Alexander D. Fraser’s research while affiliated with Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre and other places

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Publications (97)

Model evaluation at Davis Station. Evolution of sea‐ice and snow depth with contours showing photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (a–c), dissolved silica (DSi; d–f) and chlorophyll a (Chl a; g–i) from a grid cell centered at −68.2370°S and 78.1875°E near Davis Station for default snowfall rate (0.29 m y⁻¹, middle), and with 0.272 (left) and 1.740 (right) multipliers. The multipliers are two of the nine multipliers used to simulate a log‐normal snow depth distribution (see Table 1 in Saenz & Arrigo, 2014). Note that sea‐ice and snow thickness observations are from the 1994–1995 season (Swadling, 1998). Results are shown for the CONTROL run (Table 1). For other runs, please refer to Figures S2–S5 in Supporting Information S1.
Temporal evolution of (a) records of fast ice percentage (solid lines) for each grid cell. (b) Corresponding daily mean primary production from selected grid cells near Davis Station, Syowa Station and McMurdo Sound and (c) the vertically integrated chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentrations (IChla) from observations (Meiners et al., 2018). The dashed lines (in a) represent the multiyear ice fraction for each grid cell, which was not considered in the analysis (Figure 3b). Results show the output for the CONTROL run (Table 1).
Gross primary production (GPP) in Antarctic landfast sea ice (KSi = 50 μM or CONTROL). (a) Calculated by treating all ice pixels as first‐year ice. (b) Fraction of multiyear ice area per grid cell. (c) GPP after subtracting the contribution from multiyear ice areas. The definitions for the abbreviations are shown in Table 2.
Spatial distribution of simulated annual fast ice algal production for all sensitivity experiments. (a) CONTROL (b) OHF (c) KSI (d) OHF_KSI (e) JRASNOW and (f) NOSUB (Table 1).
Correlation between fast‐ice Gross Primary Production (GPP, %) and the fraction of overall sea ice that is fast ice with a Spearman correlation coefficient of 0.84 (p = 0.005) for sea ice sectors following Fraser et al. (2021).


Gross Primary Production of Antarctic Landfast Sea Ice: A Model‐Based Estimate
  • Article
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October 2024


92 Reads


K. M. Meiners





Much of the Antarctic coast is covered by seasonal landfast sea ice (fast ice), which serves as an important habitat for ice algae. Fast‐ice algae provide a key early season food source for pelagic and benthic food webs, and contribute to biogeochemical cycling in Antarctic coastal ecosystems. Summertime fast ice is undergoing a decline, leading to more seasonal fast ice with unknown impacts on interconnected Earth system processes. Our understanding of the spatiotemporal variability of Antarctic fast ice, and its impact on polar ecosystems is currently limited. Evaluating the overall productivity of fast‐ice algae has historically been hampered by limitations in observations and models. By linking new fast‐ice extent maps with a one‐dimensional sea‐ice biogeochemical model, we provide the first estimate of the spatio‐seasonal variability of Antarctic fast‐ice algal gross primary production (GPP) and its annual primary production on a circum‐Antarctic scale. Experiments conducted for the 2005–2006 season provide a mean fast ice‐algal production estimate of 2.8 Tg C/y. This estimate represents about 12% of overall Southern Ocean sea‐ice algae production (estimated in a previous study), with the mean fast‐ice algal production per area being 3.3 times higher than that of pack ice. Our Antarctic fast‐ice GPP estimates are probably underestimated in the Ross Sea and Weddell Sea sectors because the sub‐ice platelet layer habitats and their high biomass are not considered.


