Alexander Denman-Brice’s research while affiliated with Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and other places

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Publications (6)

Fig. 1. The timeline of the handling, colonization, exploratory, sensorimotor, learning and blood collection procedures across the experimental period for both Groups IMP (colonized before the learning battery tests) and INN (colonized after the learning battery tests). Days indicate time since the animal's day of birth. 
Fig. 2. (A) Illustrated is the percent of internal (unwalled) entries in the Open Field for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. IMP DOMS (which were colonized prior to the open field test) had a higher percentage of entries in the internal areas of the open field than IMP SUBS (p = .01). Similarly, INN SUBS (that were colonized after the open field test) had a higher percentage of internal entries in the open field than IMP SUBS (p = .05). (B) Open Field total entries (entries in the internal and external quadrants) for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. IMP DOMS were more active (e.g., had more total entries) than IMP SUBS (p = .04). (C) Open Field run speed (cm/s) for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. IMP SUBS had a slower run speed (cm/s) than IMP DOMS (p = .03). (D) Elevated plus maze percent open entries for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. Colonization prior to the elevated plus maze test promoted fewer entries into open arms in animals that exhibited submission, and a tendency toward fewer entries in animals that exhibited dominance. Asterisks (*) indicate significant comparisons. 
Fig. 3. Errors across trials to find food in the Lashley III maze for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. Mice learned the task as evidenced by a significant reduction of errors across trials (p < .001), although Group IMP SUBS (which were colonized and exhibited submission prior to the test) exhibited no apparent learning and took longer to arrive at the goal box than IMP DOMS (p = .02). Asterisks (*) indicate significant comparisons. 
Fig. 6. CORT levels (ng/ml) for the IMP DOMS, IMP SUBS, INN DOM, and INN SUBS groups. Animals were confined to an elevated platform in a bright room for five minutes (which prior work indicated induced a moderate stress response) either 124 days (Groups IMP DOM and IMP SUB) or 32 days after colonization. Regardless of phenotype, colonization within approximately one month of the CORT assay promoted an increased CORT response to mild stress, which had dissipated within four months. Asterisks (*) indicate significant comparisons. 
The Imposition of, but not the Propensity for, Social Subordination Impairs Exploratory Behaviors and General Cognitive Abilities
  • Article
  • Full-text available

April 2012


371 Reads


29 Citations

Behavioural Brain Research



Stefan Kolata




Imposed social subordination, such as that which accompanies physical defeat or alienation, has been associated with impaired cognitive function in both human and non-human animals. Here we examined whether domain-specific and/or domain-general learning abilities (c.f. general intelligence) are differentially influenced by the imposition of social subordination. Furthermore, we assessed whether the impact of subordination on cognitive abilities was the result of imposed subordination per se, or if it reflected deficits intrinsically expressed in subjects that are predisposed to subordination. Subordinate and dominant behaviors were assessed in two groups of CD-1 male mice. In one group (Imposed Stratification), social stratification was imposed (through persistent physical defeat in a colonized setting) prior to the determination of cognitive abilities, while in the second group (Innate Stratification), an assessment of social stratification was made after cognitive abilities had been quantified. Domain-specific learning abilities were measured as performance on individual learning tasks (odor discrimination, fear conditioning, spatial maze learning, passive avoidance, and egocentric navigation) while domain-general learning abilities were determined by subjects' aggregate performance across the battery of learning tasks. We observed that the imposition of subordination prior to cognitive testing decreased exploratory tendencies, moderately impaired performance on individual learning tasks, and severely impaired general cognitive performance. However, similar impairments were not observed in subjects with a predisposition toward a subordinate phenotype (but which had not experienced physical defeat at the time of cognitive testing). Mere colonization, regardless of outcome (i.e., stratification), was associated with an increase in stress-induced serum corticosterone (CORT) levels, and thus CORT elevations were not themselves adequate to explain the effects of imposed stratification on cognitive abilities. These findings indicate that absent the imposition of subordination, individuals with subordinate tendencies do not express learning impairments. This observation could have important ramifications for individuals in environments where social stratification is prevalent (e.g., schools or workplace settings).


