Aldo Lattes’s research while affiliated with University of Genoa and other places

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Publications (11)

Taxonomy and evolution of European brown frogs
  • Article
  • Full-text available

June 2008


260 Reads


26 Citations

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society









Phylogenetic relationships within the Euro-Mediterranean stock of the Rana temporaria species group (R. temporaria, R. iberica, R. cameranoi, R. macrocnemis, R. holtzi, R. dalmatina, R. graeca, R. latastei) were studied by (1) morphometric analysis, (2) osteological study and (3) electrophoresis. The three data sets were analysed independently and phenograms and cladograms examined for congruent patterns. The tree resulting from electrophoretic analysis is the most clearly resolved (and being also compatible with the other two) is assumed to represent the most likely phylogeny of the Mediterranean brown frogs. Patterns indicated by electrophoretic data matched the molecular clock-hypothesis. This suggests that the first split of the main stock of Mediterranean brown frogs separated ancestors of Rana temporaria and R. iberica from the others during the Late Pleistocene. A second split occurred separating the ancestors of what are currently the other big-bodied and the small-bodied brown frogs. The relationships between and within the three main stocks are discussed in the context of biogeographical and geological data.


Taxonomy, evolutionary biology and biogeography of South West European Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

May 2008


113 Reads


9 Citations

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Genetic relationships among 15 South West European populations of Polyommatus coridon were evaluated by the electrophoretic study of 16 gene-enzyme systems. Nei's indexes I and D and other statistics demonstrated that two different species are involved, identifiable as Polyommatus coridon (six populations from Southern France and Italy) and Polyommatus caelestissimus (nine populations from Spain), respectively. The Spanish complex is characterized by a different genetic balance, involving much higher degree of interdemic differentiation. It also differs from populations from France and Italy on one alternative locus showing complete fixation. Species-level distinction is independent of haploid chromosome numbers that vary from 87 to 88 in both groups. An evaluation of selective pressures as operated by climatic factors was attempted. The Pleistocene radiation of this group and consequent patterns of the gene flow were reconstructed using spatial autocorrelation analysis.

Figure 2 Infestation rate of thelohaniasis in crayfish from the Arvigo basin (Bisagno catchment, Province of Genova). Numbers indicate sample sizes. Figure 2 Taux d'écrevisses infestées par thélohaniose dans le bassin de l'Arvigo (Province de Genova). Les échantillons sont indiqués.  
The freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858) in Liguria, NW Italy: Implications for management at the regional level

December 2002


140 Reads


10 Citations

Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture

Since 1990, field surveys have been undertaken in Liguria to assess the distribution and status of Austropotamobius pallipes populations. In this region, crayfish stocks were found in three bioclimatic regions: Alpine, Mediterranean and Continental. Although epidemic diseases and invasive alien crayfish have been recorded, modifications of freshwater habitats have to be considered as the most significant threats to native crayfish stocks. Regarding management, the Regional Administration of Liguria proposed 18 Sites of Community Importance (SCI) containing crayfish populations, in the framework of the Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC). Since public managers need to take informed decisions in land-use management and conservation a numeric biodiversity map, composed by a georeferred database connected to a geographic information system (GIS), has been implemented. This regional system is composed by 22 different layers containing all the available information about the location of species and habitats of conservation interest. This system is now routinely used by regional administrators in environmental impact assessment. Finally, emphasis is placed on the need of promoting research programmes on the long-term monitoring of crayfish populations.

The evolution of release and advertisement calls in green toads (Bufo viridis complex)

November 2002


126 Reads


41 Citations

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

In the present paper we tested the hypothesis that differences in the acoustic communication system of diploid and tetraploid green toads (Bufo viridis complex) might be due to selection for reproductive character displacement. We recorded two acoustic signals of the toad repertoire − the advertisement call (a long range mate-attracting signal) and the release call (a short-range signal mediating male–male interactions) − from six sympatric Central Asian populations (three diploid and three tetraploid populations) as well as from three allopatric diploid populations from Italy, and compared their patterns of variation with the pattern of among-population genetic distances. Although release and advertisement calls share the same morpho-physiological constraints, they show significantly different patterns of variation. Release calls vary congruently with the pattern of genetic distances, suggesting that mutation and genetic drift have been the major forces responsible for their change both in time and space. By contrast, the pattern of advertisement-call variation is not consistent with the phylogeny of the group, because the advertisement calls of Asian diploid and tetraploid populations differ from each other more than their genetic distances would predict. These results strongly support the hypothesis that selection acted on the advertisement calls of either or both Asian taxa, possibly, to favour reproductive isolation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2002, 77, 379–391.

