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Publications (19)

Indices de la professionnalisation dans la formation initiale des enseignants dans les ENS … Quels dispositifs de professionnalisation de l'enseignement et du métier d'enseignant ? Indices of professionalization in the initial training of teachers in the ENS… What systems for the professionalization of teaching and the teaching profession?
  • Article
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January 2023


223 Reads







De Bouzaréah

Notre étude répond à la problématique de la formation et du métier d'enseignant. Nous nous y intéressons essentiellement à l'analyse et à l'identification des indices de professionnalisation existant dans la formation initiale des enseignants formés aux ENS de Bouzaréah et de Kouba. Notre enquête s'est déroulée en ligne durant le mois de novembre 2021, sur un échantillon composé de 82 enseignants diplômés des ENS de Kouba et de Bouzaréah. Les premiers résultats obtenus confirment la première l'hypothèse relative à l'existence d'indices de professionnalisation au métier d'enseignant dans la formation initiale ainsi que la deuxième hypothèse relative à l'existence d'une différence statiquement significative en relation avec les variables traitées. Par ailleurs, les recommandations formulées dans la question ouverte relative aux besoins exprimés par notre * Corresponding author Indices de la professionnalisation dans la formation initiale des enseignants dans les ENS … Quels dispositifs de professionnalisation de l'enseignement et du métier d'enseignant ? 1159 échantillon, mettent en évidence la nécessité de l'élaboration d'un dispositif de formation professionnalisante. Mots-clés : formation initiale des enseignants, dispositif de professionnalisation, indices de professionnalisation, identité professionnelle, professionnalisation du métier d'enseignant. Abstract: Our study responds to the issue of training and the teaching profession. We are mainly interested in the analysis and identification of the existing professionalization indices in the initial training of teachers trained at the ENS of Bouzaréah and Kouba. Our survey took place online during the month of November 2021, on a sample composed of 82 teachers who graduated from the ENS of Kouba and Bouzaréah. The first results obtained confirm the first hypothesis relating to the existence of professionalization indices for the teaching profession in initial training as well as the second hypothesis relating to the existence of a statistically significant difference in relation to the variables processed. Furthermore, the recommendations formulated in the open question relating to the needs expressed by our sample, highlight the need to develop a professional training system.


La patronymie à base toponymique de l'Aurès: cas des douars Tadjmout et Oulach, wilaya de Biskra Patronymy with a toponymic base in the Aures region: case study of the Tadjmout and Oulach douars, wilaya of Biskra

November 2022


177 Reads

The present paper is devoted to the study of the patronymicsof the Aures region, namely those of the douars Tadjmout andOulach belonging to the ancient commune-mixte de l’Aurès. Thestudy is based on a corpus composed of several patronymicsextracted from civil status registers dating back to the colonialperiod. The Auressians chose names that corresponded to ‘theproperties of their place of residence’. The use of toponymy in thechoice of surnames reflects an identity-based resistance that aims atsafeguarding the heritage of a threatened collectivememory. Toponymic patronymics will allow us to read socialstructures and thus better understand our history. In this article, weattempt to show how surnames are conceived in the surveyedpopulation.

Fig. 1) (Pouget, 1977; Roose et al., 2010). The mountains consist of sandstone, limestone and marly
Fig. 3 Sampling plan; A: Sampling grid of contiguous squares used in the semi-quantitative method
Fig. 6 Factor C Map, A: using supervised method and phytoecological dataset; B: using NDVI
Fig. 7 Spatial distributions of the R-USLE model parameters; A: erosivity of annual rainfall (1965-
Journal Pre-proof Contribution of phytoecological data to spatialize soil erosion: Application of the RUSLE model in the Algerian atlas Contribution of phytoecological data to spatialize soil erosion: Application of the RUSLE model in the Contribution of phytoecological data to spatialize soil erosion: application of the RUSLE model 1 in the Algerian Atlas 2 3 Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Environment (EVE), BPN°32

June 2021


138 Reads

Cloning and heterologous expression of subtilisin SAPN, a serine alkaline protease from Melghiribacillus thermohalophilus Nari2A T in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris

January 2021


8 Reads


1 Citation

The sapN gene, encoding the extracellular subtilisin SAPN, a serine alkaline protease from Melghiribacillus thermohalophilus Nari2A T , was isolated, sequenced, and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) pLysS using pUT57 and pTrc99A vectors and in E. coli BL21-AI™ using the Gateway™ pDEST™ 17 vector. Conversely, three cassettes encoding pre-pro-subtilisin (rSAPN/SP-ProM), pro-subtilisin (rSAPN/Pro-M), and the mature-subtilisin (rSAPN/M) were hyperexpressed in Pichia pastoris SMD1168 and X33 using the pPICZαC vector. rSAPNs were purified, characterized, and compared to wild-type SAPN. The deduced amino acid sequences exhibited high similarity with subtilisins from Bacillus strains. The highest sequence identity (96 %) was observed with the Bacillus licheniformis MP1 protease, with a 10-residue difference. Compared to SAPN and untagged rSAPNs, (His) 6-tagged enzymes showed the highest activity and stability at alkaline pH and high temperature, the highest hydrolysis degree on crab and shrimp by-products, and the best catalytic efficiency. It was found that His 6-rSAPN/SP-ProMs expressed in P. pastoris strains was more active than those produced in E. coli. To initiate structure-function relationships, a 3D-model of the Pro-SAPN was built based on the available structures of common subtilisins. These data constitute a pivotal first step toward the creation of new efficient rSAPNs with enhanced catalytic properties and high potential for biotechnological and industrial uses.

Prévalence de la dénutrition chez les hémodialysés chroniques : Service Néphrologie, CHU Mustapha, Alger Société Algérienne de Néphrologie Dialyse et Transplantation 6ème Congrès Maghrébin de Néphrologie et 23ème Congrès National de Néphrologie Alger, les 25, 26 et 27 novembre 2016

November 2016


156 Reads

L'étude réalisée montre que la prévalence de la dénutrition chez les hémodialysés varie selon les paramètres d'évaluation pris en compte et que celle-ci n'a pu être considérée, 1 patients sur 26 dans le cas de notre étude, qu'à partir du moment où sa confirmation a été effective sur les quatre marqueurs de dénutrition au moins, telle que proposée par Aparicio et al [4]. Aussi, l'étude montre que cette prévalence peut être approchée par le NRI, moyennant la connaissance du poids du patient et de la valeur de l'albumine seulement.-Bien que le risque de dénutrition chez les hémodialysés chroniques du service de néphrologie du CH Mustapha demeure, pour l'essentiel, assez modéré, il n'en demeure pas moins que son évaluation périodique reste l'une des voies à préconiser pour poser les indications d'une assistance nutritionnelle appropriée chez les hémodialysés chroniques.  L'évaluation nutritionnelle réalisée porte sur 26 patients hémodialysés chroniques, connus et suivis régulièrement au niveau du CHU Mustapha; service de néphrologie et transplantation. Les caractéristiques générales des patients sont reportés dans le tableau ci dessous. Dénutrition normale surpoids obésité