IST bias for each reanalysis under different cloud masks
a–e Multi-year mean IST bias in (a) ERA5, (b) ERA-Interim, (c) MERRA-2, (d) JRA-3Q, (e) NCEPR2, and (f) JRA-55, using only the MODIS cloud mask. g–l as for (a)–(f), but after implementing stricter cloud masking (i.e., MODIS plus reanalysis total cloud fraction masks) from reanalysis, as explained in the section “IST bias in each reanalysis under clear-sky conditions”. The analysis period for each reanalysis dataset is described in the section “Overall intercomparison of IST in each reanalysis”.
The difference between JRA-55 and ERA5 in simulating clear-sky conditions and surface energy budget
a, b 18-year (2002-2020) long-term mean cloud fraction when MODIS products report cloud-free conditions in (a) ERA5 and (b) JRA-55. All regions in this figure should be clear sky (0% cloud fraction) if the reanalysis cloud fraction were to agree with the MODIS cloud mask. c, d Correlation map of cloud fraction in ERA5 and JRA-55 with CERES cloud fraction are shown in (c) and (d). Stippling indicates statistical significance of the correlations at the 95% confidence level based on Student’s t test. e, f Domain-averaged 18-year mean surface energy balance components in (e) ERA5 and (f) JRA-55 before and after applying the TCF cloud mask, and their difference (after TCF cloud mask minus before TCF cloud mask), including upward shortwave radiation (Su), upward longwave radiation (Lu), sensible heat flux (Fsh), latent heat flux (Flh), downward shortwave radiation (Sd), and downward longwave radiation (Ld). Only pixels where the MODIS IST data are available are selected for calculation. Positive values indicate downward energy transport and/or more energy arriving at the surface, and vice versa.
The response of ice surface temperature to different sea-ice representations
The annual mean IST bias in (a) ERA5, and (b) JRA-55 versus the MODIS-derived IST in 2018. (c) shows the IST bias difference between ERA5 and JRA-55. The annual mean of Polar WRF-simulated IST bias in 2018 when using (d) 1.5 m SIT, fractional SIC without a snow layer (i.e., the Quasi-ERA5 experiment), and (e) 2 m SIT, binary SIC without a snow layer (i.e., the Quasi-JRA-55 experiment), both versus the MODIS-derived IST. (f) shows the IST bias difference between the Quasi-ERA5 and Quasi-JRA-55 experiments. August to October night-time mean surface heat conduction through ice and open water (if present) is shown in the (g) Quasi-ERA5 and (h) Quasi-JRA-55 experiments, and (i) their difference between Quasi-ERA5 and Quasi-JRA-55 during the model simulation period (2018). For panels (g) and (h), negative values indicate energy flow from the subsurface to the surface. For panel (i), positive values indicate more energy from subsurface to surface in the Quasi-ERA5 experiment. Only pixels with MODIS IST available are considered for calculation.
Annual mean (2018) Polar WRF-simulated IST bias difference for each pairwise comparison of the experiments
a Quasi-JRA-55 minus Quasi-ERA5, (b) the Quasi-JRA-55 minus Exp-SIT, (c) the Exp-SIT minus Quasi-ERA5 and (d) the Exp-SNOW minus Quasi-ERA5, all versus the MODIS-derived IST.
The response of ice surface temperature and surface energy balance to sea ice-cloud coupling interactions
a Domain-averaged multi-year (2013-2020) mean cloud fraction when MODIS products report cloud-free conditions at high (HCF), medium (MCF), low (LCF), and total (TCF) cloud level. Only calculating for pixels where MODIS IST available, i.e., cloud fraction bias under MODIS clear sky condition. b Domain-averaged mylti-year (2013-2020) mean IST bias under high (HCF), medium (MCF), low (LCF), and total (HCF) cloud fraction mask. “No CF" means the IST bias under the MODIS cloud mask only with any cloud fraction mask from reanalyses. (c1)–(c3) show the annual (2018) mean cloud fraction differences: (c1) Quasi-ERA5 minus Quasi-JRA-55, (c2) Exp-SIT minus Quasi-JRA-55, and (c3) Quasi-ERA5 minus Exp-SIT. d1–d2 Same as (c1)–(c3) but for summertime (January, February, and March). e1–e3 Same as (c1)–(c3) but for wintertime (July, August, and September). f Domain-averaged wintertime mean surface energy balance components in Quasi-ERA5 and Quasi-JRA55. Only pixels where the MODIS IST data are available are selected for calculation. Positive values indicate downward energy transport and/or more energy arriving at the surface, and vice versa.
Antarctic sea ice surface temperature bias in atmospheric reanalyses induced by the combined effects of sea ice and clouds

