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Publications (21)

Marine transmissible cancer navigates urbanized waters, threatening spillover
  • Article
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February 2024


136 Reads


10 Citations


F. Touchard





Inter-individual transmission of cancer cells represents a unique form of microparasites increasingly reported in marine bivalves. In this study, we sought to understand the ecology of the propagation of Mytilus trossulus Bivalve Transmissible Neoplasia 2 (MtrBTN2), a transmissible cancer affecting four Mytilus mussel species worldwide. We investigated the prevalence of MtrBTN2 in the mosaic hybrid zone of M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis along the French Atlantic coast, sampling contrasting natural and anthropogenic habitats. We observed a similar prevalence in both species, probably due to the spatial proximity of the two species in this region. Our results showed that ports had higher prevalence of MtrBTN2, with a possible hotspot observed at a shuttle landing dock. No cancer was found in natural beds except for two sites close to the hotspot, suggesting spillover. Ports may provide favourable conditions for the transmission of MtrBTN2, such as high mussel density, stressful conditions, sheltered and confined shores or buffered temperatures. Ships may also spread the disease through biofouling. Our results suggest ports may serve as epidemiological hubs, with maritime routes providing artificial gateways for MtrBTN2 propagation. This highlights the importance of preventing biofouling on docks and ship hulls to limit the spread of marine pathogens hosted by fouling species.

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Global distribution (a) of the 23 Blue mussel populations used in this study to generate WGS data. Segments (b), (c), and (d) of the figure detail the location of populations in the North East Pacific, North East Atlantic, Baltic,and Mediterranean Seas and South East Pacific, respectively.
Scatter plots of individual variation in PC 1 and 2 scores resulting from PCA applied to the WGS dataset using SNPs intercepting among all blue mussel individuals from the 23 populations. The proportion of overall variation explained by each PC are given in percentages.
UpSet plot of final set of SNPs with MAF ≥0.02 for each of the species present in the WGS dataset approved by Affymetrix QC and assigned as ‘recommended’ on both flanking probes and their intersection among the four different species group: M. edulis (ME), M. galloprovincialis (MG), M. trossulus (MT), and M. chilensis (MC).
Results of genetic admixture analysis and ancestry inference. In each column the proportions of the different colors show the inferred contribution of the four clusters (Q) to the genomic composition of the given individual. Solid bars represent an individual from a single species background.
UpSet plot representing probes with a CR of ≥95% retained from the analysis of individual species, M. edulis (ME), M. galloprovincialis (MG), M. trossulus (MT), and M. chilensis (MC), generated by the Axiom Analysis Suite Software and their intersection among the four species group.


SNP discovery and genetic structure in blue mussel species using low coverage sequencing and a medium density 60 K SNP‐array

April 2023


385 Reads


8 Citations

Blue mussels from the genus Mytilus are an abundant component of the benthic community, found in the high latitude habitats. These foundation species are relevant to the aquaculture industry, with over 2 million tonnes produced globally each year. Mussels withstand a wide range of environmental conditions and species from the Mytilus edulis complex readily hybridize in regions where their distributions overlap. Significant effort has been made to investigate the consequences of environmental stress on mussel physiology, reproductive isolation, and local adaptation. Yet our understanding on the genomic mechanisms underlying such processes remains limited. In this study, we developed a multi species medium‐density 60 K SNP‐array including four species of the Mytilus genus. SNPs included in the platform were called from 138 mussels from 23 globally distributed mussel populations, sequenced using a whole‐genome low coverage approach. The array contains polymorphic SNPs which capture the genetic diversity present in mussel populations thriving across a gradient of environmental conditions (~59 K SNPs) and a set of published and validated SNPs informative for species identification and for diagnosis of transmissible cancer (610 SNPs). The array will allow the consistent genotyping of individuals, facilitating the investigation of ecological and evolutionary processes in these taxa. The applications of this array extend to shellfish aquaculture, contributing to the optimization of this industry via genomic selection of blue mussels, parentage assignment, inbreeding assessment and traceability. Further applications such as genome wide association studies (GWAS) for key production traits and those related to environmental resilience are especially relevant to safeguard aquaculture production under climate change.