Figure 2. Performance on individual tasks of animals of highest and lowest general cognitive abilities. General learning abilities were determined by factor scores (of individual animals) derived from a principal component analysis of the acquisition data from all five learning tasks. Illustrated is the mean performance of animals of high and low general learning abilities (for clarity, animals of intermediate abilities are not illustrated.) Animals with high general learning abilities outperformed animals of low general learning abilities in each of the five individual tasks (Lashley Maze [A], odor-guided discrimination [B], Morris Water Maze [C], fear conditioning [D], and passive avoidance (E]). Brackets indicate standard error of the mean.
Figure 3. Fast mapping test performance, Experiment 1A. Three groups of animals were formed based on the upper, middle, and bottom third of factor scores (reflective of general learning performance) obtained from the principal component analysis of learning test performance in Experiment 1A. Plotted is average number of errors ( standard error) on the fast mapping test trial of the animals that performed best (High), intermediate, and worst (Low) on the battery of learning tasks. For this task, one error (on average) would be expected in a random search (assuming that repeated errors were not committed, in which case, the number of errors could increase).
Figure 6. Performance in the binary decision tree. Plotted is the average streak length of all 47 animals tested in this maze, where a streak of 24 would reflect optimal efficiency. Animals' performance was initially erratic, but stabilized within six trials and remained stable thereafter. Although several animals performed at optimal efficiency during the last four trials, other animals exhibited unsystematic performance. Streak lengths (across animals) ranged from 4-24 on each of the last four trials. Brackets indicate standard error of the mean.
Figure 7. Individual animals' performance in the binary decision maze is predicted by their aggregate (general) learning ability. Panel A: Factor scores for each animal were derived from a principal component analysis of all animals' performance on five learning tasks. These scores reflect animals' aggregate performance across all five tasks. (Note that lower factor scores better aggregate learning performance.) A significant correlation was observed between animals' factor scores and the number of node crossings prior to unnecessarily crossing a node ( " streak " performance ) on the last four (of 10) test trials. Thus, the efficacy of an animal's search (a form of inductive reasoning) was predicted by their general learning ability. Panel B: Three groups of animals were formed based on the upper, middle, and bottom third of factor scores (reflective of general learning performance). The average streak length (indicative of search efficacy) differed across these three groups. Plotted is the animals that performed best (High), intermediate, and worst (Low) on the battery of learning tasks. Brackets indicate standard errors. Panel C: After an animal reached its first low-level terminal node, the adjacent entry point was blocked with a sliding door. This was intended to disrupt any rote path (i.e., algorithmic strategy) that an animal may have developed in lieu of comprehension of the overall structure of the maze. Plotted is the average streak during three such probe trials against factor scores obtained from the principal component analysis of learning performance. (Note that lower factor scores better aggregate learning performance.) Again, a significant correlation between general learning abilities and search efficacy was observed.  
Covariation of Learning and "Reasoning" Abilities in Mice: Evolutionary Conservation of the Operations of Intelligence

March 2012


846 Reads


26 Citations

Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Behavior Processes

Contemporary descriptions of human intelligence hold that this trait influences a broad range of cognitive abilities, including learning, attention, and reasoning. Like humans, individual genetically heterogeneous mice express a "general" cognitive trait that influences performance across a diverse array of learning and attentional tasks, and it has been suggested that this trait is qualitatively and structurally analogous to general intelligence in humans. However, the hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to use various forms of "reasoning" to support solutions to novel problems. Here, we find that genetically heterogeneous mice are capable of solving problems that are nominally indicative of inductive and deductive forms of reasoning, and that individuals' capacity for reasoning covaries with more general learning abilities. Mice were characterized for their general learning ability as determined by their aggregate performance (derived from principal component analysis) across a battery of five diverse learning tasks. These animals were then assessed on prototypic tests indicative of deductive reasoning (inferring the meaning of a novel item by exclusion, i.e., "fast mapping") and inductive reasoning (execution of an efficient search strategy in a binary decision tree). The animals exhibited systematic abilities on each of these nominal reasoning tasks that were predicted by their aggregate performance on the battery of learning tasks. These results suggest that the coregulation of reasoning and general learning performance in genetically heterogeneous mice form a core cognitive trait that is analogous to human intelligence.

Figure 1. 
Figure 3. 
Longitudinal attentional engagement rescues mice from age-related cognitive declines and cognitive inflexibility

April 2011


108 Reads


33 Citations

Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)

Learning, attentional, and perseverative deficits are characteristic of cognitive aging. In this study, genetically diverse CD-1 mice underwent longitudinal training in a task asserted to tax working memory capacity and its dependence on selective attention. Beginning at 3 mo of age, animals were trained for 12 d to perform in a dual radial-arm maze task that required the mice to remember and operate on two sets of overlapping guidance (spatial) cues. As previously reported, this training resulted in an immediate (at 4 mo of age) improvement in the animals' aggregate performance across a battery of five learning tasks. Subsequently, these animals received an additional 3 d of working memory training at 3-wk intervals for 15 mo (totaling 66 training sessions), and at 18 mo of age were assessed on a selective attention task, a second set of learning tasks, and variations of those tasks that required the animals to modify the previously learned response. Both attentional and learning abilities (on passive avoidance, active avoidance, and reinforced alternation tasks) were impaired in aged animals that had not received working memory training. Likewise, these aged animals exhibited consistent deficits when required to modify a previously instantiated learned response (in reinforced alternation, active avoidance, and spatial water maze). In contrast, these attentional, learning, and perseverative deficits were attenuated in aged animals that had undergone lifelong working memory exercise. These results suggest that general impairments of learning, attention, and cognitive flexibility may be mitigated by a cognitive exercise regimen that requires chronic attentional engagement.

Figure 1. Working Memory Training Promotes Improvements in General Cognitive Performance 
Figure 2. Selective Attention Underlies the Effects of Working Memory Training 
Working Memory Training Promotes General Cognitive Abilities in Genetically Heterogeneous Mice

March 2010


135 Reads


73 Citations

Current Biology

In both humans and mice, the efficacy of working memory capacity and its related process, selective attention, are each strongly predictive of individuals' aggregate performance in cognitive test batteries [1-9]. Because working memory is taxed during most cognitive tasks, the efficacy of working memory may have a causal influence on individuals' performance on tests of "intelligence" [10, 11]. Despite the attention this has received, supporting evidence has been largely correlational in nature (but see [12]). Here, genetically heterogeneous mice were assessed on a battery of five learning tasks. Animals' aggregate performance across the tasks was used to estimate their general cognitive abilities, a trait that is in some respects analogous to intelligence [13, 14]. Working memory training promoted an increase in animals' selective attention and their aggregate performance on these tasks. This enhancement of general cognitive performance by working memory training was attenuated if its selective attention demands were reduced. These results provide evidence that the efficacy of working memory capacity and selective attention may be causally related to an animal's general cognitive performance and provide a framework for behavioral strategies to promote those abilities. Furthermore, the pattern of behavior reported here reflects a conservation of the processes that regulate general cognitive performance in humans and infrahuman animals.