October 2024


36 Reads

Sea-ice surface temperature from atmospheric reanalysis has been used as an indicator of ice melt and climate change. However, its performance in atmospheric reanalyses is not fully understood in Antarctica. Here, we quantified biases in six widely-used reanalyses using satellite observations, and found strong and persistent warm biases in most reanalyses examined. Further analysis of the biases revealed two main culprits: incorrect cloud properties, and inappropriate sea-ice representation in the reanalysis products. We found that overestimated cloud simulation can contribute more than 4 K warm bias, with ERA5 exhibiting the largest warm bias. Even in reanalysis with smaller biases, this accuracy is achieved through a compensatory relationship between relatively lower cloud fraction bias and overestimated sea ice insulation effect. A dynamic downscaling simulation shows that differences in sea-ice representation can contribute a 2.3 K warm bias. The representation of ice concentration is the primary driver of the spatial distribution of biases by modulating the coupling between sea ice and clouds, as well as surface heat conduction. The lack of a snow layer in all reanalyses examined also has an impact on biases.

Finely-resolved along-track wave attenuation estimates in the Antarctic marginal ice zone from ICESat-2

August 2024


54 Reads

Advances in our modeling capacity of wave-ice interactions are hindered by the limited availability of wave observations in sea ice and, specifically, under a broad range of wave and sea ice conditions. Satellite remote sensing provides opportunities to vastly expand the observational dataset of waves in sea ice and the study of wave-ice interactions. Specifically, Brouwer et al. (2022) demonstrated a clear reduction of observed wave energy into the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone (MIZ) as derived from ICESat-2 observations. Here, we build upon the work of Brouwer et al. (2022) to estimate the wave attenuation rate in the Antarctic MIZ under a wide variety of sea ice conditions. Overall statistics of the observations reveal a linear increase in the wave attenuation rate with relative distance into the MIZ, implying that the wave energy in the MIZ scales as ~exp(βx2 ...), where β is a frequency-dependent attenuation coefficient. Attenuation rates are well-sorted with wave frequency, where highest attenuation rates are observed for the shortest waves. We find that both the magnitude and frequency dependence of the ICESat-2 estimated wave attenuation rates are consistent with in situ observations. We further highlight that the misalignment between the incident wave direction and the measurement transect, and the inhomogeneity of the ice pack may lead to significant local fluctuations and negative values in the estimated wave attenuation rate when evaluating individual transects. The strong dependence of the overall statistics of the wave attenuation rate on the wave frequency and the relative distance into the MIZ alone provides significant opportunities in modelling wave-ice interactions in the Antarctic environment at global and climate scales, as it does not depend on system variables that are not straightforward to measure, retrieve or simulate at such large scales.

The Multi-decadal Collapse of East Antarctica’s Conger-Glenzer Ice Shelf

March 2024


153 Reads

Antarctica is losing net mass to the ocean; most of this loss has occurred in West Antarctica and the Antarctic Peninsula, which together hold ~5.5 m of sea level rise (SLR) potential. The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) stores almost 10x more ice, and contributes the largest uncertainty to SLR projections, primarily due to insufficient process-scale observations. While EAIS has largely remained stable, it has recently started showing signs of change around its margins. We report the first-ever major ice shelf collapse observed in EAIS, culminating with the March 2022 disintegration of the Conger-Glenzer Ice Shelf, formerly comprising the eastern portion of Shackleton Ice Shelf (SIS) on Knox Coast. Overall, the collapse had four stages spanning several decades starting 1997-2000 when small calving events isolated it from SIS; in 2011, it retreated from a central pinning point, followed by relative quiescence for a decade; the remaining ~1200 km2 area disintegrated over a few days in mid-March 2022. While the pace of most previous ice shelf collapses has prevented detailed sampling, this long-term, multi-stage event provided the opportunity to sample and isolate processes involved in ice shelf collapse, enabling crucial data for early warning indicators and enhancing our understanding of EAIS dynamics and response to future ocean and atmospheric forcing.

Observational Evidence for a Regime Shift in Summer Antarctic Sea Ice

February 2024


213 Reads


18 Citations

Journal of Climate

In recent years, the Southern Ocean has experienced extremely low sea ice cover in multiple summers. These low events were preceded by a multidecadal positive trend that culminated in record high ice coverage in 2014. This abrupt transition has led some authors to suggest that Antarctic sea ice has undergone a regime shift. In this study we analyze the satellite sea ice record and atmospheric reanalyses to assess the evidence for such a shift. We find that the standard deviation of the summer sea ice record has doubled from 0.31 million km ² in 1979–2006 to 0.76 million km ² for 2007–22. This increased variance is accompanied by a longer season-to-season sea ice memory. The atmosphere is the primary driver of Antarctic sea ice variability, but using a linear predictive model we show that sea ice changes cannot be explained by the atmosphere alone. Identifying whether a regime shift has occurred is difficult without a complete understanding of the physical mechanism of change. However, the statistical changes that we demonstrate (i.e., increased variance and autocorrelation, and a changed response to atmospheric forcing), as well as the increased spatial coherence noted by previous research, are indicators based on dynamical systems theory of an abrupt critical transition. Thus, our analysis is further evidence in support of a changed Antarctic sea ice system. Significance Statement In recent years, there have been several summers with extremely low Antarctic sea ice cover, including consecutive record lows in February 2022 and February 2023. Since then, the 2023 winter has seen a remarkably low sea ice growth with an anomaly far below expected climatology. This has led researchers to question whether there has been a regime shift, and we assess the observational evidence for such a shift. In the last decade or so, the variability of summer sea ice has almost doubled, accompanied by a much longer sea ice memory from season to season. These statistical changes, as well an increased spatial coherence noted by other researchers, are consistent with theoretical indicators of a critical transition, or regime shift.

The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part I: Observations and Meteorological Drivers

February 2024


384 Reads


19 Citations

Journal of Climate

Between March 15-19, 2022, East Antarctica experienced an exceptional heatwave with widespread 30-40° C temperature anomalies across the ice sheet. This record-shattering event saw numerous monthly temperature records being broken including a new all-time temperature record of -9.4° C on March 18 at Concordia Station despite March typically being a transition month to the Antarctic coreless winter. The driver for these temperature extremes was an intense atmospheric river advecting subtropical/mid-latitude heat and moisture deep into the Antarctic interior. The scope of the temperature records spurred a large, diverse collaborative effort to study the heatwave’s meteorological drivers, impacts, and historical climate context. Here we focus on describing those temperature records along with the intricate meteorological drivers that led to the most intense atmospheric river observed over East Antarctica. These efforts describe the Rossby wave activity forced from intense tropical convection over the Indian Ocean. This led to an atmospheric river and warm conveyor belt intensification near the coastline which reinforced atmospheric blocking deep into East Antarctica. The resulting moisture flux and upper-level warm air advection eroded the typical surface temperature inversions over the ice sheet. At the peak of the heatwave, an area of 3.3 million km2 in East Antarctica exceeded previous March monthly temperature records. Despite a temperature anomaly return time of about one hundred years, a closer recurrence of such an event is possible under future climate projections. In a subsequent manuscript, we describe the various impacts this extreme event had on the East Antarctic cryosphere.

The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part II: Impacts on the Antarctic Ice Sheet

February 2024


305 Reads


26 Citations

Journal of Climate

Between March 15-19, 2022, East Antarctica experienced an exceptional heatwave with widespread 30-40° C temperature anomalies across the ice sheet. In Part I, we assessed the meteorological drivers that generated an intense atmospheric river (AR) which caused these record-shattering temperature anomalies. Here in Part II, we continue our large, collaborative study by analyzing the widespread and diverse impacts driven by the AR landfall. These impacts included widespread rain and surface melt which was recorded along coastal areas, but this was outweighed by widespread, high snowfall accumulations resulting in a largely positive surface mass balance contribution to the East Antarctic region. An analysis of the surface energy budget indicated that widespread downward longwave radiation anomalies caused by large cloud-liquid water contents along with some scattered solar radiation produced intense surface warming. Isotope measurements of the moisture were highly elevated, likely imprinting a strong signal for past climate reconstructions. The AR event attenuated cosmic ray measurements at Concordia, something previously never observed. Finally, an extratropical cyclone west of the AR landfall likely triggered the final collapse of the critically unstable Conger Ice Shelf while further reducing an already record low sea-ice extent.

Modeling seasonal-to-decadal ocean–cryosphere interactions along the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica

January 2024


64 Reads

The Totten Ice Shelf (TIS) and Moscow University Ice Shelf (MUIS), along the Sabrina Coast of Wilkes Land, are the floating seaward terminuses of the second-largest freshwater reservoir in the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Being a marine ice sheet, it is vulnerable to the surrounding ocean conditions. Recent comprehensive oceanographic observations, including bathymetric measurements off the Sabrina Coast, have shed light on the widespread intrusion of warm modified Circumpolar Deep Water (mCDW) onto the continental shelf and the intense ice–ocean interaction beneath the TIS. However, the spatiotemporal coverage of the observation is very limited. Here, we use an ocean–sea ice–ice shelf model with updated bathymetry to better understand the regional ocean circulations and ocean–cryosphere interactions. The model successfully captured the widespread intrusions of mCDW, local sea ice production and the ocean heat and volume transports into the TIS cavity, facilitating an examination of the overturning ocean circulation within the ice shelf cavities and the resultant basal melting. We found notable differences in the temporal variability in ice shelf basal melting across the two adjacent ice shelves of the TIS and the western part of the MUIS. Ocean heat transport by mCDW controls the low-frequency interannual-to-decadal variability in ice–ocean interactions, but the sea ice production in the Dalton Polynya strongly modifies the signals, explaining the regional difference between the two ice shelves. The formation of a summertime eastward-flowing undercurrent beneath the westward-flowing Antarctic Slope Current is found to play an important role in the seasonal delivery of ocean heat to the continental shelf.

Citations (71)

... The melt rate parameterisation used in this study is a highly simplified representation of basal melting. While it 365 captures the depth dependence of melt rates consistent with mCDW-driven melt, it neglects the role of subglacial discharge and ocean dynamics which are known to impact melt rates in the neighbouring Totten Glacier ice shelf (Gwyther et al., 2023;Xia et al., 2023) and may also play an important role in Vincennes Bay ice shelves (Jacobs et al., 1992;Silvano et al., 2016). Importantly, spatial and temporal variations in thermocline depth, which are known to have implications on mode 2 melting (e.g. ...


Assessing the sensitivity of the Vanderford Glacier, East Antarctica, to basal melt and calving
Eddy and tidal driven basal melting of the Totten and Moscow University ice shelves

... Coincidentally, 1.5°C is also the threshold proposed by the Paris Agreement 1 , beyond which there is a risk of triggering multiple tipping points in the climate system [2][3][4] ; near these points, small perturbations in the system can lead to substantial and irreversible changes. Examples of these "tipping elements" include Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) 5 , West Antarctic ice sheet collapse 6 , Arctic winter sea ice loss 7,8 , Antarctic seaice loss 9 and tropical coral reef die-offs 10 . The research community has called for urgent actions to avert the tipping point risks as the current climate policies, even if implemented successfully, are unlikely to limit the warning to 2°C 11 . ...

Observational Evidence for a Regime Shift in Summer Antarctic Sea Ice

Journal of Climate

... Reducing sea ice biases requires improving its dynamics, thermodynamics, and external drivers (Nie et al., 2023). Moreover, understanding these mechanisms will also benefit the development of the emerging deep learning-based Antarctic sea ice prediction (Eayrs et al., 2024). This study showed that the straightforwardly and operationally applicable MMF had a smaller bias than individual systems. ...

Advances in Machine Learning Techniques Can Assist Across a Variety of Stages in Sea Ice Applications
  • Citing Article
  • February 2024

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society

... 33 to perform a dynamic downscaling of ERA5 and investigated the sensitivity of different representations of sea ice on IST. A 30 km resolution domain was used to produce hourly output 57 . Polar WRF was initialised every 24 hours at 00:00 UTC for the whole year of 2018 and run for 48 hours. ...

