Alcino Lázaro da Silva’s research while affiliated with Federal University of Minas Gerais and other places

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Publications (148)

Viruses vector control proposal: Genus Aedes emphasis
  • Literature Review
  • Full-text available

May 2017


118 Reads


6 Citations

The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases: an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases

Nelson Nogueira Reis


Alcino Lázaro da Silva


Elma Pereira Guedes Reis




The dengue fever is a major public health problem in the world. In Brazil, in 2015, there were 1,534,932 cases, being 20,320 cases of severe form, and 811 deaths related to this disease. The distribution of Aedes aegypti, the vector, is extensive. Recently, Zika and Chikungunya viruses had arisen, sharing the same vector as dengue and became a huge public health issue. Without specific treatment, it is urgently required as an effective vector control. This article is focused on reviewing vector control strategies, their effectiveness, viability and economical impact. Among all, the Sterile Insect Technique is highlighted as the best option to be adopted in Brazil, once it is largely effectively used in the USA and Mexico for plagues related to agribusiness.


FIGURE 1-Original text from von Presser paper in1937 FIGURE 2-Two cases of von Presser syndrome where visceral dilatation, gastric ulcer at incisura angularis and normal pylorus are seen 

March 2017


29 Reads

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery

FIGURE 1-Left: termino-terminal anastomosis of the cranial end of the isolated jejunal loop segment to the stomach's lesser curvature. Right: completed surgery, with vagotomy, antrectomy, and interposition of the loop segment between the stomach and the duodenum. 
FIGURE 2-Left: preoperative examination with partial stenosis of the duodenal bulb; right: interposed pouch and duodenum filled with barium 
FIGURE 3-Left: barium-filled stomach and small intestine; right: emptying occurring at a normal pace without excess 

January 2016


224 Reads


2 Citations

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery

Background: The jejunal pouch interposition between the gastric body and the duodenum after the gastrectomy, although not frequent in the surgical practice today, has been successfully employed for the prevention and treatment of the postgastrectomy syndromes. In the latter, it is included the dumping syndrome, which affects 13-58% of the patients who undergo gastrectomy. Aim: Retrospective assessment of the results of this procedure for the prevention of the dumping syndrome. Methods: Fourty patients were selected and treatetd surgically for peptic ulcer, between 1965 and 1970. Of these, 29 underwent vagotomy, antrectomy, gastrojejunalduodenostomy at the lesser curvature level, and the 11 remaining were submitted to vagotomy, antrectomy, gastrojejunal-duodenostomy at the greater curvature level. The gastro-jejuno-duodenal transit was assessed in the immediate or late postoperative with the contrasted study of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The clinical evolution was assessed according to the Visick grade. Results: Of the 40 patients, 28 were followed with the contrast evaluation in the late postoperative. Among those who were followed until the first month (n=22), 20 (90%) had slow gastro-jejuno-duodenal transit and in two (10%) the transit was normal. Among those who were followed after the first month (n=16), three (19%) and 13 (81%) had slow and normal gastric emptying, respectively. None had the contrasted exam compatible with the dumping syndrome. Among the 40 patients, 22 underwent postoperative clinical evaluation. Of these, 19 (86,5%) had excellent and good results (Visick 1 and 2, respectively). Conclusions: The jejunal pouch interposition showed to be a very effective surgical procedure for the prevention of the dumping syndrome in gastrectomized patients.

Analysis of effect isoxsuprine hydrochloride and nicotine in the Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous flap (TRAM) in rats

July 2015


13 Reads


5 Citations

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira

To evaluate the effects of isoxsuprine and nicotine on TRAM. Forty eight 48 Wistar rats distributed into four Groups (n=12). All rats received medication managed daily for 20 days: saline solution (SA), nicotine solution (NI), isoxsuprine solution (IS) and nicotine solution (NI) + isoxsuprine solution (IS). On day 21st the rats were submitted to the caudally based, right unipedicled TRAM flap and after 48 hours, made the macroscopic evaluation of the surface of the flap, photographic documentation and collection of material for histology. Data from macroscopic evaluation were analyzed by ANOVA and microscopic evaluation by Kruskal-Wallis test, with significance level of 5%. In the macroscopic evaluation of isoxsuprine Group retail presented absolute numbers: final area (p=0.001*) and viable area (p=0.006*) with the highest values; necrosis (p=0.001*) had the lowest value. Microscopic examination revealed no significant findings in the study of TRAM under the action of isoxsuprine and nicotine to the percentage of necrosis in the left and right cranial and caudal regions. There was significant improvement in viability of TRAM using the isoxsuprine solution alone. No influence using nicotine alone and in association with isoxsuprine.

