a lesson. Based on Rohman et al. (2017) & Hasanah et al. (2023, research results showed the quality of classroom teaching also needs to have high literacy skills to improve students' scientific literacy skills. According to Rezeqi & Gultom (2023), student concept understanding can be enhanced by looking for accurate references to journals and books. ...

Digital literacy of biology science teacher in learning during the covid-19 pandemic

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

... One of the development research activities is to conduct a validation test. With input from validators, researchers can identify any deficiencies or weaknesses in the product that has been made (Astuti et al., 2021;Maisyura et al., 2021;Ramadhan et al., 2024). Based on the results of the validity test that has been carried out by 2 experts, the results of the validation of popular scientific books are obtained as in Table 4. Based on the validity test from 2 validators, out of 9 aspects that have an average value of the maximum value of 4 are aspects of coherence in the assessment indicator of each paragraph in a popular scientific book has one main idea, aspects of active and passive sentences, format, and writing methods. ...

Development of Popular Scientific Book on the Type of Shrimp in Coastal Waters of Tabanio for Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills of Senior High School Students

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

... Sementara, Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Elektronik (E-LKPD) merupakan rangkaian kegiatan yang digunakan siswa dalam melakukan penyelidikan dan penyelesaian masalah. E-LKPD berupa panduan kerja peserta didik untuk mempermudah siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk elektronik yang pengaplikasiannya menggunakan desktop komputer, notebook, smartphone, maupun handphone (Anggereni et al., 2020;Puspita & Dewi, 2021). E-LKPD dapat digunakan untuk segala jenjang pendidikan terutama sekolah dasar. ...

Development of e-LKPD biology concept to improve students critical thinking skills
  • Citing Article
  • April 2022

JPBIO (Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi)

... Ananda & Salamah (2021) shows that using conventional media in the control class can reduce critical thinking skills. Annida et al. (2022) added that several factors inhibiting critical thinking skills include a lack of internal motivation and a lack of facilities and infrastructure that can support teacher performance and student activities. ...


Quantum Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Sains

... Research on critical thinking skills has been carried out by Santi et al. (2018), Magdalena et al. (2021) and Agustina et al. (2020). Based on this research, the learning process is expected to have an effect on students' critical thinking skills for invertebrate zoology courses by developing popular scientific books. ...

Validity of Multimedia Peat Swamp Forest Concept Based on Problem Solving to Practice Critical Thinking Skills of Chemistry Students

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

... Critical thinking is one skill that students must possess (Kustiani et al., 2020;Susanti et al., 2022;Musliha et al., 2022). Critical thinking is one of the abilities that can be developed through problem solving learning process (Birgili, 2015). ...

The natural science practical guide developed based on critical thinking skills: Implementation test results

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan

... In fact, students will learn well if they start with understanding problems, formulating problems, analyzing arguments to finding solutions to problems. This is supported by previous studies (Andini, 2015;Munawarah, 2017;Putra, et al., 2019) that the problem-solving process requires students to be more active in building critical and creative ideas to solve problems that occur. ...

Perkembangan Moral Siswa SMP Tentang Permasalahan Pertanian Pasang Surut di Kabupaten Banjar Melalui Penyelesaian Masalah

Wahana-Bio Jurnal Biologi dan Pembelajarannya

... Buku ilmiah populer yang dikembangkan bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada peserta didik tentang gastropoda dan bivalvia yang ada di lingkungan sekitar serta mendorong keterampilan berpikir kritis [11], sehingga peserta didik dapat menggunakannya sebagai sarana belajar materi pokok invertebrata. Dalam penyusunannya, materi dalam buku ini ditampilkan dan disajikan supaya lebih mudah dipahami [12]. Penggunaan gambar yang menarik akan membantu proses mengingat, memahami, dan menguasai konsep materi [13]. ...

The practicality of popular scientific books diversity of crab species in the Tabanio mangrove area

BIO-INOVED Jurnal Biologi-Inovasi Pendidikan