Figure 1: Location of sampling sites. Zoomed-in sites correspond to sites where mussels are 288 affected by MtrBTN2. Pie graphs and numbers in italics correspond to the proportion of 289 cancerous samples in each site. Coloured points represent the type of site, as indicated in the 290 figure's legend. Map origin: Ersi gray (light). 291 292
Figure 2, FigureS6). 318 319
Marine transmissible cancer navigates urbanised waters, threatening to spillover

April 2023


148 Reads


4 Citations

Transmissible cancer, a unique form of microparasites that spreads through direct transmission of living cancer cells, is increasingly reported in marine bivalves. In this study, we sought to understand the ecology of the propagation of Mytilus trossulus Bivalve Transmissible Neoplasia 2 (MtrBTN2), a transmissible cancer affecting four Mytilus mussel species worldwide. We investigated the prevalence of MtrBTN2 in the mosaic hybrid zone of M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis along the French Atlantic coast, sampling contrasting natural and anthropogenic habitats. We observed a similar prevalence in both species, likely due to the proximity of the two species in this region. Our results showed that ports had higher prevalence of MtrBTN2, with a hotspot observed at a shuttle landing dock. No cancer was found in natural beds except for two sites around the hotspot, suggesting spillover. Ports may provide favourable conditions for the transmission of MtrBTN2, such as high mussel density, confined sheltered shores, or buffered temperatures. Ships may also spread the disease through biofouling, with maritime traffic being the best predictor of MtrBTN2 prevalence. Our results suggest ports may serve as epidemiological hubs, with maritime routes providing artificial gateways for MtrBTN2 propagation. This highlights the importance of preventing biofouling on docks and ships’ hulls to limit the spread of marine pathogens.

Anthropogenic translocations open new pathways and connect habitats at different scales. (a–c) represent processes happening at a regional scale. (a) Artificial and offshore structures can act as stepping stones and become springboards for organisms to disperse and colonize other locations. (b) Natural dispersal (in green) depends on the species’ dispersal abilities and is mostly done between close locations. Thus, the further two populations are from each other, the more differentiated they will be. Meanwhile, shipping (in red) sustains both short‐ and long‐distance translocations. Dispersal by human action breaks the isolation‐by‐distance patterns and can bring down the genetic structure of populations or make it more complex. (c) Shipping can be responsible for spillovers from ports to wild populations and help organisms colonize locations where they are not yet established. (d) Transoceanic shipping translocates organisms on a global scale, potentially bringing them into contact with geographically distant lineages; some of them might have evolved in complete allopatry.
Illustration of the biofouling pathways for spreading the Pacific kelp Undaria pinnatifida from port to port. This seaweed native to Asia has been introduced in New Zealand and Europe during the 1970s–1980s. It is a short‐lived species, with a life‐cycle alternating macroscopic diploid sporophytes (left and central picture) and microscopic haploid gametophytes (right picture) that can both be found attached to boat hulls, anchoring systems, or ropes. While natural dispersal by spores or gametes occurs at a very short distance (<10–100 m; Forrest et al., 2000), it can be easily spread over long distance (>100 km) through shipping trade and leisure boating, as evidenced by both field and genetic studies (Epstein & Smale, 2017; Guzinski et al., 2018; South et al., 2017). Ports, and associated shipping and boating, provide major expansion pathways and are responsible for long‐distance dispersal events of this introduced seaweed.
Adaptation in a patchy environment. In this schematic scenario, two lineages of one species (species 1) are separated by a barrier to gene flow. In each location, one population is found in a port habitat (filled circle), another one in a wild habitat (empty circle). Two independent convergent mutations (μ1 and μ2) related to adaptation to the port environment appear in one population of each lineage (adaptation by de novo mutations). These mutations then propagate to close populations found in the same port habitat by gene flow through wild populations (thanks to migration‐selection balance that maintains a low frequency of port‐adapted alleles in wild populations, aka transporter hypothesis) or helped by maritime traffic. This latter anthropogenic pathway may introduce individuals with the mutation to an area where a second species (species 2) is found in port habitats. Introgression from the introduced species to the second species occurs, as this mutation is advantageous in the port environment. This process is called adaptive introgression. On the right of the figure, the upper tree shows the genetic relationships at neutral markers between the different populations involved, while the second tree is obtained with the selected locus.
Biological portuarization and its evolutionary outcomes. Ports are singular habitats due to their particular abiotic and biotic properties, at local and global (seascape) levels. They are the port‐of‐entry of non‐native lineages and species and the nodes of a vast and dense network. Evolutionary outcomes already documented are diverse, including genetic diversity shuffling, rapid adaptation, putative risks associated with gene flow in natural habitats, admixture, and hybridization among others.
Urban rendezvous along the seashore: Ports as Darwinian field‐labs for studying marine evolution in the Anthropocene