Técnica operatória na correção da hérnia inguinal utilizandoo saco herniário como reforço da parede

June 2015


19 Reads


3 Citations

To avoid recurrences there has always been research in new inguinal hernia surgical techniques. Aim: Show the technique using the hernial sac in reinforcement of the wall in inguinal hernia surgery. Methods: 251 patients were submitted to inguinal hernia surgery using the hernial sac from January 2006 to December 2013. Ten patients had bilateral hernias. Results: There have been three (1,19%) recurrences using this technique. Conclusion: The hernial sac can be used in reinforcement in inguinal hernia surgery.

Perineal colostomy: an alternative to avoid permanent abdominal colostomy: operative technique, results and reflection

December 2014


219 Reads


6 Citations

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery

The most common injury to indicate definitive stoma is rectal cancer. Despite advances in surgical treatment, the abdominoperineal resection is still the most effective operation in radical treatment of malignancies of the distal rectum invading the sphincter and anal canal. Even with all the effort that surgeons have to preserve anal sphincters, abdominoperineal amputation is still indicated, and a definitive abdominal colostomy is necessary. This surgery requires patients to live with a definitive abdominal colostomy, which is a condition that modify body image, is not without morbidity and has great impact on the quality of life. To evaluate the technique of abdominoperineal amputation with perineal colostomy with irrigation as an alternative to permanent abdominal colostomy. Retrospective analysis of medical records of 55 patients underwent abdominoperineal resection of the rectum with perineal colostomy in the period 1989-2010. The mean age was 58 years, 40 % men and 60 % women. In 94.5% of patients the indication for surgery was for cancer of the rectum. In some patients were made three valves, other two valves and in the remaining no valve at all. Complications were: mucosal prolapse, necrosis of the lowered segment and stenosis. The abdominoperineal amputation with perineal colostomy is a good therapeutic option in the armamentarium of the surgical treatment of rectal cancer.

Medicina defensiva: uma prática necessária?

December 2013


194 Reads


15 Citations

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

O artigo em questão aborda os motivos pelos quais a Medicina Defensiva é largamente utilizada no Brasil e no Mundo. A Medicina Defensiva, na prática, se caracteriza pela utilização exagerada de exames complementares, pelo uso de procedimentos terapêuticos supostamente mais seguros, pelo encaminhamento frequente de pacientes a outros especialistas e pela recusa ao atendimento de pacientes graves e com maior potencial de complicações. Trata-se de uma prática que tem como objetivo principal defender o médico de eventuais processos, principalmente na área judicial. A maneira como são conduzidos os processos pelo poder judiciário certamente contribui para a consolidação desta prática insensata. A morosidade da justiça, em nosso meio, associado ao despreparo dos juízes e peritos judiciais na análise dos casos, leva a um desgaste emocional das partes. Alem disso, a formação precária do médico em nosso país faz com que se utilize de meios requintados de diagnóstico e tratamento em detrimento a um exame clínico pormenorizado e uma adequada comunicação com o paciente. Além de ineficiente em proteger o médico, a Medicina Defensiva traz consequências graves ao paciente e à sociedade, já que gera um custo adicional incalculável ao exercício da Medicina, determina um maior sofrimento ao doente e faz com que haja uma deteriorização na relação médico-paciente, que sempre foi pautada pela confiança, respeito e pessoalidade.

Citations (51)

... Desta forma, optou-se pela utilização do mesorquio (Figura 1 e 2) As membranas biológicas autólogas como a utilizada no presente caso, foram empregadas em procedimentos cirúrgicos em cães com sucesso (FARIA et al., 2020;GUERIOS et al., 2020;OZAI et al., 2021), como ocorreu no animal em questão. Em seres humanos há relato de sucesso com o emprego do próprio saco herniário como membrana biológica de reforço na correção de hérnia inguinal (LAIZO et al., 2015). ...


Hérnia inguinal em cão macho corrigida com retalho do Mesórquio / Inguinal hernia in a male dog corrected with a Mesorchial flap
Técnica operatória na correção da hérnia inguinal utilizandoo saco herniário como reforço da parede
  • Citing Article
  • June 2015

... There is a higher risk of potential spread of viral infections, especially in urban areas. In the absence of treatment or vaccination, prevention through vector targeting is the optimal approach to the treatment of the disease [2,9,10] . According to Scott and Morrison [11] , reduction of vector populations is currently the only way to prevent dengue because there is no commercially available vaccine or clinical cure; and, it relies heavily on vector surveillance to detect the presence or absence of Ae. ...