June 2014


196 Reads


13 Citations

The one year study reported in this article took place from March 2013 to February 2014 on the wild pigeons (wildrock and woodpigeons) of the AlgiersSahel (Algeria) to determine the occurrence of the endoparasites species (coccidia and helminths) and to evaluate the kind, sex and season effects on the prevalence and the intensity. Faecal samples were taken on 232 wild pigeons (136 rock pigeons and 115 wood pigeons). These samples were examined via the centrifugal flotation method using the Sheather's saturatesugar solution. Oocysts of coccidia were detected in 36 (59%)rock pigeons and in 30 (88,2%) wood pigeons. The coccidiaspecies identified in the rock pigeons were as follows: Eimeria labbeana (30%); E. columbae (25, 8%); and E. columbarum (18,3%). In the wood pigeons, the oocysts of the following species were detected: Eimeria labbeana (25%), E. columbae (21,4%), and E. columbarum (6,3%). Eggs of helminth were found in the faeces of 25 (41%) rock pigeons and in four (11, 8%) wood pigeons. The following species of helminth were identified: Capillaria sp (20,8%), Ascaridia columbae (4,2%), and Heterakis sp (2,5%) in the wild pigeons contrary to the wood pigeons in which, Capillaria sp (7,1%) was the sole species found. In contrast, when the infections were evaluated depending on the gender, it was found that the infection rates of males and females were very close to each other, which was statistically insignificant (P>0.05). The wild pigeons infection rate in autumn proved rather high comparatively with the wood pigeons infection rate (P<0.05).


March 2014


434 Reads

Introduction’ La cryoglobulinémie est à l’origine de vascularites systémiques. L’atteinte rénale est plus fréquente dans les cryoglobulinémie type II. L’objectif de notre travail est de montrer l’efficacité des échanges plasmatiques dans le traitement des formes sévères des cryoglobulinemies de type II. Patients et méthodes : Nous rapportons le cas de deux patientes présentant une cryoglobulinémie de type II évoquée devant l’association d’un purpura nécrotique ,d’arthrite, ,d’atteinte neurologique et rénale(syndrome de néphropathie glomérulaire )puis confirmée biologiquement , chez lesquelles des échanges plasmatiques ont été réalisés. La première est porteuse d’hépatite viraleC .La seconde présente, une sclérodermie systémique. Résultats : Suite à l’instauration des échanges plasmatiquesà raison de 6 séances avec extraction de 2 litres de plasma et restitution par de l’albumine en association à un traitement antiviral dans la premier cas ;à une corticothérapie avec rituximab dans notre seconde observation ,une nette amélioration de l’état clinique (régression des lésions cutanées et articulaires) est observée dans notre premier cas .Une amélioration notable de la fonction rénale dans notre deuxieme observation.Une diminution du taux de cryoglobulines dans les deux cas Dans notre première observation,de part le risque infectieux important, des plasmaphérèses seules ont été réalisées avec une bonne évolution clinico-biologique. Dans notre 2 ème observation :notre conduite était similaire à celle donnée dans la plus part des études. Association d’une corticothérapie orale ;d’une immunosupression et des échanges plasmatiques Conclusion : L’association des échanges plasmatiques à un traitement immunosuppresseur est de grande efficacité vu la rémission rapide engendrée ; mais dans les cas où l’immunosuppression court un grand risque au malade, la plasmaphérèse trouve sa place et parait efficace en donnant de bons résultats à court terme.

Conception of robust neural networks to improve hybrid control of an induction motor

March 2011


334 Reads

Journal of Renewable Energies

Neural networks and fuzzy controllers are considered as the most efficient approximators of different functions and have also proved their capability of controlling nonlinear dynamical systems. So, in this paper, the authors introduce a novel technique of control called 'hybrid control' which is Based on Feedback Linearization and Field Oriented Control of an Induction Motor, in order to replace the sliding mode controllers (speed and flux ones). In fact, the objectives required by the introduction of neural networks, 'RANNCs' is to perform the control which is shown by simulation results. Résumé – Les réseaux de neurones et de contrôleurs flous sont considérés comme les plus efficaces approximateurs des différentes fonctions et ont également montré leur capacité de contrôler des systèmes non linéaires. Ainsi, dans cet article, les auteurs ont introduit une nouvelle technique de contrôle appelée 'contrôle hybride', basée sur le feedback de la linéarisation et sur la thématique axée sur le contrôle d'un moteur à induction, afin de remplacer les contrôleurs de mode de glissement (vitesse et flux). En fait, les objectifs requis par l'introduction de réseaux de neurones (RANNCs) consistent à effectuer le contrôle, qui est démontré par les résultats de simulation.

Emission spectrum and simulated laser parameters of Yb 3+ :LiLu(WO 4 ) 2 crystal

May 2010


197 Reads


9 Citations

Optical Materials

Monoclinic double tungstates Yb 3+ :LiLu(WO 4) 2 laser crystal a b s t r a c t Crystal growth and spectroscopic study of the new compound Yb 3+ :LiLu(WO 4) 2 have been undertaken for the first time. Preliminary growth using flux method with Li 2 W 2 O 7 as solvent allows us to obtain small single crystals. As a promising laser crystal, Yb 3+ :LiLu(WO 4) 2 have characteristics of a low concentration quenching effect and low laser threshold owing to the existence of covalent bands in WO 4 group. Its absorption peak at 977 nm, corresponding to 2 F 7/2 (1) ? 2 F 5/2 (5) transition, is suitable for laser diode pumping. Emission spectrum shows large bands extending from 900 to 1100 nm, five peaks centred respectively at 959, 978, 997, 1025 and 1056 nm are well resolved. The FWHM of the most intense emis-sion band located at 997 nm is about 20 nm. Energy Stark levels are: 0, 201, 469 and 749 cm À1 for the 2 F 7/2 component and: 10,230, 10,427 and 10,890 cm À1 for the 2 F 5/2 component. The overall splitting of 2 F 7/2 ground-state manifold is 749 cm À1 , which is larger than that observed in similar systems such as Yb 3+ :LiLa(WO 4) 2 (632 cm À1). Such large crystal-field splitting of the 2 F 7/2 ground-state will be advanta-geous to lower laser thermal effect and re-absorption losses. As we can see, the stark electronic levels are characterized by relatively large crystal-field splitting favourable to laser crystal applications in the near infrared spectral region.

Citations (4)

... Alternatively, genetic engineering and other molecular approaches are vital to transfer solvent-resistant gene/s for developing novel strains. Genetic manipulation and newer approaches in protein engineering provide new opportunities for the development of modified microbial strains possessing desirable catalytic features (Bhatt and Singh 2020;Mechri et al. 2021). ...


Comparative analysis of the catalysis and stability of the native, recombinant and metagenomic alkaline proteases in organic solvents
Cloning and heterologous expression of subtilisin SAPN, a serine alkaline protease from Melghiribacillus thermohalophilus Nari2A T in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

... Whereas, high level of infection was attributed to monsoon weather ( June to September) and the lower infection rates were recorded during summer season (February to May). Moreover, the prevalence and level of parasitic infection is influenced by the epidemiological factors such as sex, age, and breed (Djelmoudi et al., 2014). ...

  • Citing Article
  • June 2014

... In this case, as described by Berdja et al., 17 the diaphragm effect is simulated by keeping a randomly part of the complex amplitude K− → α 0 ( − → α ). As for the image plane, the process is repeated for every incident angle, the resulting image presents flying shadows. ...

Simulation of pupil-plan observation of angle-of-arrival fluctuations in daytime turbulence

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering

... In the central Hoggar, such batholiths are nearly coeval with regional high temperature metamorphism ranging from amphibolite facies (around 630 Ma) to granulitic facies (around 600 Ma) (Bendaoud et al., 2008;Ouzegane et al., 2023). Finally, the late alkali-calcic and alkaline-peralkaline plutons, dated at 600 Ma In the In Ouzzal terrane (Fezaa et al., 2019) and between 580 and 530 Ma (U-Pb on zircon Azzouni-Sekkal et al., 2020) in the Silet terrane (Fig. 1), are generally sub-circular, including ring complexes (Azzouni-Sekkal et al., 2003). ...

The "Taourirt" magmatic province, a marker of the closing stage of the Pan-African orogeny in the Tuareg Shield: Review of available data and Sr-Nd isotope evidence

Journal of African Earth Sciences