July 2022


221 Reads


16 Citations

Humans have built ports on all the coasts of the world, allowing people to travel, exploit the sea, and develop trade. The proliferation of these artificial habitats and the associated maritime traffic are not predicted to fade in the coming decades. Ports share common characteristics: species find themselves in novel singular environments, with particular abiotic properties ‐e.g., pollutants, shading, protection from wave action‐ within novel communities in a melting‐pot of invasive and native taxa. Here we discuss how this drives evolution, including setting‐up of new connectivity hubs and gateways, adaptive responses to exposure to new chemicals or new biotic communities, and hybridization between lineages that would have never come into contact naturally. There are still important knowledge gaps however, such as the lack of experimental tests to distinguish adaptation from acclimation processes, the lack of studies to understand the putative threats of port lineages to natural populations, or to better understand the outcomes and fitness effects of anthropogenic hybridization. We thus call for further research examining “biological portuarization”, defined as the repeated evolution of marine species in port‐ecosystems under human‐altered selective pressures. Furthermore, we argue that ports act as giant mesocosms often isolated from the open sea by seawalls and locks, and so provide replicated life‐size evolutionary experiments essential to support predictive evolutionary sciences.

Prevalence and polymorphism of a mussel transmissible cancer in Europe

June 2021


195 Reads


34 Citations

Molecular Ecology

Transmissible cancers are parasitic malignant cell lineages that acquired the ability to infect new hosts from the same species, or sometimes related species. First described in dogs and Tasmanian devils, transmissible cancers were later discovered in some marine bivalves affected by a leukemia-like disease. In Mytilus mussels, two lineages of Bivalve Transmissible Neoplasia (BTN) have been described to date (MtrBTN1 and MtrBTN2), both emerged in a M. trossulus founder individual. Here, we performed an extensive screening of genetic chimerism, a hallmark of transmissible cancer, by genotyping 106 SNPs of 5907 European Mytilus mussels. The genetic analysis allowed us to simultaneously obtain the genotype of hosts - M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis or hybrids - and the genotype of tumors of heavily infected individuals. In addition, a subset of 222 individuals were systematically genotyped and analysed by histology in order to screen for possible non-transmissible cancers. We detected MtrBTN2 at low prevalence in M.edulis, and also in M. galloprovincialis and hybrids although at a much lower prevalence. No MtrBTN1 or new BTN were found, but 8 individuals with non-transmissible neoplasia were observed at a single polluted site on the same sampling date. We observed a diversity of MtrBTN2 genotypes that appeared more introgressed or more ancestral than MtrBTN1 and reference healthy M. trossulus individuals. The observed polymorphism is most likely due to somatic null alleles caused by structural variations or point mutations in primer-binding sites leading to enhanced detection of the host alleles. Despite low prevalence, two sublineages divergent by 10% fixed somatic null alleles and one non-synonymous mtCOI substitution, are co-spreading in the same geographic area, suggesting a complex diversification of MtrBTN2 since its emergence and host species shift.

Prevalence and polymorphism of a mussel transmissible cancer in Europe

April 2021


229 Reads

Transmissible cancers are parasitic malignant cell lineages that acquired the ability to infect new hosts from the same species, or sometimes related species. First described in dogs and Tasmanian devils, transmissible cancers were later discovered in some marine bivalves affected by a leukemia-like disease. In Mytilus mussels, two lineages of Bivalve Transmissible Neoplasia (BTN), both emerged in a M. trossulus founder individual, have been described to date (MtrBTN1 and MtrBTN2). Here, we performed an extensive screening of genetic chimerism, a hallmark of transmissible cancer, by genotyping hundred SNPs of thousands of European Mytilus mussels. The genetic analysis allowed us to simultaneously obtain the genotype of hosts -M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis or hybrids- and the genotype of tumors of heavily infected individuals. In addition, a subset of individuals were systematically genotyped and analysed by histology in order to screen for possible non-transmissible cancers. We detected MtrBTN2 at low prevalence in M. edulis, and also in M. galloprovincialis and hybrids although at a much lower prevalence. No MtrBTN1 or new BTN were found but a few individuals with non-transmissible neoplasia were observed at a single polluted site on the same sampling date. We observed a diversity of MtrBTN2 genotypes that appeared more introgressed or more ancestral than MtrBTN1 and reference healthy M. trossulus individuals. The observed polymorphism is most likely due to somatic null alleles caused by structural variations or point mutations in primer-binding sites leading to enhanced detection of the host alleles. Despite low prevalence, two divergent sublineages, confirmed by mtCOI sequences, are co-spreading in the same geographic area, suggesting a complex diversification of MtrBTN2 since its emergence and host species shift.

DILS: Demographic Inferences with Linked Selection by using ABC

January 2021


76 Reads


63 Citations

Molecular Ecology Resources

We present DILS, a deployable statistical analysis platform for conducting demographic inferences with linked selection from population genomic data using an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework. DILS takes as input single‐population or two‐population datasets (multilocus fasta sequences) and performs three types of analyses in a hierarchical manner, identifying: 1) the best demographic model to study the importance of gene flow and population size change on the genetic patterns of polymorphism and divergence, 2) the best genomic model to determine whether the effective size Ne and migration rate N.m are heterogeneously distributed along the genome (implying linked selection) and 3) loci in genomic regions most associated with barriers to gene flow. Also available via a web interface, an objective of DILS is to facilitate collaborative research in speciation genomics. Here, we show the performance and limitations of DILS by using simulations, and finally apply the method to published data on a divergence continuum composed by 28 pairs of Mytilus mussel populations/species.

How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels

October 2020


388 Reads


31 Citations

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

The Mytilus complex of marine mussel species forms a mosaic of hybrid zones, found across temperate regions of the globe. This allows us to study ‘replicated’ instances of secondary contact between closely related species. Previous work on this complex has shown that local introgression is both widespread and highly heterogeneous, and has identified SNPs that are outliers of differentiation between lineages. Here, we developed an ancestry-informative panel of such SNPs. We then compared their frequencies in newly sampled populations, including samples from within the hybrid zones, and parental populations at different distances from the contact. Results show that close to the hybrid zones, some outlier loci are near to fixation for the heterospecific allele, suggesting enhanced local introgression, or the local sweep of a shared ancestral allele. Conversely, genomic cline analyses, treating local parental populations as the reference, reveal a globally high concordance among loci, albeit with a few signals of asymmetric introgression. Enhanced local introgression at specific loci is consistent with the early transfer of adaptive variants after contact, possibly including asymmetric bi-stable variants (Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities), or haplotypes loaded with fewer deleterious mutations. Having escaped one barrier, however, these variants can be trapped or delayed at the next barrier, confining the introgression locally. These results shed light on the decay of species barriers during phases of contact.

How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels

October 2020


116 Reads


14 Citations

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

The Mytilus complex of marine mussel species forms a mosaic of hybrid zones, found across temperate regions of the globe. This allows us to study ‘replicated’ instances of secondary contact between closely related species. Previous work on this complex has shown that local introgression is both widespread and highly heterogeneous, and has identified SNPs that are outliers of differentiation between lineages. Here, we developed an ancestry-informative panel of such SNPs. We then compared their frequencies in newly sampled populations, including samples from within the hybrid zones, and parental populations at different distances from the contact. Results show that close to the hybrid zones, some outlier loci are near to fixation for the heterospecific allele, suggesting enhanced local introgression, or the local sweep of a shared ancestral allele. Conversely, genomic cline analyses, treating local parental populations as the reference, reveal a globally high concordance among loci, albeit with a few signals of asymmetric introgression. Enhanced local introgression at specific loci is consistent with the early transfer of adaptive variants after contact, possibly including asymmetric bi-stable variants (Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities), or haplotypes loaded with fewer deleterious mutations. Having escaped one barrier, however, these variants can be trapped or delayed at the next barrier, confining the introgression locally. These results shed light on the decay of species barriers during phases of contact.

Figure 3. Performance of DILS for hierarchical comparison of two-population models Two-population analyses are performed in three steps 1. Testing the general demographic models "Current isolation" versus "Ongoing migration" (panel A) 2 Testing the demographic sub-models (panel A): 2.a if the best model is 'current isolation', then DILS tests SI versus AM 2.b if the best model is 'ongoing migration', then DILS tests IM versus SC 3. Testing the genomic models for variation of: 3.a effective population size, N e (panel B) 3.b migration rate, N.m (panel C; only for ongoing migration models) The letters 'o' and 'e' in panels B and C indicate simulations performed under genomic homogeneity and heterogeneity models, respectively The pie charts designate for each model the proportion of simulations performed under the corresponding model that is strongly and correctly captured (correct: blue), strongly and incorrectly captured (wrong: yellow) and without strong statistical support for any of the studied models (ambiguous: purple).
Figure 4. Detection of barriers to gene flow x-axis : 11 explored values of the locus-specific N.m migration rate under an IM model. y-axis : proportion of simulations supported by DILS as being linked to a barrier to gene flow. The colors designate five different divergence times of the IM model (T split , figure 1). The unit time is in Ne generations where Ne is the number of haploid individuals making up the population. If N e = 100, 000 individuals, then T split = 5 means a divergence time of 500, 000 generations under the IM model. If Ne is the number of diploids, then T split must be multiplied by two to find the same relationship. Each combination of T split and N.m was independently simulated 10, 000 times and analyzed by DILS to get the proportion of model-assignation for a given combination of parameters. The estimated points are connected by dotted lines for visibility.
Figure 5. Parameter estimation for single-population models 10, 000 pseudo-observed datasets are simulated by taking random parameter values (x-axis) under the 6 models. These parameters are estimated using DILS (yaxis). The lines represent the loess (locally estimated scatterplot smoothing) regressions between exact and estimated parameter values for each of the six models. The fields represent the 99% confidence interval and the dotted line represents x = y. Estimation of the effective size of the current population N e current (A), of the ancestral population N e past (B) and the time of demographic changes T dem (C). N e past and T dem are both expressed here in terms of N e current individuals.
DILS : Demographic Inferences with Linked Selection by using ABC

June 2020


299 Reads


1 Citation

We present DILS, a deployable statistical analysis platform for conducting demographic inferences with linked selection from population genomic data using an Approximate Bayesian Computation framework. DILS takes as input single-population or two-population datasets and performs three types of analyses in a hierarchical manner, identifying: 1) the best demographic model to study the importance of gene flow and population size change on the genetic patterns of polymorphism and divergence, 2) the best genomic model to determine whether the effective size Ne and migration rate N.m are heterogeneously distributed along the genome and 3) loci in genomic regions most associated with barriers to gene flow. Also available via a web interface, an objective of DILS is to facilitate collaborative research in speciation genomics. Here, we show the performance and limitations of DILS by using simulations, and finally apply the method to published data on a divergence continuum composed by 28 pairs of Mytilus mussel populations/species.

Citations (18)

... Therefore, further research is essential to identify the key factors that may either facilitate or impede the emergence and evolution of transmissible cancers. This inquiry gains significance as human activities progressively encroach upon wild habitats, causing alterations in ecosystems and their dynamics, potentially influencing the conditions conducive to the emergence and dissemination of transmissible cell lines, e.g., [112]. ...


Oncogenic processes: a neglected parameter in the evolutionary ecology of animals
Marine transmissible cancer navigates urbanized waters, threatening spillover

... For instance, chromosome 1 exhibited several mapped outlier SNPs, while chromosome 5 mapped none. This observation supports the idea that selective marks are not uniformly distributed throughout the genome and that natural selection strongly targets specific chromosomal regions [92]. ...

SNP discovery and genetic structure in blue mussel species using low coverage sequencing and a medium density 60 K SNP‐array

... Since the discovery of transmissible cancers of blue mussels, MtrBTN1 in 2016 and MtrBTN2 in 2019 (Yonemitsu et al., 2019), we have learned much about their prevalence, diversity and geographic distribution (Burioli et al., , 2021Hammel et al., 2022Hammel et al., , 2023Riquet et al., 2017;Skazina et al., 2021Skazina et al., , 2023. ...