Speciation in Euro‐Mediterranean Papilionoidea

January 1995


11 Reads


2 Citations

Italian Journal of Zoology

Electrophoretic distances (Nei's index D) between a number of populations and species of Polyommatus (Agrodiaetus) (Lycaenidae), Erebia (tyndarus group, Satyridae) and Melanargia (Satyridae) and data from mitochondrial DNA sequences (Pieris napi complex), have been compared with the absolute chronology of glaciation events, as evidenced by oxygen isotopes (Williams et al. 1988). Mutation rates proved very similar between genera, but very different between species. We conclude that speciation rates are related to ecological constraints.

Ecology of a Speleomantes ambrosii population inhabiting an artificial tunnel

January 1994


335 Reads


65 Citations


A Speleomantes ambrosii population living in an artificial tunnel in NW Italy was studied for two consecutive years. Activity on the walls varied cyclically in relation to seasonal temperatures and food abundance. The main food item was the trogloxenic dipteran Limonia nubeculosa, which accounted for more than 80% of the total ingested prey by volume. Juvenile cave salamanders had a broader trophic nich than adults. Oviposition and juvenile recruitment appeared to be seasonal. The spatial distribution inside the tunnel was related to microhabitat heterogeneity and particularly to the distance from the entrance. Juveniles were observed outside or close to the entrance more often than adults. Movement of adult salamanders were generally low and averaged 7 cm/day; some repeatedly recaptured individuals had a mean home range of 6 m2.

Area effect in South Western European green frogs (Amphibia, Ranidae)

January 1986


144 Reads


12 Citations

Bolletino di zoologia

Enzyme polymorphism in SW European green frogs (Rana esculenta Complex) show concordant patterns of very high differentiation between populations. Demes sampled in N Italy are all identifiable by at least one diagnostic locus, while those from Spain and S. France (Rana perezi), differ from the latter over five such loci. No single individual was found to be heterozygous for all non‐mono‐morphic loci. This pattern of variation is correlated to interdemic morphological differentiation and denotes the accumulation of major genetic differences resulting in local coadapted gene complexes. It is therefore interpretable in terms of area effect and stasipatric model of evolution.The genetic structure of these SW European populations of green frogs is not compatible with the hybridogenetic model.

Citations (9)

... During the last few years, we have investigated phylogenetic relationships within many groups of butterflies , such as the genus Polyommatus (subgenera Agrodiaetus and Lysandra-. Lycaenidae) (Mensi et al, 1993), the Erebia tyndarus species-group (Satyridae) (Lattes et al, 1993), and the Mediterranean species of Melanargia (Satyridae) (Mensi et al, 1990 ) etc., by electrophoretic enzyme analysis. In this way we obtained various distance values. ...


Speciation in Euro‐Mediterranean Papilionoidea
Electrophoretic studies in the genus Melanargia Meigen, 1828 (Lepidoptera: Satyridae)
  • Citing Article
  • January 1991

Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera

... Il presente lavoro è un contributo alla conoscenza delle zoocenosi delle Dolomiti con particolare riguardo al popolamento a Coleotteri Elateridi di un settore del Parco Naturale Sciliar-Catinaccio (fig. 1) quello relativo allo Sciliar o poco oltre i suoi confini. L'ossatura zoocenotica della fauna dolomitica a Coleotteri è abbastanza conosciuta nei suoi caratteri essenziali, grazie soprattutto ai lavori di Marcuzzi (1956 Marcuzzi ( , 1961), di HoldHaus (1954) e alla monografia sulle zoocenosi e paesaggi delle Dolomiti, edita dal Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali di Trento a cura di BrandMayr (1988), anche se la famiglia degli Elateridi compare solo con qualche indicazione ecologica e/o geonemica per alcune specie. ...