Viruses vector control proposal: Genus Aedes emphasis

The Brazilian journal of infectious diseases: an official publication of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases

... When complicated by an infection, there may be symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat and pain that need to be differentiated from the indications of a perianal abscess. Clinically, there have been a number of cases of misdiagnosis as a perianal abscess (10,11). The present case was initially misdiagnosed as a perianal abscess; however, it was later pathologically confirmed as an ERMS. ...

Perianal endometriosis mimicking recurrent perianal abscess: case report and literature review
  • Citing Article
  • December 2015

International Journal of Colorectal Disease

... Thus, animals also present pain, allodynia, and hyperalgesia due to vasospasm [37]. Nicotine promotes the reduction of peripheral blood flow [38], with smokers suffering from greater musculoskeletal pain when compared with nonsmokers; and similarly, the pain is more severe and lasts longer in smokers [39]. One factor that may explain this observation is the negative relationship of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which may increase pain and sensitivity [40]. ...

Analysis of effect isoxsuprine hydrochloride and nicotine in the Transverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous flap (TRAM) in rats

Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira

... There have been a few studies assessing the technique's potential, centred around patient satisfaction and continence. Almost every report describes patient satisfaction rates beyond 80% [11][12][13][14][15][16][17]. In addition, these patient series indicate that patients were quick to adapt to their newly formed perineal colostomy and its care, and even though most patients required colonic irrigation, they were able to achieve regular bowel function through planning and controlled diet [14,15,[17][18][19]. ...

Perineal colostomy: an alternative to avoid permanent abdominal colostomy: operative technique, results and reflection

Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian archives of digestive surgery

... "Defensive medicine" is a medical practice that prioritizes the adoption of diagnostic and/or therapeutic conducts with the primary objective of avoiding lawsuits, since the doctor can be triggered in the ethical courts, and most of these processes focus on actions in the judiciary, whether in civil justice or even criminal justice. An UK study showed that 63.8% of physicians adopted defensive practices such as unnecessarily referring patients to other doctors, performing unindicated control tests, and requesting unjustified complementary tests 6,7 . In the United States, in the 1990s, 17.6% of medical care investments were related to defensive medicine practices, with amount greater than $10 billion 8,9 . ...

Medicina defensiva: uma prática necessária?

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... Subjects in Groups 2 and 3 presented some adhesion and vascular growth over the adherent tissue but, considering the area and the adhesion force, differences were not statistically significant between the two Groups (p<0.05). The other and perhaps more severe complications 21 . In our experiment, no animal showed seroma and the complications seen were the presence of dehiscence and infection in animals excluded from the sample group and the planned incisional hernia in the Simulation Group. ...

Prosthesis usage in abdominal wall hernia corretions is an advance, but the indiscriminate usage, is an abuse

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... According to Oliveira et al. [54], there are an estimated 300,000 individuals with megacolon, the main symptoms of which are constipation and fecal impaction. Silva et al. [55], reported alterations in intestinal secretion, absorption and motility in these patients, which culminate in megasyndromes (dilated area upstream from the achalasic segment). Patients with megacolon can also present chronic constipation, abdominal pain, volvulus, obstructions, and intestinal perforations. ...

A classification for chagasic megacolon through contrast enema
  • Citing Article
  • February 2003

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... Furthermore, replacement with fibrous tissue has been observed. Examples taken from animal studies include transplantation of the hypophysis following total resection in the rectus muscle, bone marrow of the tibia and cortex cerebri in dogs (n=23), thereby prolonging life compared with resection alone (9), the ligation of intestines up to 180 cm in length in pigs (n=47) (3,10) without any side-effects, even following injection of pathogenic bacteria into the stomachs of pigs (n=23) (11), and the ligation of parathyroid glandules in dogs (n=14) (12), the spleen in rats (n=35) (13) and a guinea-pig (n=1) (14), kidneys in pigs (n=21) and rats (n=60) (4), testes in dogs (n=3) (15) and cocks (n=4) (16), and ovaries in dogs (n=6) (17). Following devascularization of the colon, no migration of bacteria through the ischemic wall was observed for up to 6 h (18). ...

Spleen viability after the simultaneous splenic artery and vein Ligation in rats
  • Citing Article
  • February 2005

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões

... However, atherosclerosis was seen more frequently in three of these studies (9,23,24), the incidence did not change in two of them (26,27), and interestingly, atherosclerosis was found less frequently in the study conducted by Li et al. (25). Furthermore, Akan (12) and Lemos-Paulo (28) found that all lipid parameters increased after splenectomy, while Akan (12) found that their levels returned to normal with autotransplantation. ...

Plasmatic lipids levels in rats after total splenectomy, simultaneous ligature of the splenic vessels and subtotal splenectomy with inferior pole preservation

Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões