February 2023
14 Reads
1 Citation
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology
This report describes the artifacts of the “Dissecting American Fuzzy Lop – A FuzzBench Evaluation” paper. The artifacts are available online at https://github.com/eurecom-s3/dissecting_afl and archived at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.21401280 and consists in the produced code, the setup to run the experiments in FuzzBench and the generated reports. We claim the Functional badge as the patches to AFL are easy to enable and the experiments are easy to run thanks to the FuzzBench service, but the evaluations are self contained and the modifications to AFL are as-is. For the purpose of reproducing the experiments, no particular skills are needed as the process is straightforward and described in https://google.github.io/fuzzbench/getting-started/adding-a-new-fuzzer/#requesting-an-experiment.