Zoocenosi e Paesaggio - 1 LE DOLOMITI - Val di Fiemme e Pale di S. Martino - Studi Trentini di Sc. Naturali, Acta Biologica, 64(suppl.) 1987 - p. 483

... Проаналізовано 100 метафазних пластинок. Характеристику морфологічної мінливості проводили на живому матеріалі за раніше підібраними і таксономічно обґрунтованими ознаками [4,10,11,14,15,16,17,19,21,25], а саме: L (довжина тіла); F (довжина стегна); Т (довжина гомілки); C.s. (довжина додаткової гомілки); D.prl. (довжина стопи); D.p. (довжина 1-го пальця задньої кінцівки ); ...

Area effect in South Western European green frogs (Amphibia, Ranidae)

Bolletino di zoologia

... Secondly, as facultative cave-dwellers (so-called troglophiles; Howarth and Moldovan 2018), Speleomantes often forage on the surface, where prey is more abundant Culver and Pipan 2019). Climate change may reduce prey availability in both surface and subterranean habitats, confining salamanders to deep, resource-poor spaces (Salvidio et al. 1994;. ...

Ecology of a Speleomantes ambrosii population inhabiting an artificial tunnel


... Nymphalid subfamilies were arranged after Harvey (1991) but, where pertinent, cladograms from Brown (1981) , Ackery & Wright (1984), Kitching (1985), Pierre (1987), Vane-Wright et al. (1992), Brown et al. (1994) and Brower (1997, were adopted. Additional branching patterns concerning genera, or species within genera of several families, were incorporated from Geiger (1986), Friedlander (1987), Henning (1989), Mensi et al. (1990 , Barros (1991), Sperling (1993), and Lattes et al. (1995). RESULTS ...

Speciation in Euro‐Mediterranean Papilionoidea
  • Citing Article
  • January 1995

Italian Journal of Zoology

... Lysandra is exclusively Palaearctic, with two main centers of biodiversity in the Iberian Peninsula and the Middle East. The genus is sometimes cited as an example of difficult taxonomic resolution, and the exact number of species remains unknown due to poor morphological differentiation (De Bast 1985; Mensi et al., 1988; Schurian, 1989; Lelièvre, 1992; Wiemers, 2003; Descimon and Mallet, 2009). For example, the specific status of the taxa caelestissima, gennargenti, and nufrellensis within the coridon group, and the taxa arzanovi, sheikh and melamarina within the corydonius group is unclear. ...

Taxonomy, evolutionary biology and biogeography of South West European Polyommatus coridon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
  • Citing Article
  • May 2008

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

... Their differentiation took place during the Pliocene (5.3-1.64 Ma) (Mensi et al., 1992;Roček & Šandera, 2008;Vences et al., 2013;Yuan et al., 2016). Nevertheless, the current distribution of brown frogs in Europe is the consequence of much more recent, post-glacial recolonization. ...

Taxonomy and evolution of European brown frogs

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

... Sampling was conducted in October 2022 in eight sites, two along the Roia river (ROI1 and ROI2), two in the Bevera river (BEV1 and BEV2), and one along the Argentina (ARG2), Tanaro (TAN), Carpasina (CAR) and Nervia (NER2) rivers ( Fig. 1). Rivers and sampling sites were selected based on occurrence of L. lutra and A. pallipes recorded during previous monitoring campaigns (see Salvidio et al. 2002;Bologna and Cristiani 2012;Capurro et al. 2015;Malthieux 2020;Ottonello pers. obs.). ...

The freshwater crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet, 1858) in Liguria, NW Italy: Implications for management at the regional level

Bulletin Français de la Pêche et de la Pisciculture

... Release calls are emitted by males and females as a non-receptive response to an amplexus attempt (Köhler et al. 2017). They generally differ in terms of sound properties even among closely related species, which could act as a mechanism to avoid interspecific amplexus (e.g., Castellano et al. 2002). This fact supports the idea that release calls are a possible taxonomic character (Grenat and Martino 2013). ...

The evolution of release and advertisement calls in green toads (Bufo viridis complex)
  • Citing Article
  • November 2002

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society