Marine transmissible cancer navigates urbanised waters, threatening to spillover

... Community assembly in urbanized marine ecosystems involves a unique suite of processes, in which human activities modulate natural environmental drivers of biodiversity (Aronson et al. 2016, Pearson et al. 2018. Urbanization can, for example, affect species connectivity and distribution , Touchard et al. 2023 within the limit of their physiological tolerance to multiple stressors (Wang et al. 2020). In addition, the intrinsic properties of artificial habitats, such as substrate type, roughness, microhabitats or slope, which have been heavily studied at local scales (Firth et al. 2016), can interact with processes operating at biogeographic scales (Aguilera et al. 2022, Jackson-Bué et al. 2024. ...

Urban rendezvous along the seashore: Ports as Darwinian field‐labs for studying marine evolution in the Anthropocene

... These tumors are transmitted between individuals through physical contact, and in both cases exhibit genotypes that do not match their hosts but rather show a single clonal lineage in dogs, and two independent clonal lineages in devils (4). In many bivalve species, a leukemialike disseminated neoplasia (DN) has been reported to be a bivalve transmissible neoplasia (BTN) (5)(6)(7), with at least 10 independent lineages observed affecting at least 10 different species (8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13). ...

Prevalence and polymorphism of a mussel transmissible cancer in Europe
  • Citing Article
  • June 2021

Molecular Ecology

... We tested scenarios of speciation with the Demographic Inferences with Linked Selection (DILS) pipeline (Csilléry et al. 2012, Pudlo et al. 2016, Fraïsse et al. 2021) on transcriptome data only. Note that with the high number of loci recovered with transcriptomes, the numbers of specimens used here are adequate for robust inferences (Roux et al. 2016). ...

DILS: Demographic Inferences with Linked Selection by using ABC
  • Citing Article
  • January 2021

Molecular Ecology Resources

... Additionally, population genetic studies can combined with other approaches such as biophysical models to gain more comprehensive understanding of population structure and connectivity in marine environments 28 . For example, genetic methods can be used to validate biophysical models predictions of connectivity between populations or to identify sources of recruits to populations that are experiencing declines 29 . ...

Agent-based modeling and genetics reveal the Limfjorden as a well-connected system for mussel larvae

Marine Ecology Progress Series

... The hybrid zones can be called "mosaic hybrid zones" in which the transition between the species ranges is not smooth but patchy [1]. Similar sympatric populations were described for example in forest trees [100][101][102], perennials [103,104] and some animals [105][106][107]. Our data shows that those stands contain individuals of pure species and hybrids of mixed proportion of parental genetic backgrounds. ...

How do species barriers decay? Concordance and local introgression in mosaic hybrid zones of mussels

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

... Bivalve molluscs are a useful model system for investigating the relationship between genomic architecture and adaptation, as there is ample evidence of local adaptation across heterogeneous environments [21][22][23], as well as a growing body of evidence documenting an exceptional degree of genomic structural variation [24][25][26]. King scallop (Pecten maximus), also known as great scallop, is a high-value mollusc that supports a large fishery in the eastern North Atlantic ocean, and for which attempts to describe genetic population structure span decades [27][28][29]. ...

Replicated anthropogenic hybridisations reveal parallel patterns of admixture in marine mussels

... Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) and M. galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819) are two closely-related species that currently hybridize where their ranges overlap along the Atlantic French coasts (Bierne et al., 2003a) and the British Isles (Skibinski, Beardmore & Cross, 1983). Their inter-specific barrier to gene flow is semi-permeable, and it has been shown to involve multiple isolating mechanisms, both pre-zygotic (e.g., assortative fertilization and habitat choice; Bierne et al., 2002, Bierne, Bonhomme & David, 2003b, and post-zygotic (hybrid fitness depression, Simon, Bierne & Welch, 2017). Other evidence of ongoing gene flow between M. edulis and M. galloprovincialis comes from footprints of local introgression of edulis-derived alleles into a population of M. galloprovincialis enclosed within the Atlantic hybrid zone . ...

Coadapted genomes and selection on hybrids: Fisher’s geometric model explains a variety of empirical patterns