The Influence of Time-Varying Sea Ice Concentration on Antarctic and Southern Ocean Numerical Weather Prediction
  • Citing Article
  • December 2023

Weather and Forecasting

... et al., 2016, 2024a). Subsequent analyses have shown that East Antarctic ice core records (from MBS as well as the Law Dome ice core) provide insight into past climate conditions, including capturing anthropogenic changes to atmospheric greenhouse 60 gases (Etheridge et al., 1996), El Niño-Southern Oscillation (Crockart et al., 2021) and Australian hydroclimate and bushfire conditions (Udy et al., 2022(Udy et al., , 2024, as well as regional events including atmospheric rivers and extreme precipitation events (Jackson et al., 2023;Gkinis et al., 2024b;Zhang et al., 2023). ...

Identifying atmospheric processes favouring the formation of bubble-free layers in the Law Dome ice core, East Antarctica

... Despite the increase in SIA over 1979-2015, Antarctica has experienced a reversal in sea ice trends since 2016 12,13 , a rapidly warming Southern Ocean 14,15 and a sequence of extraordinary atmospheric heatwaves [16][17][18] . The reversal first began in September 2016 and developed into a record areal anomaly in austral spring and record-minimum in February 2017 19 . ...

The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part I: Observations and Meteorological Drivers

Journal of Climate

... Given the significant impact of warm-wet extremes on ice-covered regions, Yang, Hu, et al. (2024) pointed out that these areas exhibit a much higher synchrony of extreme warm and precipitation events compared to the midlatitude lands, suggesting paradigm differences of compound warm extremes between non-ice covered regions and ice-covered regions. This synchrony may arise from warm-moist air intrusions discussed by previous studies over Greenland (Barrett et al., 2020;Bintanja et al., 2023;Pettersen et al., 2022;Ward et al., 2020) and Antarctica (Gorodetskaya et al., 2023;Shields et al., 2022;Wang et al., 2023;Wille et al., 2024). ...

The Extraordinary March 2022 East Antarctica “Heat” Wave. Part II: Impacts on the Antarctic Ice Sheet

Journal of Climate

... The breeding, resting, and moulting patterns of emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsteri) and Antarctic seals are intricately linked to sea ice, and premature ice melting or instability resulting from extreme environmental fluctuations can reduce habitat and prey availability, ultimately affecting offspring survival rates and overall population trends (Fretwell et al., 2023;Kovacs et al., 2012;Wege et al., 2021). However, the primary risk to emperor penguins is the loss of breeding habitat (Labrousse et al., 2023;Trathan et al., 2020), which would be catastrophic for the species regardless of other climate hazards. Current projections, as outlined in IPCC AR6, predict a heightened frequency and increased severity of extreme weather events (Seneviratne et al., 2021), suggesting that their ecological impacts on marine predator populations will become increasingly prominent and concerning in the future. ...

Where to live? Landfast sea ice shapes emperor penguin habitat around Antarctica

Science Advances

... From eighteen studies identified in a literature search, we were able to access data from twelve of those studies, either directly from the authors or using the MATLAB File Exchange GRABIT 7 , totalling 216 samples (Table 1). Data include measurements from both free-floating sea ice (pack ice) and sea ice attached to the Antarctic continent (fast ice) 8 . As well as sea ice and underlying seawater, measurements are included from snow on top of sea ice, slush, formed when water is introduced to the snow 9 , and brine that is expelled from the ice matrix during freezing 9 . ...

Antarctic Landfast Sea Ice: A Review of Its Physics, Biogeochemistry and Ecology

... For the purposes of this study, the ILCS images were used to help align depths across different samples and laboratories 215 due to the significant depth alignment issues we encountered (see below), thus we describe the processing of ice core slabs for ILCS image acquisition here. The climatological or physical causes of these bubble free layers in coastal East Antarctic cores and their variability through time are currently under investigation elsewhere (Zhang et al., 2023). An example of an MBS core ILCS image used to constrain the depth scale is given in Appendix A1. ...

Identifying atmospheric processes favouring the formation of bubble free layers in Law Dome ice core, East Antarctica