Covariation of learning and "reasoning" abilities in mice: evolutionary conservation of the operations of intelligence

January 2004


47 Reads


33 Citations

Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Behavior Processes

Contemporary descriptions of human intelligence hold that this trait influences a broad range of cognitive abilities, including learning, attention, and reasoning. Like humans, individual genetically heterogeneous mice express a "general" cognitive trait that influences performance across a diverse array of learning and attentional tasks, and it has been suggested that this trait is qualitatively and structurally analogous to general intelligence in humans. However, the hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to use various forms of "reasoning" to support solutions to novel problems. Here, we find that genetically heterogeneous mice are capable of solving problems that are nominally indicative of inductive and deductive forms of reasoning, and that individuals' capacity for reasoning covaries with more general learning abilities. Mice were characterized for their general learning ability as determined by their aggregate performance (derived from principal component analysis) across a battery of five diverse learning tasks. These animals were then assessed on prototypic tests indicative of deductive reasoning (inferring the meaning of a novel item by exclusion, i.e., "fast mapping") and inductive reasoning (execution of an efficient search strategy in a binary decision tree). The animals exhibited systematic abilities on each of these nominal reasoning tasks that were predicted by their aggregate performance on the battery of learning tasks. These results suggest that the coregulation of reasoning and general learning performance in genetically heterogeneous mice form a core cognitive trait that is analogous to human intelligence

Citations (5)

... It is one of the most important and ubiquitous of all problem-solving activities. 46,47 Baghel et al determined that the integration of multiple relations between mental representations is critical for higher-level cognition. Relational integration may be a basic common factor that connects various abilities that depend on prefrontal function, including problem-solving, for which an intact prefrontal cortex is essential. ...


Retention and impairment of neurocognitive functions in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease with a comprehensive neuropsychological test
Covariation of learning and "reasoning" abilities in mice: evolutionary conservation of the operations of intelligence
  • Citing Article
  • January 2004

Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Behavior Processes

... The amygdaloid complex is known to connect two sensory systems (i.e., auditory and olfactory) that are sensitive to stress, which can lead to impairments in learning and memory (Soudry et al. 2011;Kiyokawa et al. 2012). Distress calls induce neuronal activation in the amygdala, resulting in an increase in neuronal excitability that may recall the fear memory of C. sphinx associated with distress calls (Chattarji et al. 2015) or may suppress exploratory behaviour to the novel odor, possibly by inhibiting amygdala output (Colas-Zelin et al. 2012). Thus, the bats exposed to distress calls/PBs of distress calls showed fewer feeding attempts and bouts towards novel odors. ...

The Imposition of, but not the Propensity for, Social Subordination Impairs Exploratory Behaviors and General Cognitive Abilities

Behavioural Brain Research

... Although the negative correlation loses statistical significance after correction, we still regard it as a correlated trend worth discussing. Reasoning and problemsolving function was assessed using the NAB maze tracking task, which involves inductive reasoning-a crucial aspect of generating predictions and one of the most significant problemsolving activities (Wass et al., 2012). In terms of the relationship between reasoning and problem-solving function and diffusion indicators, Zahr et al. (2009) discovered a positive correlation between problem-solving function and FA values in genu and fornix. ...

Covariation of Learning and "Reasoning" Abilities in Mice: Evolutionary Conservation of the Operations of Intelligence

Journal of Experimental Psychology Animal Behavior Processes

... Indeed, this may well explain the significant performance difference not only between young and aged mice on level 0 trials but also between young mice performing at ITI10s vs ITI30s. (Note also that the existing literature on aged phenotypes in simple reinforced T-or Y-maze spatial alternation protocols is inconclusive, some studies showing no significant impairment compared to young mice (Bisaz et al., 2013) some showing a highly significant deficit (Matzel et al., 2011), a discrepancy which may be due to differences in experimental design.) ...

Longitudinal attentional engagement rescues mice from age-related cognitive declines and cognitive inflexibility

Learning & memory (Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y.)

... These conflicting results may stem from our limited understanding of the neurobiological changes that occur in response to WMT. Studies of the effect of WMT on behavior and brain structure and function in rodents are very few (Light et al., 2010;Stavroulaki et al., 2021;Barbelivien et al., 2024). In a previous study, the beneficial effect of WMT on cognitive flexibility as well as synaptic plasticity and dendritic spine density was identified in male mice (Light et al., 2010;Stavroulaki et al., 2021). ...

Working Memory Training Promotes General Cognitive Abilities in Genetically Heterogeneous Mice

Current Biology