October 2024
45 Reads
BIO Web of Conferences
The waste-to-wealth program refers to the process of transforming waste from depleted usefulness to valued and desired utility. The waste-to-wealth program consists of recycling, upcycling and composting. This study explores the types of waste generated and waste disposal practices by the Delta Tumpat, Kelantan community and explores the waste-to-wealth program’s potential. A total of 280 respondents participated in this study using stratified sampling. This study found the high potential to introduce waste-to-wealth programs to the community of Delta Tumpat based on the abundance of organic wastes generated, as well as the high awareness of waste-to-wealth and willingness to participate in waste- to-wealth programs in the future. Organic waste is the most generated waste by the Delta Tumpat community. Food and agriculture waste are the most significant contributors to the organic waste in the Delta of Tumpat. Burning is the primary disposal practice due to a lack of knowledge of sustainable waste disposal practices. Better intervention programs and initiatives are needed to increase the community’s willingness to participate in the waste- to-wealth program.